Uttar Pradesh mounts vigil ahead of Ayodhya verdict!
FIIs infuse over $2.6 bn in equities in September alone!
80% probability of terror attack on Delhi CWG, finds new security assessment report!
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - Four Hundred SEVENTY Eighty SEVEN
Palash Biswas
Uttar Pradesh mounts vigil ahead of Ayodhya verdict! The Corporate War is Remixed with Blind Nationalism as well as Communal Polarisation so that the Government of India Incs may Accomplish the Agenda of Economic Ethnic Cleansing! All Legeislation Works pending to have the Licence to Kill and Ensuring the Supremacy of Free Market would be Done without being Noticed. NO Question arises for Resistance whatsoever as the Political class is United Rock Solid to defend the Interests of zionist Brahaminical Corporate Imperialism to sustain Global Manusmriti Rule Post Modern!
Colonel Barves had been away in Switzerland. He reached home and called me day before yesterday and called me. We discussed the Kashmir Crisis and Ayodhya Scenerio with details and agreed that the Environment is More Chemically, Biologically Radioactive for our people, the Balck Untouchables. I wrote an article as part of the Continuity of my Novel AMERICA SE Savdhan only yesterday to connect to the Hindi heartland and its intelligentsia but am quite unable to Connect the Think Tanks of Aborignal Indigenous Humanscape! With Kashmir Chanting for Freedom, Nothing else and the Masses coming out defying Military Measures and AFSPA, the situation is quite Ripe for the Hegemony to Divert Everything Sensible in the Belly of Blind Brahaminical Nationalism to which we have surrendered our nationalities as well as Identities! At the same time, the Ayodhya Controversy rises from the Ashes and it is a Man Made CALAMITY created with Judicial Proactivsm and we know vvery well how the Judiciary is used to flare up Violence in this subcontinent as they keep us Starved Diverting national Resources and revenues to War, Civil war and Violence. The story is repeated again and again since aryan Invasion in India. The ASHWAMEDHA and Hinduisation Continue with our FULL Subordination!
Now, A Red alert has been issued in Delhi after two Taiwan tourists were fired at by two unidentified men on a motorcycle outside gate number 3 of Jama Masjid. The two injured, Zeseweiu Ku,Chiang Kh,were boarding on a tourist bus while the incident took place.
Thus,Ayodhya and Kashmir Creates Ideal Environment for Coronation of the Crown Prince as it Happened with Rajiv Gandhi.
Congress Puts its Stakes on Communal Polarisation Once again!
The situation is reminiscent of the Volatile Eighties while Operation Blue Star was the beginning of Hindutva agenda after RSS succeeded to Promote Insurgency in Assam against the East Pakistan Refugees. Indira was assasianted and it suddenly Polarised Hindutva countrywide against the Sikhs. Rajiv became the Prime Minister amidst Countrywide Anti Sikh Riots and Sikh Genocide which obliged RSS to support Rajiv Gandhi and Congress.
Indira was the Goddess Durga Incarnated after India Intervened to liberate Bangladesh and Hindu Nationalism led to Hindutva Resurgence in the Following decades crushing Peasant and Tribal Uprisings all over seventies Branded as Naxal movement.
The Repression of Naxal Movement coincided with the Resurgence of Hindutva and the credit goes NOT to RSS or BJP,Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had all the credits.
I had been working as a senor journalist in the leading newspapers of Uttar Pradesh, JAGARAN and Amarujala during Eighties after I witnessed the Sih Revolt in Indian Army after Operation Blue Star from Ranchi, Jharkhand.
I shifted in Meerut jagaran soon after as Indira gandhi was assasinated.
I may remember day to day details of the incidents. While the news of Opening the Ram Mandir door broke on Tele Printer, it was immediately circulated all over Meerut via RSS network in media.
I may remember the elebrations and the Riots folowed .
I shifted in Kokata in October 1991 but had witnessed Anti Reservation movement based in Bareilly which pulled down Mandal Massiha VP Singh.
Mandal was replaced by KAMANDAL then, Mid term elections announced, rajiv was killed in Suicide Bomb Blast and Rao became the Prime Minister.Washington Inserted a Finance Minister from world Bank and IMF background. But Minority Government of Narasimha Rao got the life line in the Ram Mandir as he ultimately allowed BABRI Mosque Demolished and completed full tenure without any Soul searching within the Congress.
I Minutely watched and wrote about the details of the ECONOMICS of Religion and Riots based on my Eye witness Experiences.
The Hindutva Resurgence PROMOTED by Congress and Supported by RSS, Socialists, Marxists, Naxals, maoist, ENTIRE Political Class finally Opened all the Flood Gates of Neo Liberal Globalisation transforming the Nation into Free Mraket Democracy and which translated the EXCLUSIVE Economy of Manusmriti Rule into Merciless Genocide Culture with Monoplistic Aggression!
Rajiv Gandhi Had Sought RSS Blessings To Win Elections: Former ...
26 Apr 2007 ... Rajiv Gandhi had asked me to take his missive to RSS chief Deoras if I knew the RSS leaders. He had an idea that if the RSS would support ...www.indiadaily.org/.../rajiv-gandhi-had-sought-rss-blessings-to-win-elections-former-congress-mp/ - Cached
Rajiv Gandhi News - The New York Times
News about Rajiv Gandhi. Commentary and archival information about Rajiv Gandhi from ... Rss Feeds On Rajiv Gandhi. Subscribe to an RSS feed on this topic. ...topics.nytimes.com › Times Topics › People › G - Cached - Similar
Chidambaram's Parliament Speech ,Rajiv Gandhi,Arjun Sigh & Warren ...
13 Aug 2010 ... When rajiv gandhi was prime minister of India and bhopal gas tragedy ... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. ... the tax cuts but only for small businesses or not support them at all? ...indiansawaal.com/chidambarams-parliament-speech-rajiv-gandhiarjun-sigh-warren-anderson/ - Cached
Indira Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (Hindi: इंदिरा प्रियदर्शिनी गांधी Indirā Priyadarśinī Gāndhī; née: Nehru; 19 November 1917 – 31 October ...
Life and career - Early life - Early leadership - Prime minister
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi - Cached - Similar
Indira Priyadarshani Gandhi : Iron Lady Of India
A complete guide to the life of former prime minister of India. A true Symbol for women known as Ironlady of India.
www.indiragandhi.com/ - Cached - Similar
about indiragandhi
The ascension of a woman, Indira Gandhi, to the highest position in the world's most populous democracy was especially significant for Indian women, ...
www.indiragandhi.com/aboutindiragandhi.htm - Cached - Similar
Indira Gandhi: Biography from Answers.com
Indira Gandhi , Political Figure Born: 19 November 1917 Birthplace: Allahabad, India Died: 1984 (assassination) Best Known As: Prime Minister of.
www.answers.com/topic/indira-gandhi - Cached - Similar
Indira Gandhi: Latest News, Photos and Videos
Explore Profile of Indira Gandhi at Connect.in.com, see Indira Gandhi web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions.
connect.in.com/indira-gandhi/profile-123493.html - Cached - Similar
Indira Gandhi - Great Indians
Indian history has been witness to only one female Prime Minister - Indira Gandhi. She was the third Prime Minister of India and the daughter of the first ...
www.indiaparenting.com/stories/greatindians/gi010.shtml - Cached - Similar
Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU
Offers distance education degree programs in arts, science, commerce, social sciences and information technology. Contains results and information about ...
www.ignou.ac.in/ - Cached - Similar
Manas: History and Politics, Indira Gandhi
Features a brief biography of the late prime minister of India.
www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/History/.../Indira.html - Cached - Similar
Search Results
Sikh Genocide Project
Accounts of the separatist movements of the 1980's and later, with historical background. Contains a 4-part movie: "The Third Sikh Holocaust".
www.sikhgenocide.org/ - Cached - Similar
1984 anti-Sikh riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
July 14, 2010. http://www.hindustantimes.com/1984-riots-were-Sikh-genocide-Akal-Takht/Article1-572372.aspx. Retrieved 17 July 2010. ^ Grewal, Jyoti. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_anti-Sikh_riots - Cached - Similar
Sikh Genocide 1984
31 Oct 2004 ... Sikh Genocide 1984. Compiled by Charnjit Singh Bal from various sources. This week, light a candle in your window. ...
www.sikhsundesh.net/genocide.htm - Cached - Similar
Sikh Genocide (1984) Victims call upon G-20 Countries to impress ...
19 Jun 2010 ... Canada (June 19, 2010): Sikhs for Justice on behalf of victims of 1984 Sikh Genocide has written an open letter to Prime Minister Manmohan ...
www.sikhsiyasat.net/.../sikh-genocide-1984-victims-call-upon-g-20-countries-to-impress-india-to-impart-justice/ - Cached
Sikh Genocide 1984: Investigate role of Congress: SFJ, AISSF ...
12 Jul 2010 ... Sikhs for Justice and AISSF are jointly working with the victims of November 1984 Sikh Genocide for seeking prosecution of leaders who were ...
www.sikhsiyasat.net/.../sikh-genocide-1984-investigate-role-of-congress-sfj-aissf/ - Cached
Show more results from www.sikhsiyasat.net
YouTube - Sikh Genocide 1984 The Plan (MUST SEE)
queue Sikh Genocide 1984 Eye Witness MUST SEE!!!by JassTheSoorma9320 views · 5:23 +. Added to ... queue From the Delhi Sikh Genocide of 1984 to the Mus...by ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRtdDm6DDDI - Cached
Gurcharan Singh Rishi Witness on 1984 Sikh Genocide
20 Feb 2009 ... Gurcharan Singh Rishi Witness on 1984 Sikh Genocide ... crowd to "kill" Sikhs in the national capital's Newada locality on November 1, 1984. ...
www.houstonsikhs.org/803 - Cached
1984 riots were 'Sikh genocide': Akal Takht - Hindustan Times
A meeting of five Sikh high priests today decided the 1984 anti-Sikh riots would now on be referred to as "Sikh genocide" by all members of the community, ...
www.hindustantimes.com/1984...Sikh-genocide.../Article1-572372.aspx - Cached
1984 Sikhs Kristallnacht
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See 'Genocide', Twenty Years of Impunity - The November 1984 pogroms of Sikhs in India · (2004), Jaskaran Kaur, p 102-118. ensaaf.org ...
www.ensaaf.org/pdf/reports/kristallnacht.pdf - Similar
Sikh Genocide | Global Sikh News
Posted on August 30, 2010 under sikh genocide. Monday, August 30th 2010, 9:51 AM: On Nov. 1, 1984, Daviderpal Bhatia barricaded himself with his family in ...
sikhsangat.org/tag/sikh-genocide/ - Cached - Similar
Rajiv Gandhi Biography - Rajiv Gandhi Assassination - Rajeev ...
This brief biography and history of Rajiv Gandhi gives information on life of Rajiv Gandhi and events that led to Rajiv Gandhi's assassination.
www.iloveindia.com/indian-heroes/rajiv-gandhi.html - Cached - Similar
Profile of a great hero of our time Rajiv Gandhi I am extremely grateful to following persons, for having shared their personal experiences with this unique ...
www.rememberingrajivgandhi.com/new_website/ - Cached - Similar
News for Rajiv Gandhi
Calcutta Telegraph
Following Rahul - 1 day ago
Twenty years ago, Rajiv Gandhi had, from close to where I'm sitting and having the world's finest kachauri-sabzi at Mohan Lal just off the main thoroughfare ...
Hindustan Times - 62 related articles »
'Rajiv Gandhi played Hindus against Muslims' - Oneindia - 18 related articles »
Rajiv Gandhi Was Indirectly Responsible For Demolition Of Babri ... - South Asian Link - 2 related articles »
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
The Rajiv Gandhi Foundation was established on 21 June 1991 to commemorate Rajiv Gandhi's vision for India. The Rajiv Gandhi Foundation aims to work in ...
www.rgfindia.com/ - Cached - Similar
Eternal Rajiv :::::::::
I too have a dream.I dream of an India - strong, self-reliant.....': Rajiv Gandhi's landmark address to the Joint Session Of the U.S. Congress ...
www.rajivgandhi.in/ - Cached
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. Right for. Rightful Health Science Education. Home · About us · Helinet · Results · Digital Library ...
www.rguhs.ac.in/ - Cached - Similar
Rajiv Gandhi - Prime Minister's Office
At 40, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was the youngest Prime Minister of India, perhaps even one of the youngest elected heads of Government in the world. ...
pmindia.nic.in/pm_rajiv.htm - Cached - Similar
All India Congress Committee - AICC
Message of Smt. Sonia Gandhi Hon'ble Congress President ... On the 3rd of September 2010 Smt. Sonia Gandhi was unanimously elected President of the Indian ...
www.congress.org.in/ - Cached - Similar
Sonia Gandhi, India - Indian Congress Party Leader
SoniaIndia.com - Sonia Gandhi Profile & Political Leadership.
www.soniaindia.com/ - Cached - Similar
News for Sonia Gandhi
Sonia's dilemma: To greet or not to greet (Capital Buzz) - 9 hours ago
New Delhi, Sep 19 (AINS) To greet or not to greet non-Congress leaders is Sonia Gandhi's new dilemma. The moment the powerful Congress president dials their ...
India Talkies - 6 related articles »
Race for MPCC president''s post hots up - IBNLive.com - 5 related articles »
Bengal Congress authorises Sonia Gandhi to name office-bearers - Economic Times - 19 related articles »
Sonia Gandhi: Latest News, Photos and Videos
Explore Profile of Sonia Gandhi at Connect.in.com, see Sonia Gandhi web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions.
connect.in.com/sonia-gandhi/profile-328.html - Cached - Similar
Sonia Gandhi: Latest News, Videos, Photos
3 Sep 2010 ... See Sonia Gandhi Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. Sonia Gandhi profile on Times of India.
timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Sonia-Gandhi - Cached
Sonia Gandhi - Politician, picture, biography, profile, info and ...
Sonia Gandhi also became the fifth from the Nehru family to take over the Congress reins. ... Sonia Gandhi Through A Different Lens; Ravi Singavarapu ...
www.nilacharal.com/enter/celeb/SoniaGandhi.asp - Cached - Similar
Sonia Gandhi: Biography from Answers.com
Sonia Gandhi (born 1946) is the widow, daughter - in - law and granddaughter - in - law of three Indian prime ministers. As such, it is not surprising that ...
www.answers.com/topic/sonia-gandhi - Cached - Similar
Rahul Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rahul Gandhi is an Indian politician and member of the Parliament of India, representing the Amethi constituency. His political party is the Indian National ...
Early life - Career - Controversies - See also
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahul_Gandhi - Cached - Similar
Dear Mr Rahul Gandhi, Hi this is Biplab Das 25yrs. old living in a West Bengal (65 km from Kolkata).As a citizen of India I am a real follower of your ...
www.rahulgandhi.us/ - Cached - Similar
Rahul Gandhi: Latest News, Photos and Videos
19 Sep 2010 ... Explore Profile of Rahul Gandhi at Connect.in.com, see Rahul Gandhi web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions.
connect.in.com/rahul-gandhi/profile-552.html - Cached - Similar
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News for Rahul Gandhi
Calcutta Telegraph
Mamata takes dig at Rahul Gandhi - 41 minutes ago
KOLKATA:In an apparent jibe at Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's recent visit to West Bengal, Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata ...
Times of India - 62 related articles »
Rahul Gandhi: The dynamic youth icon - Zee News - 2 related articles »
Cross the barricade - Hindustan Times - 6 related articles »
Latest results for Rahul Gandhi
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- Gunjan47: Mamata's jibes at Rahul Gandhi I hope are not a signal that all may not be well for the Cong & TMC alliance in Bengal -Left must be enjoying
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- 125
- 2 minutes ago
- TOIIndiaNews: Mamata takes dig at Rahul Gandhi
- Mamata takes dig at Rahul Gandhi - The Times of India - indiatimes.com
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- 572
- 9 minutes ago
Rahul Gandhi - Politician,picture, profile, info and favourites
Rahul Gandhi - Politician, Parliment member, congress general secretary, biography, family details, profile, info and favourites.
www.nilacharal.com/enter/celeb/Rahul-Gandhi.asp - Cached - Similar
Rahul Gandhi | Facebook
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Rahul Gandhi. Join Facebook to start connecting with Rahul Gandhi.
www.facebook.com/pages/Rahul-Gandhi/27605962090 - Cached - Similar
Rahul Gandhi- Indian National Congress Party
Rahul Gandhi. ... Member of ParliamentRahul Gandhi Indias Next Generation Political hopeful ...
www.rahulgandhi1.org/ - Cached - Similar
Rahul Gandhi's 'sipahi' syndrome ~ Words from Solitude
6 Sep 2010 ... The Adivasis, who had flocked Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's Lanjigarh rally in thousands, cheered joyfully when he announced, ...
www.wordsfromsolitude.blogspot.com/.../rahul-gandhi-adivasi-vedanta-sipahi.html - Cached
Rahul gandhi
7 Sep 2010 ... Santiniketan (WB): Rahul Gandhi, who many believe is being promoted for country;s top political job , Today said becoming PM is not the only ...
www.rahulgandhicongress.com/ - Cached
rahul gandhi Pictures, rahul gandhi Wallpapers,rahul gandhi Pics ...
rahul gandhi Pictures,rahul gandhi Wallpapers, rahul gandhi Pics, rahul gandhi Photos. Click on the rahul gandhi Images.
search.rediff.com/imgsrch/default.php?MT=rahul+gandhi - Cached - Similar
Rahul Gandhi: Latest News, Videos, Photos
See Rahul Gandhi Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. Rahul Gandhi profile on Times of India.
timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Rahul-Gandhi - Cached
Search Results
P. V. Narasimha Rao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao (Telugu: పాములపర్తి వెంకట నరసింహారావు; 28 June 1921 – 23 December 2004) who was commonly known ...
