CIL IPO likely by October: Report
Meanwhile, Free Market Economy is being defended by Civil society, Intelligentsia and Media as RED SAFFRON Hindutva challenges the Global Hindutva represented by Congress led UPA backed by Brahamins and India Incs. The Result further strengthens the Zionsist Corporate manusmriti Rule as Post Ambedkarite Movement and SC, ST , OBC Co opted ICONS also defend the Free market Democarcy as Whatsoever RESISTANCE against Exclusion and ethnic Cleansing, Monopolistic Corporate Aggression has NO SCOPE at all!
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, chapter 514
Palash Biswas
India's annual monsoon, crucial for a rebound in farm output after last year's drought, has rapidly advanced to cover the entire country, boosting crop sowing and likely tempering food price inflation.But as we see the Disaster in Punjab with advancing Monsoon and the Foodgrains lost in Arrogance and the CRICKET First Agriculture Minister, Disinvestment drive and FDI INFLOW make a perfect HELL in Indigenous aboriginal Landscape in India. But the Ambedkarite Movement proves to be as much as PRO Globalisation as the Mraxists and Hindutva forces are. Thus, the US sponsered Zionist Corporate Rulers of India Incs and LPG Mafia Slaves have OPEN Goals to score. Despite UNITED Opposition and Most successful Bharat Bandh, ECONOMIC Reforms of genocide gestapo have to continue with Surgical Precision under COMPLETE Brain wash Situation in the environment of Hindutva Resurgence contrarily what POST Hinduva concepts of Kanch Ilaiah of Casteology of VTR indicate. The Marxists and Maoists are best known for Hypocricy and Betrayal, let me allow to say that Ambedkarites in Position and Leadership do overlap them who deny EMPOWEMENT and Democarcy, Awakening and education to the EXCLUDED Communities in the same manner as the BRAHAMINS had been.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on Tuesday he and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Duvvuri Subbarao would meet on July 23 as usual ahead of the central bank's monetary policy review on July 27.
The RBI is widely expected to raise rates by another 25 basis points at the review, after it surprised markets late on Friday by raising its policy rate by 25 basis points.
Friday's rate hike was the third this year as the RBI struggles to contain inflation, which has accelerated into double digits.
Dear Brethren,
With deep sorrow and anguish we would like to convey that one more profit making Government Company – BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED : BSNL will be taking its last breath TODAY before being strangled to death and hanged for upliftment of few Indian capitalist and Multinationals. Today the decision will be made public which has already being taken by the Anti-Poor Government to sell 30% of the shares from this company thereby making it a PRIVATE ORGANISATION – OF THE PRIVATE, BY THE PRIVATE AND FOR THE PRIVATE. 1,00,000 of its existing workers will be out of job just in a day, thousand acres of land will be grabbed by the blood thirsty capitalists for just PEANUTS and assets worth Lakhs of Crores given in FREE to these Commission agents. Kindly go through the scanned copy of today's Economic Times (Page 7). The Prime Ministers committee has also recommended that immediately after the retirement of Mr. Kuldeep Goyal CMD BSNL a private sector DALAL shall be appointed as CMD, even before the company is completely sold to them. JAY HO, PHIR BHI MERA DESH MAHAN. BUT DON'T WORRY BROTHERS YOUR COMPANY WILL NOT BE SOLD TODAY, IT WILL BE SOLD TOMMORROW, SO ENJOY TILL YOUR NUMBERS COMES.
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time: Racial UNTOUCHAIBLITY ...
The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) in the Rajya Sabha Thursday trained ... The Brahaminical History has deleted the legacy of Indus Saraswati Valley ..... do seem to have inherited the Elite Bengali Brahaminical vengeance and . .... rivalry and the hint of betrayal that saw breathless headlines and even ...
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Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> Marxists oppose Mosque ...
4 Dec 2009 ... Marxists oppose Mosque Demolition wearing Secular Masks once again! ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi … ..... In fact,the Brahaminical hegemony and its SLAVE are INTOLERANT enough and Justify Ethnic ... THE HISTORY OF MARXIST BETRAYAL EXPOSES THE LOT VERY WELL! ...
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Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA
Marxists oppose Mosque Demolition wearing Secular Masks once again! ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi … ..... In fact,the Brahaminical hegemony and its SLAVE are INTOLERANT enough and Justify Ethnic ... GENUINE RESISTANCE, THE HISTORY OF MARXIST BETRAYAL EXPOSES THE LOT VERY WELL! ...
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nandigramunited: Racial UNTOUCHAIBLITY Most Inhuman and Barbaric ...
The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) in the Rajya Sabha Thursday trained ... The Brahaminical History has deleted the legacy of Indus Saraswati Valley ..... do seem to have inherited the Elite Bengali Brahaminical vengeance and . .... of subcontinental rivalry and the hint of betrayal that saw breathless ...
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nandigramunited: VICTIMS of the War Against Terror and Global ...
But the Census teams are working with Political Vengeance to Omit the ... with three people being killed and Marxist supporters capturing Nandigram. ...
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I am afraid to warn you that the Change in Bengal is Heralding the ...
24 Jan 2010 ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi . ..... RSS Supremo Visist to Kolakata Coincides with SHIBU Soren Betrayal to Tribal .... The Bengali Media is very very Communal as well as Brahaminical. ..... Despite its track record, the Marxist would want us to believe that ...
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ENTRAPPED in KANSHIRAM Branded Casteology Endorsed by VTR ...
2 Nov 2009 ... Kerala is Marxist but Aryan Legacy is maintained very well in Progressive Ideology Replicating Brahaminical Bengal. ...
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subaltern - - 1305700
arya-brahmin-vengeance-on-bengali-tamil-dalits-chakma-adivasi-indigenous- .... Wins the Brahaminical Battle and Earlier We Warned of UPA Strategic Betrayal! ...
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palashscape: Rajshekhr VT Responds with Some Questions Must Be ...
VTR exposed the Marxist Maoist corporate Friend Brahamins who ally with the India ..... But could not get enough support as the Brahaminical Hegemony is ADAMANT to allow ... over what's being seen as the betrayal of Bhopal, the Congress party, ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi . ...
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communistpartyofpakistan : Message: Indo Bangla relationship Under ...
Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Dalit-Buddhist Refugees in India ...... in Bengal because the Marxists were very successful in making the West ...
Mr Sumit Bose secretary of Department of Divestment said that the problem of inadequate independent directors on company boards is a stumbling block in taking companies to the market.
Mr Bose said while delivering a talk on reforms led growth to mark the occasion of the annual session and annual general meeting of the Indian Chamber of Commerce that there was now a strong line up of PSUs which were likely to hit the market and whose disinvestment was now under consideration. The Department of Divestment was seeking suggestions to strengthen the divestment process.
He said that many state public sector enterprises could also be listed and the process had been kicked off with the listing of Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam. A government official, however, said the listing of a few state owned PSEs was being looked at and companies in the mining and power sector, especially hydel power might be the first to tap the capital market. Indications were that a state owned mining company might be among the first to do so.
Mr Sunil Mitra revenue secretary said that he was hopeful that the Direct Tax Code would become a law by April 2011 after being passed during the winter session of Parliament. The revised draft was expected to be placed in the coming monsoon session after which it would go to the Select Committee.
Mr Sriprakash Jaiswal union coal minister of India said earlier at the session on Coal, energizing India's growth that the government had set up an inter ministerial task force to make a comprehensive review of the existing coal resources and rationalize them with a view to optimizing transportation cost given the various technical constraints. He also said the government intended to invest INR 400 crore in 2010 to 2011 against INR 260 crore in 2009 to 2010 for developing transportation infrastructure in coalfields, regional exploration, detailed drilling and for taking measures to protect environment and control subsidence.
Mr PS Bhattacharyya chairman of Coal India said that 48% of the coal bearing forest areas spread over nine coalfields had been declared as no-go area for mining. He saw a real serious problem emerging on the coal supply front and indigenous coal production could not match demand after meeting the sustainability conditions. The Coal Minister said three meetings had been held with the Prime Minister in a bid to resolve this issue.
Government on Tuesday took a tentative step towards opening up the organised retail sector to foreign companies but steered clear of suggesting a specific investment cap. A discussion paper, issued by the commerce and industry ministry, will test the appetite in Asia's third-largest economy for a politically sensitive reform closely watched by retail giants such as Wal-Mart Stores and Carrefour. ( Watch )
Making out a strong case for opening up the multi-brand retail sector for foreign investment, the Industry Ministry today sought the views of different stakeholders asking whether FDI in the sector should be permitted.
"FDI in retail may... be an efficient means of addressing the concerns of farmers and consumers... Opening FDI in retail could also assist in bringing technical know-how to set up efficient supply chains, which can act as models of development," the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) said in a discussion paper on the politically sensitive issue.
"It would also... assist in lowering consumer prices/inflation," it said.
The ministry has sought stakeholders' comments by July 31.
At present, FDI in multi-brand retail is prohibited in India.
However, the government allows 51 per cent FDI in single brand retailing and 100 per cent in wholesale trade.
India's retail sector is largely closed, with 51 percent foreign direct investment allowed only in single-brand retail and multi-brand retail restricted to cash-and-carry outlets. The reform is seen as a way to ease massive supply bottlenecks that have helped keep inflation stubbornly high. Proposals to open up multi-brand retail stalled during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's first five-year term amid vocal protests from his former leftist allies and fears over the future of small family-run outlets. But Singh's ruling Congress party has lately signalled its resolve to push bold reforms, deciding to free up fuel prices despite fears of a voter backlash. The discussion paper could pave the way for another major policy shift. "Watch this space," a ministry source told Reuters in the run-up to the paper's release. "Something is definitely happening in multi-brand retail that was not happening even a year ago."
Tuesday's paper is the second to test attitudes to lifting investment caps in sectors eagerly watched by investors. The first suggested almost tripling the foreign direct investment cap on defence equipment to 74 percent. The latest paper will explore issues such as whether to stipulate minimum local sourcing requirements for retailers or a minimum of 50 percent of all foreign investment being spent on back end infrastructure. "Keeping in view the large requirement of funds for back-end infrastructure, there is a case for opening up of the retail sector to foreign investment," it said.
Global operators such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour have long coveted India's fast-growing $450-billion retail sector, which is dominated by mom-and-pop shops. "Some movement on retail is better than no movement," said Rajiv Kumar, head of the New Delhi-based think-tank ICRIER. "Finally it's dawning on the government that food price inflation can be tackled. One way to tackle food price inflation would be to modernise the post-harvest logistics and supply chain, and retail can contribute to that." But recent evidence suggests there is a long way to go before the paper shapes government policy. The defence minister tempered expectations of lifting investment caps in the sector immediately after the first discussion paper was released. A separate proposal to introduce the first GM food into India was put into cold storage after an outcry from environmentalists and some farmers.
Wal-Mart is already present in India through cash-and-carry stores supplying in bulk to fuel Indian giant Bharti's retail stores, but it wants to enter India's retail market. "This would be a good reform measure to have completed before President Obama's visit (to India) in November," ICRIER's Kumar said.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.- India's No. 1 Telecommunications Company
Offers telephone services to private and business - Cached - Similar
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Decision on BSNL IPO likely today
7 Jul 2010, 0105 hrs IST,Joji Thomas Philip,ET BureauNEW DELHI: The telecom commission — the apex decision-making body of the communications ministry — will meet on Wednesday to decide on listing state-owned telco BSNL and selling a 30% stake in the PSU as suggested by a prime minister appointed panel.
Earlier this year, the Sam Pitroda panel, which included banker Deepak Parekh and telecom secretary PJ Thomas, had recommended a strategic stake sale and staff cut by a third to revive the flagging fortunes of BSNL. The panel proposed that the government should sell a 30% stake in the company through an IPO and also raise funds from the sale of its infrastructure, such as signal towers and real estate.
