Submergence in Wang-Marathwadi :
Result of illegal gorge filling of dam without rehabilitation
PAPs facing submergence in 4th consequent year!
23rd July, 2014: We pray for the rains, but for the helpless residents of the Wang-Marathwadi basin these very rains are nothing but a death knell! Of course, we can not blame the rains for their plight, in fact it is coming down on the fields, giving rise to bountiful harvest. The blame squarely lies with the government as the disaster imposed on the people is solely of their doing.
The Wang-Marathwadi dam, mired in controversies and irregularities, was pushed through without proper rehabilitation. The result... this is the fourth year in succession when the waters have entered the villages, homes and fields. Village of Ghotil has been cut off from the rest of the world, the only source of potable water for the village of Umarkanchan has been engulfed by the muddy waters gushing in from all sides! The village deity of Mendh village himself has been threatened and could be drowned any moment now. The waters have risen above the spillway of the dam. Mendh and Umarkanchan are cut off as the water is flowing over the spillway. Life has come to a standstill. Uncertainty and insecurity reigns in these areas.
The compensation that was announced by the Rehabilitation Minster of Maharashtra on 30th September 2013, is yet to reach the people, even after almost an year has passed. We are fighting a daily battle with the government to get it released. Even though the CM has approved the proposal, the secretaries of the Rehabilitation and Irrigation departments are playing 'passing-the-parcel' game without even a thought to spare about the hardships of the people. Since the government had expressed its inability to provide alternative cultivable land in the command area of the dam for the rehabilitation of the project affected people, we had proposed alternative by suggesting to rehabilitate on our own land just above the existing areas of the villages. This was a very practical and a just solution to this problem. Its been almost two years since we had proposed this to the Government, but there has not been any action on this from its side.
The Wang-Marathwadi dam, mired in controversies and irregularities, was pushed through without proper rehabilitation. The result... this is the fourth year in succession when the waters have entered the villages, homes and fields. Village of Ghotil has been cut off from the rest of the world, the only source of potable water for the village of Umarkanchan has been engulfed by the muddy waters gushing in from all sides! The village deity of Mendh village himself has been threatened and could be drowned any moment now. The waters have risen above the spillway of the dam. Mendh and Umarkanchan are cut off as the water is flowing over the spillway. Life has come to a standstill. Uncertainty and insecurity reigns in these areas.
The compensation that was announced by the Rehabilitation Minster of Maharashtra on 30th September 2013, is yet to reach the people, even after almost an year has passed. We are fighting a daily battle with the government to get it released. Even though the CM has approved the proposal, the secretaries of the Rehabilitation and Irrigation departments are playing 'passing-the-parcel' game without even a thought to spare about the hardships of the people. Since the government had expressed its inability to provide alternative cultivable land in the command area of the dam for the rehabilitation of the project affected people, we had proposed alternative by suggesting to rehabilitate on our own land just above the existing areas of the villages. This was a very practical and a just solution to this problem. Its been almost two years since we had proposed this to the Government, but there has not been any action on this from its side.
In the meanwhile... it rains... water rises... engulfs the life…this year like every year!!
We are fighting against this injustice... we want you by our side!
We are fighting against this injustice... we want you by our side!
Do ask the Government for Justice!
Mr. Patangrao Kadam, Minister of forest and rehabilitation – 022-2202 5398, 2202 3312, 2202 4751, 2363 5688, 2363 2748
Mr. Milind Mhaiskar, Secretory Rehabilitation. – 022-2202 5274, secr&
Mr. Shashsikant Shinde, Minister of Water resources and also Minister in-charge of Satara District - 022 2288 6172
Mr. Milind Mhaiskar, Secretory Rehabilitation. – 022-2202 5274, secr&
Mr. Shashsikant Shinde, Minister of Water resources and also Minister in-charge of Satara District - 022 2288 6172
Mr. Rajesh Deshmukh ( Shashikant Shinde) 9821527566
Mr. Eknath Patil (Chief Secretary, Irrigation) 022 2202 3109
Mr. Prithviraj Chavhan, Chief Minister of Maharashtra 022-2202 5151, 2202 5222. Fax 022-2202 9214, 2363 3272 ,
Mr. Ramaswami, The collector of Satara. 02162 232750 ,
Mr. Prithviraj Chavhan, Chief Minister of Maharashtra 022-2202 5151, 2202 5222. Fax 022-2202 9214, 2363 3272 chiefminister@
Mr. Ramaswami, The collector of Satara. 02162 232750 collector_satara@
Mr. Pramod Yadav (Additional Collector, Satara) 9422306160
Mr. Dhumal (Dy.Collector, Rehabilitation, Satara) 9822356318
Mr. Giri, Supdt.Engg, MKVDC, Satara -
Mr. Reddiyar, Executive Engineer, M I Dn Satara - midsatara@rediffmail.com9850892507
Mr. Giri, Supdt.Engg, MKVDC, Satara -
Mr. Reddiyar, Executive Engineer, M I Dn Satara -
Sunil Mohite, Jitendra Patil, Sunita Kanse, Pratap Mohite, Ganpat Patil and others (Wang Marathwadi Dharangrast Kruti Samiti) &
Hema Soni, Suniti S.R., Medha Patkar
(National Alliance of People’s Movements)
कृपया प्रसिद्धीसाठी - दि.२३ जुलै २०१४
वांग-मराठवाडीवर सलग चवथ्या वर्षी जलसंकट! ही अस्मानी नव्हे; सुलतानी!!