Early life - Political career - Achievements
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._V._Narasimha_Rao - Cached - Similar
P.V.Narasimha Rao
This page contains complete information about PVNarasimha Rao,the 12th Prime Minister of India, his role in India's economic liberalisation.
www.mapsofindia.com › ... › Government and Politics - Cached - Similar
PV Narasimha Rao - Prime Minister's Office
Son of Shri P. Ranga Rao, Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao was born on June 28, 1921 at Karimnagar. He studied in Osmania University, Hyderabad, Bombay University ...
pmindia.nic.in/pm_rao.htm - Cached - Similar
P.V. Narasimha Rao, Twelfth Prime Minister
9 Apr 2009 ... PV Narasimha Rao, Twelfth Prime Minister - Informative & researched article on PV Narasimha Rao, Twelfth Prime Minister from Indianetzone, ...
www.indianetzone.com › ... › Indian Prime Ministers - Cached - Similar
P V Narasimha Rao Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com ...
5 Aug 2010 ... PV Narasimha Rao (Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao) , 1921-2004, Indian politician, prime minister of India (1991-96), b. Hyderabad.
www.encyclopedia.com/topic/P_V_Narasimha_Rao.aspx - Cached - Similar
P V Narasimha Rao: Latest News, Photos and Videos
Explore Profile of PV Narasimha Rao at Connect.in.com, see PV Narasimha Rao web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions.
connect.in.com/p-v-narasimha-rao/profile-499114.html - Cached - Similar
Scaling New Heights: Let Us Give P V Narasimha Rao his Share of Credit
25 May 2009 ... I am very sad to see that whoever is praising Dr Manmohan Singh is not even mentioning the name of P V Narasimha Rao, the former Prime ...
www.sonyvellayani.com/.../let-us-give-p-v-narasimha-rao-his-share.html - Cached - Similar
India Together: The great unmentionable - P V Narasimha Rao - 04 ...
4 Apr 2010 ... Now that the Nehru-Gandhis once more control both party and government, P V Narasimha Rao can be mentioned in Congress circles only if it is ...
www.indiatogether.org/2010/apr/rgh-rao.htm - Cached
P.V. Narasimha Rao (prime minister of India) -- Britannica Online ...
Britannica online encyclopedia article on PV Narasimha Rao (prime minister of India), June 28, 1921Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaDec.
www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/.../P-V-Narasimha-Rao - Cached - Similar
Horoscopes of PV Narasimha Rao - Former Prime Minister of India ...
AstrologyForU.com - Your complete Astrology, Horoscopes and Predictions website - Horoscopes of Popular Personalities - PV Narasimha Rao - Former Prime ...
www.astrologyforu.com › Personalities - Cached - Similar
Manmohan Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Manmohan Singh is the 14th and current Prime Minister of the Republic of India. He is the first Indian Prime Minister since Jawaharlal Nehru to return to ...
Background - Childhood and education - Early career
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manmohan_Singh - Cached - Similar
Prime Minister's Office
The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh chairing the All Party Meeting on Jammu & Kashmir, in New Delhi on September 15, 2010. ...
pmindia.nic.in/ - Cached - Similar
Dr. Manmohan Singh - Prime Minister's Office
Profile, biography and photos of the Prime Minister till 2004.
pmindia.nic.in/meet.htm - Cached - Similar
News for manmohan singh
Sushma Discusses Situation in U'khand with Manmohan - 38 minutes ago
Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj today called on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and urged him to take prompt action to tackle the flood ...
PM asks ministers to work out road map for science management - Hindustan Times - 13 related articles »
UPA govt under Manmohan Singh has performed well: Vasan - Sify
Images for manmohan singh
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Manmohan Singh: Latest News, Photos and Videos
19 Sep 2010 ... Explore Profile of Manmohan Singh at Connect.in.com, see Manmohan Singh web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions.
connect.in.com/manmohan-singh/profile-311.html - Cached - Similar
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Manmohan Singh: Latest News, Videos, Photos
4 Sep 2010 ... See Manmohan Singh Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. Manmohan Singh profile on Times of India.
timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Manmohan-Singh - Cached
Dr. Manmohan Singh
India Elections » Dr Manmohan Singh - The New Prime Minister of India ... One of ten siblings, Manmohan Singh was born in Gah, West Punjab, (in what became ...
www.indian-elections.com/dr-manmohan-singh.html - Cached - Similar
Manmohan Singh - India - Asia - World - news
Awards and Prizes of the University of Cambridge: Smith's Prize, Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarship, Gates Scholarship, Chancellor's Gold Medal ...
www.wikio.com/world/asia/india/manmohan_singh - Cached - Similar
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Dr. Manmohan Singh | Facebook
17 Sep 2010 ... Welcome to a Facebook Page about Dr. Manmohan Singh. Join Facebook to start connecting with Dr. Manmohan Singh.
www.facebook.com/pages/...Manmohan-Singh/17780227654 - Cached - Similar
manmohan singh News
40 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 11 hours ago
New Delhi, Sep 17 (ANI): The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on Friday reviewed the progress towards financial inclusion by banks in ...
www.thaindian.com/.../tag/manmohan-singh - United States - Cached - Similar
prime minister manmohan singh News - 40 posts - 15 Sep 2010
dr manmohan singh News - 40 posts - 3 Sep 2010
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* Dr. Manmohan Singh's Life Part-1
5 min - 9 May 2009
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* Manmohan Singh is King!! :)
4 min - 16 May 2009
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Many of the ideas advocated by the Maoists of India and Nepal are ... The Maoists outside China accuse its post-1976 leadership of not only betraying MLM, ... first effort was to correctly grasp the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. ...
www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpapers13%5Cpaper1250.html - Cached
Nepal Maoists, India & China
The continuing capability demonstrated by the Nepalese Maoists to take the Security ... (Marxist-Leninist) [BSD ML], the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), .... India, what they project as the betrayal of the Nepalese Maoists by the ...
www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers5/paper446.html - Cached - Similar
Down With Government War on Maoists, Tribal Peoples!
30 Jul 2010 ... The cops suspected the villagers of sympathizing with Maoist insurgents, .... Party of India (Marxist). Indian Stalinism's History of Betrayal ..... Militants in India seeking the road to revolutionary Marxism must ...
www.icl-fi.org/english/wv/962/india.html - Cached
A Timeline of Maoist Revolution in India « Revolution in South Asia
4 Apr 2009 ... Maoists of Afghanistan: Solidarity with the Maoists of India · Prachanda: The State Torments People. ... accusing CPM of betraying the revolution. .... CPI (ML) organises a unity meet of 13 Marxist-Leninist factions in a ...
southasiarev.wordpress.com/.../a-timeline-of-maoist-revolution-in-india/ - Cached - Similar
Marxism in Asia - China - Chinese, Revolution, Maoism ...
Perhaps the most profound Maoist departure from the logic of Marxism was a ... But they left only tenuous intellectual ties between Maoism and Marxism. ...
science.jrank.org/pages/10087/Marxism-in-Asia-China.html - Cached - Similar
It is a Great Political Betrayal: Nepal Maoists - Telegraph Nepal ...
It is a Great Political Betrayal: Nepal Maoists. telegraphnepal.com .... Nepal maoist's india hatred at an all time high, dev gurung spits venom ...
telegraphnepal.com/news_det.php?news_id=7762 - Cached
'Maoism', State and the Communist Movement in India
The outline sketch of India's Maoism attempted above leads us to characterize it ... especially to take part in an election, would be a betrayal of principle. .... iii "Lessons of the Elections and the Responsibility of the True Marxist ...
www.cpiml.org/liberation/year_2010/jan_10/article.html - Cached
Prachanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prachanda's extension of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism -- taking specific account .... between the two Maoist leaders came into media when Prachanda blamed India for ... narration for reinstating the parliament was a betrayal to the people. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prachanda - Cached - Similar
Chowk: Current Affairs: Maoist Insurgency Rocks India
27 Jul 2009 ... Moreover these fissures area reflection of betrayal of secular character of ... The genesis of the Maoist insurgency in India lies in the peasants' ... themselves into the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist). ...
www.chowk.com/.../maoist-insurgency-rocks-india-nauman-asghar.htm - Cached - Similar
From Nepali Maoists: A Critique of Negotiated Betrayal in South ...
11 Sep 2010 ... And there is no better example than South Africa of this betrayal of the people. This article by the Maoists in Nepal is sounding the alarm. ...
kasamaproject.org/.../from-nepali-maoists-a-critique-of-negotiated-betrayal-in-south-africa/ - Cached
EDITORIAL - Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted ...
The antics of yet another Brahmin marxist called E.M.S. Namboodiripad, ... According to such savarna manuvadi maoists India may be a subcontinent of several ...www.dalitvoice.org/Templates/may_a2006/editorial.htm - Cached - Similar
EDITORIAL - Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted ...
Unmasking of such corrupt Brahmin marxists is absolutely essential. ... Why did he fail to understand the social structure of India comprising the ascending ..... whether he is from ISRO or "Maoist" Party — or from the American NASA. ...
www.dalitvoice.org/Templates/may2010/editorial.htm - Cached
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Naxalite Maoist India: Fire in the Hole - Article about Indian ...
5 Sep 2010... battle-hardened Brahmin, a 1960s-era radical with a Ph.D. from New ... Marxist jargon that the rest of the world forgot in the 1970s. ...
naxalrevolution.blogspot.com/.../fire-in-hole-article-about-indian.html - Cached
Naxalite Maoist India: Marxism and the Indian Independent Struggle ...
10 Aug 2007 ... In Marx's view the period of British rule in India was a regrettable .... the services which three of the main Hindu upper castes (Brahmins, ...
naxalrevolution.blogspot.com/.../marxism-and-indian-independent-struggle.html - Cached
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Maoists saga- challenge of conversion
In India the Christian church that wants to convert the Hindu tribals found this as a tool and us funding the Maoists. There is a history of Marxist ...
www.mynews.in/.../Maoists_saga-_challenge_of_conversion__N51319.html - Cached
Tribal Rights By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
1 Jan 2010 ... When Christopher Jefferalot wrote 'Silent revolution in India', ... upper elite of Indian intellectuals masquerading as Marxists or Maoists, ... Yes, the hatred against him grow and still exists as a Tamiln Brahmin today ...
www.countercurrents.org/rawat010110.htm - Cached
Bringing On The Army Against The Naxals Will - Tehelka - India's ...
At the root of this trouble, I say, is this trio — the wily Brahmin, the arrogant Kshatriya, ... And in Marxist teaching, guerrilla warfare is one of the subjects. ... Make Indian democracy more attractive than Maoist revolution. ...
www.tehelka.com/story_main45.asp?filename=Ne120610bringing... - Cached
Communist Party of India (Marxist - Leninist) New Democracy - Home
Official website of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) New Democracy. ... In that village a Brahmin landlord was in possession of more than 300 .... 2010 member of the Politburo and Spokesperson of CPI (Maoist) was shot ...
www.cpimlnd.org/ - Cached - Similar
Who is really ruling India ? « A Zillion reasons to escape from India
These are the most typical last names used by Brahmins in India. .... Lok Raj Sangathan · Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist Media · National Centre for ...
escapefromindia.wordpress.com/indias-brahmin-rule-data/ - Cached
Meanwhile,Food inflation rose for the third week running as floods disrupted supplies, but most economists see food prices easing soon. Inflation in food articles in the new series with 2004-05 base was 15.1% for the week ended September 4, compared with 14.6% in the week before, data released on Thursday showed. The central bank chose to lift rates in its policy review on Thursday saying inflation is still a big concern.RBI lifted repo rate, or the rate at which its lends money, by 0.25 percentage point and reverse repo rate, or the rate at which banks park their surplus, by 0.50 percentage points to combat high inflation. Just hours after a firing incident on a vehicle carrying foreign tourists near the Jama Masjid in the walled city here, a car mysteriously caught fire only 15 metres away from the spot.
Jama Masjid firing: Mumbai on high alert!
FIIs infuse over $2.6 bn in equities in September alone!
Foreign shareholding in the country's two premier bourses, more so in the National Stock Exchange (NSE), has risen over the past year as global investors seek a slice of the firms that are expected to benefit the most from India's growing capital market.
Meanwhile, Indian Mujahideen (IM) claimed responsibility for the Jama Masjid shootout incident on Sunday evening, and issued a threat to the government not to hold the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi.Two Taiwanese were injured in an incident of firing near the Jama Masjid in the walled city area on Sunday morning, police said.
Unidentified persons fired at the duo near gate number three of the historic mosque, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central) Jaspal Singh told PTI.
He said the two injured persons, who were from Taiwan, have been taken to Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan Hospital. "We are looking into the matter," he said.
The shootout incident occurred near the historic Jama Masjid mosque on Sunday morning in which two Taiwan nationals were injured after a tourist bus they were traveling in, was fired upon by two unidentified persons riding a motorbike this morning.
Enemy takes over Dr. Ambedkar
Ayodhaya: As the Brahmins drift towards the BSP, the saffron parties are dropping the Ram Mandir issue to woo Dr. Ambedkar instead. It is the first time that Hindu terrorist Sangh Parivar has openly admitted that Dr. Ambedkar matters. A book with Dr. Ambedkar on the back cover and Ram on the front is freely being distributed at Ayodhya's Ram Mandir Nirman Karyashala. The politics is obvious. As Brahmins drift to the BSP, the terrorist party wants to counter the trend by wooing Dalits. As it is difficult to reach out to them with Ram, Dr. Ambedkar can be of help. Taking a cue from Mayawati's social engineering, the BJP and the terrorist groups are trying to bring together Dalits and Brahmins. In fact, VHP has gone to the extent of saying that there's not much difference between Brahmins and shudras. At the Karyashala, artisans laboured daily to carve stones for the Ram Temple which was never built. However, it is here that the Sangh is now chanting Dr. Ambedkar's name. "If Ram tried to remove untouchability from society, the same role was played by Dr. Ambedkar," says VHP's Sharad Sharma. Many people like Raja Ram Harihan, a sweeper in the Ram Mandir Niram Karyashala, who nurtured his dream for a temple, now worship Dr. Ambedkar. "We are happy that Dr. Ambedkar's photo has come with Lord Rama," says Dalit Kar Sewak, Raja Ram Harijan. Sharad Sharma asserts that every one was a Hindu initially. "Castes came in later and now some political parties are using Dr. Ambedkar's name for their vested interests," he adds. As the Lok Sabha elections come closer, BJP and its saffron brigade seems to have realised that chanting Ram alone would not fetch them votes. It is clear that if they have to pose any serious challenge to Mayawati, Ambedkar must find his name next to Lord Rama.(http://www.ibnlive.com/news/sangh-parivar-drops-ram-mandir-woos-ambedkar/66058-3.html)
No hope of saving India from BrahminismThe report of the enemy taking over Dr. Ambedkar did not come as a surprise to us. The Dalits were hinduised (enslaved) as soon as Babasaheb was defeated in his fight against the notorious "Poona Pact" — in 1932 itself. The very constitution of India says SCs are Hindu. The Dalits, all over India, have Hindu names, go to Hindu temples and worship all Hindu gods and scriptures. They behave like Hindus and in all anti-Muslim riots our people take over as killers. The Babri Masjid was demolished by Andhra Pradesh Dalits. Dr. Ambedkar might have said "Untouchables are not Hindu and were never Hindu". But he died a sad man because the "educated" Dalits let him down. Now we are in 2008. Over half century has passed since his death. Budhism he embraced and preached is 100% hinduised and our "educated" Dalits have fallen prey to the machinations of Hindus and made it part of Hinduism. Our Budhist monks imitate Brahmin priests. Dalits marry Brahmin girls. Our Dalit academics are a big disappointment. Long back, we had predicted "Sunset over Dalit world" (DV Edit March 1, 2000). Brahmins and their Brahmana Jati Party (BJP) will do everything to deceive Dalits to gain votes. In vote politics there is no ethics. In the latest Karnataka Assembly election BJP won the largest number of reserved seats. A senior Dalit police officer and an Ambedkarite loved by a large number of Dalits, contested on BJP ticket but lost. Remember: Ever since the Aryan forces set foot on India they did not meet with any defeat. Budhism did give the enemy a jolt. But they infiltrated it, divided it and after Budha's death, drove it out of India. The Shankaracharya killed the Budhists inside India. And manufactured pictures of Budha doing prayers or sleeping. The Kadgadhari Budha, fighting the enemy, is obliterated.
Even when Babasaheb was alive the treacherous Hindu agent, M.K. Gandhi, had more Dalit followers than Babasaheb. It is true that Babasaheb is the "Father of India" and that is the verdict of history but did we follow his commands? The fault lies with us. Why blame the Brahmins? They will do what they want. Who prevented us from doing the same? Instead of becoming tigers and lions and roaring like Babasaheb, eating the enemy raw, we became bum-lickers of Brahmins, eating their shit, forgot our identity. And stabbing our own father in the back. Many a time we get disgusted, if not frustrated with what is happening around. In fact, we almost decided to close down DV. But we were forced to continue. We honestly confess we see no hope of saving India from Brahminism — EDITOR.
On the pther hand ANI reports:
New Delhi, Sept.19 (ANI): When the All Party Parliamentary Delegation (APPD) visits Srinagar, it will see slogans like 'Go India Go'; or 'Indian Dogs, Go Back', and 'Azadi' plastered on the walls. They will also be greeted with such slogans in order to drive home the point and to create a lasting impression on them that the entire Kashmir Valley, if not the state, is against the continued presence of India and Indians.
Against such a backdrop, the delegation would do well to start by turning the clock back and recalling the words of the tallest Kashmiri leader of modern times, Sheikh Abdullah.