The committee also added that the telco use the funds from the share sale to retire about a third of its three lakh employees, through best possible processes like the voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) and induct young talent in technology and customer services.
In March 2010, the BSNL board approved Pitroda panel's recommendations on both the strategic stake sale and reduction of employee headcount. Opposition from employee unions has stalled BSNL's plans to tap the market for over two years. In the past 30 months, the board had approved plans to list the company thrice, but each time, the government was forced on to the back foot, after its employees went on strike.
The telecom commission will also decide on the panel's recommendation that an eminent person from the private sector be made the chairman of the PSU, when its current CMD Kuldeep Goyal retires this month-end.
Also on the agenda of the apex DoT body is to permit BSNL to hire 'best professionals from the market', and offer them compensations at par with industry standards. The BSNL board had approved these proposals too.
The decision making body, during its Wednesday meet will also discuss BSNL's plans to hive off its land bank into a separate company so that the telco can monetise the asset by selling parts of it.
BSNL, once a monopoly in domestic telephony, has been deteriorating in financial performance over the years as it could not expand on time. It could not compete with the nimble-footed private mobile phone firms, such as Bharti Airtel, which were taking decisions quickly. BSNL's initial tender for a 63-million global system for mobile communications (GSM) lines in 2006 was slashed to 12 million by telecom minister A Raja.
Its follow-on tender for 93 GSM lines, the world's largest equipment order, was cancelled after a series of controversies even as rivals such as Bharti, Reliance Communications and the Tatas expanded to feed the expanding customer base.
While BSNL is yet to declare its results for the financial year-ended March 2010, ET had earlier reported that the telco's accounts show a loss of Rs 2,611 crore for this period from a profit of Rs 575 crore a year earlier. Its revenues fell 7.9% to Rs 32,966 crore, documents available with ET show. This is also the first instance of the telco plunging into losses since it was spun off from the department of telecom in 2000.
Kishenji brother to succeed Azad
Mallojula Venugopal Rao, brother of Koteshwar Rao alias Kishenji, is likely to be nominated as spokesperson of CPI(Maoist). Venugopal succeeds Cherukuri Rajkumar known as Azad who was shot dead by the Andhra Pradesh Police in an alleged encounter last week in Adilabad district. Venugopal joined the Naxalite movement in the 1980s a few months after his elder brother Kishenji joined the former CPI-ML (People's War).Venugopal at present is reportedly tending to his elder brother who got a bullet injury in his leg in Lalgarh. Sources said Venugopal had been assigned by the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) the task of organising the operations in Lalgarh, Salboni and Belpahari.
Ministry panel to review plans for BSNL - govt
An internal panel of the telecoms ministry will submit its report within a month on proposals including a share sale and other restructuring plans for the state-run phone firm, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, a government statement said on Wednesday.The decision was taken after a meeting of the Telecom Commission, the highest decision-making body at the telecoms ministry, according to the statement.
BSNL's board had approved selling a 10 percent stake in the company through an IPO, but the sale was headed off by political and labour opposition.
An earlier panel had recommended selling a 30 percent stake in phases along with some other proposals to improve performance which has been under strain from private sector competitors.
The new telecoms ministry panel will take inputs from BSNL employees association before submitting its report, the statement said.
The Telecom Commission is considering a proposal to defer the divestment in PSU telecom major BSNL. The Commission wants the divestment to be deferred till BSNL's enterprise value gets enhanced, reports CNBC-TV18's Siddharth Zarabi quoting sources.
A meeting of the Telecom Commission, which was called has several key proposals on its agenda. The first proposal being to defer the proposed divestment of upto 10% as the BSNL board had decided, as well as the 30% figure that the Sam Pitroda Committee had suggested.
Meanwhile, Free Market Economy is being defended by Civil society, Intelligentsia and Media as RED SAFFRON Hindutva challenges the Global Hindutva represented by Congress led UPA backed by Brahamins and India Incs. The Result further strengthens the Zionsist Corporate manusmriti Rule as Post Ambedkarite Movement and SC, ST , OBC Co opted ICONS also defend the Free market Democarcy as Whatsoever RESISTANCE against Exclusion and ethnic Cleansing, Monopolistic Corporate Aggression has NO SCOPE at all!
The last 20 years of liberalised growth might have created 'two Indias' in his own words, but renowned French economist Guy Sorman believes those very years have also given the Indian poor a real hope of being able to better their lives.
The prolific author, known to be a strong defender of free markets, however, rues the fact that India's bureaucracy has failed to keep pace with the transformation post- liberalisation, creating severe bottlenecks in development.
In India recently to release his new book 'Economics Does Not Lie', published by Full Circle, Sorman said for a free market economy to succeed, a number of institutional reforms needed to be initiated simultaneously and stated that liberalisation had done some wonderful things to India.
"In this country, the bureaucracy still belongs to old India and it is ill prepared to facilitate the transition from the old to the modern, so is the system of imparting technical education," Sorman told PTI in an interview.
Reacting to mounting criticisms in India that post- liberalisation society has perpetuated gross inequalities, Sorman said while he is sensitive to the widespread poverty, the answer does not lie in reverting to the old system but in reforming the existing one.
"Well to the people who criticise the reforms, I say they should compare the present with the India of 30 years ago when nothing was happening, so nothing was to be hoping for," he said.
"A large number of people are moving from India no 2 to India no 1 in hope of a better future. For the first time in India poor people think that their children can have a better life. This hope has tremendous psychological effects," Sorman said pointing out the example of fishermen in Tamil Nadu benefiting from the telecom revolution.
"The revolution of Internet and cellphones reaching remote villages is an example of trickle down and of technology helping escape exploitation by intermediaries," he said.
Besides the ill-functioning bureaucracy, Sorman also laments weakness of the technical education system in India, which he says needs to be strong to equip people from the countryside to be able to find a place in the cities.
"If you want to have sustained growth, you don't only need to bring a man from the countryside to the city, you need to bring an educated, technically-equipped man and need a kind of technical education system which you don't have in India".
"What more is needed is the creation of income generating revenues in rural India for landless people".
China might be the flavour of the world economy with its galloping growth rates, but Sorman believes India has a better bet at the future given the stability of its democracy and the vitality of its open society.
95 pct mid-sized Indian cos abroad plan expansion in next 2 yrs
Undettered by global economic uncertainties 95 per cent mid-sized Indian companies abroad plan to expand their international business in the next two years, a report said.
Despite the global economic turmoil, 93 per cent of the Indian mid-sized companies, which do international business, saw growth in revenues from their overseas business, a HSBC survey said here today.
It added that 95 per cent of the companies with global footprint plan to expand their current international business in the next two years.
In global expansion plans, India's 95 per cent is the highest in the world against the global average of 74 per cent, the report said.
"These findings reaffirm our focus to support internationally minded corporates by enhancing visibility of market opportunities and help them overcome the challenges they face in overseas markets," HSBC India, Commercial Banking Managing Director Puneet Chaddha said.
The survey covered mid-size companies with an annual turnover of USD 5 million to $1 billion.
According to the study 63 per cent of the Indian firms surveyed do international business. Interestingly, almost 50 per cent of them have reported that their revenues from abroad have grown faster than domestic revenues in the past 12months.
While 69 per cent of the firms saw their international business growing faster or at the same pace as their domestic business, the report said.
Globally 90 per cent companies saw a growth in their international business with UAE and China leading with 95 per cent of their companies recording growth.
The report said that the top international locations where mid-size Indian companies are currently conducting business are the US with 36 per cent of the total global exposure, followed by the UK, 25 per cent, the UAE 24, per cent and China, 19 per cent.
China, which was ranked fourth, is otherwise ranked second after the US as one of the top global locations for doing business, followed by Germany, UK and Japan, the survey said.
World over, mid-size corporates cited the complexities of international markets as the main barrier in doing business.
However, in India, majority of companies said that dealing in foreign currency, local regulations, legal complexities and financing are the key hurdles in doing international business, the report said.
India Inc plans to raise Rs 40k cr in next 6 months: Study
The domestic industry plans to raise Rs 40,000 crore -- meant for adding capacity and retiring debts -- through qualified institutional placements (QIPs) in the remaining six months of 2010, a study said today.
"In the absence of virtually no regulatory approvals, India Inc has drawn up elaborate plans to raise a whopping amount of over Rs 40,000 crore through QIP... to retire its expensive debts as also to raise capacities and its modernisation," the study by Assocham and SMC Capitals said.
It noted that 50 companies, including Tech Mahindra, Essar Oil and Ansal Properties and Infrastructure, have already taken approvals for QIPs from their boards.
Capital markets are choosing the QIP route because capital markets seem to be becoming more stable, the study said.
It further said that QIPs have very limited regulatory restrictions. While it takes four to five months in the case of IPOs, FPOs or any other fund-raising mode, everything can be wrapped up in a matter of four-five days in the case of a QIP, it added.
"...(besides) in case of QIPs, when compared to a preferential allotment, there is no lock-in period. This, probably, is the single-most factor that makes the QIP instrument such a popular mode of fund raising," it added.
QIP is a capital-raising tool through which a company issues equity shares to institutional investors.
Choose sports, Mr Pawar
7 Jul 2010, 0524 hrs IST,ET Bureau
Even those who are no great fans of cricket would have to concede that the game has its uses. It has now come in handy for an absentee minister of some crucial ministries to be replaced. After becoming president of the International Cricket Council, Mr Sharad Pawar has reportedly asked the prime minister for a reduced workload.
Dr Manmohan Singh should not only oblige Mr Pawar, by allocating the pre-occupied ally something innocuous like sports and youth affairs but also use the occasion to reallocate portfolios and also to regroup different departments currently operating independently, overriding their natural affinity.
Of course, in a coalition set-up, the prime minister does not have unconditional freedom to act as he pleases. But ministers who are absent or do not contribute or, worse, create a policy mess, should be shown the door. Or, if that is not possible, moved to ministries where the damage they do would be minimal.
Equally important is the need to separate a ministry like agriculture from the one for food and consumer affairs. A bias on the part of the minister towards producers would saddle consumers with higher prices while a bias towards consumers might disincentivise farmers from raising production. If the two departments are handled by independent ministers, they are likely to strike a viable balance. Ministries also need to be rearranged in a rationalisation of sorts, which can yield better coordination in allied areas.
For example, there is every reason to tag the department of fertilisers to the same minister who handles agriculture. At present, it is unlikely that the two different departments, working under two different ministers, would find the degree of coordination required, for example, for the government to announce a hike in fertiliser prices but to present it to the farmers as part of a holistic package that comprises a host of other production and income-boosting incentives. That is the only way to get this done, too.
The leadership of the UPA has to strike a balance not only within the coalition but also with the voters, who expect performance. Intra-coalition balancing acts should not render performance a casualty.
Disinvestment of India
In a mixed economy such as India, historically the public sector had been ... Disinvestment (or divestment) of the PSUs has therefore been offered as one of ...
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micro presentation:: Best of Luck: 5. PSU disinvestment.
10 Jan 2008 ... PSU disinvestment. IN the last decade, many steps have been taken to disinvest public sector enterprises in India, both in terms of listing ...
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How to get Disinvestment Going Building India's Future - Prime ...
PSUs that have eroded their net worth must be closed. Disinvestment proceeds should not flow into the Consolidated Fund of India and be used to finance ...
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Disinvestment in India - PSU Disinvestment - Public Sector ...
Disinvestment of the Public Sector Undertakings (PSU's) is a hot topic of discussion.
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The Hindu Business Line : PSU disinvestment: Endemic problems
29 Nov 2002 ... Opinion - Disinvestment PSU disinvestment: Endemic problems ... Moreover, merchant bankers feel that the retail capital market in India ...
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PM hints at PSU disinvestment in Budget 2009-10 - Economy and ...
