From: mikal haley <>
Date: Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: [MedicalConspiracies] Monsanto & the Supreme Court - Genetically Modified (GM) Foods Cause Sterility
it seems obvious to me that
FOX/CNN/MSNBC have failed to report on this
because it is real - and because degrees of separation between the rich owners of those news corps. prohibit any reporting on anti-humane practices by said corporations.
i looked yesterday to see if the Bush family had any oil holdings. it LOOKS like they sold all their oil holdings years ago. but...what if they just made it LOOK that way?
John Snow was Treasury Director under Bush. Molly Ivins went to her grave attempting to expose Snow as a tax fraud on a major scale -- one may read about such here, if one chooses.
The main thread revealed is that Snow owned a corporation that recieved many complaints -- CSX. In my mom's neighborhood near Philly people regularly complain about the CSX trains stopping the main road in and out of town periodically...they'd have really complained if the Bush family had had less skill at stifling journalists who would like to expose them.
Conspiracy theorists know that the Bush family has been squashing legitimate journalists since GWB was too YOUNG to know anything...rather than the many other excuses which plague his later years.
Unlike Prescott Bush, George W. and his father are yet to cheat justice completely by dying before they get caught. This, however, may change --
Frankenfoods & Sterility, Monsanto & the Supreme Court
#226, May 28, 2010
Health, Justice and Sustainability News
from the Organic Consumers AssociationEdited by Alexis Baden-Mayer and Ronnie Cummins
In this issue:
- Quote of the Week: GM Foods Cause Sterility
- Alert of the Week: Monsanto & the Supreme Court
- Video of the Week: Hammy the Hamster Goes Organic
- Little Bytes
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Quote of the Week
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods Cause Sterility
"We failed to get cubs from these pairs, which were fed with GM foodstuffs. It was proved that these pairs lost their ability to give birth to their cubs."
-Dr. Alexei Surov, a Russian biologist describing the results of a study of hamsters fed genetically modified soy for two years over three generations. By the third generation, most the hamsters lost the ability to have babies. The pups who were born suffered slower growth and a high mortality rate. Inexplicably, some grew fur inside their mouths (click the link below for pictures).
Alert of the Week
Monsanto & the Supreme Court: Urge President Obama to Withdraw Elena Kagan's Supreme Court Nomination
Kagan goes to bat for Monsanto
U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan, President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, is the most recent in a long line of pro-biotech Obama appointees.
As Solicitor General, Kagan submitted a friend of the court brief to the Supreme Court in favor of Monsanto's appeal in Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms.
Monsanto is trying to get the Supreme Court to force genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa onto the market, despite passionate opposition from organic consumers and farmers, and despite the fact the USDA never did a proper Environmental Impact Statement. Geerston Seed Farms made the case that GE alfalfa would permanently contaminate their GE-free alfalfa seed, prompting a California US District Court to effectively ban Monsanto's GE alfalfa.
As Solicitor General, Kagan is supposed to represent the interests of the American people in matters that come before the Supreme Court. Instead, she went to bat for Monsanto Co.
Take action now! Tell President Obama to nominate a Supreme Court Justice who will stand up to the Monsanto and the biotech lobby and defend organic farming and democracy.
OCA Needs Your Help to Fight Monsanto and Spread the Organic Revolution
OCA and our growing network of organic consumers and farmers understand that we have a positive life-affirming solution for the global food, health, and climate crisis: organic food, farming, and ranching. But to fight Monsanto and Food Inc. and get out our all-important message we need your support. Please send us a tax-deductible donation today and we'll send you a free "Millions Against Monsanto" bumper sticker so you can help spread the word in your community.
Note: please put "Monsanto Bumper Sticker" in the comment field to receive yours. Thanks!
Video of the Week
Hammy the Hamster Goes Organic
If you need a pick-me-up after learning the depressing news that GMO-fed hamsters become sterile, have higher rates of infant mortality, and have cubs that grow fur in their mouths, watch this terribly cute video that shows that, when not being force-fed GMOs by Russian biologists, hamsters will choose organic.
Little Bytes
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