On December 3, 1948 at a function of the Gandhi Memorial College at Jammu, Abdullah said: "Kashmiris would rather die following the footsteps of Gandhiji than accept the two-nation theory. We want to link the destiny of Kashmir with India, because we feel that the ideal before India and Kashmir is one and the same."
The ideals that Abdullah referred to were primarily secularism and democracy.
In his opening address to the Constituent Assembly on November 5, 1951, he noted: "The real character of a state is revealed in its Constitution. The Indian Constitution has set before the country the goal of a secular democracy based upon justice, freedom and equality for all without distinction. This is the bedrock of modern democracy. This should meet the argument that the Muslims of Kashmir cannot have security in India, where the large majority of the population are Hindus..... The Indian Constitution has amply and finally repudiated the concept of a religious State which is a throwback to medievalism........The national movement in our State naturally gravitates towards these principles of secular democracy."
On Pakistan, he noted: "The most powerful argument that can be advanced in her favour is that Pakistan is a Muslim state, and, a big majority of our people being Muslims the State must accede to Pakistan. This claim of being a Muslim State is of course only a camouflage. It is a screen to dupe the common man, so that he may not see clearly that Pakistan is a feudal State in which a clique is trying by these methods to maintain itself in power...........Right-thinking men would point out that Pakistan is not an organic unity of all the Muslims in this subcontinent. It has, on the contrary, caused the dispersion of Indian Muslims for whom it was claimed to have been created"
On Independence, he said: "I would like to remind you that from August 15 to October 22, 1947, our state was independent and the result was that our weakness was exploited by the neighbour with invasion. What is the guarantee that in future too we may not be victims of a similar aggression."
From Sheikh Abdullah trying to preserve Kashmir's secular foundations, from his optimism and enthusiasm for India to the 'Azadi' and pro-Pak slogans of today, has indeed been a long journey
Reams and volumes have been written about what went wrong during the last six decades, about Kashmiri grievances, about the dilution of autonomy, about rigged elections, about the overbearing presence of the security forces, about the ever-present fear stalking the streets, about massive corruption, about no real economic development despite transfusion of huge funds, poor governance by successive state governments. And so on.
The APPD would obviously not have the time or opportunity to look into all of these issues. What they could, however do, is to take stock of the situation and determine, as Sonia Gandhi put it so poignantly, why are they so angry with us.
This would involve, above all, listening, a trait politicians are not very good at. However, individually and collectively, they need to put the urge of listening to their own voices in cold storage during the visit.
They need to feel the pain of mothers and fathers who have lost young ones, understand the fear that stalks the streets, for the civil population as well as the security forces, empathise with Gen Next, who have known nothing else but the strong-hand methods and the ugly face of India.
Just listen, learn and absorb. Don't offer half-baked prescriptions and solutions. If anything, bond with the grief and frustration in an emotional package that has at its centre, compassion and sensitivity that restores human dignity. Understand the hurt, the anger at repeated humiliations, and accept that it can't be healed in a day, but that just by connecting with a disillusioned generation a beginning can be made.
There will be a lot of talk about the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Paradoxically, it is both a non-issue and fundamental to finding that elusive starting point for talks. It is a non-issue because neither is it the cause of the long lingering problem nor is it a solution. It is a Constitutional instrument used by the government in a specific situation. It has legal and security implications that have been detailed so many times that it doesn't need repetition here.
However, the fate of the AFPSA is fundamental to the debate because more than legal or political, it has become a political issue. Like the slogan of azadi, AFPSA has caught the imagination of the political establishment and the people as the one issue whose repeal will demonstrate Indian sincerity and willingness to be flexible. More importantly, it will give the mainstream political parties, some lever with which to go back to the streets in order to mobilise supporters.
Hence, the call on AFPSA has to be political. The question is whether, on balance, its repeal will be seen as a victory for the separatists, a sign of the Indian government bowing down to pressure and the implication that if pressure is sustained, azadi too will be conceded. Or, will it be seen as demonstrating sincerity, taking that first important step towards defusing the situation and giving the mainstream parties something substantive with which to gear themselves to fight the long battle ahead.
Consisting of seasoned politicians, the APPD should be able to make this all important political call. By Salim Haq (ANI)
The Indian Mujaheedin claimed responsibility for the incident in a mail sent to the Hindi Radio service of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
"As we bleed so will you seap, .....Beware, this is the initiative of Allah's lions. We warn if you have the guts, you dare to organise Commonwealth Games. We know preparations for the Commonwealth Games are at their peak. Beware! We are also preparing to surprise all," the BBC Hindi Radio service quoted the threat mail, as stating.
Indian Mujahideen is believed to be a shadow outfit of the outlawed Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and has also been linked to the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit, meanwhile, urged people not to panic as proper security arrangements were being taken in the wake of the incident.
Police said prima facie, the two incidents were not related. "We are investigating the matter. We are checking whether it has any link," a senior police official said.
The stationary Maruti-800 car caught fire at around two pm. "It happened in front of policemen," the official said.
The car has been taken to Jama Masjid police station. Two fire tenders were rushed to the spot which doused the flames soon.
There was some panic in the area as the incident came soon after two men on a motorbike fired several rounds on a vehicle near the mosque, injuring two Taiwanese nationals.
The site where the car caught fire is only 15 metres away from the spot where the firing took place.
A team of Delhi Police's elite anti-terror force Special Cell also visited the spot.
After the central government deputed around 3,500 paramilitary personnel against the 63,000 sought by Uttar Pradesh to boost security ahead of Sep 24 verdict on the Ayodhya dispute, the state government is doing its bit to mount vigil in 44 trouble-prone districts, an official said Sunday.
The government has pooled all its resources to put in place an unprecedented security net around all sensitive places across the sprawling state, including capital Lucknow where a flag march was staged by security personnel Sunday evening, the official said.
This follows repeated high-level meetings both at the level of Cabinet Secretary Shashank Shekhar Singh as well as Principal Home secretary Kunwar Fateh Bahadur.
State police chief Karamveer Singh and his deputy Brij Lal have assessed the situation in Ayodhya as well as a number of other sensitive places across the state.
Unfazed by the unavailability of the central forces in accordance with the state's requirements, the state has managed to put its security plans in place.
'As against our requirement, the central government has sent just about 3,500 personnel of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Sep 16,' Additional Director General of Police Brij Lal told IANS.
After identifying 19 of the state's 71 districts as 'hyper-sensitive' and 25 as 'sensitive', the available force has been spread out in these areas. The state administration has already imposed restrictions on the assembly of five or more people in these areas.
'Processions have been banned not only in and around Ayodhya and Faizabad, but also in each of the 44 hyper-sensitive and sensitive districts,' he said.
A special contingent of the Rapid Action Force (RAF) undertook its first flag march in Ayodhya Saturday.
'Foolproof arrangements have to be in place to keep an effective check on any adverse fallout of the court verdict,' Lal said.
'All available resources were being utilised and assistance of common citizens was also being taken to maintain peace and harmony...we are ready to face any law and order problem,' Lal said.
'By the time the CRPF arrived, we had already planned deployment of 150 companies of the state provincial armed constabulary (PAC),' he said.
'That excludes the CRPF and other paramilitary forces deployed permanently inside the precincts of the disputed Ramjanmbhoomi-Babri Masjid complex in Ayodhya,' he said.
The remaining deployments included 82,000 police constables, 80,000 home guards and 20,000 personnel of the Pradeshik Raksha Dal (PRD).
'Public address systems linked with wireless are being installed at 700 police stations in the state, which will help police to connect directly with the public,' Lal said.
Besides the police deployment, the public is also being involved in maintaining peace and communal harmony.
'Government employees including lekhpals, teachers, village development officers and health department staff have been roped in to interact and coordinate with people in villages,' he said, adding that an extensive communication plan has also been chalked out.
Jama Masjid shooting: Advani speaks to Chidambaram
Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader L.K. Advani telephoned Home Minister P. Chidambaram and discussed security measures for the Oct 3-14 Commonwealth Games in the wake of Sunday's shooting near the Jama Masjid that wounded two Taiwanese tourists.
Advani spoke to Chidambaram and discussed the heightened terror threat perception ahead of the Commonwealth Games in the context of Sunday's shooting, informed sources said.
The issue also figured in their talks briefly when Advani and Chidambaram met at India Islamic Cultural Centre which had organised an Eid get-together.
Two Taiwanese tourists were wounded when two gunmen on a motorcycle opened random fire near the Jama Masjid here Sunday morning, creating a scare ahead of the Commonwealth Games.
Ko Chang and Ku Ze Wei, both in their 20s, were shot in the head and stomach respectively when the gunmen fired at a bus from which a group of tourists was alighting, police and eyewitnesses said.
The attack came despite a high level of security here in the run up to the Commonwealth Games that will draw 7,000 athletes and officials from 71 countries and territories.
Jama Masjid firing: Mumbai on high alert
Following the firing incident near the historic Jama Masjid in Delhi this afternoon, the city has been put on high alert, police said.
"After the Delhi incident, even Mumbai has been put on high alert. All policemen have been asked to remain alert and increase searches," city commissioner of police Sanjeev Dayal told PTI.
Two men on a motorbike fired several rounds on a tourist vehicle near Jama Masjid in Delhi, injuring two Taiwanese nationals.
A red alert has been sounded across the capital after the incident.
Mumbai has been on high alert following reports of presence of two alleged terrorists in the city during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival.
80% probability of terror attack on Delhi CWG, finds new security assessment report
SYDNEY: A new security risk assessment report has indicated that there is an eighty per cent chance that the Delhi Commonwealth Games (CWG), beginning on October 3, will come under some form of terror attack, putting athletes and officials in the firing line.
The report, prepared by private counter-terrorism and security consultants Homeland Security Asia-Pacific, identified improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and terror strikes on the CWG Games' convoys as the biggest threats, reports News.com.au.
"After preliminary examination of the layout of Delhi Games venues and facilities, it would still be easier and more likely for an attack to be staged in an area close to, but not in, the actual Games precinct... Such a bombing, using an IED or VIED, would generate the same massive propaganda results worldwide as bombing a venue, or the Games Family Hotel," the report said.
One of the report authors, counter-terrorism expert and security consultant- Roger Henning- said the biggest threat to athletes would be while travelling by road "from the airport to the village and from the village to the venues".
"This is when they will be at their most vulnerable outside the security nets that have been set up," he said.
Pointing out that in a densely populated city like Delhi the opportunity for a terrorist strike in the city's choking traffic and among homogenous crowds is obvious, he said, "Facial recognition and biometric systems typically fail in mass humanity situations."
"A huge amount of human resources have been thrown at security for the Games and the American, British and Australian intelligence have been helping the Indians," he noted, adding that Australians - with Britons and Canadians - could be specifically targeted by Islamic terrorists because of their nations' support in the Afghanistan war.
Henning also accused the Australian government and sports officials of not taking security threats during the Delhi Games seriously enough.
However, Australian Commonwealth Games Association CEO- Perry Crosswhite-claimed the risks in Delhi had been over-emphasised by the media.
"The Indian authorities have done an immense amount of work on security at the Games and I have a lot of confidence in the steps they have taken," he said.
"We are confident the Indian Government is putting in every effort into ensuring a safe Games," said Australia's Sports Minister Mark Arbib.
While up to 550 Australian athletes and officials prepare to leave for the Games this week, Indian security officials have said they cannot guarantee the safety of tourists and have flagged the use of armoured vehicles and unmanned aircraft as security measures.
FIIs infuse over $2.6 bn in equities in September alone
Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have poured in over $2.67 billion in September alone, fuelling the rise of Indian stock markets.
Till Sep 17, FIIs had invested over $2.64 in the markets and picked up $39.67 million worth of new securities, according to data available with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
In the same time, the 30-scrip sensitive index (Sensex) of the Bombay Stock Exchange has soared over 9 per cent and closed at 19,594.75 points on Sep 17.
An expected 8.5 per cent economic growth during the current fiscal and robust domestic demand have helped build confidence of not only Indian enterprises, but also foreign fund managers who look to divert funds from their home markets to the emerging regions of growth.
Foreign investment in Indian equities markets has crossed $15.6 billion so far this year.
Analysts say this fund inflow is likely to continue given that the Indian market will give higher returns than most other global destinations.
"FII inflow is likely to be robust in the medium to long-term, as Indian equities are still underowned by foreign investors as compared to their peers in the other emerging markets," said Madhusudan Kela, chief investment strategist, Reliance Capital, an Anil Dhirubhai Ambani group company.
FIIs had pumped in a record $17.45 billion into the equities market in 2009, but started exiting in early 2010. In January, they were net sellers to the tune of $94.48 million.
But from February, the scenario changed with foreign funds buying scrips worth $269 million in the month. In March it was over $4.3 billion and in April the net buys was over $2 billion.
May, however saw a huge sell-out, with FIIs dumping stocks worth $2.1 billion.
The buying has been fairly consistent since, with FIIs lapping up stocks worth $2.27 billion in June, $3.5 billion in July and $2.4 billion in August.
Jama firing work of criminal gang: Delhi Police
Delhi Police said they suspected that a gun attack on a tourist bus near Jama Masjid on Sunday, claimed by an Islamist group, was likely the work of a "disgruntled gang of criminals".
"We suspect it is a disgruntled gang of criminals who planned this attack basically to discredit the Delhi police," spokesman Rajan Bhagat said.
Earlier on Sunday, Indian Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the attack on the in an email.
Another senior police source, who asked not to be named, cast doubt on the claim.
"The claim sent to various media outlets is not reliable because the attack was carried out in a very unprofessional and crude manner, which no organised terrorist group would do," he said.
Kashmir unrest has led to loss of Rs 26,000 crore business
The ongoing unrest in Kashmir, which is more than 100 days old now and has seen the Valley losing over 100 lives, has resulted in a loss of over Rs 26,000 crore worth of business, valuable academic session and public property worth crores.
The flames of unrest began on June 11 with the killing of a 17-year-old boy in alleged tear gas shelling by police at Rajouri Kadal and has engulfed the entire Valley.
Sopore, Pampore, Kupwara, Bandipora, Baramulla, Anantnag, Pulwama, Shopian, Kulgam, Budgam, Ganderbal and Srinagar city have all witnessed violence, arson and deaths during the period.
The education system in the Valley has become a collateral damage in the cycle of protests and strikes called by the hardline Hurriyat Conference led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani and curfew imposed by the state government to thwart these programmes.
Despite claims of the state government that over 70 per cent schools were functioning normally in the Valley, the students have stayed home for most of the past 100 days.
Considering that Valley has three months of winter vacations and another month of gazetted holidays, the effect of strikes and curfew on the learning process is any body's guess.
The quagmire the students find themselves has led to protests at some places. Although just a handful, a group of students from Natipora area of city came all the way to Lal Chowk early this month to protest against their inability to attend schools.
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Babri Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Liberhan report has pieced together a sequence of events as they happened on December 6, 1992, the day the Babri Masjid was demolished by Kar Sevaks. ...
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2 min - 14 Mar 2007
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BJP top brass behind Babri demolition: Reports - The Times of India
23 Nov 2009 ... Liberhan Commission report on Babri Masjid demolition is believed to have indicted Vajpayee, Advani & Murli Manohar Joshi.
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A to Z of Babri demolition
25 Jun 2005 ... New Delhi, June 24: The term of the Liberhan Commission of inquiry probing the Babri Masjid demolition has been been extended by three ...
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Security forces stages flag march ahead of Sept. 24 Ayodhya verdict3 - 9 hours ago
... forces staged a flag march in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura city on Saturday ahead of the long-awaited verdict into the disputed Babri Masjid demolition case. ...
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Babri demolition: Police aware of threat to structure, says cop
23 Apr 2010 ... A senior IPS officer, who was a personal security officer of BJP leader LK Advani in Ayodhya, on Friday, told a special court that Faizabad ...
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A Brief Survey of Communal Situation in the Post Babri-Demolition ...
It is about 10 years since demolition of Babri Masjid on 6th December 1992. The demolition of Babri Masjid itself was a major event, which seriously dented ...
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Charges framed against 23 in Babri demolition case: Rediff.com ...
18 Aug 2010 ... While charges against top Bharatiya Janata Party and Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders including Lal Krishna Advani, Uma Bharti and Vinay ...
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Hearing put off in Babri demolition case - India - DNA
14 Sep 2010 ... Further hearing in the Babri mosque demolition case before a special CBI court was deferred today as the notification for nomination of a ...
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Trial in Babri demolition to begin from Monday
18 Aug 2010 ... Eighteen years after the 16th century Babri Mosque was pulled down by violent Hindu mobs in the ancient temple town of Ayodhya in Uttar ...
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Babri demolition: High drama ahead of final ruling [India] | Times ...
18 Aug 2010 ... Babri demolition: High drama ahead of final ruling [India] from Times of India, The provided by Find Articles at BNET.
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History of the Republic of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India's population passed the 500 million mark in the early 1970s, but its long-standing food crisis was resolved with greatly improved agricultural ...
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Rural non-agro economy growing faster than urban: Assocham - 2 days ago
... been growing faster than that of the urban since early 1970s, says a report. ... by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) ...
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Shooting incident will have no impact on Games: OC
The Commonwealth Games Organising Committee said on Sunday that the shooting incident here this morning will not have any impact on the Games next month and assured that India would provide foolproof security to the visiting athletes and officials.
"The shooting incident this morning in Delhi will have no impact on the Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi," the Organising Committee said in a statement.
Two Taiwanese nationals were injured when two men on a motorcycle fired several rounds on a tourist vehicle near the historic Jama Masjid in the walled city.
CWG OC spokesman Lalit Bhanot said the country's security establishment has made elaborate arrangement to ensure a safe Games for all the participants and officials.
"The Ministry of Home Affairs and Delhi Police have made elaborate arrangements to provide the Commonwealth Games athletes and officials a safe and secure environment," Bhanot said in the statement.