28 May 2009 ... PM hints at PSU disinvestment in Budget 2009-10, The government has already cleared the disinvestment of NHPC and Oil India but could not ...
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557 Ila Patnaik, PSU disinvestment
In the case of India, even when we consider the modest PSU disinvestment efforts of the early 1990s, recent research indicates that the sale of minority ...
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PM hints at PSU disinvestment in Budget - Express India
28 May 2009 ... The government has already cleared the disinvestment of NHPC and Oil India but could not tap the capital market due to the prevalent ...
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- | Govt Expects Rs 20000 cr From PSU ...
27 Jan 2010 ... "Next, probably will be the follow-on public offer of Engineers India Ltd (EIL) because ... Govt to Infuse Rs 15000 Cr in PSU Banks in 2010-11 Apr 23, 2010 ... Disinvestment In PSUs Not Stopped: Arun Yadav Jan 24, 2010 ...
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Indian Public sector disinvestment
It advises the government on the need for PSU disinvestment in the local ... from the sale of equity in four PSUs - Indian Oil , Gas Authority of India Ltd, ...
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Parkway deal: Khazanah may seek extension
Duration: 03:16
Posted: 7 Jul, 2010, 1837 hrs IST
TRAI proposes indexing 2G allotment price with 3G price
Duration: 03:16
Posted: 7 Jul, 2010, 1528 hrs IST
Power Grid to rent towers to telecom companies: Sources
Duration: 01:20
Posted: 7 Jul, 2010, 1455 hrs IST
SAIL FPO to be delayed by 2 months: Sources
Duration: 01:46
Posted: 7 Jul, 2010, 1443 hrs IST
Govt adopts cautious approach on FDI in multi-brand retail
Unlike the defence sector, the government has adopted a cautious approach on opening up multi-brand retail to foreign investment, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion Secretary R P Singh said on Wednesday. "We have left it (fixing a cap on FDI) open. Based on the response which we get from the stakeholders, we will take a view," Singh told PTI. The secretary of the DIPP -- which is responsible for the policy on the country's foreign direct investment (FDI) -- indicated that the government has taken a cautious approach in the case of multi-brand retail. "We have not taken a clear stand like we did in the case of defence. We did not give a stipulation as to what should be percentage (for FDI)" he said. As a formal move towards permitting entry of global retailers like Wal-Mart, Carrfour, Tesco and Metro, the DIPP released a discussion paper yesterday inviting comments from stakeholders by July 31. India, at present allows 51 per cent FDI in single brand retail and 100 per cent in the cash-and-carry (wholesale) formats. Though permitted in 1996, FDI inflows of just USD 195 million (about Rs 900 crore) have come in the single brand retail segment, comprising 0.21 per cent of the total FDI into the country. Single brand investment is confined to sportswear, luxury goods, apparel, jewellery and handbags. In the case of cash-and-carry trading, FDI of USD 1.77 billion (about Rs 8,000 crore) has come since April, 2006, when it was brought under the automatic clearance route, though it was opened in 1997. In the paper on FDI in defence, the DIPP favoured 75 per cent foreign investment. It had said that even 100 per cent would be desirable. However, the Ministry of Defence is known to be opposed to increasing the FDI cap beyond the existing 26 per cent. Asked how soon multi-brand retail, a politically sensitive sector employing about 33 million people in the neighbourhood mom and pop (kirana) stores, would be thrown open for overseas investment, Singh said it was difficult to fix a timeline. "We cannot say... depends upon the kind of response we get, kind of concerns people express," he said, adding, "We have to find ways of addressing (concerns) and we are trying to build a consensus to the extent possible." He said concerns over the impact on small traders by the entry of big retailers have to be taken on board. "You have to see how to integrate the retail sector with this value chain, that is important," Singh said. Singh said it also has to be seen how unorganised retail should cope with the competition. |
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Sources say that the proposal to defer BSNL divestment to whatever percentage as may be eventually decided has been taken on the grounds to let the company be restructured, and to let the operational performance improve thereby improving the enterprise value and only then will a proposal be considered. Sam Pitroda who had proposed it then responded to the DoT query and said he agreed that the proposal be deferred.
The other relates to the restructuring of Bharat Sanchar. In that one of the proposals that is taken up or is being taken up is with regard to inducting a professional management. Sources added that the proposal is largely to put senior people in place with three year contracts with possibly higher remuneration and an alternative by linking the director's performance to the performance ofthe company.
There is no explicit reference to hiring people from overseas as several reports had suggested the name of Arun Sarin. The only reference really is a directive from the Prime Minister's Office asking BSNL to set up a search committee for the post of CMD. Interestingly there is again no reference to splitting up of the post of the Chairman and Managing Director.
CIL IPO likely by October: Report
he Initial Public Offer of Coal India, from which the government expects to rake in about Rs 12,000 crore, would hit the market by October, a senior government official today said."I am hoping the CIL initial public offer (IPO) to be launched by September-October," Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) Secretary Bhaskar Chatterjee told reporters here.
The government will meet the target of raising Rs 40,000 crore this fiscal from the disinvestment of PSUs, including Coal India, he said on the sidelines of a function to sign a pact for public sector enterprises management between India and Slovenia.
Earlier, Coal Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal had said that the IPO could be launched in September-October if market conditions are conducive.
Recently, the Union Cabinet had decided to disinvest 10 per cent holding in CIL, the world's largest coal producer. The Centre holds 100 per cent equity in the company.
The government aims to raise Rs 40,000 crore through disinvestment this fiscal. So far, divestment in Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam has fetched the exchequer over Rs 1,000 crore.
The government is likely to sell its stake in 10 PSUs, including MMTC, SAIL and Hindustan Copper, this fiscal.
During the last fiscal, it had raised Rs 25,000 crore through stake sale in Oil India, NMDC, REC and NTPC.
CPI(M) may partner NDA after success of Bharat bandh
Sumanta Ray Chadhuri / DNAWednesday, July 7, 2010 0:26 IST
Kolkata: The success of Monday's Bharat bandh has prompted the CPI(M) to enter into an issue-based clandestine understanding with the BJP and other NDA allies to mount pressure on the Congress-led UPA government. The parties will not announce any joint agitation against the UPA, but the arrangement will be such that it has a national impact.
The issues for which they may jointly agitate include, inflation, oil price hike, nuclear liability bill, Maoist problem, Kashmir issue and the Bhopal gas tragedy, sources said."Such issues have no link with the BJP's communal issues. But at the same time, their [BJP and Left] contentions on such issues are the same. For example, both CPI(M) and BJP feel that one of the leading UPA allies are acting as semi-Maoists. This does not mean that two share the same ideological platform. It is just that there has been convergence of contentions on issues that involve the lives and livelihood of common people," a senior CPI(M) leader said.
The CPI(M), however, wants to be open about future coordination with NDA allies like Sharad Yadav's JD(U). "What's the harm in coordinating with JD(U) on bigger national issues that involves the lives and livelihood of common people?" the CPI(M) leader said.
He admitted that nationally the strength of the Left parties is not that impressive and hence issue-based coordination with national parties was necessary. "A coordination between JD(U) and CPI(M) will be convergence of socialist and communist Left," he said.
The decision on the issue-based coordination with national parties against the UPA was taken at a politburo meeting last Sunday.
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CPI(M) may partner NDA after success of Bharat bandhDaily News & Analysis - Sumanta Ray Chadhuri - 20 hours agoBut at the same time, their [BJP and Left] contentions on such issues are the same. For example, both CPI(M) and BJP feel that one of the leading UPA allies ... Parties gear up for bandh todayDeccan Chronicle - Jul 4, 2010Visakhapatnam, July: The opposition parties including the CPI, CPI (M), BJP and TD, who have called for a national bandh on Monday against fuel price hike, ... BJP's Bharat Bandh today, security stepped up in cityIndian Express - Jul 4, 2010In view of the Bharat Bandh call given by the Opposition parties, including the BJP, CPI(M) and MJP against the fuel price hike on Monday, ... Nation loses Rs 13000 crore; Opposition still to continue stirHindustan Times - Jul 5, 2010The Bharat bandh against price rise called separately by the BJP and the CPM and their regional allies gave Delhi a bad Monday morning. ... Bharat bandh: What's the situation in your stateHindustan Times - Jul 5, 2010... than one-and-half hours by the activists of the CPI-M. However, there was no damage to property," a railway official told IANS. Cadres of the ruling BJP ... BJP, Left call separate shutdowns on MondaySify - Jul 4, 2010The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) also slammed the government for not reconsidering the steps being taken to deregulate petrol and diesel prices, ... Bharat bandh: Success is a relative termDaily News & Analysis - Anil Anand - Jul 5, 2010CPI(M)'s Brinda Karat and CPI's AB Bardhan and D Raja also courted arrest. Apart from BJP and JD(U), the NDA rally in Chandni Chowk was attended by leaders ... BJP takes pride in bandh, Cong calls it a - Jul 5, 2010CPI-M leader Brinda Karat and CPI's top brass - AB Bardhan and D Raja - also courted arrest during the bandh in a show of strength by the opposition trying ... Slow response to bandh in DelhiHindustan Times - Jul 5, 2010Prominent leaders Nitin Gadkari and Rajnath Singh (BJP), Sharad Yadav (JD-U), Brinda Karat (CPI-M) and CPI's AB Bardhan and D Raja courted arrest in ... Bharat Bandh tomorrow: Delhi commuters may face tough timeEconomic Times - Jul 4, 2010Out of the total 13 demonstrations by the Left, three will be organised by CPI(M) alone. BJP will also organise protests across the city. ... Opposition to enforce 'Bharat Bandh' todaySify - Jul 4, 2010The participating parties are BJP, Shiv Sena, Samajwadi Party, JD-U, CPI-M, CPI, Forward Block, RSP, AIADMK, MDMK TDP, BJD, JD(S), AGP, Akali Dal and INLD. ... NDA, Left bandh today against oil price riseThe Hindu - Jul 4, 2010Meanwhile, the CPI (M) Polit Bureau, which met here on Saturday and Sunday, endorsed the bandh call given by the Left parties. ... Brace for city bandh todayTimes of India - Jul 4, 2010A spokesperson of the Communist Party of India's Delhi State Council added that workers of CPI, CPI(M), JD(S), INLD, SP and BJP will block roads in at least ... Left, NDA seek support for 'separate' bandhsHindustan Times - Jul 4, 2010While the CPI(M) Politburo, in its statement said the protest action must serve as a "warning to the government, in a joint appeal, the four Left parties ... Bharat Bandh Today!World News (blog) - Jul 4, 2010With respect to the BJP's Bharat Bandh call declared today, by the Opposition parties like BJP, MJP and CPI (M) with regards to hike in fuel price, ... It's how Bharat bandh brings India to a standstill; Left, SP, BJP join hands - Jul 5, 2010In Congress-ruled neighbouring Haryana where opposition parties, including Indian National Lok Dal and CPI and CPI (M), are supporting the bandh call the ... Bhart Bandh on Monday holds Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and several cities of IndiaAll India Today - Jul 5, 2010Today, in New Delhi, senior leaders of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) were arrested for blocking road and rail ... Opposition shut down India on 'Bharat Bandh'BreakingNewsOnline. - Jul 5, 2010State BJP President Juel Oram was also arrested. The political parties that joined the ‘Bharat Bandh’ were BJP, Shiv Sena, Samajwadi Party, JD(U), CPI-M ... Did the shutdown help anyone at all?Deccan Chronicle - Jul 5, 2010The ball was set rolling with the visit of CPI(M) and CPI parliamentary leaders to the offices of the BJP recently. Are we revisiting the era of opportunism ... BJP, Left to observe bandh on July 5 in HimachalHimachal Live (blog) - Jul 3, 2010You can leave a response or trackback to this entry Shimla: CPI-M and BJP has given a call for state bandh on July 5 in Himachal Pradesh against hike in ... Nationwide shutdown uncalled for: CongressSify - Jul 3, 2010The call for the dawn-to-dusk countrywide shutdown July 5 has been given by the Janata Dal-United, the BJP, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M), ... Bharat Bandh: Normal Life affected across IndiaBreakingNewsOnline. - Jul 4, 2010Almost all parts of India remain affected by the shutdown. The BJP and Left lead the complete shutdown. Shiv Sena, Samajwadi Party, JD(U), CPI-M, CPI, ... BJP appeals to make Bharat Bandh successful in MPCentral Chronicle - Jul 4, 2010CPI(M)'s state unit secretary Badal Saroj said the decision by the Centre to hike the prices of petroleum products was a direct attack on public who were ... Wake-up call for UPA GovtDaily Pioneer - Jul 4, 2010The bandh call has been jointly given by the BJP, Shiv Sena, Samajwadi Party, JD(U), CPI(M), CPI, Forward Bloc, RSP, AIADMK, PMK, MDMK, TDP, BJD, JD(S), ... BJP bandh on July 5 against oil price hikeTimes of India - Jun 30, 2010The BJP is not against the decentralisation of prices but against price rise. I request all parties including the NCP, CPI (M) and the MGP to join us in the ... Opposition seeking support of trade unions, students for bandh: Sharad YadavDaily News & Analysis - Jul 2, 2010Parties which are participating in the bandh include BJP, Shiv Sena, Samajwadi Party, JD-U, CPI-M, CPI, Forward Block, RSP, AIADMK, PMK, MDMK TDP, BJD, ... Bharat bandh should serve as warning to govt: Left partiesZee News - Jul 4, 2010In a statement, CPI(M) politburo appealed to the people to join the all India 'hartal' on July 5 and make it a big success. "This powerful all India protest ... Bharat Bandh: Oppn unites to protest against price rise - Jul 4, 2010In addition, the Left leaders, including CPI(M), CPI, AIFB and RSP, along with the AIADMK, Telugu Desam Party, Samajwadi Party, Biju Janata Dal, ... Oppn strike: Not interested, says FMindiablooms - Jul 4, 2010... (CPI-M), Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) and All India Forward Bloc- have also called a 'Bharat Bandh' on the same issue on July 5. Senior BJP ... State braces for bandh on MondayDeccan Chronicle - Jul 3, 2010All the major political parties including the Telugu Desam, the CPI, the CPI(M), the BJP, and the TRS have extended total support to the bandh. ... |
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Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on Sanday alleged that there was an understanding between the CPI(M) and BJP in the civic poll in some wards of the ...
