From: Grannie <>
Date: Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:19 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Toxic Cooking Oils Redux: Lies and Deceptions Of Cooking Oils and Their Labeling
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1 Paranormal_Research@yahoogroup" <>
Toxic Cooking Oils Redux: Lies and Deceptions Of Cooking Oils and Their Labeling |
Written by Thomas Corriher |
Sunday, 25 October 2009 22:23 |
One thing we find immensely galling is how the chemical industry perpetually uses devious tactics to con health-seeking people into poisoning themselves. The confusion existing around fats and oils is absolutely intentional, and it is designed to prevent us from making healthy choices. The situation is so bad that we have pondered whether it is merely a problem of greed, or are these people really that evil? Remember The Margarine Con? Remember the huge margarine scam of yesteryear? Remember how it was marketed as the "healthy choice" by corporations that were basing their claims on fraudulent industry sponsored science? Remember how conveniently the medical establishment bought into it for 30 years, and created a new business segment based on fighting cholesterol? The con-job was done so well that the medical establishment is still warning us about how "dangerous" butter is. Most people now know the dangers of the ungodly and unnatural chemically engineered hydrogenated oils. Of course, these monstrosities are still doctor recommended, and are still just as profitable for the cardiac business (not to mention oncology). Never eat anything containing a 'hydrogenated' ingredient, for your life could depend on it someday. Meanwhile, the medical and chemical industries have a new product called, 'I can't believe it's not science'! The Present-Day Scams: Soy and Canola (The Genetically Engineered Twins) "The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a day’s worth of soy infant formula equals 5 birth control pills" ― Mike Fitzpatrick, toxicologist Manipulaion Through Marketing and Commercial Cooking Oils The chemical industry and our government just can't stop lying. We are not surprised to see that soy oil is still being promoted at retailers, despite all the revelations about it over the past decade. It is interesting to see that the word 'soy' usually only appears inside the fine print on the back of the "healthy vegetable oil" containers, as if they are trying to hide it. They are. Even though soy is now known to be an unhealthy oil by most health conscious people, companies are obviously much more willing to alter their marketing than their unethical business practices. Some of the oil containers boldly list olive oil; implying that it is the main ingredient, but the fine print reveals that olive oil is the last (least used) ingredient. Judging from the color of these oils, less than a drop of olive oil per container was added. The real and main ingredients are toxic combinations of soy and canola oil. A few of the braver companies even emphasize canola on the front, since not everyone knows the dangers of canola oil yet. When people do finally learn, you can bet it will be the marketing (not the poisonings) that will change. They really are some evil sons of (...well, you know what they are). One product was even called (and this is not a joke) "Omega-3 Oil". Never mind that it is virtually impossible to extract raw Omega-3 oil without it immediately breaking down into something completely different, or that these break-down compounds are extremely hazardous. This "Omega-3 Oil" was, without surprise, actually canola oil -- which, by the way, loses all of its Omega-3 and becomes toxic whenever heated. Perhaps that is just a minor detail for a cooking oil. Nothing up the sleeves, so watch them pull the rabbit out of the hat. Canola Oil and Soy Are Naturally Toxic Pesticides are rarely used on Soybean plants or Canola plants, because both plants are so toxic that insects avoid them. Canola oil is an E.P.A. registered pesticide. What The Soy Industry Never Told You Let us begin with Soybeans, and their derivative products. There is no such thing as an all-natural soy-based food, because Soybeans are toxic in their natural state. When you see a product with "healthy all-natural soy", then make a mental note to never buy anything from that company again. That company has already proven that it will happily poison you, or lie to you for a little cash. You may wish to complain to the F.T.C. and F.D.A. about them too, but do not expect much of a response. Soy has to be processed in some manner for it to be safe for human consumption, and even then, it is not truly safe. The fermentation processes used by the Asian nations in the past are no longer used today, and the overall health of modern-day Asians is rapidly declining. Nowadays, soy is made "safe" in chemical laboratories and large-scale factories. Putting all the toxic impurities and changes from the chemical engineering aside, the soy itself contains poisonous compounds that directly attack the thyroid, such as hormones designed to disrupt fertility. Women are especially prone to experiencing horrific hormonal disorders like endometriosisfrom soy intake. We are already getting enough chemically engineered hormones from the pharmaceutical industry in our medicines, meats, eggs, cheeses, and milk to easily cause dozens of diseases, without the dramatic hormone irregularities caused by the addition of soy. We wonder how many miscarriages and how many of the record-breaking cases of infertility are the direct result of the bio-chemical onslaught coming from the soy industry. "Tofu and other soybean foods contain isoflavones, three-ringed molecules bearing a structural resemblance to mammalian steroidal hormones. White and his fellow researchers speculate that soy’s estrogen-like compounds (phytoestrogens) might compete with the body’s natural estrogens for estrogen receptors in brain cells. "Plants have evolved many different strategies to protect themselves from predators. Some have thorns or