"The Commonwealth Games Associations of the nations and territories have been satisfied with the plans and preparations made by Delhi Police and the International Security Liaison Group, formed by the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.
17 Sep, 2010, 04.52AM IST, Rishi Shah,ET Bureau
RBI says it can't figure out IIP maths
NEW DELHI: The Reserve Bank of India has voiced concern over the high volatility in the industrial production numbers, which is sure to bring greater focus on the integrity of data put out by Indian agencies as it comes within a month of an embarrassing mistake in first quarter GDP estimates.
Experts, however, say fluctuations in macroeconomic indices have more to do with methodology than with faulty data. "The high volatility (in the index of industrial production, or IIP) over the past two months raises some doubts about how effectively the index reflects the underlying momentum in the industrial sector," RBI said in a press release.
Industrial output grew 13.8 % in July, much above the consensus estimate of 7-8% and 5.67% growth seen in June, thanks to a 63% increase in capital goods output. The capital goods index jumped 42% month-on-month.The sharp increase in capital goods production comes as a surprise as industries were seen operating at their normal full capacity."IIP going up again seems a statistical puzzle," says Mridul Saggar, chief economist at Kotak institutional securities.
"Our analysis would peg capital goods growth at around 22% which would imply an IIP growth of 8.8%," said Mr Saggar. However, the country's chief statistician TCA Anant said data was not to be blamed.
"Volatility has been built into the way IIP is constructed," he said adding that capital goods series has been volatile and its volatility has increased over the years. Construction of the IIP involves identifying important units, ones that account for around 70% of overall production, to get a fair representation of growth.
This selection is based on the situation at the time the index is constructed, or the base year of the index. As we move further away from the base year, the index becomes less and less representative of the actual production in the economy.
In the case of the capital goods industry a few companies account for a major share production, as the production process is capital intensive and needs economies of scale.
This peculiar nature of the capital goods industry results in high volatility because a few large orders can change the numbers drastically.
The index increased by over 40% four times since FY 1991, and fell by over 40% three times since that year, says a research note by Kotak institutional securities. "The index becomes highly sensitive to the accounting practices of these entities," said Mr Anant, suggesting that the accounting process was driving the volatility.
In July, the growth in capital goods was driven primarily by a jump in the category of cables and wires, which reported a 517% year on year growth and trebled on a month-on-month basis. This category has a weight of 0.244% in a total of 9.257% for all capital capital goods in the IIP index and could alone have added one percentage point to the IIP growth.However, Krishnamurthy Vijayan, chief executive officer, IDBI mutual fund, refused to read too much into the debate over actual growth numbers. "Cynicism is not warranted, these numbers are indicative of a broad trend," he said.
Govt plans independent regulator to check illegal mining
In a bid to intensify its drive against illegal mining, the government plans to set up an independent sectoral regulator, possibly through an ordinance under the existing mines Act.
Besides, the government is set to make the registration of miners and traders mandatory under the Mineral Conservation Development Rules (MCDR).
"A ministerial panel constituted to examine the new mining legislation is of the view that we must have an independent regulatory Authority to check illegal mining," a senior government official told PTI.
Government is examining how to put a National Mining Regulatory Authority in place and this could be through an ordinance in the existing Mines and Mineral Development and Regulation Act (MMDR Act), 1957.
The official said the new mining legislation which the government is working on will take time for enactment.
"We are trying that this Authority is set up in advance of the proposed new MMDR Act, which may be time consuming as the Group of Ministers (GoM) constituted will meet again to give a final nod to it," the official said, adding that the Bill will then be referred to the Cabinet.
The Authority will be vested with powers to investigate and prosecute those involved in illegal mining.
In another important move, the Mines Ministry is set to amend MCDR to make the registration of miners and traders mandatory to check illegal mining, the official added.
He said the Ministry has asked state governments to follow Goa and Orissa patterns to compare the total production of iron ore with export figures and initiate action against the guilty if the exports exceed production.
The Centre has asked all state governments to constitute high-level committees to crack down on illegal mining and intensify the drive against the menace. The issues will be discussed with the state governments in a meeting here on September 21.
The GoM, headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, has reached a consensus to give a go ahead to the draft mining bill, which seeks that miners share 26 per cent of profits with local people who get affected by their projects.
The new Bill seeks to expedite the grant of mineral concessions in a transparent manner and attracting big investments in the sector, besides checking illegal mining.
At present, there are not enough legal provisions for Central intervention in illegal mining in states. The magnitude of the problem is so great that as many as 42,000 cases of violation were detected in 11-mineral bearing states last year.
The country produced 226 million tonnes of iron ore in the last fiscal, half of which was exported.
WBIDC mulls hiving off distressed assets to ARCIL
The West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation, the nodal agency for promotion of industry in the state, is in negotiations with Asset Reconstruction Company India Ltd to hive off some of its distressed assets.
"We have approached ARCIL as an option to sell our stress assets as part of the recovery process to improve our balance sheet," WBIDC Managing Director Subrata Gupta said.
"The process is at a very preliminary stage. We have asked them (ARCIL) to come as soon as possible and examine how far it is possible to restructure our stress assets with them," he added.
Gupta declined to comment on the quantum of stress assets they were aiming to sell to ARCIL. At present, it has an outstanding loan portfolio in excess of Rs 400 crore.
"It is very difficult to quantify. Some assets are under a legal process and it has to be seen how this option works out as we even do not know if at all we can sell them to ARCIL," Gupta said.
WBIDC was looking at such options as traditional methods are complex and lengthy. It aims to concentrate on its core activity of lending and promoting industry in the state.
ARCIL buys distressed assets only from banks and financial institutions and if the deal sails through, WBIDC will be the first state-owned development corporation to work with ARCIL.
17 Sep, 2010, 06.13AM IST,ET Bureau
New home loan borrowers may have to pay more
MUMBAI: New home loan borrowers may have to pay higher interest rates as banks may look at revising the base rate in the first week of October. At the same time, banks are unlikely to immediately raise rates for existing home loan borrowers. This was indicated by several banks speaking to ET while reacting to RBI's move to raise repo and reverse repo rate.
The country's largest housing finance company, HDFC, however, does not see any immediate increase in lending rates. Speaking to ET, MD & CEO Keki Mistry said his company did not have any plans to raise lending rates. "I don't personally feel that a quarter per cent increase in rates that has happened now will make a significant impact on long-term rates," he said. Sources in ICICI Bank said there won't be any immediate change in home loan rates but the base rate would be reviewed in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, the special home loan scheme of the State Bank of India, where it offers a fixed rate of 8% in the first year and 9% in the second and third year is due for review on September 30. Sources from the bank said SBI is likely to extend the scheme for another quarter. However, SBI officials were not available for comment.
RBI has asked banks to review the base rate, the minimum rate at which they can lend, every quarter and the first review of the rate is due in October. "There is a case for banks to raise the base rate since the input cost has gone up," said Oriental Bank of Commerce CMD TY Prabhu. If banks actually hike their base rates, interest rates on new home loans will be higher than that paid by existing borrowers.
Most banks have pegged their base rate in the range of 7.50% and 8.25%. Bankers say the hike in base rate would be in the range of 25 to 50 basis points. However, existing home loan borrowers may not have to pay more, at least immediately. "Most banks recently raised prime lending rates by 50 basis points and as a result, interest rates on home loans also rose correspondingly," said United Bank of India CMD Bhasker Sen.
Borrowers looking at special home loans scheme where interest rate is fixed in the initial period need not worry as long as the special rate continues to be above the base rate. It may be recalled that RBI has prohibited banks from lending below the base rate. For instance, PNB has decided to offer home loan at a fixed rate of 8.5% for the first three years and subsequently, the interest rates would be on a floating rate basis. In case PNB keeps its base rate below 8.50%, new borrowers will not have to worry about interest rates going under this scheme, which is valid till December 31, 2010.
"Most banks will review the base rate, some banks may even review the methodology of arriving at a base rate. But yet there is a scope of revising the base rate since deposits rates have increased over the past few months," pointed out Bank of Baroda executive director RK Bakshi.
18 Sep, 2010, 01.42AM IST, Maulik Vyas,ET Bureau
High price to be no deterrent for festive gold sales
MUMBAI: Despite gold having crossed Rs 19,000 per 10 gram, India's leading gold jewellery retailers are gearing up for higher sales during this festival season thanks to a good monsoon and resurgent economy. Retail chains such as Tanishq, Gitanjali Gems, Rajesh Exports, Shrenuj and others are expecting 40% growth in festival demand this year.
"The monsoon has been good this year, so cash-rich rural areas and smaller towns will witness a lot of jewellery buying," says Mehul Choksi, CMD, Gitanjali Gems, which owns Nakshatra and Gili brands. "We are expecting 40% more sales in value term and 20% more sales in volume terms compare to last festival season."
Echoing Mr Choksi, Rajesh Mehta, chairman of Rajesh Exports, the country's largest gold jewellery exporter, said, "People fear prices may go up further, hence despite higher gold price, people are buying the yellow metal. We are expecting 40% higher sales in the domestic market in volume terms compare to the year-ago period." The Bangalore-headquartered company has plans to open around 80 outlets under the brand name of 'Subh' in major cities with an investment of Rs 900 crore in the next two quarters.
According to senior member of the Bombay Bullion Association, India may import approximately 450 tonnes of gold in 2010, which is 31% higher than the 343 tonnes of gold imported in 2009. The worst monsoon in four decades hit farm incomes last year, reducing demand from rural areas, the most significant segment of the gold market in India.
"Consumer sentiments are very positive due to recovery in industrial and IT sector," says Sandeep Kulhalli, VP, marketing, Tanishq, the jewellery arm of Titan Industries (TIL), which is part of the Tata group. "In urban areas, people are expecting Diwali bonuses and also salaries have gone up compared to last year. The 'Tanishq' brand has lots of aspirant value and we are planning to achieve around 40% higher sales by leveraging it." Tanishq currently has 120 showrooms across the country and plans to add 14 more by March 2011.
"Apart from gold, affluent buyers are also eyeing platinum this year because of increased yellow metal prices," says Shreyas Doshi, CMD, Shrenuj & Co. "The international prices of gold is around $1259 an ounce, while platinum prices for the same quantity is little higher at $ 1530." The BSE-listed company has 80 shop-in-shop outlets under the brand name 'Diti', and plans to expand it further at high end luxury retail spaces.
"Demand for gold and studded gold jewellery is experiencing a robust demand across the markets and the consumer segments," says Ajay Mitra, MD, World Gold Council (WGC) India. "Interestingly ethos is making a strong comeback at the expense of plain white machine made jewellery."
"The general perception is that prices may rise to over Rs 20,000 in the next two quarters due to uncertainty over the global economic recovery, which is fueling investment in precious metal," says a senior analyst with an international equity firm. "People are also interested to buy jewellery before this fear may really come true."
Bull run likely to continue on Dalal Street: Analysts
With overseas fund houses betting big on Indian equities, the stock market is likely to continue its upward journey this week, analysts said.
"We expect the market to remain firm as even advance tax numbers were higher than that of last year," SMC Global Securities Research Head (Retail) Saurabh Jain said.
"With the positivity from the global front, we are steadily approaching near the all-time high zone and are likely to extend the up move in the coming weeks with required consolidation for the sustainable move," Jain added.
In the past week, Indian markets continued their strong momentum and scaled new highs. The Sensex and Nifty reached levels last seen in January, 2008, backed by robust inflows from FIIs.
"The momentum of the market has been very strong. It is likely to remain so unless there is any significant negative development in the global space," brokerage firm ICICIDirect said.
Equity analysts, however, also said that profit-booking cannot be ruled out in the coming days, as the market has risen very fast in recent sessions and many blue-chip stocks are trading at lifetime high levels.
"Due to very fast movement, some profit-booking cannot be ruled out. However, those corrections should be taken as an opportunity to get into the market. Investors should maintain caution at higher levels," a broker said.
Some analysts also said that on Friday, the market sentiment would also be somewhat influenced by the judgement in the Ramjanambhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute.
The Allahabad High Court will deliver a judgement in the Ramjanambhoomi-Babri Masjid case on September 24.
Analysts also said the market would be keenly watching the meeting of the US Federal Reserve scheduled on September 30.
The US Federal Reserve is expected to launch a stimulus package at its meeting, seeing the worrisome situation of high unemployment and weakness in construction activity as indicated by the latest Fed Beige book finding.
According to ICICIDirect, "Though any rate hike is not expected, assessment of the economy and indication of future steps would be important for market direction."
The market remained positive in four out of five trading days in the previous week.
The Sensex ended the week at its best level since January 17, 2008. During the week, the Sensex recorded a gain of 4.2 per cent, its best weekly rise so far this year.
"The market is sustaining the rally as inflows from overseas investors is coming in relentlessly and in the coming days too, this rising spree is likely to continue," Geojit BNP Paribas Research Head Alex Mathews said.
FIIs infused a whopping Rs 11,300 crore (or $2.43 billion) into domestic equities in the first fortnight of the current month, taking their total investment so far to over Rs 70,000 crore.
The global market, too, rallied in the week gone by after Japan intervened in the currency market to weaken the yen and Chinese and US reports raised investor confidence in growth of the global economy.
19 Sep, 2010, 04.02AM IST, Shubha Ganesh,ET Bureau
Markets will go up for next 3 to 6 months
The domestic markets have been out-performing their global peers in the past few trading sessions. The strong growth in the economy has pushed investor sentiments. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) are increasing their investments in the domestic markets and have been supporting them to trade higher.
The short-term view is that the equity markets will go up for the next three to six months. They can do well as the underlying economies continue to expand and the valuations do not seem particularly aggressive at the current juncture.
Growth data: The reasons for this optimism are many. Growth is good as India is set to expand by 8.5 per cent this year. This implies that the nominal growth rates are phenomenal. If the real economy can grow at 8.5 per cent, and if you add inflation to that at 7.5 per cent on an average, the nominal GDP growth of the economy will be around 15 per cent.
What is more important is that India could be back to a nine per cent kind of growth momentum for the next few years. So, there is a bit of a possibility that some analysts are just not bullish enough as far as the Indian growth is concerned. That market participants are very skeptical about the current run up in the markets is obvious from the fact that the Nifty goes up 120 points with high volumes but the VIX-volatility index, instead of moving down, actually moves up 15 per cent. This is quite startling because they should actually move in opposite directions. This shows that many analysts are probably under-estimating the pro growth bias here.
Improvement in consumer sentiment: The economic growth in India is for real and what is working well in India's favour is the rising domestic demand and steady or falling commodity prices. There is significant, almost dramatic, improvement in consumer sentiments among the urban middle income segment and agricultural segment in the rural areas. The rural economy is acting like a built-in stabilizer.
This probably could be the best thing for a strong revival in consumption. The start of the festival season adds to the expectations of higher consumer demand. Many retailers expect the year-on-year sales growth to be around 25 per cent this year. Inflation and interest rates Growth brings along with it some threats - inflation for example, which remains on the horizon.
Rapid growth and high inflation rate have compelled the central bank to lift interest rates four times in the past six months, the latest being last week when the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hiked the repo rate by 25 percentage points and reverse repo rate by 50 percentage points. The hike in rates will lead to a rise in cost of funds for banks eventually, making loans more expensive. This will drive down consumption to some extent which has been ballooning lately. The tightening in the monetary policy is to take the situation as close to normal as possible.
Liquidity support for markets: There is abundant liquidity/inflow supporting the markets right now. This can be viewed in two parts - fundamentals and flows. In the short term, the markets are driven more by flows than by immediate fundamentals.
Currently, offshore flows are driving the markets. George Soros, the well known investor, says, India is doing very well and in fact, the great hope is that India would develop faster. From India's perspective, the current macro situation is interesting. If the US Fed goes in for further quantitative easing, there will be another boost in liquidity for markets here. Sub-par growth in the US but ample liquidity is a pretty potent and positive combination for India.
Consolidation is the key: What the stock markets sorely need now is a strong bout of consolidation. Consolidation will help move higher on a sustainable basis rather than a quick dash up which may not be sustainable. So, a little bit of consolidation would be good for this market for it to move higher on a stronger foundation. As of now, a few stocks are continuing to trend higher and actually support the markets. This is positive for the markets but it will be better if the markets have a consolidation soon before trending higher.
Investment strategy: Investors should increase exposure to sectors such as industrials and simultaneously taking money off the table of sectors that have delivered well such as financials. Getting out of banks and into some of the sectors that have lagged like technology may help investors generate returns in this market.
These rotations might be more interesting than the overall market level over the next few weeks. Commodities hold potential Metals have been massive under-performers against the broader market from a year-to-date (YTD) basis and are available at good values. The under-performance of the sector reflects the mood of the market participants. Many were worried about a double-dip in the developed economies and that China's consumption may come down. Metals qualify as both an investment and trading opportunity.
Stay invested: Investors should have a stock-specific approach, monitor their stocks regularly, and should continue to stay invested, not giving too much importance to the level of the indices.
DV prediction comes true
OUR CORRESPONDENTBangalore: Dalit Voice is the first Indian paper (if not the world) to predict Obama's victory. We proudly celebrate this victory because he becomes America's first Black Presidential candidate facing tremendous racism that still marks the ugly side of the world's sole super power. Obama has a double qualification. He is our man. A Black, the brother of India's Black Untouchables suffering from the world's most ancient Hindu racism. He also has a Muslim ancestry. All these bring him closer to Africa, the mother of the entire world civilisation.
DV Jan.16, 2008 p.5: "Obama: America's first Black President"?