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The Hindu : National : Mamata sees understanding between CPI(M ...
6 Jul 2010 ... Mamata sees understanding between CPI(M) and BJP. Special Correspondent. KOLKATA: Leaders of both the Trinamool Congress and the Congress ...
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Congress, Trinamool allege BJP-CPI-M nexus .:. ...
Congress, Trinamool allege BJP-CPI-M nexus - Kolkata, July 5 : The opposition parties in West Bengal slammed the nationwide shutdown Monday on fuel price ...
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::: I Love Kolkata :::Mamata alleges CPI(M)-BJP understanding in ...
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RSS-BJP Murder Politics Exposed | Communist Party of India (Marxist)
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BJP, CPI-M oppose any hike in petrol, diesel prices
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Disinvestment of India�s Public Sector Units L M Bhole, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| The role of the State vs. Market has been one of the major issues in development economics and policy. In a mixed economy such as India, historically the public sector had been assigned an important role. However, in the year 1991 the national economic policy underwent a radical transformation. The new policy of liberalization, privatization and globalization de-emphasized the role of the public sector in the nation�s economy. The faculty at IIT-Bombay has been studying various aspects of the New Economic Policy such as financial sector reforms, fiscal implications of reforms, and of globalization. To date several arguments have been proffered by the apologists of market-oriented economic structures:
It is also contended that the functioning of many public sector units (PSUs) has been characterized by low productivity, unsatisfactory quality of goods, excessive manpower utilization, inadequate human resource development and low rate of return on capital. For instance, between 1980 and 2002, the average rate of return on capital employed by PSUs was about 3.4% as against the average cost of borrowing, which was 8.66%. Disinvestment (or divestment) of the PSUs has therefore been offered as one of the solutions in this context. Disinvestment involves the sale of equity and bond capital invested by the government in PSUs. It also implies the sale of government�s loan capital in PSUs through securitization. However, it is the government and not the PSUs who receive money from disinvestment. The fixation of share/bond price is an important aspect of disinvestment. Now, the Disinvestment Commission determines the share/bond price. Disinvested shares are listed, quoted and traded on the stock market. Indian and foreign financial institutions, banks, mutual funds, companies as well as individuals can buy disinvested shares / bonds.......more on next page |
Ministry panel to review plans for BSNL - govtReuters India - Harish Nambiar - 25 minutes agoBSNL's board had approved selling a 10 percent stake in the company through an IPO, but the sale was headed off by political and labour opposition. ... BSNL seeks franchisees for 3G services: ChairEconomic Times - 7 hours agoGoyal also said the firm would have have 4 million 3G users by March 2011, up from 1.3 million currently. BSNL, which has about 72 million subscribers, ... BSNL launches push mail service in KarnatakaTelecom Yatra - 2 hours agoBSNL has launched a push mail service, dubbed BlacMail, in the Karnataka circle. For the service, BSNL is using technology provided by a VAS company called ... BSNL to seek expressions of interest for 3G wireless services franchicesdomain-B - 2 hours agoBharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) plans to shortly seek expressions of interest for franchises for its third-generation (3G) wireless services, according to ... BSNL to franchise 3G mobile - 2 hours agoBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), a state-run telecom company is considering the franchise option to outsource its 3G mobile services across the country. ... BSNL launches push mail serviceCIOL - 5 hours agoBANGALORE, INDIA: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL), today joined hands with mobile applications and technology firm Fifth C, a Bangalore based start up, ... BSNL expects 4m 3G users by end-MarchTotal Telecom - Jai Krishna, Romit Guha - 5 hours agoBSNL's franchisee plan follows a similar move by the other state-run Indian telecom firm, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. They are trying to expand their ... BSNL Introduces Push Email ServicesTelecomTalk - Jimmy Merchant - 7 hours agoBharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) today joined hands with mobile applications and technology firm Fifth C, based in Bangalore, ... BSNL mulls 3G outsourcingITWeb - James Lawson - 7 hours agoBSNL is attempting to take a large portion of the 3G market before the first quarter of 2011. 'We expect 5% of our total user base to come from 3G. ... A Raja backs BSNL, seeks fee returnDaily News & Analysis - Nivedita Mookerji - Jul 5, 2010New Delhi: Communications minister A Raja has batted for state-owned telco Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and this could result in the national exchequer ... Telecom minister wants free 3G for BSNLStock Watch - Pankaj Lakhotia - 15 hours agoIn a rather shocking revelation, the telecom minister A Raja has asked that the (3G) spectrum should be given to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and ... Raja wants free spectrum for BSNL, MTNLBusiness Standard - Jul 5, 2010Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) had paid a combined Rs 29598 crore for 3G and broadband wireless access (BWA) ... Raja wants BSNL, MTNL spared from spectrum feesHindu Business Line - Jul 5, 2010However, the Finance Ministry is expected to turn down the request because a waiver to BSNL and MTNL could trigger similar demands from private players. ... Reimburse spectrum money paid by BSNL, MTNL: Raja to FMIndian Express - Jul 5, 2010Telecom Minister A Raja has asked Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to refund spectrum fee of over Rs 29598 crore to BSNL and MTNL, citing precedents and ... WiMax, 3G to Dominate India's Broadband FutureLight Reading - 3 hours agoAnd, he added, BSNL, which offers its services across the whole of the country except for the major cities of New Delhi and Mumbai -- the two 'circles' ... Telecom Panel to Decide on Bharat Sanchar's First Share Sale, Times SaysBloomberg - Chitra Somayaji - 11 hours agoThe telecom commission will also discuss BSNL's plans to separate its land holdings from the parent company, the newspaper said. Raja urges waiver of 3G spectrum charges for BSNL and MTNLdomain-B - Jul 6, 2010According to reports, BSNL and MTNL between them, have paid Rs29,598 crore for pan-India spectrum. Though the two companies did not participate in the bid ... BSNL: Outsourcing 3GTechnology Digital - Jul 6, 2010As per BSNL's plan to roll their 3G services, the company has thought of adopting a franchisee business model to reach out to wider circle across the ... Raja recommends waiving BSNL, MTNL 3G feesTeleGeography - Jul 6, 2010India's telecoms minister Andimuthu Raja has reportedly called for state-owned operators Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd ... MTNL spurts on demand for reimbursement of spectrum - Jul 5, 2010According to reports, BSNL and MTNL together have paid Rs 29598 crore for pan-India spectrum. The two companies did not bid for 3G and broadband wireless ... MTNL requests refund of licence fee of 3G and BWA spectrumTelecom Yatra - Sandeep Budki - 2 hours agoOn July 6, A Raja , Minister of Telecommunication and IT, in a letter to Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, is reported to have said that BSNL is the only ... BSNL fined Rs6.26 cr for fee payment delayLivemint - Shauvik Ghosh - Jul 4, 2010State-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has paid the government Rs6.26 crore as penalty for a delay of two days in paying licence fees for broadband ... A Raja: BSNL and MTNL should get 3G spectrum for freeTechWhack (blog) - Jul 5, 2010Indian Communications Minister A Raja has proposed that the government should return back the money paid by MTNL and BSNL for the 3G and BWA spectrum. ... Breaking News: MTNL requests for spectrum fee waiverTelecom Yatra - Sandeep Budki - 6 hours agoIt may be noted that MTNL and BSNL had got the spectrum in advance and are supposed to pay the equivalent of the winning bid in the recently concluded ... BSNL mulling outsourcing 3G servicesTeleGeography - Jul 5, 2010Any company inking a franchisee deal with BSNL would likely be required to manage customer acquisition, marketing and sales across the country. ... BSNL 3G Services To Be OutsourcedGoRumors (blog) - Anand Srinivasan - Jul 5, 2010State run telecom service provider – the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) is learned have invited Expression of Interest (EOI) from ... BSNL intends to bring down investments with outsourcing of 3G servicesMediaMughals - Jul 5, 2010According to the media reports, BSNL is all set to opt for outsourcing of 3G services and will work on inviting a possible franchisee by the end of current ... BSNL Plans Outsource Of 3G Mobile ServicesRTT News - Jul 4, 2010BSNL Chairman and Managing Director Kuldeep Goyal reportedly said that the PSU was working out the details. The company and another state-run unit MTNL, ... India telecom minister seeks 3G fee waiver for state-run telcosTotal Telecom - Jul 6, 2010Raja claims cash should be returned BSNL, MTNL for operating in non-viable rural areas. India's telecom minister wants the government to waive third ... Why BSNL & MTNL should get 3G Fee Refund…???Teleguru - A Indian Telecom Blog (blog) - Jul 4, 2010News is around that Finance ministry has rejected BSNL & MTNL's plea of refunding 3G & Broadband access spectrum fee paid to government. ... |
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North Regional Bureau
Press statement
3rd July, 2010
It is not an encounter at all!! It is a cold blooded murder by AP Police!!
Red Salutes to Martyrs com. Azad (Cherukuri Rajkumar) and com. Hem Pandey (Jitender)!!
Let us avenge the killings of the beloved comrades by the khaki clad fascist gangs of AP government!!