बेकायदेशीर घळभरणी, पुनर्वसनाचा पत्ता नाही, आश्वासनांची पूर्तता नाही, गावांत पाणी शिरलं तरी सरकारला त्याची फिकीर नाही! अशा या सरकारचं करायचं काय??
पाऊस पडावा म्हणून आपण सारेजण देवाजीची करुणा भाकत असतो, पण हाच पाऊस वांग-मराठवाडीतल्या गावकऱ्यांसाठी संकट बनून येतो. मात्र यात दोष पावसाचा नाही. तो तर बापडा तिथल्याही शेतांभातांमध्ये बरसतो आहे, मुरतो आहे, सृजन फुलवतो आहे. ही करणी आहे मायबाप सरकारची.
पुनर्वसन न करताच वांग-मराठवाडी धरणाची घळभरणी केल्यामुळे - आज सलग चवथ्या वर्षी.... शेतं पाण्यात बुडाली आहेत.... घोटील गावचा संपर्क तुटला आहे. उमरकांचनचा पिण्याच्या पाण्याचा स्त्रोत असलेला आड जलाशयाने गिळला आहे.... मेंढच्या ग्रामदैवतापर्यंत पाणी येऊन पोहोचलं आहे.... याक्षणी धरणाच्या सांडव्यावरून पाणी वाहू लागल्यामुळे मेंढ आणि उमरकांचनचा उरलासुरला संपर्कही तुटला आहे. जनजीवन ठप्प, असुरक्षित, धोकादायक झालं आहे.
पुनर्वसन न करताच वांग-मराठवाडी धरणाची घळभरणी केल्यामुळे - आज सलग चवथ्या वर्षी.... शेतं पाण्यात बुडाली आहेत.... घोटील गावचा संपर्क तुटला आहे. उमरकांचनचा पिण्याच्या पाण्याचा स्त्रोत असलेला आड जलाशयाने गिळला आहे.... मेंढच्या ग्रामदैवतापर्यंत पाणी येऊन पोहोचलं आहे.... याक्षणी धरणाच्या सांडव्यावरून पाणी वाहू लागल्यामुळे मेंढ आणि उमरकांचनचा उरलासुरला संपर्कही तुटला आहे. जनजीवन ठप्प, असुरक्षित, धोकादायक झालं आहे.
मागच्या वर्षी ३० सप्टेंबरला मंजूर केलेल्या नुकसानभरपाईचा अद्याप पत्ता नाही, आम्ही अक्षरश: रोज सरकारचे उंबरठे झिजवतो आहोत. नुकसानभरपाईच्या प्रस्तावावर मुख्यमंत्र्यांची सही होऊनही पुनर्वसन आणि जलसंपदा विभागांचे सचिव 'पासिंग द पार्सल'चा खेळ खेळताहेत. पुनर्वसनासाठी सरकारकडे जमिनी नाहीत तेंव्हा जलाशयाच्या वरच्या भागात आमच्याच उरलेल्या जमिनींमध्ये पुनर्वसनाचा अत्यंत व्यवहार्य, सोपा व स्वस्त पर्याय आम्ही २ वर्षांपूर्वी देऊनही त्यावर अद्याप निर्णय नाही. आणि तरीही पाणी चढतेच आहे. सारे बुडतेच आहे. दरवर्षी.... यावर्षीही...!
आम्ही तर या अन्यायाविरुद्ध लढतोच आहोत. तुम्हीही सोबत असायला हवं.
सुनील मोहिते, जितेंद्र पाटील, सुनीता कणसे, प्रताप मोहिते, गणपत पवार, कांचन पवार, विजय भोसले, महादेव मोहिते, आनंदा मोहिते, बाळकृष्ण पाटील, हेमा सोनी, सुनीती सु.र व साथी.

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