How DV judged Bush years back
Washington: (RIA Novosti) — Democrat Dennis Kucinich introduced a 35-count resolution to impeach U.S. President George W. Bush, claiming that the president set out to deceive the nation, and violated his oath of office with the Iraq war. Addressing the House of Representatives on June 9, the Ohio congressman and former presidential candidate accused the administration of a number of offenses, including lying to Congress and the public about its reasons for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He said Bush "fraudulently" justified the war on Iraq and misled "the American people and members of Congress to believe Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction so as to manufacture a false case for war. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress would not pursue the impeachment of Bush saying it was "off the table."http://en.rian.ru/world/20080610/109740588.html
All that Senator Dennis said on President Bush was published in DV repeatedly years back — even during the first term of President Bush. Even the 9/11 stunt of WTC twin tower crash was created by the zionists with the full knowledge of the White House to enrage the entire American public so that US war on Afghanistan and Iraq would get their unanimous support. The entire American administration, its economy, media and public opinion are controlled by its 2.5% Jews — just as the 2.5% "Jews of India" are holding our neck in this country. Please verify our claims from the DV references given below — EDITOR.------------ REFERENCE ------------
DV March 1, 2008 p. 10: "How DV proved right on Bush".DV Jan.1, 2008 p. 23: "Coming collapse of US will be much more disastrous than fall of USSR".
DV Jan.1, 2007 p. 7: "American economy collapsing?"
DV Oct.16, 2006 p. 20: "Fall of USA is complete: All-round defeat & economic collapse".
DV June 1, 2006 p. 6: "The bloody Bush & Blair era ends".
DV May 16, 2006 p. 21: "Power of king-makers in America".
DV Oct.1, 2005 p.9: "America's decline & fall begins".
DV May 1, 2005 p.10: "American aggression gaining speed".
DV Dec.1, 2004 p.7: "Re-elected Bush will step up war on Islam" p. 8: "Bush re-election proves arrogant America is bent upon suicide".
DV Sept.16, 2004 p.25: "Bush invaded Iraq to protect Israel".
DV Aug.16, 2004 p.6: "Neo-Cons shift from Bush to Kerry?"
DV Aug.1, 2004 p.27: "Fall of Bush confirmed".
DV April 1, 2004 p.6: "US suffers another defeat in Iraq".
DV March 1, 2004 p.8: "Bush & Blair may fall because of Iraq".
DV Dec.16, 2003 p.10: "Architect of Iraqi war says invasion was illegal".
DV Edit Nov.1, 2003: "Bush, Blair, Sharon must be tried before UN War Crimes Tribunal for killing innocents".
Kadgadhari Budha shocks DV family
OUR CORRESPONDENTBangalore: When the Brahminical enemy succeeded in erasing Budhism itself from our very memory, how can we expect them to keep statues of Budha carrying sword? Hundreds of statues of Budha standing are there even today but the right hand, which carried the sword, is cut.
The enemy is keeping before us only such statues of Budha sitting cross-legged, closed eyes, in deep meditation to deceive us that Budha stood for peace and he was always busy praying with closed eyes. But this may be so before he presented the Lotus Sutra. Imagine, even a person of the stature of Babasaheb Ambedkar could not get hold of the Lotus Sutra. Whenever a disfigured Budha statue was found, the enemy put the blame on Muslims and said they destroyed Budhism. But the fact of history is that it was the Brahminical people who did it and drove it out of India. Our Ambedkarite Budhists once again fell into the net of the very same enemy through Vipassana, vegetarianism and the nonsense of non-violence. The Marwari Goenka and his lackeys have any amount of money to spread such falsehood and make our people believe this falsehood.
But we don't have the money and people to propagate the truth and justice with us.
We just began with the publication of the three-part article by Dr. (Mrs.) K.K. Sidhu to go back to the Lotus Sutra in which Budha himself took up the sword and called upon the Budhists to wage a war against Brahminism
We will dig deep into Japanese Budhist scholar Nichiren Daishonin's two-part writings (1999) and also the Lotus Sutra (1993) and bring out how Budha taught martial art and how he was actually a warrior fighting Brahmins. Our DV family members, which includes a large number of Ambedkarite Budhists, were shocked by this revelation. Defending Truth and Justice and presenting it before the innocent people will never be allowed in this fully contaminated Brahminical India. But DV has done it courageously. After co-opting Budha and calling him the 10th avatar, they are now busy swallowing Dr. Ambedkar, the Father of India. In the DV of June 16, 2008 p.10, we have commented on the "Enemy takeover of Dr. Ambedkar" with keeping Dr. Ambedkar portrait in the Ram Mandir (Ayodhya).
They will do whatever they want. Why our people, the victims, are not doing what is just and truthful?
We call upon Budhist family members to boldly react to the new revelation. Such a moral support will embolden us to march with greater vigour and speed.
DV demands caste-wise census enumeration in 2011
OUR CORRESPONDENTBangalore: The ruling Brahminical Social Order has been hiding the serious injustices done to the Bahujan Samaj by refusing to enumerate caste-wise census — a long-standing demand of Dalit Voice.
The Home Ministry is under Shivraj Patil, a Maharashtrian upper caste Lingayat (which is the ruling class in Karnataka) with strong sympathies for the Hindu terrorist party. Already he has started preliminary talks on the 2011 census operations. Brahmins and other upper castes controlling the Home Ministry are totally opposed to caste-wise census operations as that will bring out the hidden truth about the serious injustice done to the Bahujan Samaj, particularly the BCs and OBCs who together constitute over 35% of the country's population.
Hold the neck of UPA leadership: How can the micro-minority rulers continue to deny the just demands of such a huge chunk of population? OBC leaders in Delhi and those heading the different State Govts. must raise their voice and see that the bigoted Brahminical people surrender. The 2011 census must be caste-based.
The UPA coalition ruling the Centre has several OBC parties who must hold the neck of the PM if he refuses to accept caste-based census.
The caste-wise census began first in 1881 and ended in 1931. From 1941 it was given up. Brahminical opponents say caste-wise census will go against the goal of abolishing caste system, will go against the constitution and encourage casteism. But the constitution speaks only about the abolition of untouchability and not the caste. This is only a political issue and not a constitutional one. So the Central Govt. is competent to take a decision on it.
If the govt. wanted to abolish caste why nothing was done during the past 61 years of "independence" to eradicate caste? Those opposing caste-wise census are the real casteists.
The constitution does not abolish caste or the caste system because abolition of caste system means destruction of Hinduism which is built on the foundation of the caste system.
Even Dalits need subcaste census: Caste-wise census will bring to light how the ruling class has treated the BCs and OBCs and even the sudra castes so mercilessly.
The Dalits and STs because of their constitutional reservation and Muslim, Christians and Sikh because of their separate religious identity are enumerated separately by the census operation. But even among Muslims, Christians and Sikhs the caste does exist.
Backward Muslims: Madigas in AP and Karnataka have been complaining of step-motherly treatment. Similar caste-wise demands of Dalits must be met. Backward Muslims have been crying for separate reservations. That means even among Muslims and Christians there is need for caste-wise enumeration.
The 2011 census operation must go for caste-wise details.
Frauds of Gandhi exposed in new American book
New York: In "Gandhi Under Cross-Examination", renowned Gandhi scholar G. B. Singh and his colleague, Tim Watson, examine the very roots of M.K Gandhi's position as an icon of the civil rights movement, says a press note by the publishers.In 1893, Gandhi claims to have been thrown out from a first-class train compartment at Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, for refusing to give up his seat to a White man. This racial incident allegedly galvanized him to fight against British colonialism. In 1895, however, Gandhi promoted segregation in Durban, South Africa. The local post office had two doors — one for Blacks and Indians and another for Whites. Calling it an "invidious distinction," Gandhi successfully campaigned for a third door for Indian use only.
Racism: G. B. Singh, who also authored Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity (Prometheus, 2004), said:
My previous book proved Gandhi's own writings demonstrate his vehement racism against Blacks. This new book goes a step further, debunking the propaganda behind the favorite icon of modern American and Indian politicians.
Gandhi Under Cross-Examination challenges the historical accuracy behind Gandhi's pivotal story of racial discrimination aboard a South African train, exposing his divergent accounts of the incident. By placing Gandhi on the witness stand and weaving courtroom drama into the analytical text, the authors ultimately conclude the famous incident has no basis in fact. There are thousands of books about Gandhi, but this is one of the few willing to place his claims under the lens of historical scrutiny.
We're confident this book will emphasize our dedication to publishing thought-provoking but essential works,
said Pieter Friedrich, Sovereign Star's editor-in-chief. "With so many world leaders, from Obama to the Dalai Lama, crediting Gandhi as their inspiration, the world deserves to see a critical examination of the Gandhi story."
Col. G. B. Singh (Ret.) served in the US Army. He is a professional student of Indian politics, world religions, and the life and teachings of Gandhi. He lives in Tennessee, USA. Dr. Tim Watson teaches philosophy and communications and hosts a weekly radio show. He is currently involved in the production of a feature film about the hidden aspects of Gandhi. He lives in Toronto, Canada.Interviews with the authors and review copies of the book are available upon request.
Media Inquiries: Pieter Friedrich
Sovereign Star Publishing, Inc.
Phone: 530-210-4040 E-mail: pieter@sovstar.com
Gandhi Under Cross-Examination
By G. B. Singh & Tim Watson
2008, $14
Sovereign Star, USA
Good times are over
Responding to rising oil prices and weak cues from global markets, sentiment has been hit in India as well. The Nifty traded at its lowest level this year on June 9, 2008 while the BSE Sensex dropped by 506 points. The index lost 5.2% of its value last week and the end of its decline is nowhere in sight. Foreign institutional investors have been selling heavily. Stocks in sectors such as realty, power, banking, oil, auto and capital goods are under heavy pressure. Good times are over for the time being and we must accept that fact.—(Times of India Editorial June 10, 2008)
GDP falls
New Delhi: The World Bank has projected India's GDP (gross domestic product) growth to slow further to 7% in 2008 on account of the tight monetary policy in place as a measure to rein in inflation leading to a consequent slowdown in demand for industrial goods. In its report on "Global Development Finance" released on June 10, the World Bank said: "GDP growth in India eased to a still strong 8.7% in 2007, from 9.7% in 2006, and is projected to slow further to 7% in 2008.—(Hindu, June 11, 2008)
60 million child labour
New Delhi: Numbers tell the sad story — an estimated 60 million child labourers in India but only 670,000 violations of the law detected in eight years and just 22,588 convictions. Behind the bland govt. figures are the millions of young children working in roadside eateries, slaving away in glass factories, hunched up over carpet looms or sweeping and cooking in homes in blatant violation of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. The children are a visible proof of the failure to implement the law, the inbuilt lacunae in the legislation itself and poor rehabilitation policies. Although govt. figures put the number of child labourers in the country at 1.5 million, child rights activists say the number is closer to 60 million. The low conviction rate in the eight years during 1997-98 to 2005-06, as indicated by the annual report of the ministry of labour 2007-08, gives a clear signal that the law has failed to act as a deterrent to stop child labour, say experts. "The number of people convicted because of flouring the law and hiring children as labourers is very low. According to a study by the V.V. Giri, of the National Labour Institute in 2003, for instance, 14,163 inspections were done with respect to enforcement of the Child Labour Act. However, the number of convictions were only 99", Pradeep Narayan of CRY India said.—(Deccan Chronicle, June 12, 2008)
Elaine Margrave, 85 - Marlowe Road, Larkfield, Kent, ME20 6TU (elainemargrave@blueyonder. co.uk): I have only just read about the plight of the Dalits in India when we prayed about them in our "Suffering Church" meeting about persecuted people.Glad to note you have prayed and spared a thought for Dalit plight. But India's Brahminical rulers (Hindus) have long back forgotten us. Being an editor, we have lot of literature on the Hindu persecution of the world's single largest segment of persecuted population. Please write what you can do for us — EDITOR.
Milon Kumar, (milon.kumar@yahoo.com): I am a website developer, Stratford, London, E1 IDU, UK. I am a Dalit and Hindu from Bangladesh and lost my parents. I know from others that my parents were killed by BSF or BDR. I need information and justice. The outcaste communities in our country are variously deprived and prey of violence. Among them, Dalit and Tribal women are the worst sufferers. It is thus essential that we work to establish a state founded on democracy and diversity, where harmony among all castes and religions exist. Keeping in view this goal, Parittran, working for the establishment of rights of Dalit and Tribal people, is organizing the observance of international day for the elimination of racial discrimination.*******************
Nafisul Hasan, (nafisulhasan_ddn@yahoo.com): Dalit Voice published from Bangalore is a very old magazine which is being sustained by the tireless efforts of V.T. Rajshekar who is a strong votary of Dalit-Muslim unity. True to his thinking, if Dalits and Muslims, the two largest communities whose socio-economic and educational problems are similar, can combine politically, they can turn the table of game and rule the corridor of power in states and Centre. That is what the political think tank say.*******************
Dr. Anil K. Sarkar, MD, FCAP (sarkar28@verizon. net): I was born in East Bengal of British India in 1928 in poverty and in a Namasudra subcaste of the Scheduled Castes family. So I know the pangs of hugner and had my share of the indignity as lower caste. But I survived the famine of Bengal in 1943, and the massacre of the Hindus in Calcutta in 1946. I got my medical degree from Calcutta in 1953 and had been in the USA since 1961 and retired from my practice as the director of labs in 1990. I travelled to most countries of the world and studied almost every subject related to the human race. To educate the historians, academics and the intellectuals, I wrote a book, Our World: Our Future, and contacted many people of importance. I know for sure that most of them in the world are not properly educated. Anybody who has not studied what is in the first 50 pages of my book, is not educated. The people abusing you and trying to glorify the Brahmins and are supporting the caste system are not even worth to receive any response. Dr. V.D. Mahajan, a reputed historian of India in his history book, Ancient India, called the Brahmins "embodiment of vice". I am about to finish my book, India, A Land of Mystery and Misfortune, which is a must read for anybody interested in the welfare of India. Nobody on earth ever knew or knows the true history of India and origin of the caste system and nobody, Indian or Western, knows why the caste system is present only in India and nowhere on earth. I have never seen any place half as dirty as India or any people as impolite and nasty as the Indians. But I never had any hate for any one and I like to let the misinformed, prejudiced and fanatic Hindus, particularly the Brahmins and the upper castes of India, know the truth and work together to save our dying Hindu India. I read two copies of Dalit Voice, a booklet on your life and another booklet on the "Jews of India. I understand from your life story and articles that you are a lower caste, suffered indignities from the upper castes and have been fighting for justice. You have dedicated most of your long life of 75 years, in fighting against the exploitations of the upper castes particularly the Brahmins whom you call the "Jews of India". My grandfather was a popular poet singer of Bengal and my father was a lawyer. While I was growing up, my father's law practice failed. So he took a job on a pay of Rs. 50 a month and we became very poor. I could finish high school, because I got a merit scholarship of Rs. 4 a month and did not have to pay any tuition fee and my maternal granduncle gave me lodging in his house in Gopalganj, a sub-divisional town, where he was a lawyer. There I studied in the same school with Sheikh Mujib, the first President of Bangaldesh. Then I could study in the college to become a doctor in 1953, because of a Scheduled Caste scholarship I had and thanks to the efforts of Dr. Ambedkar. I worked as a railway doctor on a salary of Rs. 150 and came to the USA in 1961 and have been here since. But the scholarship money was inadequate and it was not paid on time, so I had to stay in a Calcutta slum for some time and had to sell blood to buy food. So I know poverty and the pangs of hunger. I survived the famine of Bengal in 1943 when 5 millions died. I also know the Muslims quite well and I narrowly escaped death when the Muslims did the massacre of the Hindus in Calcutta in 1946. I saw what the Muslims could do and understand why they are terrorizing the non-Muslim world. I saw Gandhi in Calcutta in August 1947. I was interested in history and the affairs of the world from the childhood. So in order to understand why there were cateism and untouchability only in India and nowhere else on earth, I had to think and came to know the reason why. I do not believe that anyone really knows why it was so. I also wanted to know why in spite of our wealth and scientific excellence, over half of our human family is poor and lives in utmost indignity. I studied almost every subject related to the affairs of our race, except math and computer. Then I came in touch with many scholars, academics and political leaders and after my retirement in 1990, I traveled to most countries of the world. To let the ignorant and self-destructive people in power know the truth, I wrote, Our World: Our Future, a book essential for any one looking for peace, justice and survival of our race. It was painful for me to realize that almost all of the important people, the academics, the intellectuals and the politicians never had the education necessary to know the true history of our race, the reasons of our problems and of nay possible remedy. They never thought why the rich and the powerful people were always exploiting, torturing and killing the poor and the weak people like savages. It was because there never was any book, or any teacher who could tech the basic knowledge the human race acquired from the beginning. I put those in the first 50 pages of my book, and without knowing that nobody on earth can understand why the things are happening. There is no book that gives a true history of India. So I had to start writing a book, India, A Land of Mystery and Misfortune, which I just completed.*******************
Amusu Kwaggrey, Founder, AAPO, PO Box-13298, Kano, Nigeria, West Africa: The world is now engulfed in food crisis. But the most hit by this world's shortage of food is Africa because there has never been any preparation, readiness or contingency arrangement to face it. Last year, long before the advent of the current food crisis, AAPO conducted a survey on the problems facing agriculture and food production in Africa, and warned African governments to do everything possible to step up agro-production so as to feed their teeming population sufficiently. The survey was timely and sounded prophetic. The ongoing xenophobia uprising of some South Africans against their fellow Africans residing and working in South Africa is condemnable. Such a disgraceful development has certainly derogated the status and image of South Africa , but must not be viewed in isolation. It is as a result of a "failed system" in Africa – a phenomenal extension of what took place in Ghana, Cote d' Ivoire, Uganda, Gabon, Central Africa Republic, Congo DR, Nigeria, Benin Republic, Equatorial Guinea and Libya some years ago, and which is still seething in most of African countries across the continent. The South African incident and the continuous manifestation of xenophobiasm in Africa have clearly shown that it is not yet uhuru on the continent, which is why we must do all that we can to intensify the African emancipation struggle until Africans are fully liberated, body and soul, and are made to live together in harmony, love and peace as one people with one destiny working together for the advancement of the African continent and for the full projection of the African Personality.*******************
Aaron Robinson, (aaronjudah@hotmail.com): I am a labourer living at No. 64-South Federal Street, Chambersburg-17201, USA. Happened across your site while researching and viewing information on Youtube. Excellent information and excellent movement towards personal dignity and liberation. Strong similarities between India and US Black struggle. You have my support in our continued mutual struggle for self identity. I have read the famous book, Dalit - The Black Untouchables of India, long back. If you are its author, it is a privilege to correspond with you. I've been immersing myself in information concerning the Dalit people and struggle ever since I watched the videos. It is shameful how much they are suppressed from the saints to the politicians. I've been researching individuals from Ravidas to Ghasidas to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to K.R. Narayan and beyond. You belong to a beautiful people group and it is wonderful to see this movement towards liberation. I am inspired. I hope to continue to learn more and find ways to raise awareness concerning the struggle. I've heard the caste and Aryan identity/philosophy explained away in the writings of some people. I believe that I was misinformed by some information that made it to the West. Especially the understanding of Dravidian and Aryan peoples. The information that I received on this was definitely slanted toward a White/Aryan/racist understanding. However, I also learned, and am learning, some good information from Sant Mat and other mystical understandings of spirituality. I have a copy of the Adi Granth, but didn't know the history of Ravidas and others whose writings are in it. This has been a paradigm shifting experience for me. However, I seek knowledge of God and Self and, through my research and personal experience, I can see that it is the cosmological right of all people to be free and dignified. True revolutionary thought, resistance and action is always spiritual in some form or another. Even religions that seek to bind and control, in the hands of the oppressed, become a tool against the oppressors. That is why I took interest in Ravidas, Ghasidas, Kabir, Dadu Dayal, etc. I think that real spirituality and knowledge of god always overturns the status quo and hypocrisy of the those in control and their oppressive socio-political, spiritual and economic structures. So, those are my interests. I'm interested in true liberation. What does it mean? What does it look like in action/practice? How can I achieve it? These types of things interest me and I spend time researching and attempting to apply/act upon what I learn. Other than that, I am a factory worker. Age 35, married for 15 years. I've lived in several different places in the USA. I was wondering if I could purchase a certain quantity of the Dalit Voice so that I could give them to certain people that I know for distribution. Occasionally, I take trips to larger cities in my area (Washington DC, New York City, Philadelphia, etc.) and I know of some Afro-centric bookstores and locations that would be interested in the information. You referred to the "Jews of India." Have you ever heard of this Bible verse Revelation 2:9:"I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan."