Azad was arrested at Nagpur on June 1st along with com. Hem Pandey
On June 1st, the notorious Andhra Pradesh Special Branch Police for its abductions and cold blooded murders, have arrested com. Azad, Polite Bureau member and Spokesperson of CPI (Maoist), and com. Hem Pandey, a zonal committee level comrade in Nagpur city around 11'o clock when they went to meet a comrade who was supposed to receive them from Dandakarnaya zone. Com. Azad reached Nagpur around 10 am on the fateful day along with com. Hem Pandey, after travelling from long distance. With specific information, the lawless goons of AP SIB abducted them, perhaps flown them in a helicopter, to Adilabad jungles near Maharashtra border and killed them point block and in cold blood.
We pay our red homage to our beloved comrades and vow to take vengeance of these killers.
Life of com. Azad
Comrade Azad is one of the senior most party leaders of CPI (Maoist). He was born in Krishna district of AP, in a well to do family. He did his school education in Sainik School, at Korukonda of the present Vizianagaram District. Com. Surapuneni Janardhan, a legendary comrade of the student movement brought com. Raj Kumar into RSU in 1974. A brilliant student at the Regional Engineering College, which became famous as Radical Engineering College in those days, he finished his Mtech in Chemical Engineering and moved to Vishakhapatnam as per the Party direction. He was the second president of AP Radical Students Union till 1984. He was the catalyst behind many all Andhra wide student agitations and peoples movements in that period. He became the district committee member of vizag unit of the CPI (ML) (PW). He moved length and breadth of India, to organize the Seminar on Nationality question held in Madras (now Chennai) in 1981. He was shifted to Karnataka in 1982 and com. Azad was one of the founder members of the Karnataka Party and worked as the secretary of the Karnataka State Committee. He was taken into CC, after the Central Plenum in 1990. He was the elected member of CC in the All India conference in 1995 and since then he served in CC and PB. He continued in those posts after the formation of CPI Maoist too in 2004. He has been the spokes person of the CC since then.
Known for his simple life and hard work; voracious reading and brilliant analyses of situations, crystal clear articulation and sharp logic, and fine organizational skills, he contributed widely to the revolutionary movement in many spheres. He wrote profusely to the People's March, Peoples war (theoretical organ of the CPI (Maoist), and to the Maoist Information Bulletin. He wrote a fine critique of the intellectuals of AP, who got disillusioned and lost faith in revolutionary movement after the 1990 events of collapse of soviet imperialism and its satellite regimes.
In his death, the Indian revolutionary movement lost an exemplary comrade and a shining star, who served the movement more than three and half decades.
Just before his last journey, he received questions for interview from a well known magazine. He replied that he was in the journey and would send the answers as early as possible.
It is not Sukhdev, but com. Hem Pandey of Uttarakhand who was killed by APSIB
Com. Hem Pandey, 30, hailed from a nearby village of Pithoragarh town of Uttarakhand State. He did his MA history in Nainital University and got himself registered in PhD. While he was in college, he was active member of AISA, and slowly realizing he pseudo revolutionary character of AISA politics, he moved to the radical groups, later in 2001 he joined the then CPI (ML) (PW). He organized peasantry in the mountainous villages in Almora district, taking up umpteen numbers of issues of peasantry, including the problems arose out of Binsar Sanctuary. Soft-spoken, bespectacled, lean and energetic Com. Hem won the love of people of that region. He was moved into more important works in 2005. He had done his new assignments with patience and endurance. His appetite for learning new things, reading more and more, and zeal for penning his ideas are things for the emulation for all the revolutionaries. He has written various articles to newsmagazines under various pen names. We request the civil rights organisations to demand the A P police to send the body of com. Hem Pandey to his bereaved mother who is in Haldwani, Uttarakhand state, who is his sole surviving parent.
APSIB- the Indian avatar of Mossad
The Andhra Pradesh Special Intelligence Bureau, which has been partially trained partially by the Mossad, has acquired the notoriety of its master trainer-Mossad, in India. It has been moving across the state borders, and conducting abductions and cold blooded murders with impunity. This is all happening with clear blessings of Manmohan- Sonia and Chidambaram. This fascist gang has established its tentacles all over India, resorting the killings of revolutionaries, scoffing at the recent AP high court judgement that all encounters are to be first booked as murders under IPC 302, Ultimaely these killers will be taken to task by the revolutionary masses.
Will Chidambaram expect CPI (Maoist) to sit for talks with his blood on his hands of com. Azad and com. Hem Pandey?
CPI (Maoist) never contested or raised any hue and cry in the case of real encounters. The AP Police is resorting to globbeian lies, not believed even by gullible. CPI (Maoist) stood for truth and accountability to the people, and always stated facts. There is no such programme of Azad going to Sarkepally forest of Adilabad. Azad was going to discuss with our comrades, inter alia, the concrete proposals of well meaning people like Swamy Agnivesh about particular dates for the mutual cease fire. He was a carrying the confidential letter of Swamy Agnivesh written to Azad dated- 26th June 2010. Will Chidambaram expect CPI (Maoist) to sit for talks with his blood on his hands of com. Azad and com. Hem Pandey? He calls repeatedly to us to abjure violence? Killing the unarmed comrades by AP Police with your blessings – is it not like devils chanting scriptures?
White lies by AP Police
When there is no movement and organization in Adilabad, what is the necessity of Azad going to Azad? That the police found AK47 is again white lie. He alighted from a train around 10 am along with com. Hem Pandey in Nagpur Station, and was caught by the APSIB unarmed. Is the government following its own constitution of article 21? Is the government following kernel of the Geneva Convention that "defenceless persons" should not be harmed? Is it not utter hypocrisy and hoax that on one hand the government is placing the prevention of torture bill and the police every minute resorting to the torture of the detained? It is a concocted story of encounter repeated ad nauseum, by the AP Police, churned out to the media umpteen times. The right life, guaranteed under the constitution is mocked and the right to be produced within 24 hours of the arrest is metamorphasized into killing within 24hours of arrest, so that there is no scope for any redressal by their near and dear.
We appeal to the civil rights organizations, democrats, patriots to raise to raise to the occasion thoroughly investigate this fake encounter as an example of extra judicial killing that are happening in scores in this country and bring out the truth before the people.
Spokes Person,
CPI (Maoist)
Inflated Bandhs
July 07, 2010
While returning on Sunday from a break in the Himachal mountains, the taxi driver told me he was afraid of the all-India "bandh" on Monday, railing against the fuel price hike and 'mehengai' (rising prices). He was afraid of getting attacked by mobs, but at the same time was sympathetic to the cause - prices going out of control, he said.
The small corner of Gurgaon where I live wasn't affected by the bandh but the residents are quite horrified by rising prices. But that's the downside of requesting an opinion. You never find people articulating their joy over falling prices, as has been silently happening with computers, mobile phones and telephone bills.
The frustration seems to be over what we are seeing in the agricultural markets - prices of agri-products have risen tremendously over the last year or two and that seems to be affecting the "aam aadmi" - the common man.
Most of those that will read this article will have a very small part of their monthly expense attributed to pulses, grains or milk, so rising prices will hardly pinch their pocket. Using a scientific method (*), I concluded that the affluent people in India don't give rising prices of rajma a second thought. (**) In fact, the upper-middle classes seem to pay as much or more in rent or home-loan payments than they do for groceries and vegetables; the 10% "standard" increase in rent or property prices every year should have elicited calls for bandhs every year, but food seems a higher inflation fear, even if economically misplaced.
A quick look at wholesale potato prices over the past 10 years reveals that in December 2001 potato prices were about 10% higher than they are today. Although we saw a huge rise in October 2009, prices have moderated again. There has been nearly no price change in potatoes since about 9 years ago, so how come there's this much inflation? It might just be that wholesale price reductions are not being transferred to the retail buyer. When prices at the "mandi" (wholesale market) go down, the retailer may not easily take prices down because his customer is already used to paying higher rates - and "mehengai" wins arguments.
If you are horrified, note that in India, wholesale markets are happy to even serve retail customers in low volumes. I have visited the mandis of Yeshwanthpur in Bangalore and near Vashi in Navi Mumbai, and prices are indeed lower - you can reduce your monthly grocery bill by 25%. Farmers' markets are even cheaper for vegetables. One solution to the food "mehengai" is to buy from wholesale markets.
There are many other explanations to why agri-commodities have become costlier over the years - such as migration of labour from farms to cities, the NREGA increasing wages in villages so much that farmers prefer to till less land and constrain supply, farmers demanding their share of the Great India Growth Story, or simply rotting food in government warehouses. Some of these have political motivations - NREGA for instance will not be withdrawn even if it proves to be a major culprit. The other reasons are just payback for our growth and urbanisation, and for land laws that do not allow farmers to sell fragmented land holdings easily - nothing that will be fixed easily, and I expect food prices to continue to increase over the next few years.
Now let's take fuel prices. They were recently raised because international fuel prices have been going up, making the fixed prices sold by the likes of HPCL and BPCL untenable, and any "under-recovery" funded by the government as a direct subsidy. The subsidies were going up and the government had to raise prices to reduce the subsidy bill, we were told.
But about 45% of petrol prices are taxes, and 29% is just the central government's stake. Of the Rs. 51 price in Delhi, about Rs. 14 is just the central government's revenue, of which they use a part to fund the oil companies' losses. Similarly, around 30% of diesel prices is tax. Karnataka, which has a BJP government and enforced the "bandh" vociferously, takes Rs. 14 per liter of petrol as its share of tax on a petrol price of Rs. 58.
If the central government wanted to keep fuel prices at the same level, they could have reduced the tax and the subsidy at the same time and be done with it. In effect, by raising fuel prices, what the government is telling you is - we refuse to reduce taxes. The subsidy that the oil companies get is inefficient as well - what is to say their losses are not a result of too much slack because the government will cover them anyway? A better solution might be to cut subsidies to zero and rework taxes to a lower level, which is what the government seems to be trying. This way private companies like Shell and Reliance can compete on efficiency and make end user prices lower.
Another way to address fuel inflation is to consider the rupee-dollar equation. If the rupee loses 10% of its value against the dollar - as has happened in the last few months - that really takes the price of petrol up by Rs. 2-3 per liter. The RBI has collected $280 billion in forex reserves over the years, and usually acts very fast by buying dollars when the rupee goes up - it does not do much of the opposite when the rupee falls. If the USD-INR rate were at Rs. 43 today, we might not have needed a fuel price hike at all. And the RBI selling dollars would mean buying rupees, taking money out of circulation and silently addressing inflation as well.
Still, how much does it impact your life? The average internet user might ride about 50 kilometers a day. With a car that gives about 12 kilometers per liter, the fuel cost increase per month is Rs. 500. For a person with a two wheeler, the monthly cost is up by about Rs. 200. To make an elitist argument, the price increase is hardly something the upper-middle class will scream hoarse about.
Indirectly though, fuel prices will hurt everything that is transported on diesel or petrol vehicles. And it will hurt the poor the most. Inflation is a function of supply and demand, and while demand has gone up, supply has not managed to keep pace. The RBI is trying to curb demand through interest rate hikes - even though that is hardly effective anymore, as it seems to be delinked to what rates bank customers get charged. It would be useful to remove impediments to supply - such as freeing the "licensed" intermediaries (the wholesale markets), addressing small farms (requires changes in local laws), more efficient food storage and distribution of perishables, rapidly reducing import duties in shortage situations, water supplies to agricultural land and so on. Even working towards faster distribution of natural gas - where our offshore reserves are high enough to make a difference - will help reduce supply constraints in the long run. Very few of these solutions can be done overnight or in response to a one-day-bandh; yet, if we don't start now, we won't see the results in a few years.
We could, in the meantime, attempt to use taxes and exchange rates to keep fuel prices at affordable levels. This can only hold the fort for so long; it is impossible to fight rapid crude-oil price rises like in 2008, when prices rose to $140 a barrel and then fell to $30 a barrel within a few months. Headline inflation will come down in the coming months because of inordinately high prices in late 2009 - a high "base effect"; but expect the rage against inflation to take center stage in our country, while the west watches in envy and fights deflation in theirs.
