---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <beyond_ultimate@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:03 AM
Subject: [political 465] 1 / 6 Nations Land Claims Are Not Honour Worthy And Are Certainly Far From Respectable!
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From: David Jeffrey Spetch <beyond_ultimate@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:03 AM
Subject: [political 465] 1 / 6 Nations Land Claims Are Not Honour Worthy And Are Certainly Far From Respectable!
To: Political <political@googlegroups.com>
1 / 6 Nations Land Claims Are Not Honour Worthy And Are Certainly Far
From Respectable!
Remember, the reason these land claim treaties were created in the
firstplace is exactly because the 1 / 6 Nations wanted nothing to do
with governing, they wanted this land so that they could chief
themselves. Now that they want something to do with governing it voids
the very reason for land claim treaties being created and existing in
the first place. If they just accepted governing in the first place,
there would have been no Land Claim Treaties created to begin with.
They change their mind wanting governing hundreds of years later, thus
voiding their so called land claims.
So the second they decided governing was in their best interest, land
claim treaties justifiably to the core were no longer valid because
again they were created because 1 / 6 nations wanted nothing to do
with governing, they wanted land to chief themselves.
So now we have governments within Canada (I'm not impressed) somewhere
along the way allowed 1 / 6 nations to keep land claims while
introducing them to getting the benefits of governing as well. What
they, in governing, obviously overlooked or didn't realize is again
that the very reason the land claims were created was because the 1 /
6 nations wanted nothing to do with governing! It will easily be
corrected. What do they want, land or governing? One or the other,
take your pick because it's plain and simple that accepting one voids
the other.
So for now they still have these lowly garbage non honourable land
claims, they get governing and they get it all (to top it all off) at
the expense of Canadian (dummies? idiots? / tax payers.)
Funny that when I heard them make the announcement when they first
brought up the HST last year, they made mention that 1 / 6 Nations
would be paying the HST too. They made this announcement public over
main stream media news nearing the end of 2009.
HST Means Harmonized sales tax which is the combination of GST
(government sales tax) and PST (provincial sales tax).
What I am getting at is, 6 nations threatened to shut down the G8 and
G20 because they didn't want to pay PST in order to force the
government to sign contract under threat voiding them from paying
taxes at everyone elses expense. The government then turns around over
main stream media claim that they weren't going to be taxing 6 Nations
for the PST in the first place.
So here we have a bunch of ignorant liars running our country / parts
of our country telling citizens that 1 / 6 Nations are going to be
paying the HST. Again HST means harmonized sales tax which is the
combination of GST (government sales tax) and PST (provincial sales
tax). Do people in our governments need me to hold their hand when
they go to the bathroom too? They obviously lied to all of us telling
us that 6 Nations will be paying HST. (Doesn't it surprise you that
the only people we have to vote into office many times over usually
are the ones that screw Canadians the most and while they lie cheat
and steal Canadianpretty much bend over screaming give it to me. You
know they will keep burying us all until Canadians make that potatoe
on the couch disappear and do something about it! 1 / 6 Nations full
amalgamation with the rest of Canada will be a very welcome addition.
Then we have the government claim to wonder why the majority of Canada
doesn't even vote. Here we are imposing our obviously corrupted
governing system on other countries when it fails here miserably on
many levels. They call it a democracy and yet lets say the whole
country wants to vote in one person for Prime Minister, and this one
person is not in any of the Canadian political parties, that person
has only them self in one riding of which only the voters of that area
can vote for him / her. Even though the whole country wants this
person in power, our so called democracy will not allow it thus in
short renduring this so called democracy as no more than a cheap
fabrication of what a democracy really is only to serve the interests
of these political parties well being that obviously puts the well
being of Canada second . Even the ancient Greek democracy from my
understanding had votes from everyone (coloured stones or clay pot
pieces) which counted for electing a leader which would be the
equivalent of Prime Minister back in those days.
Ok, Back on track.
Also last I heard contracts forced under threat are not legitimate /
legally binding in a court of law and it just so happens that the
entire country witnessed the threat that the Six Nations made to the
Canadian government via media over the G8 G20. So now all the
government fundamentally needs to do is rip up the garbage contract
which isn't even legitimate in lieu of such in the first place and
enforce that 6 Nations pay full HST taxes, and well lets be fair too
all of the 6 Nations people since they all in one way or another seek
governing, charge every single one of them the full amount of HST tax
both on reserves and off reserves and this way it is not only fair to
all 6 nations people, it is fair to all of us Canadians as well.
