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Monday, February 21, 2011

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Date: Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:46 PM
Subject: Fw: 'Demasking and Exposing Zionist Crimes and Jewish Supremacism'
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Subject: 'Demasking and Exposing Zionist Crimes and Jewish Supremacism'



'Demasking and Exposing Zionist Crimes and Jewish Supremacism'

Monday, 21 February 2011 12:38

Patrick Grimm


Description: skulls dees


Patrick Grimm of Zionist Watch Interviews Ziopedia's Andrew Winkler

The following is a recent interview I did several days ago with Andrew Winkler, a well-known anti-Zionist and the creator and webmaster of Ziopedia[1], a popular website which seeks to expose and "demask" the Zionist agenda throughout the world and which is stridently opposed to the entity in the Middle East which Winkler calls "IsraHell." Winkler hails from Australia and gave up his successful career to battle the forces of Jewish supremacism and considers himself a "dissident activist." He is also fluent in at least three languages. Enjoy this interview.

Andrew, welcome. Briefly tell us a little bit about your background and what brought you into the anti-Zionist movement. Was there one overwhelming catalyst for your activism?

Andrew Winkler: I'm an Australian born baby boomer who has worked most of his life as an IT executive, in Australia and overseas. The catalyst for my activism was September 11, when I realized that this terrible event was actually performed by Mossad, with inside help from the U.S. government. I got very upset because nobody seemed to care or want to know. Most people are too busy not being left behind in their career, paying off mortgages and finding the money for their kids' education, to spare much thought on how close we are to the realisation of George Orwell's worst nightmares. Something needed to be done before we reach the point of no return. If everybody just cared about his and his immediate family's material needs, our governments could get away with just about anything.

What is the Rebel Team or the Rebel Media Group specifically and what do they do?

Andrew Winkler: The Rebel Media Group is a loose network of activists from around the world sharing one common vision: Making this world a better place by using the Internet for their fight against injustice and oppression. At this stage I'm the only full time member. Everybody else contributes on a part-time basis, one or two hours here and there.

In addition to Ziopedia, you have created a twelve step program akin to Alcoholics Anonymous called Jews Anonymous. Its welcome message states "The primary purpose of Jews Anonymous is to help Jews to rid themselves of any sense of chosenness and superiority over their fellow human beings and embrace all of mankind, regardless of heritage, nationality, religion or race." How has this been received? Have there been any takers in the Jewish community?

Andrew Winkler: J.A. was received with an incredible amount of hostility, not only from our enemies but also from fellow activists. I don't want to mention any names, only that I was disappointed with the reactions of some people who until then seemed to be allies and friends. A common reaction was denial along the lines of 'I'm Jewish and I DO embrace all of mankind, regardless of heritage, nationality, religion or race!', which I find absurd given the supremacist attitudes towards non-Jews expressed throughout the Talmud and the shameless racism displayed towards Arabs on a daily basis in words and actions by both Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora. Even more absurd was the frequent accusation of racism towards the project. After all, it is our clearly expressed intention to help Jews embrace all of mankind, regardless of heritage, nationality, religion or race. What's racist about helping someone to be less racist? These people react like an alcoholic who gets angry with anyone suggesting that he might have a drinking problem.

Due to lack of resources, there are still lots of details in the J.A. programme that need to be fleshed out before we can start properly. I'm still working on the manual for the moderators who will conduct the programme in the local groups. This takes up an enormous amount of time which I don't have since I'm too busy running the day to day operations of ZioPedia.org. Once we have enough subscribers for ZioPedia.org to afford an administrative person, I will be able to spend more time on the J.A. project. I hope to start our pilot group some time this year. Most likely it will be based in Texas.

In several of your articles you have asserted that "Jewishness is in fact a state of mind." For those just discovering your website and work, would you mind fleshing out the idea of "Jewishness" as a mental state, rather than a religion, "race" or nationality?

Andrew Winkler: Jews have argued for centuries what actually makes a Jew a Jew. Some say it's race. Others say it's religion. My point is that it can't be neither.