(*) Which involved asking people on Twitter and email, and cherry-picking the results.
(**) This has serious consequences for air pollution, but I digress.
Deepak Shenoy trades the Indian markets and writes at Capital Mind. He's also working on an upcoming stock market site. You can reach him at or @deepakshenoy.
More from Deepak Shenoy
The ULIP War
Riding the Equity Wave
Death by Taxes
Finance and the Framing Effect
Previous columns
Nitin Pai -- Playing the energy game against China
Anand Ramachandran -- The Case For Genetically Modified People
Jai Arjun Singh -- The Distorting Mirror
Amit Varma -- Football and a Comic Marriage
Deepak Shenoy -- ULIP Exits and the Sunk Cost Fallacy
Ashok Malik -- The Bones of the Buddha
Girish Shahane -- Museums, Mansions and Money
Aadisht Khanna -- When Working Out isn't Working Out
Sanjay Sipahimalani -- Beating the Reader's Block
Southern Naval Command Chief of Staff killed in firing
Chief of Staff of Southern Naval Command Rear Admiral S S Jamwal was killed in a firing incident at INS Dronacharya, the training establishment of the Navy, in kochi on Wednesday, Naval sources said.Jamwal, 51, was the second in command in the navy here.
He is survived by wife and two children, the sources said.
Details about the incident which took place at 10.30 am are awaited. Police sources said the body has been shifted to a hospital.
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National News
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National News
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- School administrator remanded in 3-day police custodyPTI - 08:31 PM
- Kodaikanal (TN) Jul 7 (PTI) A 76-year-old school administrator was today remanded in three-day police custody by a local court in connection with alleged sexual harassment of a Bhutanese girl student.
- Kerala HC summons Union Defence SecretaryPTI - 08:30 PM
- Kochi, Jul 7 (PTI) The Kerala High Court today summoned Union Defence Secretary Vijay Singh and other top officers of Defence Accounts to be present in court on July 26 in a contempt of court case.
- Rains disrupt flight movement at IGIPTI - 08:30 PM
- New Delhi, Jul 7 (PTI) Heavy rains and windy conditions today led to disruption of operations at the IGI airport here for about 30 minutes, delaying the movement of some flights while at least two were diverted.
- Not worried about Jagan yatra: CongressPTI - 08:27 PM
- New Delhi, July 7 (PTI) Congress today downplayed the defiance by Y S Jaganmohan Reddy who resumed his 'yatra', saying it was not worried by the issue related to "one MP" who could be indulging in "childish behaviour".
- TN varsity''s claims breakthrough in stem cell threapyPTI - 08:25 PM
- Chennai, Jul 7 (PTI) Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University today said it has achieved a breakthrough in autologous stem cell-based therapy for animals by fixing a spinal cord injury in a nine-month old dog and announced plans to set up an umbilical cord cell bank for animals to take up further research.
- Kashmir Valley tense, army called inIANS - 08:34 PM
- Srinagar, July 7 (IANS) A day after violent protests saw the killing of four people in firing by the security forces, the Kashmir Valley was 'tense but peaceful' Wednesday, officials said. The Indian Army conducted flag marches through Srinagar to restore law and order and New Delhi sent Home Secretary G.K. Pillai to review the situation.
- Maharashtra parties slam centrral government's stand on boundary rowIANS - 08:13 PM
- Mumbai, July 7 (IANS) Political parties in Maharashtra Wednesday flayed a central government affidavit in the Supreme Court that said the Marathi-speaking areas bordering Maharashtra and Karnataka belonged to the latter.
- Defying party leadership, Jagan leaves for 'yatra'IANS - 08:03 PM
- Hyderabad, July 7 (IANS) Defying the Congress party leadership, member of parliament Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy Wednesday left for Andhra Pradesh's Srikakulam district to resume his 'Odarpu' yatra amid speculation that he plans to float a new political party.
- Court dismisses Marandi's pleaIANS - 07:51 PM
- New Delhi, July 7 (IANS) The Supreme Court Wednesday dismissed as infructuous a petition filed by former Jharkhand Chief Minister Babu Lal Marandi related to swearing-in of a chief minister in the state.
- Two die in gunfire at India-Pakistan borderReuters - 07:47 PM
- An exchange of fire at the Indian-Pakistan border near Pakistan's Punjab province has killed two Indian troops and wounded a Pakistani soldier and several villagers, officials said on Wednesday.
- Wheels within dealsHT - Tue, Jul 6
- Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal?s short-lived plan to end quotas in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KV) for students nominated by MPs not only kicked off opposition from Parliamentarians in the House but also briefly denied HRD ministry officials railway benefits. Railway minister Mamata Banerjee was apparently livid that her nominees would no longer get admission.
- Accused will have to prove innocence in child sexual assault casesHT - Mon, Jul 5
- Alarmed at the rising cases of sexual assault against children in the country, the government for the first time proposes to put the onus of proving their innocence on the accused in such cases, in a landmark shift from the existing laws.
- Durban's Indians add Asian spice to World CupReuters - Fri, Jul 2
- Durban's Indian community have firmly embraced the World Cup and lashings of their famed local curry and a deep passion for soccer have added a distinctly Asian spice to the tournament's warmest venue.
- CNN mainstay Larry King quitting after 25 yearsReuters - Wed, Jun 30
- Larry King, the CNN personality known for his nonconfrontational interviews, colorful suspenders and complicated personal life, said on Tuesday he would end his talk show in the fall after a 25-year reign as a key promotional stop for the rich and famous.
- Women rule Forbes' celebrity power list, Gaga makes debutReuters - Tue, Jun 29
- Women claimed three of the top five spots in Forbes' magazine's 2010 Celebrity power list, with singer Lady Gaga making her first entry and Oprah Winfrey retaking her No.1 position.
- US national files rape complaint with Hyderabad PoliceANI - 05:05 PM
- Hyderabad, July 7 (ANI): An American woman aged 30 has filed a rape-related complaint with police in Hyderabad.
- Viveka's friend in the dockMail Today - 12:32 PM
- Viveka Babajee's family may file a case against stockbroker Gautam Vora, a source close to the family said
- CBI to charge Rathore with abetment to suicideMail Today - 12:22 PM
- Former Haryana director general of police SPS Rathore has been behind bars for the past 40 days after being convicted of molesting Ruchika Girhotra.
- Eight-year-old rescued, kidnappers arrestedHT - 09:35 AM
- The Gurgaon police have rescued an eight-year-old boy from the custody of two kidnappers who had demanded a ransom of Rs. 5 lakh for his release. One of the kidnappers had been living as a tenant with the boy?s father Krishan Kumar, an engineer with a private firm.
- Charges framed against 2 in Anil's helicopter sabotage caseHT - 09:35 AM
- Charges have been framed against two men arrested in connection with the finding of pebbles and gravel in the gearbox of the helicopter owned by industrialist Anil Ambani.
National News
27 people arrested with fake documents at airport
IE - 02:31 PMTwenty-seven people, including a Bangladeshi, were formally arrested on Wednesday after they were caught at the airport here with fake documents while trying to fly to Dubai with police suspecting that a "rival visaon Tuesday last evening after Kingfisher and Jet Airways call centres received calls from anonymous persons that these people were to board two flights to Dubai with fake visas.
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- Jagan's yatra raises political heat in Andhra IE - 01:30 PM
- By-elections to 12 Assembly seats in Telangana region on July 27 and the obvious power game in the ruling Congress party in Andhra Pradesh have risen the political temperature in the State.
- Southern Naval Command Chief of Staff killed in firing IE - 01:30 PM
- Chief of Staff of Southern Naval Command Rear Admiral S S Jamwal was killed in a firing incident at INS Dronacharya, the training establishment of the Navy, in kochi on Wednesday, Naval sources said.
- Army to remain in Srinagar till necessary: Centre IE - 01:30 PM
- With the Army being called out in Srinagar, the government on Wednesday said the force would remain on the streets till it was necessary, but it would like it to be short.
- J-K deaths: Cong seeks independent probe IE - 05:12 AM
- Congress leaders who are part of the coalition government in the state have demanded that a high-level independent commission be set up to inquire into recent deaths of protesters at the hands of security forces.
- GJM launches fresh stir; state govt says no to tripartite talks IE - 05:12 AM
- With the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) enforcing closure of all government offices at Darjeeling on Tuesday to mark the beginning of a series of agitation programmes for fresh tripartite talks, the state government made it clear that it was not keen on attending any tripartite talks now.
- BJP targets UPA on Ishrat case IE - 05:12 AM
- The reported revelations of David Coleman Headley about Ishrat Jahan being a Lashkar-e-Toiba operative has enthused the BJP, which has been vociferously defending the Narendra Modi government's role in her 2004 encounter killing.
- PM to discuss Punjab water row at meeting with Bansal today IE - 05:12 AM
- Less than a week before the Supreme Court fixes a date for conducting regular hearing on the Presidential reference on the legality of the controversial Punjab Termination of Agreement Act, 2004, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is scheduled to hold a crucial meeting with Union Water Resources Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal and some senior government functionaries on Wednesday.
- Kishenji brother to succeed Azad IE - 05:12 AM
- Mallojula Venugopal Rao, brother of Koteshwar Rao alias Kishenji, is likely to be nominated as spokesperson of CPI(Maoist).
- Open season on Buddha IE - 05:12 AM
- He took over as Chief Minister of West Bengal as the poster boy of an improved, modernistic Communism, expected to lead the CPM and state in a new direction.
- Grant dual citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs in Pak, demands BJP IE - 05:12 AM
- The BJP on Tuesday demanded dual citizenship for the Sikhs and Hindus living in Pakistan on the lines of NRIs settled in other countries.
- Tall order IE - 05:12 AM
- Iraqi citizen Mohammed took more assured and painless steps when doctors from the Ruby Hall Clinic recently corrected his 35-year-old hip deformity Forty six -year-old Mohammed from Iraq was left crippled after he underwent a hip surgery at the age of 11. He was incapacitated for 35 years, till recently the damage was repaired by doctors at Pune's Ruby Hall Clinic.
- Art in Motion IE - 05:12 AM
- A film that took two decades in the making and involved stalwarts like Vijay Tendulkar and Guru Govindan Kutty premiers in Delhi today This is an "art" film and not just because it is cerebral.
- Fair and Square IE - 05:12 AM
- Every few years, I find the boundaries between vanity and science blurring. If at first a breast implant or a nose job was scandal and arcane, those days are laughable now. Even Botox, small quantities of silicon injected to the forehead to reduce creases, is quite de rigeur these days with even its biggest revilers queuing up for their shots.
- Pvt lab in JJ Hospital: employee unions oppose state decision IE - 05:12 AM
- The state's decision to open a private pathology laboratory on the premises of the JJ Hospital in Byculla has provoked an outcry from various employee unions.
- Urban Chic IE - 05:12 AM
- It was all about the Kapoor clan at the music launch of Aisha in Mumbai recently. While Sonam A Kapoor (that's how she introduces herself these days) plays the title role in the film based on Jane Austen's Emma, younger sibling Rhea Kapoor dons the producer's hat.
- Briefly Nation IE - 05:12 AM
- Naga students to block NH 53 during bandh IMPHAL: Manipur, which is yet to recover from a two-month-long twin highway blockade, is bracing for another 48-hour bandh called by a Naga outfit on NH 53 from July 9.
- Waterlogging a hurdle in BCom counselling IE - 05:12 AM
- The heavy rain in the region affected the second day of centralised counselling for B Com, conducted at the Gymnasium Hall, Panjab University . Students and parents faced difficulties in reaching the venue because of the water logging as well as the disruption in road traffic.