These are the people who claim some divine right of rulership and privilege and are, in actuality, reprobates. Eventually, they will fall. Obama. He is the official Democratic candidate now. He distances himself from the Black community. His campaign management intentionally scheduled him to be away from the State of the Black Union conference that is held every year in the USA. Black people of all religious and political slants gather and discuss Black issues. Louis Farrakhan, Dick Gregory, Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, etc. Obama was a no show. Neither does he associate with Black people in a highly visible way. Anyway, with the nature of US politics being what it is, he will be ineffective as a leader due to his obligations to the large corporations and his other sponsors. Just my opinion and I'm biased because I lean towards an extremely left political and social ideology. I received the book, Dalit: The Untouchables, yesterday and am learning a lot from it. It confirmed what I wrote in my first email. The similarities of experience are interesting.
The Muslim Council of Britain, PO Box - 57330, London, E1 2WJ: the MCB on June 9 concluded its 11th annual general meeting with the re-election of Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari for his second and final term as secretary-general. Delegates from national, regional and local affiliates attended the AGM. Dr. Daud Abdullah was re-elected Dy. Sec.-General and Farooq Murad as treasurer. The MCB central working committee endorsed the new vision statement for the organisation: "to empower the Muslim community to contribute towards achieving a cohesive, just and successful British society". The meeting also heard from a panel of academics and activists who discussed "beyond the terror narrative, the British Muslim community in ten years time". Chaired by Dr. Abdulwahab el-Affendi of the center for Democracy, Westminster University, and author of Who Needs an Islamic State. MCB is UK's largest Muslim umbrella body with over 500 affiliated national, regional and local organisations, mosques, charities and schools. (media@ mcb.org.uk).*******************
Chunnu Prasad, JNU, New Delhi: Whole-heartedly welcome the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party candidate and hope that his election as President of USA will go a long way in establishing a "better world" where exploitation and misery would be a thing of the past and we could look forward to a more humane and just world order. (chunnuprasad@ gmail.com).*******************
Ghulam Muhammed, Bombay, (ghulammuh ammed3 @gmail.com): Manoj George wrote on June 5, 2008 a question:"Are Brahmins responsible for plight of Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh as well? Are they the cause of Muslim poverty in Africa or Muslim emigration into western countries?"
Of course all the chief conspirators were the Brahmins, who were the collaborators/perpetrators of the division of united India, into Pakistan and Bangladesh. When Pakistan was partitioned, as a state it was born in bankruptcy. Pakistan was sold to Western imperialists, as a military outpost. The day Pakistan was founded; an emissary was sent by Jinnah to the US president to receive a cheque, to fund the newly born state. Who conspired this other than Jawaharlal Nehru, a Kashmiri Brahmin? His daughter used force to carve another supposedly weak and puppet nation of Bangladesh. The whole community of Muslims, which formed 30% of united India's armed forces and other security agencies, was systematically destroyed; or they would have certainly made their own space in United India. The British and Jinnah were the front people to have initiated the move to partition India, but India was the biggest beneficiary of this partition. If Muslims in Pakistan, Bangladesh and even in India are backward, exploited and deprived, I will lay the blame on a Brahmin and its Machiavellian conspiracy against Muslims, as Brahmin love for India was merely a cover for the love of Brahmin dreams to rule India exclusively. Imagine how India was a closed country aligned with the Soviets, mainly to ward off the West's imperialist designs on independent India or rather warding off of any 'regime change' by the West to unseat the uncompromising Brahmin. A Brahmin family was only protecting its own hegemony over India. Later, when India was finally opened, the 'credit' went to other Brahmins, now dancing to a different tune, to dethrone the old Brahmin family. Later it was Brajesh Mishra, Vajpayee, both Brahmins, who brought in first the American Jews, and later the Israelis to run the country once again as an enslaved nation. If Muslims were to write future history, they will characterize the 60 years of 'Independent' India as the Brahmin Age. Let us see, how fast their legacy gets dissipated as their injustices have hit the nadir and there is no redeeming signs on the horizon. Manoj George is bringing into discussions the subject of Muslims of Africa or Muslim emigration to West, which is not the main subject of the present discussion. Mercifully, Brahmins unlike Jews have tangled with Indian Muslim on the Indian subcontinent only. Though lately, they both, Brahmins and Jews seem to find quite fertile common grounds to cooperate and move against not only Indian Muslims, but the entire Muslim world. Nobody can deny that when an Indian American Jindal is introduced into the US election equations in the Republican quarters, against an Afro-American Barack Hussein Obama that is going to be widely demonized as a closet Muslim, a backroom proxy war is already on.
Poor Christian Liberation Movement, III-A/145 - Rachana, Vashali- 201 010 (NCR): The Dalit Christians in Delhi on June 6 asked the church leadership to stop fraudulent conversion in India among Dalits and Tribals and demanded that the foreign funds received by the church be used for the welfare and upliftment of the poor Christians who are suffering from discrimination. It urged the govt. not to appoint bishops, priests and nuns in the govt. commissions and committees but instead it should appoint ordinary Christians. The convention was organized by R.L. Francis, who heads the PCLM. Considering the confusion created by the propagation activities in the far flung areas, the convention urged the church authorities to defer the mass conversion programme. Evangelism cannot be a measurement of a society's socio-economic development. So evangelism programme should be suspended and funds diverted for the welfare of Dalits and Tribal Christians. Balbir Punj, a senior BJP think tank and member of Rajya Sabha, suggested that the church should honestly make a model for the progress of Dalit Christians. He also called for moratorium on conversion for the next ten years. The conference demanded that Catholic Bishop Conference of India (CBCI), National Council for Churches in India (NCCI) and other church organizations should drop the demand for pushing back the poor Christians into the category of Scheduled Caste status. "The teaching of Jesus Christ does not permit to discriminate among his followers. All Christians are born in the image of god", it said.DV has been a pioneer in supporting the demand of the Dalit Christians. But your resolution is a poor imitation of the Hindu terrorist party line of thinking. Even on conversion your organisation is following the same dangerous line which is harmful to "religious minorities". Babasaheb Ambedkar after years and years of thought came to the conclusion that the liberation of Untouchables can be only through conversion and went over to Budhism. The converted Budhists, Christians, Muslims and Sikhs are all in the forefront of the struggle against Brahminism because they got culturally and socially liberated and awakened. Please read Babasaheb speech, Why Go For Conversion? (DSA). But being converted Christians you are hiding under the garb of "poverty" to please our and your enemy oppressor — a representative of which (Balbir Punj) attended your meeting. If you have taken this stand consciously to please the enemy-oppressor, we can do nothing. But on the other hand if it was done due to some error of judgement or misunderstanding we are here to set it right. Your stand on conversion will inflict lot of damage on Christians and Muslims. Again on reservations, you are following the very same Hindu terrorist party's dangerous path. India's problem is not "poverty" but deprivation caused by the Hindu caste system. Dr. Ambedkar has made this point clear and in DV we have stated it umpteen times. Dalit Christians have taken the very same time-tested line of caste criterian for reservation. Not poverty. Even the two commissions set up by the Govt. of India on this subject have taken the caste as the yardstick for reservation. So your resolutions will be naturally music to the enemy ears. As members of your PCLM are Dalit Christians, we request you not to mislead your innocent followers. We need your explanation — EDITOR.
Dr. Bhagwan Singh Sandhu, Maximum Security Jail, Nabha, Punjab: I am a former research fellow of Punjab University (Guru Nanak Sikh Studies), former journalist and editor of a vernacular paper and also having very good political relations with North-Easter student unions as well as of the political parties of the area. I wrote a booklet, Operation Blue Star: A Holy War on the Sikhs and a Peep into the North-East, in which I have written personal experiences during the days of Punjab militancy. The govt. agencies wanted an alibi to put me in jail. One Sandeep Singh stayed with me as a helper because I am a bachelor. He worked at my place for about three months and went away in May 2007 after totally breaking his relations with me. He was later said to have been involved in some RDX case along with his friend, Gurpreet Singh, near Ludhiana. I went to Dimapur in May 2007 to meet the chairman of NCSN on their invitation and both the above mentioned men also went to Assam in the same month on their own. I had a political meeting with Th. Muivah and Issac Swn, Gen. secy and chairman respectively, on the Sikh-Naga problems vis-a-vis Indian Govt. which was taken as an act of ideological extremism by the Indian Govt. whereas we saw the Sikh and Naga problems on the same historical wavelength at this meeting. On finding an alibi, the Punjab police attached me with Sandeep Singh and his friend in the Ludhiana RDX case and began my search. Apprehending the mischievous attitude of the police, I moved an application with Punjab State Human Rights Commission, Chandigarh, which directed me to see DGP Punjab. I went to see DGP along with one of my friend, S. Gurtej Singh, former IAS and now a socio-political activist, on Dec.4, 2007 and a well known Sikh scholar with the letter of the Chairman of the Punjab State Human Right Commission. DGP Punjab asked me to go to SSP Ludhiana and clear my position and promised not to detain me. I took Giani Harinder Singh, ex-MLA and ex-MLC (UP). SSP, Ldhina sent me to CIA Ludhiana and kept me there till Dec.11 in illegal custody and I was tortured mentally as well as physically and fixed me in the above mentioned case and booked under arms act, explosives act and 120-B (Criminal Conspiracy), sent me to Nabha maximum security jail where I am being kept since Dec.16, 2007 in spite of my old age and having paralytic problems. I am being denied bail time and again on flimsy grounds taking no notice of my serious physical conditions. All this is being done out of political vendetta of a political leader and revengeful behaviuor of officers of the Punjab police. I have nothing to do with any criminal activity which my previous record also testify. I am a political person of my own conviction devoid of any ideological extremism whereas I have been framed as a hard core terrorist by the Punjab police. My being simply a friend and sympathizer of a North-Eastern people does not make me a terrorist and liable for punishment as the Punjab police is demanding after implicating me in this false case. I want a thorough enquiry into this episode by judicial agencies or by CBI so that the reality of the mater comes out before the people.
Weapons to Fight Counter Revolution
V.T. Rajshekar
The Editor of Dalit Voice presents ten time-tested powerful weapons to fight and finish Brahminism which is killing India.Varieties of theories and remedies are recommended by the enemy itself to confuse and mislead the victims of Brahminism. The author not only identifies the enemy but tells the Bahujans how easy it is tackle it.
No writer has come out with such perfect prescriptions.
2004 pp.100 Rs. 75
Dalit Sahitya Akademy
Write to Dalit Voice
A critique on the Taslima controversy.
Is she an oppressed feminist or a female
Rushdie out to hurt Muslim sentiments?
S. Rashadath Ali, a noted Bengali writer
2008 pp.40 Rs. 30
Gilani Publications
No.30 - Abdul Halim Lane, Calcutta - 700 016.
http://www.dalitvoice.org/Templates/july2008/reports.htmAyodhya: Masjid - Mandir Dispute, Towards Peaceful Solution
Essays/Articles by Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer, Prof. Ram Puniyani & Adv. Irfan Engineer
14 September, 2010
An E-Digest Compiled by Ram Puniyani
The country is waiting with the bated breath the outcome of the land dispute where Babri Masjid stood. The court is to give its verdict on 17th September 2010. One recalls that in the worst ever communal act occurring in the country the Masjid was demolished on 6th December 1992. At the site a make shift Ram Temple was set up and since then the dispute has taken a worse form.
The court has been hearing the case about the ownership of where the mosque was situated. In anticipation of the judgment government has stated that there is a need for caution and that there should be no disturbance in the wake of the judgment. However the RSS and associates have started giving statements that temple will be built precisely on that spot and that it is matter of faith for Hindus. It is noteworthy that local Mahants (Yugal Kishore Sharan Shastri and others) and peace activists e.g. Ayodhya Ki Awaj have started a campaign that the judgment of the court should be respected by all the parties and temple and mosque should come up as per the law of the land. The local peace groups have already begun the campaign with the help of stickers and booklets calling for peaceful resolution of the dispute. Many a Muslim groups and those representing Muslim voice have committed that they will abide by the decision of the courts.
It is in this light that we thought of compiling few representative essays and articles which give the background of the dispute, trace the trajectory of demolition, its impact on the people, the changing attitude of communities, the local longing for peace and the way forward for peace and amity. We hope that social activists and others will benefit from this effort and contribute to the peaceful solution of the dispute. We also hope that the efforts of peace activists will trigger a process where by communal tendencies will be curbed and the atmosphere of peace and amity with strengthen all over the country.
Ram Puniyani
September 2010
Read the digest here (pdf)
The Ayodhya Judgement And Challenges Ahead By Rahul Pathak
21 Aug 2010 ... The voices on the streets are apprehensive about the future events, ... his party's commitment to build a grand Ram temple in Ayodhya since ...
www.countercurrents.org/pathak210810.htm - Cached
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palashbiswaslive: Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts has ...
Dalit Voice; ^ K. Jamanadas, "Is it possible to destroy Hindutva without . ..... Free Online Library: VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement. by ...
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BJP will respect court verdict on Ayodhya: Kalraj « New Front World
11 Sep 2010 ... We will move Supreme Court if Ayodhya verdict against us: Owaisi ... the BJP today said it will "respect" the court verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri ... pnvaraprsasd on Bangalore: 'Dalit Voice' Going to Close Down? ...
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Give up Ayodhya claim: Gadkari's appeal to Muslims - National News ...
18 Feb 2010 ... Indore: Bringing to the fore yet again the party's pet issue, new BJP President Nitin Gadkari on Thursday said the Ram temple in Ayodhya is ...
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Historicizing Myth and Mythologizing History: The Ram Temple Drama
even remotely convincing, so do the voices of faith. As Rajeev Saxena asks, if there was an actual demolition ..... Bangalore: Dalit Sahitya Akademy, 1988. p. 30. ... (13) See Rajeev Saxena, "Tulsidas' Silence on Ram Mandir at Ayodhya," ...
www.sacw.net/DC/CommunalismCollection/.../spuk.html - Cached - Similar
The "Ram temple" drama - The Hindu : Front Page News : Thursday ...
Jay Dubashi, The Road to Ayodhya. New Delhi: Voice of India, 1992. p. 57. ... Bangalore: Dalit Sahitya Akademy, 1988. p. 30. ... See Rajeev Saxena, "Tulsidas' Silence on Ram Mandir at Ayodhya," Mainstream, January 9, 1993. pp. 33-4. ...
www.hinduonnet.com/fline/fl1514/15141100.htm - Cached
Ayodhya And After - Chapter 9 - Secularism and India's Integrity
There are also Dalit fringe groups who demand a separate Dalitastan or Achootistan. ... However, at the time of writing, no Islamic country has voiced any threat against .... And Tavleen Singh says : If you really want your Ram Mandir, ...
www.bharatvani.org/books/ayodhya/ch9.htm - Cached
A Conservative Rebel
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewThe Dan Patra (donation box) inside Ram Mandir, Ayodhya women have been stripped and paraded naked in the streets before .... the Sangh parivar used poor Dalit men to launch attacks on Muslim ... to silence the voices of dissent within ...