Hey they did claim around the time of the threat towards protesting G8
G20 that they felt that it was un fair to the 6 Nations People that
some 6 nations off reserves were going to be paying more than others
on reserves. So to be fare to the 6 Nations people as well the rest of
Canadians charge them all the full amount. Since they already do get
governing services on and off the reserves, reserves are now obviously
property of Canada since land claim treaties were originally created
because 1/6 nations wanted nothing to do with governing and now that
they do (have changed their minds), it obviously voids these
treaties.. All of these construction developments on these so called
land claims are completely justified in being there and developing
from the very second that 1 / 6 nations voided their land claims by
accepting Canadian governing. Again1 / 6 Nations Land Claim Treaties
were created because 1 / 6 nations wanted nothing to do with
governing, now that they want something to do with governing it voids
the very reason for land claim treaties being created and existing in
the first place. If they just accepted governing in the first place,
there would have been no Land Claim Treaties created to begin with.
They change their mind wanting governing hundreds of years later, thus
voiding their so called land claims.
Hey if they don't like that they have to pay taxes (of which no one
else really does) or that contracts signed under threat are no legally
binding (last I heard) and decide to protest, from what I saw on the
news during the other protests at the G8 G20 the police force is quite
obviously ready to handle such situations, so why get worried when the
government could send the same police forces in to deal with 6 Nations
in the same manner? As a matter of fact, those same police forces
obviously could have easily busted up a 6 Nations Protest during the
G8 G20 as they did the other protests so why was the government so
quick to betray tax payers? I suspect really something fishy is going,
like who got the big pay day in government to sell us all out?
"For justice for all tax payers I stand up to the government now and
demand that if we extend governing to 1 / 6 nations that they first
give up all land claims simply for the fact that the very reason land
claims were created was because 1 / 6 nations wanted nothing to do
with governing!!! If they want governing, they will first give up land
claims, then they will agree to pay full taxes like everyone else in
Canada and they will reap the services that the taxes we all pay for
fund. Otherwise they can live on their reserves chiefing themselves
while leaving the Canadian Government out of it."
I am very disappointed in our governments on many levels (I can easily
justify that in a crack of a whip as I have fully justified it many
times over the years) but continue to stand strong for Canada and the
entire Earth (the well being of the future of the life on the planet)
we all live upon because I feel at least one person has too and here I
am ready willing able and doing!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
From Respectable!
Remember, the reason these land claim treaties were created in the
firstplace is exactly because the 1 / 6 Nations wanted nothing to do
with governing, they wanted this land so that they could chief
themselves. Now that they want something to do with governing it voids
the very reason for land claim treaties being created and existing in
the first place. If they just accepted governing in the first place,
there would have been no Land Claim Treaties created to begin with.
They change their mind wanting governing hundreds of years later, thus
voiding their so called land claims.
So the second they decided governing was in their best interest, land
claim treaties justifiably to the core were no longer valid because
again they were created because 1 / 6 nations wanted nothing to do
with governing, they wanted land to chief themselves.
So now we have governments within Canada (I'm not impressed) somewhere
along the way allowed 1 / 6 nations to keep land claims while
introducing them to getting the benefits of governing as well. What
they, in governing, obviously overlooked or didn't realize is again
that the very reason the land claims were created was because the 1 /
6 nations wanted nothing to do with governing! It will easily be
corrected. What do they want, land or governing? One or the other,
take your pick because it's plain and simple that accepting one voids
the other.
So for now they still have these lowly garbage non honourable land
claims, they get governing and they get it all (to top it all off) at
the expense of Canadian (dummies? idiots? / tax payers.)
Funny that when I heard them make the announcement when they first
brought up the HST last year, they made mention that 1 / 6 Nations
would be paying the HST too. They made this announcement public over
main stream media news nearing the end of 2009.
HST Means Harmonized sales tax which is the combination of GST
(government sales tax) and PST (provincial sales tax).
What I am getting at is, 6 nations threatened to shut down the G8 and
G20 because they didn't want to pay PST in order to force the
government to sign contract under threat voiding them from paying
taxes at everyone elses expense. The government then turns around over
main stream media claim that they weren't going to be taxing 6 Nations
for the PST in the first place.