It can't be race because modern Jewry is made up of 3 ethnically distinct groups: Ashkenazis, Sephardi and Oriental Jews. The biggest ethnic group, the European Jews or Ashkenazis, are the descendants of ethnic Turk Khazars from Mongolia, who came to Europe as part of Attila's hordes, and their Germanic rape victims. Their only genetic link to Palestine is a few thousand rabbis the Khazars imported from Byzanth when they replaced their traditional phallus cult with Judaism. There were also some Jewish refugees who got kicked out of Byzanth for collaborating with the Arab enemy. With about 8% the second largest ethnic group, the Afro-Iberian Sephardi aren't Semitic either. They are the descendants of a North African Berber tribe that converted to Judaism in the third century A.D. Only about 2 percent of modern Jews, the Oriental Jews, are actually of Judaic or Israelite origin. In other words, modern days Jews are genetically too different from each other for race to be the determining factor for Jewishness. Otherwise, you might as well call Catholics a race.

How about religion?

Andrew Winkler: It can't be religion either because there are too many so-called 'secular Jews'. It makes no sense to claim that Jewishness was determined by religion when more than half of Jews are not religious at all.

My answer to the question what it is that makes a Jew a Jew is that it is a state of mind. You become a Jew by embracing Jewishness and all the baggage that comes with it.

Andrew, is there such a thing as a "good Jew"? In other words, is a Jew who wants to hold on to his or her Jewishness or Jewish traditions and heritage bad by default?

Andrew Winkler: Jewish tradition and heritage are so infested with manic-depressive beliefs that for a Jew to become a valuable human being, he must recognise that he suffers a harmful condition. He must recant his Jewishness. The biggest hurdle for him is to cross the 'river of denial'. He must stop blaming everybody else and start taking responsibility for his condition and do something about it.

I wrote an article about a year ago concerning a mentally imbalanced Zionist hatchet man named Ronald Yogman who runs an ad business in Florida. He seemed to be specifically assigned to destroy Ziopedia, starting with the umbilical cord of donations. What is the status of the Yogman situation and is Ziopedia still under assault from Zionist Jews?

Andrew Winkler: Ron has some extremely challenging issues to deal with, concerning his and his family's health. I don't want to say more because they are very personal matters. He deals with them by delving into his Jewishness and being very active in his Jewish community. Ron got onto my case in February 2007 when I published an article of a fellow going by the name of Eric Hunt in which he described how he tried to drag Eli Wiesel into his hotel room and coerce him into confessing that the descriptions of his Auschwitz experiences were not autobiographic but fictional. When I first read the article I thought it was a parody written by some witty holocaust revisionist. As it turned out the writer was a mentally unstable kid. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole incident was a set up similar to the regular school shootings. We know for a fact that our ruling elite maintains a pool of nutcases that they send onto missions such as the Port Arthur shooting, to create excuses for reducing our freedoms further and further. Anyhow, after hassling me throughout last year, Ron finally decided that I was a good guy, in spite of my offensive views on Judaism, and left me alone ever since.

Ziopedia posts articles, essays and op-eds from both left-wing anti-Zionists and right-wing anti-Zionists and everyone in between. How do you deal with the dichotomies of political agendas at work, while still accumulating the writings of leftist anti-racists, anti-Zionist Jews, white nationalists, Muslims, etc. who still basically concur on the rudiments of the Zionist and Jewish supremacist problem?

Andrew Winkler: All those different positions are just viewpoints from which to observe and interpret reality in the hope of finding a working solution. Often someone with a particular viewpoint can see things that someone with a different position is oblivious to. Immigration is a good example for that phenomenon. While people on the left instinctively suspect racist motives when anyone criticizes the immigration policies of countries such as the U.S. or Australia, people on the right can clearly see the damage those policies do to the ability of ordinary Americans and Australians to earn a decent income and provide for their families. I also suspect that many of the fears and animosities between different political viewpoints are created and reinforced by our ruling elites as a means of divide and rule. Only by stepping back, looking beyond those artificial divides and focusing on the values all humans share can we prevent a further descent into an Orwellian New World Order.