The Road Back from Ayodhya
1 Feb 2010 ... A few miles away, at the Ram Temple workshop near the Digambar Akhara, .... "A march to the parliament," another voice added. .... memoirs and he writes about feeling the burden of being in office because he was a Dalit. ...www.caravanmagazine.in/Story.aspx?Storyid=90&StoryStyle... - Cached
IndiaStar: Koenraad Elst's "Ayodhya and After" review
Forexample, a Dalit "champion" that the so-called progressives would be loathe to ... Published by the Voice of India, Elst's books are marketed by the Hindu right-wing ..... Sita Ram Goel, one of those scholars who was marginalized by ...www.indiastar.com/closepet2.htm - Cached - Similar
Shri Ram Sena: Shri Ram Sena Press Release 31 July 2008
31 Jul 2008 ... Ayodhya Ram Mandir. Ayodhya Ram Mandir Model of Shri Ram Mandir,Ayodhya ... WE SHOULD STOP DISCRIMINATION WITH DALIT'S AND LOW. ...www.shriramsena.com/.../shri-ram-sena-press-release-30-july.html - Cached - Similar
6 December 1992. A Blood-Soaked History. VCD - Tehelka - India's ...
19 Dec 2009 ... Young Dalit activists who lament the myriad ways in which they continue to ... the voices beckon - not just the priests, but even the police men and ... alley for those waiting for the glory of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. ...www.tehelka.com/story_main43.asp?filename...asp - Cached - Similar
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Nation
7 Feb 2004 ... The Ayodhya Jama Masjid Trust today urged the Prime Minister to the solve ... to pave the way for the construction of a Ram temple and an Ayodhya ... The voice recorder and black box of the crashed aircraft have been recovered. ... today formally took into its fold two senior Dalit leaders and Union ...www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040208/nation.htm - Cached
Ayodhya: Shared Culture and Traditions : Vidya Bhushan Rawat ...
3 Apr 2006... such as the Dant Dhawan Mandir, still stand today. ... A Dalit respondent tells Rawat that the current Hindutva wave is the ... These included Baba Ramdas, Acharya Narendradev, Ram Manohar Lohia and Ashfaqullah Khan. ... the little-known aspects of history and the invisibilised voices such as ...www.indianmuslims.info/.../ayodhya_shared_culture_and_traditions_vidya_bhushan_rawat.html - Cached - Similar
2009 November « churumuri
... CIEDS, Vimochana, Dalit Sangharsh Samiti (Bangalore district), Sanmathi, ... Given that the great voice of Vajpayee is now at the mercy of a voice-box ... Does the mere fact that he gave a speech supporting the Ayodhya movement make ... "I too supported the Ram Mandir movement before 1992 (when I was not in the ...churumuri.wordpress.com/2009/11/ - Cached - Similar
Antyodaya is BJP's ideological compass, says Gadkari
19 Feb 2010... the end of his hour-long speech, he touched upon the Ram Mandir issue. ... at the Ayodhya site. Ram is a symbol of our cultural nationalism, ... house of a Dalit worker here yesterday "was not a photo opportunity". ...www.financialexpress.com/news/...is-bjps.../581581/ - United States - Cached
Features - Islamic Voice
islamic voice a monthly newspaper from india. ... a special yatra from Jaipur to Ayodhya as a prelude to set a deadline for Ram mandir construction, ...www.islamicvoice.com/august.2000/features.htm - Cached - Similar
A Conservative Rebel
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewThe Dan Patra (donation box) inside Ram Mandir, Ayodhya women have been stripped and paraded naked in the streets before .... the Sangh parivar used poor Dalit men to launch attacks on Muslim ... to silence the voices of dissent within ...
The Road Back from Ayodhya
1 Feb 2010 ... A few miles away, at the Ram Temple workshop near the Digambar Akhara, .... "A march to the parliament," another voice added. .... memoirs and he writes about feeling the burden of being in office because he was a Dalit. ...www.caravanmagazine.in/Story.aspx?Storyid=90&StoryStyle... - Cached
IndiaStar: Koenraad Elst's "Ayodhya and After" review
Forexample, a Dalit "champion" that the so-called progressives would be loathe to ... Published by the Voice of India, Elst's books are marketed by the Hindu right-wing ..... Sita Ram Goel, one of those scholars who was marginalized by ...www.indiastar.com/closepet2.htm - Cached - Similar
Shri Ram Sena: Shri Ram Sena Press Release 31 July 2008
31 Jul 2008 ... Ayodhya Ram Mandir. Ayodhya Ram Mandir Model of Shri Ram Mandir,Ayodhya ... WE SHOULD STOP DISCRIMINATION WITH DALIT'S AND LOW. ...www.shriramsena.com/.../shri-ram-sena-press-release-30-july.html - Cached - Similar
6 December 1992. A Blood-Soaked History. VCD - Tehelka - India's ...
19 Dec 2009 ... Young Dalit activists who lament the myriad ways in which they continue to ... the voices beckon - not just the priests, but even the police men and ... alley for those waiting for the glory of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. ...www.tehelka.com/story_main43.asp?filename...asp - Cached - Similar
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Nation
7 Feb 2004 ... The Ayodhya Jama Masjid Trust today urged the Prime Minister to the solve ... to pave the way for the construction of a Ram temple and an Ayodhya ... The voice recorder and black box of the crashed aircraft have been recovered. ... today formally took into its fold two senior Dalit leaders and Union ...www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040208/nation.htm - Cached
Ayodhya: Shared Culture and Traditions : Vidya Bhushan Rawat ...
3 Apr 2006... such as the Dant Dhawan Mandir, still stand today. ... A Dalit respondent tells Rawat that the current Hindutva wave is the ... These included Baba Ramdas, Acharya Narendradev, Ram Manohar Lohia and Ashfaqullah Khan. ... the little-known aspects of history and the invisibilised voices such as ...www.indianmuslims.info/.../ayodhya_shared_culture_and_traditions_vidya_bhushan_rawat.html - Cached - Similar
2009 November « churumuri
... CIEDS, Vimochana, Dalit Sangharsh Samiti (Bangalore district), Sanmathi, ... Given that the great voice of Vajpayee is now at the mercy of a voice-box ... Does the mere fact that he gave a speech supporting the Ayodhya movement make ... "I too supported the Ram Mandir movement before 1992 (when I was not in the ...churumuri.wordpress.com/2009/11/ - Cached - Similar
Antyodaya is BJP's ideological compass, says Gadkari
19 Feb 2010... the end of his hour-long speech, he touched upon the Ram Mandir issue. ... at the Ayodhya site. Ram is a symbol of our cultural nationalism, ... house of a Dalit worker here yesterday "was not a photo opportunity". ...www.financialexpress.com/news/...is-bjps.../581581/ - United States - Cached
Features - Islamic Voice
islamic voice a monthly newspaper from india. ... a special yatra from Jaipur to Ayodhya as a prelude to set a deadline for Ram mandir construction, ...www.islamicvoice.com/august.2000/features.htm - Cached - Similar
Page 3 of about 12,000 results (0.06 seconds)
Search Results
Indianexpress.com :: BJP
I'll continue to raise my voice against anti-nationals: Varun ... BJP is 'lying' about building Ram temple if elected: Kalyan ... The BJP used Ambedkar Jayanti on Tuesday to push the idea of Dalit ... BJP leader and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi skipped the controversial issue of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. ...
www.indianexpress.com/fullcoverage/bjp/198/3 - United States - Cached
An Indian Muslim's Blog: News, Daily Articles, Views on Muslims ...
24 Feb 2009 ... Many saints and Hindus in Ayodhya also see the political agenda ... bodies lend their voices in support of ram mandir being built in the ...
www.anindianmuslim.com/.../hindu-saints-ulema-together-in-lucknow.html - Cached
DJS News - DJS
Chandrababu Naidu may be opposing the Ram mandir in Ayodhya, ... Earlier, Ramalayas (Ram temples) were built in most Dalit colonies to reduce tension ...
www.djsindia.org/djsnews.htm - Cached - Similar
www.outlookindia.com | Through The Voyeur's Eyes
The Hindutva brigade was making a similar point; Ayodhya was their way of ... they didn't get Yadav votes, whereas the BSP always delivered the Dalit vote. ... Then he made a little speech about the necessity for the Ram temple and how ...
www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?201337 - Cached - Similar
New Delhi: Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is nation\'s ideology: Joshi
New Delhi: Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is nation's ideology: Joshi ...... In New Year gift for India, victims get a voice: the right to appeal judgments ...
Gadkari asks Muslims to allow temple in Ayodhya - Express India
Whether there was a mandir or not, the mosque had to go. The temple at a\Ayodhya is the .... It better to go peacefull way & build Ram temple in Ayodhya. ...
www.expressindia.com/latest-news/...Ayodhya/581612/ - Yemen - Cached
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Hindus protest at Ayodhya attack
6 Jul 2005 ... No group has claimed Tuesday's attack on the Ayodhya holy complex. One gunman blew himself up and ... India won't tolerate an attack on the birthplace of Ram. Protester's placard ... Dalit murders death penalty dropped ...
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4654593.stm - Cached
I am not a boot-licker: Dr. Ejaz Ali | TwoCircles.net
25 Oct 2009 ... When BJP said that they would construct Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, ... you have raised voice for the right of Dalit Muslims but after reaching ...
www.twocircles.net/.../i_am_not_boot_licker_dr_ejaz_ali.html - Cached - Similar
christiancouncil.in - Bajrang Dal and Lashkar-e-Toiba
22 Jun 2006 ... Remember the contrast when terrorists had attacked Ayodhya or for that matter Varanasi and how .... It is also reported the accused had been arrested during the Ayodhya Ram Mandir episode. ... Dalit houses set ablaze in Akola, 19 people hurt ... Minorities voice fears on Amendments in Finance Bill ...
indianchristians.in/news/content/view/1055/47/ - Cached
SAMAR | (Ab)uses of Archaeology
The Politics of Ayodhya and the Archaeological Survey of India. ... Censorship (7) Class (9) Colonialism (7) Communalism (17) Dalit (3) .... nor any problems with publication of material in India through the Voice of India press. .... there was no mention about a Ram Mandir being demolished by Muslim invaders. ...
www.samarmagazine.org/archive/article.php?id=177 - Cached - Similar
Search Results
Indianexpress.com :: BJP
I'll continue to raise my voice against anti-nationals: Varun ... BJP is 'lying' about building Ram temple if elected: Kalyan ... The BJP used Ambedkar Jayanti on Tuesday to push the idea of Dalit ... BJP leader and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi skipped the controversial issue of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. ...
www.indianexpress.com/fullcoverage/bjp/198/3 - United States - Cached
An Indian Muslim's Blog: News, Daily Articles, Views on Muslims ...
24 Feb 2009 ... Many saints and Hindus in Ayodhya also see the political agenda ... bodies lend their voices in support of ram mandir being built in the ...
www.anindianmuslim.com/.../hindu-saints-ulema-together-in-lucknow.html - Cached
DJS News - DJS
Chandrababu Naidu may be opposing the Ram mandir in Ayodhya, ... Earlier, Ramalayas (Ram temples) were built in most Dalit colonies to reduce tension ...
www.djsindia.org/djsnews.htm - Cached - Similar
www.outlookindia.com | Through The Voyeur's Eyes
The Hindutva brigade was making a similar point; Ayodhya was their way of ... they didn't get Yadav votes, whereas the BSP always delivered the Dalit vote. ... Then he made a little speech about the necessity for the Ram temple and how ...
www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?201337 - Cached - Similar
New Delhi: Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is nation\'s ideology: Joshi
New Delhi: Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is nation's ideology: Joshi ...... In New Year gift for India, victims get a voice: the right to appeal judgments ...
Gadkari asks Muslims to allow temple in Ayodhya - Express India
Whether there was a mandir or not, the mosque had to go. The temple at a\Ayodhya is the .... It better to go peacefull way & build Ram temple in Ayodhya. ...
www.expressindia.com/latest-news/...Ayodhya/581612/ - Yemen - Cached
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Hindus protest at Ayodhya attack
6 Jul 2005 ... No group has claimed Tuesday's attack on the Ayodhya holy complex. One gunman blew himself up and ... India won't tolerate an attack on the birthplace of Ram. Protester's placard ... Dalit murders death penalty dropped ...
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4654593.stm - Cached
I am not a boot-licker: Dr. Ejaz Ali | TwoCircles.net
25 Oct 2009 ... When BJP said that they would construct Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, ... you have raised voice for the right of Dalit Muslims but after reaching ...
www.twocircles.net/.../i_am_not_boot_licker_dr_ejaz_ali.html - Cached - Similar
christiancouncil.in - Bajrang Dal and Lashkar-e-Toiba
22 Jun 2006 ... Remember the contrast when terrorists had attacked Ayodhya or for that matter Varanasi and how .... It is also reported the accused had been arrested during the Ayodhya Ram Mandir episode. ... Dalit houses set ablaze in Akola, 19 people hurt ... Minorities voice fears on Amendments in Finance Bill ...
indianchristians.in/news/content/view/1055/47/ - Cached
SAMAR | (Ab)uses of Archaeology
The Politics of Ayodhya and the Archaeological Survey of India. ... Censorship (7) Class (9) Colonialism (7) Communalism (17) Dalit (3) .... nor any problems with publication of material in India through the Voice of India press. .... there was no mention about a Ram Mandir being demolished by Muslim invaders. ...
www.samarmagazine.org/archive/article.php?id=177 - Cached - Similar
In 1971, Indira Gandhi and her Congress (R) were returned to power with a massively increased majority. The nationalization of banks was carried out, and many other socialist economic and industrial policies enacted. India intervened in Bangladesh Liberation War a civil war taking place in Pakistan's Bengali half, after millions of refugees had fled the persecution of the Pakistani army. The clash resulted in the independence of East Pakistan, which became known as Bangladesh, and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's elevation to immense popularity. Relations with the United States grew strained, and India signed a 20-year treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union - breaking explicitly for the first time from non-alignment. In 1974, India tested its first nuclear weapon in the desert of Rajasthan. Meanwhile, in the Indian protectorate of Sikkim, a referendum was held that resulted in a vote to formally join India and depose the Chogyal. On 26 April 1975, Sikkim formally became India's 21st state.[edit] Green revolution and Operation Flood
Main articles: Green Revolution in India and Operation FloodIndia's population passed the 500 million mark in the early 1970s, but its long-standing food crisis was resolved with greatly improved agricultural productivity due to the Green revolution. The Government sponsored modern agricultural implements, new varieties of generic seeds and increased financial assistance to farmers that increased the yield of food crops such as wheat, rice and corn, as well as commercial crops like cotton, tea, tobacco and coffee. Increased agricultural productivity expanded across the states of the Indo-Gangetic plains and the Punjab. Under Operation Flood, the Government encouraged the production of milk, which increased greatly, and improved rearing of livestock across India. This enabled India to become self-sufficient in feeding its own population, ending two decades of food imports.
[edit] Indo-Pakistan War of 1971
Main article: Indo-Pakistan War of 1971The Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 was the third in four wars fought between the two nations. In this war, fought over the issue of the Independence of East Pakistan from Pakistan into the nation of Bangladesh India decisively defeated Pakistan resulting in the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistani control. America also came in the war against India. So, Russia came in India's side and Pakistan and America lost the battle.
[edit] Indian Emergency
Main article: Indian EmergencyEconomic and social problems, as well as allegations of corruption caused increasing political unrest across India, culminating in the Bihar Movement. In 1974, the Allahabad High Court found Indira Gandhi guilty of misusing government machinery for election purposes. Opposition parties conducted nationwide strikes and protests demanding her immediate resignation. Various political parties united under Jaya Prakash Narayan to resist what he termed Mrs. Gandhi's dictatorship. Leading strikes across India that paralyzed its economy and administration, Narayan even called for the Army to oust Mrs. Gandhi. In 1975, Mrs. Gandhi advised President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed to declare a state of emergency under the Constitution, which allowed the Central government to assume sweeping powers to defend law and order in the nation. Explaining the breakdown of law and order and threat to national security as her primary reasons, Mrs. Gandhi suspended many civil liberties and postponed elections at national and state levels. Non-Congress governments in Indian states were dismissed, and opposition political leaders and activists imprisoned. Strikes and public protests were outlawed in all forms.
India's economy benefited from an end to paralyzing strikes and political disorder. India announced a 20-point programme which enhanced agricultural and industrial production, increasing national growth, productivity and job growth. But many organs of government and many Congress politicians were accused of corruption and authoritarian conduct. Police officers were accused of arresting and torturing innocent people. Indira's son and political advisor, Sanjay Gandhi was accused of committing gross excesses - Sanjay was blamed for the Health Ministry carrying out forced vasectomies of men and sterilization of women as a part of the initiative to control population growth, and for the demolition of slums in Delhi near the Turkmen Gate, which left thousands of people dead and many more displaced.
[edit] Janata interlude
Main article: Janata PartyIndira called for elections in 1977, only to suffer a humiliating electoral defeat at the hands of the Janata Party, an amalgamation of opposition parties. Morarji Desai became the first non-Congress Prime Minister of India. The Desai administration established tribunals to investigate Emergency-era abuses, and Indira and Sanjay Gandhi were arrested after a report from the Shah Commission. But in 1979, the coalition crumbled and Charan Singh formed an interim government. The Janata party had become intensely unpopular due to its internecine warfare, and the fact that it offered no leadership on solving India's serious economic and social problems.