So here we have a bunch of ignorant liars running our country / parts
of our country telling citizens that 1 / 6 Nations are going to be
paying the HST. Again HST means harmonized sales tax which is the
combination of GST (government sales tax) and PST (provincial sales
tax). Do people in our governments need me to hold their hand when
they go to the bathroom too? They obviously lied to all of us telling
us that 6 Nations will be paying HST. (Doesn't it surprise you that
the only people we have to vote into office many times over usually
are the ones that screw Canadians the most and while they lie cheat
and steal Canadianpretty much bend over screaming give it to me. You
know they will keep burying us all until Canadians make that potatoe
on the couch disappear and do something about it! 1 / 6 Nations full
amalgamation with the rest of Canada will be a very welcome addition.
Then we have the government claim to wonder why the majority of Canada
doesn't even vote. Here we are imposing our obviously corrupted
governing system on other countries when it fails here miserably on
many levels. They call it a democracy and yet lets say the whole
country wants to vote in one person for Prime Minister, and this one
person is not in any of the Canadian political parties, that person
has only them self in one riding of which only the voters of that area
can vote for him / her. Even though the whole country wants this
person in power, our so called democracy will not allow it thus in
short renduring this so called democracy as no more than a cheap
fabrication of what a democracy really is only to serve the interests
of these political parties well being that obviously puts the well
being of Canada second . Even the ancient Greek democracy from my
understanding had votes from everyone (coloured stones or clay pot
pieces) which counted for electing a leader which would be the
equivalent of Prime Minister back in those days.
Ok, Back on track.
Also last I heard contracts forced under threat are not legitimate /
legally binding in a court of law and it just so happens that the
entire country witnessed the threat that the Six Nations made to the
Canadian government via media over the G8 G20. So now all the
government fundamentally needs to do is rip up the garbage contract
which isn't even legitimate in lieu of such in the first place and
enforce that 6 Nations pay full HST taxes, and well lets be fair too
all of the 6 Nations people since they all in one way or another seek
governing, charge every single one of them the full amount of HST tax
both on reserves and off reserves and this way it is not only fair to
all 6 nations people, it is fair to all of us Canadians as well.
Hey they did claim around the time of the threat towards protesting G8
G20 that they felt that it was un fair to the 6 Nations People that
some 6 nations off reserves were going to be paying more than others
on reserves. So to be fare to the 6 Nations people as well the rest of
Canadians charge them all the full amount. Since they already do get
governing services on and off the reserves, reserves are now obviously
property of Canada since land claim treaties were originally created
because 1/6 nations wanted nothing to do with governing and now that
they do (have changed their minds), it obviously voids these
treaties.. All of these construction developments on these so called
land claims are completely justified in being there and developing
from the very second that 1 / 6 nations voided their land claims by
accepting Canadian governing. Again1 / 6 Nations Land Claim Treaties
were created because 1 / 6 nations wanted nothing to do with
governing, now that they want something to do with governing it voids
the very reason for land claim treaties being created and existing in
the first place. If they just accepted governing in the first place,
there would have been no Land Claim Treaties created to begin with.
They change their mind wanting governing hundreds of years later, thus
voiding their so called land claims.
Hey if they don't like that they have to pay taxes (of which no one
else really does) or that contracts signed under threat are no legally
binding (last I heard) and decide to protest, from what I saw on the
news during the other protests at the G8 G20 the police force is quite
obviously ready to handle such situations, so why get worried when the
government could send the same police forces in to deal with 6 Nations
in the same manner? As a matter of fact, those same police forces
obviously could have easily busted up a 6 Nations Protest during the
G8 G20 as they did the other protests so why was the government so
quick to betray tax payers? I suspect really something fishy is going,
like who got the big pay day in government to sell us all out?
"For justice for all tax payers I stand up to the government now and
demand that if we extend governing to 1 / 6 nations that they first
give up all land claims simply for the fact that the very reason land
claims were created was because 1 / 6 nations wanted nothing to do
with governing!!! If they want governing, they will first give up land
claims, then they will agree to pay full taxes like everyone else in
Canada and they will reap the services that the taxes we all pay for
fund. Otherwise they can live on their reserves chiefing themselves
while leaving the Canadian Government out of it."
I am very disappointed in our governments on many levels (I can easily
justify that in a crack of a whip as I have fully justified it many
times over the years) but continue to stand strong for Canada and the
entire Earth (the well being of the future of the life on the planet)
we all live upon because I feel at least one person has too and here I
am ready willing able and doing!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!
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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:
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