I have corresponded with others from Australia in the anti-Zionist movement who talk about being persecuted for their political viewpoints. Is Australia as wholly under the sway of Zionism as say, the United States, Canada or Britain? I'm aware of laws on the books against "hate speech" in Australia and other assorted Newspeak ballyhoo, but in general, can Zionism or Israel be criticized publicly without a lot of political, legal or media blowback?

Andrew Winkler: Australia is an integral part of what I call the Anglo-Judean Axis of Greed. Our society is under Jewish stranglehold, no different from the U.K., Canada and the U.S. Our elections are not decided at the ballot box but by crypto-Jew Rupert Murdoch who controls the local media scene. All he needs to do is to influence the voter decision in a few dozen electorates up or down a couple of percentage points for one party or the other to swing the election a certain way. As far as freedom of speech is concerned, the same applies as anywhere else in the Western world: it is only respected as long as it doesn't 'offend' Satan's little helpers.

This is a question for my own readers who often ask me "What can I do?" Andrew, other than disclosure of the facts about Zionism, in your opinion, what can be done in other spheres to break their hold over our institutions, media and economy? One answer you have given in the past would be, don't buy Starbucks coffee.

Andrew Winkler: What can we do? Harness the 'Power of No'. Say 'No' to Jewish controlled media, 'No' to 'war for Israel', 'No' to the destruction of our social fabric by unrestrained immigration, 'No' to the democracy hoax, 'No' to the destruction of family values, 'No' to false flag terrorism, 'No' to globalization, 'No' to the export of jobs to slave labour countries, 'No' to mammonism, consumerism, sexism. Stop the factional fighting within the anti-Zionist movement and start fighting against our self-chosen ruling elite. Boycott Jewish controlled media so that they can't sell their ads. Don't click on google ads. Explain to your wives and girlfriends that all diamonds are blood diamonds. Buy them flowers and chocolates instead. Be creative about finding new ways to cut off the Jews' purse strings.

How has the transition to a partial paid subscription site been working for Ziopedia?

Andrew Winkler: As expected, it was difficult. In the first two months we only reached 15% of our half year goal, so we are behind target. Only 0.5% of our regular readership so far have subscribed. That means we have to communicate better why we are forced to charge a subscription fee and what the money is used for. On the positive side, we have noticed that the number of daily visitors is back to pre-subscription levels. This might have to do with the fact that our editorial, 9-11, holocaust/revisionism, online book and encyclopedic sections are still available without subscription. It's a difficult balancing act between fulfilling our mission of demasking and exposing Zionist crimes and Jewish supremacism on the one hand, and surviving financially on the other.[2]

I have discussed and debated with many people the efficacy or inefficacy of different types of rhetoric, buzzwords and even particular phraseologies in discussing the issue of Jewish extremist crimes and ideology. Many writers I know and respect range from those who would be considered simple "anti-Zionists" in their style to those who would be defined by modern PC nomenclature as "anti-Semitic" in tone. You and I are both writers. As a heuristic device, what do you believe to be the most effective approach in opening or piquing the mind of the newcomer or the neophyte just stumbling upon the Zionist or Jewish question?

Andrew Winkler: This is a very good question that has been bugging me ever since I started the Rebel Media Group. It all comes down to who your 'target market' is. If you are preaching to the already convinced and all you want to do is keep up their faith, inspire and provide ammunition for their fight against Zionist evil and Jewish supremacism, then there is obviously no need to mince your words, quite the contrary. It's a different story if you want to convince people on the sideline, those who agree that maybe it's not such a good thing to kill scores of innocent children, who agree that pro-Israel lobby groups have too much influence on US policies or that Israel shouldn't be so harsh on the Palestinians in general, but haven't developed full 'blue pill resistance' yet. Then it is counter-productive to use any language that could trigger those Skinner-box style 'anti-Semitism' reflexes that we all have been conditionned to.

There are many people, including occasionally myself who like to intone "It's the Jews, Jews, Jews fault!" Of course, there is some truth there. Dr. Fredrick Toben has managed to coin a more empowering maxim "Don't blame the Jews. Blame those who bend to their pressure." What, in your opinion, are the biggest factors causing this "bend" or this acquiescence to Jewish "pressure"?