[edit] 1980s
Main articles: Operation Blue Star, Indira Gandhi assassination, 1984 Anti-Sikh massacre, and Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil WarIndira Gandhi and her Congress (I) party were swept back into power with a large majority in January, 1980. But the rise of an insurgency in Punjab would jeopardize India's security. In Assam, there were many incidents of communal violence between native villagers and refugees from Bangladesh, as well as settlers from other parts of India. When Indian forces, undertaking Operation Bluestar, raided the hideout of Khalistan militants in the Golden Temple in Amritsar, the inadvertent deaths of civilians and damage to the temple building inflamed tensions in the Sikh community across India. The Government used intensive police operations to crush militant operations, but it resulted in many incidents of abuse of civil liberties. Northeast India was paralyzed owing to the ULFA's clash with Government forces. On 31 October 1984, the Prime Minister's own Sikh bodyguards killed her, and communal violence erupted in Delhi and parts of Punjab, causing the deaths of thousands of people along with terrible pillage, arson and rape. Government investigation has failed to date to discover the causes and punish the perpetrators, but public opinion blamed Congress leaders for directing attacks on Sikhs in Delhi.
[edit] Rajiv Gandhi administration
The Congress party chose Rajiv Gandhi, Indira's older son as the next Prime Minister. Rajiv had been elected to Parliament only in 1982, and at 40, was the youngest national political leader and Prime Minister ever. But his youth and inexperience were an asset in the eyes of citizens tired of the inefficacy and corruption of career politicians, and looking for newer policies and a fresh start to resolve the country's long-standing problems. The Parliament was dissolved, and Rajiv led the Congress party to its largest majority in history (over 415 seats out of 545 possible), reaping a sympathy vote over his mother's assassination.Rajiv Gandhi initiated a series of reforms - the license raj was loosened, and government restrictions on foreign currency, travel, foreign investment and imports decreased considerably. This allowed private businesses to use resources and produce commercial goods without government bureaucracy interfering, and the influx of foreign investment increased India's national reserves. As Prime Minister, Rajiv broke from his mother's precedent to improve relations with the United States, which increased economic aid and scientific cooperation. Rajiv's encouragement of science and technology resulted in a major expansion of the telecommunications industry, India's space program and gave birth to the software industry and information technology sector.
India in 1987 brokered an agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE insurgency that had torn apart the island for over a decade. Rajiv sent Indian troops to enforce the agreement and disarm the Tamil rebels, but the Indian Peace Keeping Force, as it was known, became entangled in outbreaks of violence - ultimately ending up fighting the Tamil rebels itself, and becoming a target of attack from Sri Lankan nationalists. VP Singh withdrew the IPKF in 1990, but thousands of Indian soldiers had died. Rajiv's departure from socialist policies did not sit well with the masses, who did not benefit from the innovations. Unemployment was a serious problem, and India's burgeoning population added ever-increasing needs for diminishing resources. Rajiv Gandhi's image as an honest politician (he was nicknamed Mr. Clean by the press) was shattered when the Bofors scandal broke, revealing that senior government officials had taken bribes over defence contracts by a Swedish guns producer.
[edit] Janata Dal
Elections in 1989 gave Rajiv's Congress a plurality, a far cry from the majority which propelled him to power. Power came instead to his former finance and defence minister, VP Singh. Singh had been moved from the Finance ministry to the Defence ministry after he unearthed some scandals which made the Congress leadership uncomfortable. Singh then unearthed the Bofors scandal, and was sacked from the party and office. Becoming a popular crusader for reform and clean government, Singh led the Janata Dal coalition to a majority. He was supported by BJP and the leftist parties from outside. Becoming Prime Minister, Singh made an important visit to the Golden Temple shrine, to heal the wounds of the past. He started to implement the controversial Mandal commission report, to increase the quota in reservation for low caste Hindus. The BJP protested these implementations, and took its support back, following which he resigned. Chandra Shekhar split to form the Janata Dal (Socialist), supported by Rajiv's Congress. This new government also collapsed in a matter of months, when congress withdrew its support.[edit] 1990s
Main articles: 1990s in India and Rajiv Gandhi assassinationOn 21 May 1991, while Rajiv Gandhi campaigned in Tamil Nadu on behalf of Congress (I), a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) female suicide bomber killed him and many others, setting off the bomb in her belt by leaning forward while garlanding him. In the elections, Congress (I) won 244 parliamentary seats and put together a coalition, returning to power under the leadership of P.V. Narasimha Rao. This Congress-led government, which served a full 5-year term, initiated a gradual process of economic liberalisation and reform, which has opened the Indian economy to global trade and investment. India's domestic politics also took new shape, as traditional alignments by caste, creed, and ethnicity gave way to a plethora of small, regionally-based political parties. But India was rocked by communal violence between Hindus and Muslims that killed over 10,000 people, following the Babri Mosque demolition by Hindu mobs in the course of the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute in Ayodhya in 1992. The final months of the Rao-led government in the spring of 1996 suffered the effects of several major political corruption scandals, which contributed to the worst electoral performance by the Congress Party in its history.
[edit] Era of coalitions
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged from the May 1996 national elections as the single-largest party in the Lok Sabha but without enough strength to prove a majority on the floor of that Parliament. Under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the BJP coalition lasted in power 13 days. With all political parties wishing to avoid another round of elections, a 14-party coalition led by the Janata Dal emerged to form a government known as the United Front. A United Front government under former Chief Minister of Karnataka H.D. Deve Gowda lasted less than a year. The leader of the Congress Party withdrew his support in March 1997. Inder Kumar Gujral replaced Deve Gowda as the consensus choice for Prime Minister of a 16-party United Front coalition.In November 1997, the Congress Party again withdrew support for the United Front. New elections in February 1998 brought the BJP the largest number of seats in Parliament (182), but this fell far short of a majority. On 20 March 1998, the President inaugurated a BJP-led coalition government with Vajpayee again serving as Prime Minister. On 11 and 13 May 1998, this government conducted a series of underground nuclear tests, prompting President of the United States Bill Clinton and Japan to impose economic sanctions on India pursuant to the 1994 Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act.
[edit] Into the 21st century
In April 1999, the coalition government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) fell apart, leading to fresh elections in September. In May and June 1999, India discovered an elaborate campaign of terrorist infiltration that resulted in the Kargil War in Kashmir, derailing a promising peace process that had begun only three months earlier when Prime Minister Vajpayee visited Pakistan, inaugurating the Delhi-Lahore bus service. Indian forces killed infiltrators, who included Pakistani soldiers, and reclaimed important border posts in high-altitude warfare. In the same year, India's population exceeded 1 billion. However, terrorism has increased in India with bomb blasts in leading cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Jaipur, Bangalore, Hyderabad has been very common.[7]Manmohan Singh talks with U.S. President Barack Obama during the 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit at the Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens.
Soaring on popularity earned following the successful conclusion of the Kargil conflict, the National Democratic Alliance - a new coalition led by the BJP - gained a majority to form a government with Vajpayee as Prime Minister in October 1999. The NDA government's credibility was adversely affected by reports of intelligence failures that led to the Kargil incursions going undetected, as well as allegations that the Defence Minister George Fernandes took bribes over the purchase of coffins for soldiers who died in the battle. The Tehelka scandal exposed the BJP party chief taking unaccounted contributions in return for promised favours, and the CBI chargesheeted senior BJP leaders for inciting the demolition of the Babri mosque. In 2002, tensions increased over the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute when the Vishwa Hindu Parishad threatened to defy the government, vowing to perform a religious ceremony on the disputed site. 59 Hindu activists died returning from the site when a train carriage took fire a month later, in Godhra, Gujarat. This sparked off the 2002 Gujarat violence, leading to the deaths of thousands of Hindus and Muslims. The BJP-led state government, and its chief minister Narendra Modi were accused of not doing enough to stop Hindu mobs in attacking Muslims.
Throughout 2003, India's speedy economic progress, political stability and a rejuvenated peace initiative with Pakistan increased the government's popularity. In January 2004 Vajpayee recommended early dissolution of the Lok Sabha and general elections. The Congress Party-led alliance won an upset victory in elections held in May 2004. Manmohan Singh became the Prime Minister, after the Congress President Sonia Gandhi, the widow of Rajiv Gandhi declined to take the office, in order to defuse the controversy about whether her foreign birth should be considered a disqualification for the Prime Minister's post. The Congress formed a coalition with socialist and regional parties, and enjoys the outside support of India's Communist parties. Manmohan Singh became the first Sikh to date to hold India's most powerful office. Singh has continued economic liberalization, although the need for support from Indian socialists and communists has forestalled further privatization. The 21st century saw India, improve relations, with many countries and foreign unions including the United States, the European Union, Israel and the People's Republic of China. The economy of India, has accelerated by growing at a very rapid pace. India, is now being looked at as a potential superpower.[8][9]
In the Indian General Election in 2009, the United Progressive Alliance won a convincing 262 seats with INC alone winning 206 seats.
[edit] Economic transformation
Main article: Economic liberalization in IndiaSee also: Indian Century
Manmohan Singh widely credited for initiating economic reforms in India.
Under the policies initiated by Late Prime Minister Narasimha Rao and his Finance minister Manmohan Singh, India's economy expanded rapidly. The Rao administration initiated the privatization of large, inefficient and loss-inducing government corporations. The UF government had attempted a progressive budget that encouraged reforms, but the 1997 Asian financial crisis and political instability created economic stagnation. The Vajpayee administration continued with privatization, reduction of taxes, a sound fiscal policy aimed at reducing deficits and debts and increased initiatives for public works. The Golden Quadrilateral project aimed to link India's corners with a network of modern highways. Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Ahmedabad have risen in prominence and economic importance, became centres of rising industries and destination for foreign investment and firms. Strategies like forming Special Economic Zones - tax amenities, good communications infrastructure, low regulation - to encourage industries has paid off in many parts of the country.
A rising generation of well-educated and skilled professionals in scientific sectors of industry began propelling the Indian economy, as the information technology industry took hold across India with the proliferation of computers. The new technologies increased the efficiency of activity in almost every type of industry, which also benefitted from the availability of skilled labor. Foreign investment and outsourcing of jobs to India's labor markets further enhanced India's economic growth. A large middle-class has arisen across India, which has increased the demand, and thus production of a wide array of consumer goods. Unemployment is steadily declining, and poverty has fallen to approximately 22%. Gross Domestic Product growth increased to beyond 7%. While serious challenges remain, India is enjoying a period of economic expansion that has propelled it to the forefront of the world economy, and has correspondingly increased its influence in political and diplomatic terms.
[edit] See also
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India's population passed the 500 million mark in the early 1970s, but its long-standing food crisis was resolved with greatly improved agricultural ...
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History of India. Useful Guide. ... first of Nehru and then his daughter and grandson, with the exception of two brief periods in the 1970s and 1980s. ...
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The Hindu : Cities / Chennai : Capturing India since 1970s
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Smugglers, cabaret – 1970s era comes alive in 'Once Upon…' | My ...
New Delhi, July 26 (IANS) Smugglers, Cadillacs, cabarets, bell bottoms, blings and one-liners - these are some of the retro trends that director Milan Luth.
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India supported President Dawood's grandiose extraterritorial ...
27 Nov 2009 ... Forget India's tacit support to President Dawood's grandiose extraterritorial ambitions in the 1970s. Even today Indian intelligence ...
rupeenews.com/.../india's-supported-president-dawood's-grandiose-extraterritorial-ambitions-in-the-1970s/ - United States - Cached - Similar
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Rural non-agro economy growing faster than urban: Assocham - 2 days ago
... been growing faster than that of the urban since early 1970s, says a report. ... by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) ...
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BBC News - Major US financial reform agreed
25 Jun 2010 ... The US Congress all but finalises the biggest reform of US financial regulation since the Great Depression. ... The bill introduces the so-called Volcker rule - named after the former ... More Business stories · RSS ...
www.bbc.co.uk/news/10411858 - Cached - Add to iGoogle
Library of Congress rules in favor of jailbreaking
26 Jul 2010 ... by Erica Sadun (RSS feed) on Jul 26th 2010 at 12:15PM. Today, the Library of Congress has ruled in favor of both jailbreaking and unlocking ...
www.tuaw.com/.../library-of-congress-rules-in-favor-of-jailbreaking/ - Cached
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
And it is an abdication of this body's duty to stand up for the rule of law. .... to the appropriate role of Congress and the intelligence committees, ...
www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/index.html - Cached
Banks 'Dodged a Bullet' as Congress Dilutes Rules - BusinessWeek
25 Jun 2010 ... Banks 'Dodged a Bullet' as Congress Dilutes Rules .... RSS Feed: Most Read Stories ... RSS Feed: Most E-mailed Stories ...
www.businessweek.com/.../banks-dodged-a-bullet-as-congress-dilutes-rules.html - Cached
Bharatiya Janata Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The BJP was a strong critic of the Congress government that followed the Janata ... which was led by activists of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the RSS, .... The BJP emphasize the role of free markets and individual achievement as the .... communal riots happened in Gujarat under BJP rule, after an attack ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharatiya_Janata_Party - Cached - Similar
4 ways Congress caused the financial crisis | Analysis & Opinion |
5 May 2010 ... In detail, Levine makes these points that illustrate the role of Congress: ... 12 comments so far | Comments RSS. May 5, 2010. 11:51 am EDT ... When the Bush administration began to push to tighten the rules, ...
blogs.reuters.com/.../4-ways-congress-caused-the-financial-crisis/ - Cached
Congress adopts rules for canvassing | Home >> Videos >> News Videos
25 May 2010 ... MANILA, Philippines – The joint session of the two chambers of Congress today adopted the rules for the canvassing of the electronic ...
www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=578528...500 - Cached
DAWN.COM | Encounter | Role of ulema, Congress and freedom movement
25 Apr 2010 ... Role of ulema, Congress and freedom movement ... When a resolution for Home Rule was moved in the Ahmedabad session of Congress in 1922, ...
www.dawn.com/.../role-of-ulema,-congress-and-freedom-movement-540 - Pakistan - Cached
8 Oct 2009 ... Through this general formula, Congress established a rule of ..... You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed You ...
survivalandresistance.wordpress.com/.../the-role-of-congress-in-monitoring-administrative-rulemaking/ - Cached
Obama Urges Congress: Reform Immigration Rules | World | Learning ...
www.voanews.com/.../Obama-Urges-Congress-Reform-Immigration-Rules-97707819.html - Cached
Firing outside Jama Masjid, 2 Taiwanese tourists injuredNDTV.com - 1 hour agoDelhi: It is a shocker for Delhi just two weeks before the Commonwealth Games. Two unidentified men, who came on their bikes, shot at two Taiwanese tourists who work for a television channel in Taiwan and were in India for a shoot. ... Jama Masjid firing: Police detain nearly 30 people for questioningDaily News & Analysis - 56 minutes agoPlace: New Delhi | Agency: PTI Around 30 people were today picked up by police for questioning in connection with the firing at Jama Masjid in New Delhi in which two foreigners were injured. A senior police official said they have rounded up 25-30 ... Mumbai on high alert after firing at Jama MasjidDaily News & Analysis - Somendra Sharma - 8 minutes agoThe Mumbai Police have sounded a high alert, following the firing incident near Jama Masjid in Delhi on Sunday afternoon. Moments after the firing, a television channel received an email claiming ...
Kolkata heightens security ahead of Ayodhya judgmentThe Hindu - 13 minutes agoWith the verdict of the Babri Masjid title suit scheduled to be announced on September 24 and reports of the involvement of the Indian Mujahideen in the firing near the Jama Masjid in New Delhi earlier in the day, a high-level meeting was held here on ... US issues travel advisory after Jama Masjid shootingHindustan Times - 1 hour agoPTI The United States has issued a travel advisory to its citizens in the wake of today's firing incident at Jama Masjid here, asking them to be cautious and maintain a low profile. "US citizens are urged to always practice good security, ... Jama Masjid firing: Security concerns for CWGNDTV.com - 3 hours agoNew Delhi: An attack at two Taiwan tourists near Jama Masjid shattered Delhi's Sunday morning calm. Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit was quick to reassure the city that there is "no reason to worry". But not everyone was convinced, especially those ... Jama Masjid firing: Delhi Police probe Indian Mujahideen linkNDTV.com - 4 hours agoPTI, Updated: September 19, 2010 21:21 IST New Delhi: After two Taiwan tourists were fired at by unidentified men on a motorcycle near Jama Masjid on Sunday, government sources have said they cannot rule out Indian Mujahideen hand in the incident. ... No terror angle in Jama Masjid incidents: PoliceTimes of India - 4 hours agoNEW DELHI: The Delhi Police does not suspect the role of any organised terror group behind today's shooting incident near the historic Jama Masjid and the explosion of a pressure cooker bomb inside a car in the same area in a span of two hours. ... Jama Masjid firing won't affect CWG: GovtIBNLive.com - 24 minutes agoNew Delhi: The firing incident at Delhi's Jama Masjid on Sunday morning in which two foreign tourists were injured triggered a massive security alert in the National Capital. With New Delhi scheduled to hold the Commonwealth Games from October 3, ... All 1,167 related articles » | RelatedJama MasjidDelhi Commonwealth Games Mosque Indian Mujahideen Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
ImagesDaily News & An...NDTV.com Indian Express The Guardian Hindustan Times... AFP AFP Aljazeera.net AFP All related images » Videos Two foreigners injured in firing near Jama Masjid in DelhiNewsX - 9 hours ago Watch video <div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/VvkTO9rWyrU/default.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvkTO9rWyrU">Two foreigners injured in firing near Jama Masjid in Delhi</a> <span class="source">NewsX</span> - 9 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvkTO9rWyrU">Watch video</a></div> Firing near Delhi's Jama Masjid, 2 injured NewsX - 11 hours ago Watch video <div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/p_mp6Sjscro/default.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_mp6Sjscro">Firing near Delhi's Jama Masjid, 2 injured</a> <span class="source">NewsX</span> - 11 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_mp6Sjscro">Watch video</a></div> All related videos » |
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