- Govt seeks stay on permanent commission for women IE - 05:12 AM
- New Delhi: A day after the Delhi High Court admitted a contempt plea against the Army Chief and the Defence Secretary, the government on Tuesday appealed to the Supreme Court against the grant of permanent commission to women in the Army. The government has sought a stay on the March 12 High Court order directing the grant of permanent commission to serving women officers.
- PMC on overdrive to prevent swine flu outbreak during procession IE - 05:12 AM
- Lakhs of devotees have made their way into the city as a part of the annual pilgrimage to Pandharpur.
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National News
Decoding microfinance
HT - 12:40 PMHe would have been a hardcore banker had he not branched out to microfinance. And that was because ?it is a business with a social mission offering double bottom line satisfaction to all stakeholders?. Reykam Jayasurya, an MBA and LLM, started his career in 1982 in the State Bank of India before moving to the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) in 1991.
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- Govt should relax rules for physically challenged: HC HT - 10:05 AM
- The Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked the government to consider treating physically challenged people at par with SC/ST candidates while granting relaxation in qualifying marks for admission in professional courses.
- Women in army: Govt challenges HC ruling HT - 10:05 AM
- The Government on Tuesday challenged the Delhi High Court judgment directing it to grant permanent commission to women officers who joined the army between 1992 and 2006.
- City youths design mini battle tank HT - 10:05 AM
- Three students from Delhi have created a miniature battle tank that they say could help Indian soldiers fight terrorism by providing wireless spying and photography.
- Shuffling can be a tricky game HT - 10:05 AM
- New Delhi, July 6 -- Rearranging or reshuffling coalition regimes is always a complex affair. In that limited sense, the UPA-II is no exception. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh does intend giving his ministerial team a new look. But if sources in the know are to be believed, the media is "thinking ahead" of the Premier who's still some distance away from giving shape to his ideas.
- Lessons in professions HT - 10:05 AM
- When DLF City resident Lillu Bansi started looking around in Gurgaon for a good quality management institute for her only daughter Shivangi, all she got was disappointment. Shivangi wanted to pursue MBA after her graduation (BSc). With no options in Gurgaon, Shivangi landed up at IILM, Lodhi Road.
- Time says sorry to Indian-Americans HT - 10:05 AM
- A humour column that appeared in the July 5 edition of Time magazine sparked outrage and allegations of racism among the Indian-American community, prompting the article?s author, Joel Stein, and the magazine to issue embarrassed public apologies.
- Gurgaon must learn from G Noida HT - 10:05 AM
- Three universities and over 70 engineering and management colleges have helped the twin cities of Noida and Greater Noida emerge as a major education hub in the NCR. Besides students from across the country, international students from around 30 nations come to study here.
- Knot in the picture HT - 10:05 AM
- When Captain Marvellous signals that he is no longer playing the field but is about to enter into a long-term partnership with his girlfriend, what do we expect? That the groom will gallop to the venue on an Arabian steed with the baraat in the formation of a cricket bat, the festivities to be held at Wankhede stadium, Sir Vivian Richards will give away the bride and the flowers will come from the
- Farm it out to the best HT - 10:05 AM
- The notion of a minister asking the prime minister to ?lighten his load? is a strange one in this country. Even when it becomes obvious that a minister may have taken on too much or is unable to perform due to whatever reason, the usual route is to keep up appearances, hold down a ministry even if it means facing flak from critics.
- NATO soldier, six workers killed in Afghanistan HT - 10:05 AM
- A NATO soldier was killed in a roadside bombing in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, while suspected Taliban militants killed six construction workers after kidnapping them in southeastern region, officials said.
- The chariot of love HT - 10:05 AM
- For 160 skilled carpenters, building the chariot for the car festival (rath yatra) is a labour of love. They do not want to disclose how much they earn from it.
- Bandh enforcers to be traced, fined in a week HT - 09:35 AM
- A day after the city shutdown owing to the nation-wide bandh, the government began the process of getting the political parties to compensate for the losses.
- India, Japan talk terror and piracy HT - 09:35 AM
- New Delhi, July 7 -- India and Japan on Tuesday held talks to intensify counter-terror and anti-piracy cooperation. During the first-ever "2+2 dialogue" Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and Defence Secretary Pradeep Kumar held talks with Japan's Deputy Foreign Minister Kenichiro Sasae and Vice-Minister for Defence Kimito Nakae on a range of strategic and defence issues.
- BMC plans to revamp British-era chawls HT - 09:35 AM
- The crumbling British Improvement Trust (BIT) chawls that stand on prime land in south central Mumbai and are all set to be redeveloped. Minister of State for House Sachin Ahir told Hindustan Times that Municipal Commissioner Swadheen Kshatriya has been told to submit a plan on how the 133 chawls will be redeveloped by inviting bids from private developers.
- Old buildings near sea to gain HT - 09:35 AM
- The state government?s decision to appoint the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (Mhada) as the nodal agency for housing projects along the city?s coast will benefit residents of dilapidated buildings and slums.
- Husband, father in-law held for woman's suicide bid HT - 09:35 AM
- The Amboli police on Monday registered a case against a man, his father and grandmother for allegedly harassing his wife who attempted suicide by setting herself ablaze.
- Police to quiz Gautam Vora again HT - 09:35 AM
- The Khar police will be questioning Gautam Vora again, after Viveka Babajee?s family released the couple?s intimate photographs, emails and chats that indicated that they were having a love affair.
- Anger management HT - 09:35 AM
- A Brahman asked the Buddha, ?master is there anything you would agree to kill?? And Buddha answered, ?Yes, anger. Killing anger removes suffering and brings peace and happiness. Anger is the single enemy that all the wise ones agree to kill.? Buddha?s response impressed him, and he became a monk in Buddha?s Sangha.
- Rains bring cheers & tears HT - 09:35 AM
- Torrential rains lashed northern India over the past three days, with at least 14 people being killed in Rajasthan on Sunday and Monday.
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Business News
KVIC eyes over 15 pc revenue growth every year
PTI - 08:30 PMMumbai, July 7 (PTI) Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), is eyeing over 15 per cent growth in its turnover every year going forward.
- India signs MoU to check feasibility of Ghana urea plant PTI - 08:26 PM
- Tata Power''s Mulshi solar plant to be ready by this year PTI - 08:22 PM
- Manufacturing growth slow in emerging markets: HSBC PTI - 08:22 PM
- Hindustan Media Rs 270-cr IPO oversubscribed 5.43 times PTI - 08:19 PM
- Sharma seeks greater Malaysian investment in infrastructure IANS - 08:14 PM
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- NRI professionals object to passport surrender feePTI - 08:09 PM
- Prasun Sonwalkar London, Jul 7 (PTI) Several Indian professionals who have acquired British nationality have criticised the Ministry of External Affairs for levying an allegedly unfair fee structure while surrendering Indian passports at the Indian High Commission here.
- Organic farming area grows to 10.5 lakh hectares: PawarPTI - 08:08 PM
- New Delhi, July 7 (PTI) Area under organic farming in India has risen to 10.5 lakh hectares in last six years, the Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said today.
- WDM trades worth Rs 1,365.50 cr on NSEPTI - 08:08 PM
- Mumbai, July 7 (PTI) The Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) today witnessed a total turnover of Rs 1,365.50 crore in 72 trades.
- 95 pc mid-sized Indian cos abroad plan expansion in next 2 yrsPTI - 08:00 PM
- Mumbai, July 7 (PTI) Undettered by global economic uncertainties 95 per cent mid-sized Indian companies abroad plan to expand their international business in the next two years, a report said.
- India seeks easier access for professionals to MalaysiaPTI - 07:58 PM
- Jaishree Balasubramanian Kuala Lumpur, July 7 (PTI) India today sought easier access for its professionals to the Malaysian market through a bilateral trade and investment pact, likely to be signed during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to the country in November.
- - 08:04 PM
- New Delhi, July 7 (IANS) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Wednesday warned the government against taking any 'hasty steps' to further open up the retail sector and called for a 'blanket ban' on foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail.
- Ministry panel to review plans for BSNL - govtReuters - 07:53 PM
- An internal panel of the telecoms ministry will submit its report within a month on proposals including a share sale and other restructuring plans for the state-run phone firm, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, a government statement said on Wednesday.
- Security men escape Maoist poster bombIANS - 07:27 PM
- Ranchi, July 7 (IANS) Security personnel had a narrow escape when Maoists used a poster bomb in Jharkhand on the first day of a two-day strike called by them to protest against the killing of one of their top leaders.
- Bharti Airtel plans to invest $600 mln in NigeriaReuters - 07:22 PM
- Bharti Airtel Ltd will invest $600 million in Nigeria over the next three years, half within the next 12 months, the mobile phone company said on Wednesday.
- Stamp duty collection in Delhi increases by 262 percentIANS - 07:14 PM
- New Delhi, July 7 (IANS) The coffers of the cash-starved Delhi government have received a massive boost from a record stamp duty collection, which has increased by over Rs.300 crore in the three months from April to June this year as compared to the corresponding period last year.
- EU watchdogs battling over stress test publicationReuters - 07:37 PM
- European regulators were debating how much detail to reveal about health checks of the region's banks on Wednesday, in a fight that may threaten to undermine the purpose of the exercise.
- Rat menace may affect tourism in Hong KongIANS - 07:26 PM
- Hong Kong, July 7 (IANS) Rat attacks are becoming worse and worse in Hong Kong, which officials say might have an impact on the territory's image as a tourist haven.
- Amazon launches grocery home deliveryIANS - 07:14 PM
- London, July 7 (IANS), one of the world's biggest online shopping retailers, launched a home delivery grocery service in Britain Wednesday.
- Seven million vegetable plants poisoned in AustraliaIANS - 06:26 PM
- Melbourne, July 7 (IANS) Over seven million vegetable plants were poisoned with a herbicide in an act of sabotage at an Australian nursery, leading to speculation that prices may spiral in the coming days.
- Gulf experts to discuss water crisisIANS - 05:12 PM
- Abu Dhabi, July 7 (IANS/WAM) Experts from the Middle East will gather here next week to find out solutions to the water crisis in the Gulf region.
- Bankers not in a hurry to hike lending ratesHT - Sat, Jul 3
- Bankers said on Friday that they were not in a hurry to take the RBI?s cue and raise lending rates after the central bank hiked key policy rate to tame prices as macroeconomic managers grappled for options to contain inflation without upsetting broader growth. But business leaders fretted the signal of a credit squeeze might affect expansion plans.
- RBS moves hands again, account holders to get HSBC brandHT - Sat, Jul 3
- HSBC is set to take over the Indian retail and commercial banking operations of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which in turn is largely the acquired operations of ABN Amro Bank in the country.
- MF assets plunge by Rs 127,621 crHT - Sat, Jul 3
- The 3G auction may have been healthy for the government coffers, but it has eaten into the assets under management (AUM) of mutual fund houses.
- Hindustan Media prices IPO at Rs 162 to Rs 175 a shareHT - Fri, Jul 2
- The initial public offer of Hindustan Media Ventures Ltd (HMVL), which publishes the nation?s third largest Indian daily, Hindustan, to raise Rs 270 crore will be open for subscription from July 5 to July 7.
- B.K. Birla wants merger of timber, cement firmsHT - Fri, Jul 2
- Basant Kumar Birla, the patriarch of the Birla family, is keen to merge loss making Mangalam Timber Products with profit making Mangalam Cement in a restructuring within the group he controls.
- World stocks gain on banking optimism, crude risesReuters - 08:36 PM
- Global stocks turned higher on Wednesday on a brighter outlook for banks on both sides of the Atlantic while oil prices snapped a six-day slide on an expected fall in U.S. crude inventories.
- Monsoon boosts most crops, flood risk emergesReuters - 07:28 PM
- Monsoon rains in key grain-producing states in northern India have brightened the outlook for rice and cotton although heavy showers have flooded some pockets, officials said on Wednesday.
