From: Romi Elnagar <>
Date: Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 11:59 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Liberation Day. (Republic of Lakotah)/Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States
LIBERATION DAYFebruary 24, 2011 by admin1 On Sunday, February 27, 2011, Liberation Day will be celebrated at Wound Knee, SD. To see the video, go to report documents human rights disaster in the United States
19 March 2010 On March 13, China's Information Office of the State Council published a report titled, "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009." The Chinese report quite legitimately notes that the US government "releases Country Reports on Human Rights Practices year after year to accuse other countries, and takes human rights as a political instrument to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, defame other nations' image and seek its own strategic interests. This fully exposes its double standards on the human rights issue…" Delivering the US government a well-deserved dose of its own medicine does not, of course, absolve the Chinese regime of its own gross violations of human rights. It rules autocratically over 1.3 billion people, most of them desperately poor peasants and super-exploited workers. That being said, the Chinese report is an eye-opening document—factual, sober, even understated, drawn entirely from public government and media sources in the United States, with each item carefully documented. It presents a picture of 21st century America as much of the world sees it, one which is in sharp contrast to the official mythology and American media propaganda. Not surprisingly, the report went unmentioned in the US mass media. A few of the facts and figures cited on violence and police repression in the United States:
On democratic rights, the report notes the pervasive government spying on citizens, authorized under the 2001 Patriot Act, extensive surveillance of the Internet by the National Security Agency, and police harassment of anti-globalization demonstrators in Pittsburgh during last year's G-20 summit. Pointing to the hypocrisy of US government "human rights" rhetoric, the authors observe, "the same conduct in other countries would be called human rights violations, whereas in the United States it was called necessary crime control." The report only skims the surface on the socioeconomic crisis in the United States, noting record levels of unemployment, poverty, hunger and homelessness, as well as 46.3 million people without health insurance. It does offer a few facts rarely discussed in the US media: • 712 bodies were cremated at public expense in the city of Los Angeles last year, because the families were too poor to pay for a burial.
It notes that the state of California imposed life sentences on 18 times more black defendants than white, and that in 2008, when New York City police fired their weapons, 75 percent of the targets were black, 22 percent Hispanic and only 3 percent white. The report refers to the well-known reality of unequal pay for women, with median female income only 77 percent that of male income in 2008, down from 78 percent in 2007. According to the report, 70 percent of working-age women have no health insurance, or inadequate coverage, high medical bills or high health-related debt. Children bear a disproportionate burden of economic hardship, with 16.7 million children not having enough food at some time during 2008, and 3.5 million children under five facing hunger or malnutrition, 17 percent of the total. Child hunger is combined with the malignant phenomenon of rampant child labor in agriculture: some 400,000 child farm workers pick America's crops. The US also leads the world in imprisoning children and juveniles, and is the only country that does not offer parole to juvenile offenders.
The Chinese report notes the documented torture of prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, the worldwide US network of military bases, the US blockade of Cuba (opposed by the UN General Assembly by a vote of 187 to 3), and the systematic US spying around the world, utilizing the NSA's "ECHELON" interception system, as well as the US monopoly control over Internet route servers. The report also points out the deliberate US flouting of international human rights covenants. Washington has either signed but not ratified or refused to sign four major UN covenants: on economic, social and cultural rights; on the rights of women; on the rights of people with disabilities; and on the rights of indigenous peoples. The report does not discuss the source of the malignant social conditions in the United States—nor should that be expected, since that would require an explanation of the causal connection between poverty, repression and discrimination and the operations of the capitalist profit system, something that Beijing is hardly likely to undertake. The preceding was first published on Indybay |
Palash Biswas
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