Andrew Winkler: I agree with Fredrick Toben that we should focus more on the collaborateurs. If you think of it, the Jews only make up a tiny percentage of Western societies. The only way they can rule their host societies is by employing large numbers of collaborateurs. European colonial powers used to do the same. They groomed their collaborateurs in missionary schools and gave them privileges over their peers. Even today, it is still a status symbol in many former British colonies such as Singapore, Malaysia or Hong Kong to be a Christian or Catholic. We can see the same thing happening with our Jewish colonial masters. They groom politicians, journalists, judges, executives who help them rule our societies. The only difference is that instead of converting them to Judaism, which is out of question due to its tribal nature, they convert them to Christian Zionism, Freemasonry/Satanism or simply bribe them with obscene executive packages. Those traitors are our biggest problem.

What advice would you give to those who are new activists or who are thinking of becoming full-time activists in the anti-Zionist cause? What lessons have you learned?

Andrew Winkler: If you want to minimise your risk, you can try living a double-life and not talk to anyone in the offline world about your views and what you are doing. Otherwise, be ready to lose everything: your career, your friends, your family, your freedom, your health, your life. The more successful you are with your fight, the harder they will try to hit you. This is a lonely fight. You can't trust anyone, not even your fellow activists, because our ranks are infiltrated with Zionist moles, gate-keepers and agents provocateurs. But it's worth it. The day you stand in front of your creator and get asked what you did with the life that was given to you, you can say more than just I added so many zeroes to my net value. You can say, "I have fought against evil."

What unexpected hurdles have you had to jump while waging this fight against evil, as you have described the struggle? What, other than the financial problems aforementioned, has been the most difficult part of doing this?

Andrew Winkler: With regards to others, my biggest challenge I found is fear, both in the offline and the online world. Fear of being called an anti-Semite and all the horrible consequences that come with that label. People who normally would not hesitate to speak out and take action against all sorts of injustices and unfairness become virtually paralysed by fear when it comes to anything to do with Jews and Apartheid IsraHell. It's absolutely shocking to see how much of a taboo it is.

With regards to myself, my biggest problem is increasing difficulties to function in the 'real world' like an ordinary person. I find it harder and harder to small-talk with people over sport, celebrities and the pretend news we are fed by the mainstream media, or not to revolt against the lies our kids are told at school about history in general and the holocaust in particular, global warming, 9/11, war on terror, multiculturalism and the list goes on. I often feel like shaking people and yelling at them, "Wake up and see the ugly truth!" The growing realization of what kind of Orwellian nightmare we are already living in is extremely painful.

Andrew, many people in this movement talk about a current worldwide awakening to the Jewish supremacist problem or the nascent nationalism that is stirring in Russia and other nations which may destroy or at least weaken the globalism foisted on us by Jewish extremists. How optimistic are you in the face of these tepidly sunny forecasts? Are they jumping the gun, or could a real awakening be occurring on such a massive scale?

Andrew Winkler: I'm not even sure whether this 'awakening' isn't engineered by our self-chosen rulers as an excuse to crack down on freedom of expression. They would be quite capable of doing that. Just think of the Port Arthur shooting that resulted in the disarming of the Australian population. The fruit loop who supposedly performed that massacre had an IQ comparable to that of a koala, and yet he was blamed to have managed to kill more people than an expert sniper could have under comparable conditions. Some people even say that more people got shot than the number of bullets he had fired. Or think of the new Pearl Harbor, September 11, performed by Mossad with the inside help of the Bush/Cheney administration to create an excuse for the implementation of a New World Order. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that 'anti-Semitism' that's currently going on in the alternative media was also engineered by our ruling elite.

[1] Since the first publication of this article, Ziopedia has been merged with Rebel Media Group's Rebel News site and reconfigured as a Wikipedia style online encyclopedia.
[2] Ziopedia.org and RebelNews.org no longer require paid subscriptions.

This article was first published on 10 March 2008.


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Palash Biswas
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