spines, while others smell bad, taste bad, or poison animals that eat them. Some plants took a different route, using birth control as a way to counter the critters who were wont to munch. "Plants such as soy are making oral contraceptives to defend themselves, says Claude Hughes, Ph.D., a neuroendocrinologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. They evolved compounds that mimic natural estrogen. These phytoestrogens can interfere with the mammalian hormones involved in reproduction and growth -- a strategy to reduce the number and size of predators." Mayonnaise and "Cold Pasteurization" If being made with genetically engineered and chemically perverted soy oil were not already enough reason to avoid commercial mayonnaises, there is perhaps an even more important reason. All commercial mayonnaises are cold pasteurized. Cold pasteurization means that the food was saturated with radiation at the chemical plant to disinfect it. Think radioactive whenever you see something has been cold pasteurized, and know that the food is laced with poisonous, cancer-inducing, radiolytic compounds, such as benzene. Benzene formation is a normal and expected occurrence anytime proteins are exposed to high levels of radiation. Most people already know that microwaving food is quite destructive nutritionally, and from a safety angle, but they do not know that the radiation of so-called cold pasteurization is many times worse than microwaved foods. Therefore, it is prudent to pause for a moment to recite the long litany of issues again. Mayonnaise is made primarily from genetically engineered soy oil, which is heavily processed, and known for severely disrupting hormones. About that processing: it is critically important because soy is poisonous in its natural organic state (containing all natural insecticides), so there are never organic soy products for human consumption. Furthermore, mayonnaise is made with hydrogenated oils, chemically engineered ingredients (too much to even go there), unnatural radiolytic compounds that are extremely toxic and cancer-inducing, such as benzene, and finally, the product is likely to be still radioactive at the time of sale. All that commercial mayonnaise really needs is some wormwood, rat poison, and the blood from a virgin chicken to finish the recipe. Corn dogs are a health food in comparison. Since the toxins in mayonnaise are bound inside various fats, and since the human body protects itself by storing toxins inside of fat cells, then it is easy to figure out exactly what mayonnaise does to a person's body. For more information about radioactive foods, and the labeling tricks used for those, see the article, 'The F.D.A.'s Push For Radioactive ("Irradiated") Foods. Here are soy's major effects on health:
The Truth About Canola Oil
Canola has been F.D.A. banned from infant formula because it stunts the growth, and there are likely other reasons not disclosed. Canola oil is also noted to produce cancer causing toxic fumes when heated at much lower temperatures than are required to cause smoking by other oils, and of course, heating is its intended use. Rapeseed and canola oil fumes are the primary reason for the surprisingly high incidence of Asian lung cancers, despite tobacco smoking being a rarity. Canola fumes have been known to kill pet birds, and many readers will remember that pet parakeets were once used in coal mines to detect the presence of poison gases. While we do not always see eye-to-eye with Dr. Joseph Mercola, we do respect him for having guts. He was the first to go against the collective grain to attack the deceptive canola industry, and it was right that he did. As reported by Dr. Mercola: "Canola oil was developed from the rape seed, a member of the mustard family. Rape seed is unsuited to human consumption because it contains a very-long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which under some circumstances is associated with fibrotic heart lesions. It has a high sulphur content and goes rancid easily. Baked goods made with canola oil develop mold very quickly. During the deodorizing process, the omega-3 fatty acids of processed canola oil are transformed into the dangerous trans fatty acids, similar to those in margarine, and possibly more dangerous. A recent study indicates that 'heart healthy' canola oil actually creates a deficiency of vitamin E, a vitamin required for a healthy cardiovascular system. Other studies indicate that even low-erucic-acid canola oil causes heart lesions, particularly when the diet is low in saturated fat." Which reminds me that one of the retail "vegetable" oils even boasted about having Vitamin E. Of course, it was the synthetic variant of Vitamin E, which actually does almost nothing; but in addition, becomes highly toxic whenever heated. It is important to remember that it was in a cooking oil. That made it so "healthy" after all, because the canola and soy were not healthy enough without it. I really had to wonder why they didn't simply add some paint thinner too -- which is technically very chemically similar to these oils when broken down by high heat. To learn the painful details about the chemical engineering required to make canola oil supposedly fit for human consumption, see our previous article, The Bomb Shell Truth About Canola Oil. Our strong recommendation is that you use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for almost everything, or even pure butter. Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil is unchanged from God's hand. Sunflower oil (not to be confused with safflower) is a second best if it is unavailable. Use peanut oil for deep frying, because of its resistance to breaking down in high heat. The Science and Further Reading The Bomb Shell Truth About Canola Oil Mutagens from heated Chinese and U.S. cooking oils Dietary canola oil alters hematological indices and blood lipids in neonatal piglets fed formula Reduction of myocardial necrosis in male albino rats by manipulation of dietary fatty acid levels |
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