- Wall St up on banks, Dow technicals weakReuters - 07:25 PM
- U.S. stocks rose at the open on Wednesday, boosted by gains in bank shares after a higher earnings outlook from State Street Corp .
- Oil minister seeks help to offset diesel hikeReuters - 07:15 PM
- Minister of State for petroleum and natural gas Jitin Prasada said on Wednesday he had urged the farm ministry to raise the price at which government buys grains from local farmers to offset the hike in diesel prices.
- Coal India listing possible by Sept - govt officialReuters - 06:50 PM
- The government hopes to list state-run Coal India by September, Bhaskar Chaterjee, secretary at the department of public enterprises, told reporters on Wednesday.
Business News
Edserv to launch QIP at Rs 205 a share
FE - 03:00 AMChennai-based education services, e-learning, and e-tutoring company, EdServ Softsystems, has fixed its qualified institutional placement (QIP) issue at Rs 205 a share, following a meeting of committee of directors.
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- Markets snap 3-day losses, Sensex surges 173 points FE - 03:00 AM
- Firm Asian markets coupled with revival of the monsoon buoyed investor sentiment, helping the domestic equity indices to reverse their three-day losses.
- Quick View FE - 03:00 AM
- NSPOT tops e-auction National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange-promoted NCDEX Spot exchange(NSPOT) on Tuesday said that it has gained the number one position in the country in electronic auction of foodgrain.
- Dhamra Port to become operational by July-end FE - 03:00 AM
- The Dhamra Port, which is being developed by Dhamra Port Company (DPCL) — a 50:50 joint venture between Tata Steel and L&T — will become operational by the end of July this year, said Dharma Port CEO. "The port will become operational by the end of this month," Dhamra Port CEO Santosh Mohapatra told FE.
- Meet to decide Posco package tomorrow FE - 03:00 AM
- The Rehabilitation and Peripheral Development Advisory Committee (RPDAC) of Jagatsinghpur district is meeting on Thursday to finalise the compensation package for the people going to be affected by Posco-India's 12 million tonne steel project in the district.
- Volkswagen's new sedan Vento gears up to hit roads by October FE - 03:00 AM
- German car major Volkswagen has identified India as an important strategic growth market. Underlining the country's importance, the company unveiled its new sedan Vento on Tuesday. The car is slated to hit the Indian roads between October and December this year.
- XIMB offers new course on banking, financial services FE - 03:00 AM
- Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB), Tuesday introduced Post Graduate Programme in Banking & Financial Services (PGPBFS) in the institution.
- Farmer resistance likely to derail diesel decontrol plan FE - 03:00 AM
- Although Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself had said that state-run fuel retailers would be given pricing freedom for diesel too, the government could come under severe pressure to exempt one politically sensitive constituency - farmers, who account for 12% of the country's total diesel consumption - from the decontrol.
- Bond fund managers rejig portfolio strategy FE - 03:00 AM
- Bond fund managers are recalibrating their portfolio strategy. Recent interest rate hike by the Reserve Bank of india (RBI) and intense redemption pressure are making them cling to highest rated corporate debt papers — that too for the short term.
- Tata Motors to invest Rs 10k cr in 2-3 years FE - 03:00 AM
- Tata Motors on Tuesday said it will invest about Rs 10,000 crore on product development, capacity enhancement and plant modernisation.
- IT cos feel heat of euro zone crisis, volatile currency FE - 03:00 AM
- Indian IT services and offshoring firms witnessed opening up of the European market in 2009. However, this year is going to be tough for them as the recent developments in the European economy, coupled with the highly volatile euro, are likely to have an impact on the flow of IT contracts to Indian service providers, say research firms Forrester and Gartner.
- Truck rental hike hurts cement cos FE - 03:00 AM
- The 270-million tonne cement industry, already under pressure because of falling prices across the country, is now facing the brunt of increased truck rentals.
- Govt makes case for FDI in multi-brand retailing FE - 03:00 AM
- After deregulating petrol prices and cutting subsidies on other fuels, including kerosene, the UPA government on Tuesday seemed to take the bull by the horns, pushing the politically sensitive proposal to allow unrestricted foreign direct investment (FDI) in the retail sector.
- Equity issues rise 3.5 times in H1 FE - 03:00 AM
- June might have been a very dull month for equity issues, but fund-raising activities in the first half of the year rose 3.5 times year-on-year.
- Uninor growth plunges on subscriber deletion FE - 03:00 AM
- Despite the high-decibel launch of services in the Indian market in December 2009, Uninor, a joint venture between New Delhi-based Unitech and Norway's Telenor, seems to be floundering.
- Toyota to pump Rs 500 cr into parts unit FE - 03:00 AM
- Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) on Tuesday said it would invest Rs 500 core in Toyota Kirloskar Auto Parts (TKAP) facility in Bidadi near Bangalore to produce engines and transmissions for Etios, its new model developed for the Indian market.
- Erratic rains, pests drag tea output down in May FE - 03:00 AM
- Although the production of tea during the first five months of the year has increased over last year, production during May in north India has gone down due to erratic weather conditions and pest attacks.
- IndusInd to kickstart re-branding exercise FE - 03:00 AM
- Hindujas promoted IndusInd Bank is set to kickstart its re-branding exercise by the end of July.
- The private sector lender is currently focusing supply chain finance to grow its business in areas like commodity, remittances and auto.
- NTPC dumps river transport plan for coal FE - 03:00 AM
- Power producer NTPC has suspended the plan to explore the river route to transport coal to its starved plants.
- Istithmar sells 6.9% stake in SpiceJet, scrip falls 1.28% FE - 03:00 AM
- Istithmar, a Dubai-based investment company, on Tuesday sold its 6.9% stake in low-cost carrier, SpiceJet, for $25.3 million (Rs 116.38 crore).
1 2345678
CIL IPO likely by October: Report
Economic Times - 47 minutes ago
The government will meet the target of raising Rs 40000 crore this fiscal from the disinvestment of PSUs, including Coal India, he said on the sidelines of ...
9000 CIL employees filing for demat accounts everyday - Business Standard
CIL in two pronged approach to meet fuel for power plants - SteelGuru
all 4 news articles »
Disinvestment in more public sectors under consideration in India
SteelGuru - 1 day ago
... line up of PSUs which were likely to hit the market and whose disinvestment ... Mr Sriprakash Jaiswal union coal minister of India said earlier at the ...
Lack of independent directors in PSEs a hurdle: Sumit Bose - Calcutta Tube (blog)
all 2 news articles »
BSNL divestment back on govt radar
India Today - Sanjay Singh - 6 hours ago
"We know that it is now the government's policy to initiate disinvestment of PSUs. But we are opposed to it. We would not allow any percentage of divestment ...
Cabinet secretariat enters disinvestment scene, to speed up EGoM meets
Economic Times - 6 days ago
The DoD is also working out plans for disinvestment in about five more PSUs such as Shipping Corporation of India and Indian Oil Corporation. ...
Coal India won't stick to 25% public float norm
Economic Times - 23 Jun 2010
"The disinvestment in CIL will not exceed 10% even if the government decides on 25% disinvestment in PSUs," said Mr Jaiswal. "Any such decision will not be ...
Coal India stake sale limited to 10 per cent: minister - domain-B
Govt not to sell 25 pc equity in Coal India: Jaiswal - Press Trust of India
Minister: No Plan to Sell More Than 10% in Coal India - Wall Street Journal
Financial Express - RTT News
all 27 news articles »
Coal India, planning IPO, helping
Moneylife Personal Finance Magazine - 1 day ago
Disinvestment secretary Sumit Bose, who has the tough job of ensuring ... retail investor participation in India's capital market, the PSU effort will boost ...
Disinvestment in more public sector undertakings under consideration
The Hindu - 4 days ago
... of PSUs which were likely to hit the market and whose disinvestment was now under ... Coal India Chairman PS Bhattacharyya said that 48 per cent of the ...
Govt to list more state PSEs in 2 yrs - Financial Express
all 10 news articles »
The Hindu
MMTC gives liberal bonus, moves towards disinvestment
The Hindu - 29 Jun 2010
The government aims to garner Rs 40000 crore through PSU stock sale in this fiscal. Coal India, Engineers India, SAIL, Hindustan Copper and PowerGrid, ...
Adfactors appointed PR consultant for Coal India IPO
Economic Times - 29 Jun 2010
The Department of Disinvestment had invited PR companies to handle external ... The government is likely to sell its stake in 10 PSUs, including MMTC, ...
CIL IPO may hit market by October -
all 19 news articles »
Centre to shed 10% stake in Coal India & Hind Copper
Deccan Herald - 15 Jun 2010
During 2009-10 the government raised Rs 25000 crore through PSU disinvestment through stake sale in PSUs like Oil India, NMDC, REC and NTPC. ...
I-banks stay away from Hindustan Copper selloff - Economic Times
CIL, HCL get cabinet nod for share sale - The Hindu
Working on EIL divestment, will be done in 3-4 mths: Govt -
Indian Express - Press Trust of India
all 169 news articles »
Deccan Herald
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Globe and Mail
Army stages flag march in curfew-hit Srinagar
Times of India - 12 minutes ago
SRINAGAR: The Army on Wednesday staged flag marches in tension-ridden Srinagar as curfew was strictly enforced in the city and other places in the Kashmir Valley, which witnessed a fresh spate of clashes between protestors and security forces that had ...
Video: Fresh violence erupts in Kashmir Valley, 4 dead
Army out in Kashmir to maintain calm
New York Times - Hindustan Times - BreakingNewsOnline. - Voice of America
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Indian Express
Defiant Jagan to resume Odarpu yatra
Times of India - 52 minutes ago
HYDERABAD/NEW DELHI: A defiant YS Jaganmohan left for Srikakulam on Wednesday evening to resume his 'Odarpu yatra' from Thursday, coinciding with his father YSR's birth anniversary, even as Chief Minister K Rosaiah asked his Cabinet colleagues and ...
Congress 'not worried' about Jagan's yatra
Congress MLAs meet Jagan ahead of his yatra The Hindu - - Oneindia - Hindustan Times
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OneindiaMaoist bandh affects life in interior areas
The Hindu - 2 hours ago
PTI PTI Security personnel of Railway Protection Force inspect a railway track after Maoists called a 48-hour bandh, in Patna on Wednesday.
Video: 48-hr Maoist bandh disrupts normal life
Maoists 'all India shutdown' hits normal life Sify - Hindustan Times - Zee News - indiablooms
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Business »
Audi to manufacture Q5 in India
The Hindu - 1 hour ago
PTI The Q5 is the third Audi model after the A4 and A6 to be produced in India. File Photo. German luxury car manufacturer Audi Wednesday began assembling its sports utility vehicle (SUV) Q5 at its Aurangabad (Maharashtra) manufacturing plant.
Audi India sales up 71% in Q2 India
Audi's India plans on track BloombergUTV
Wall Street Journal - Indian Cars Bikes (blog)
all 27 news articles »
ETR:NSUEmail this story
Govt adopts cautious approach on FDI in multi-brand retail
Economic Times - 4 hours ago
7 Jul 2010, 1647 hrs IST, PTI NEW DELHI: Unlike the defence sector, the government has adopted a cautious approach on opening up multi-brand retail to foreign investment, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion Secretary RP Singh said on ...
FDI in multi-brand retail is a step in the right direction: Mritunjay Kapur India
The BJP expresses reservations on opening up for FDIs in Multi band retailing Frontier India - News, Analysis, Opinion
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RediffSensex ends 143 points lower as global bourses take a fall
Sify - 2 hours ago
A benchmark index for Indian equities Wednesday closed 143 points lower, with energy, banking and metal stocks coming under selling pressure, while global bourses were pulled down over renewed concern over the economic recovery.
Sensex ends below 17500; Oil & gas, metal drop
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Business Standard
India Inc runs up M&A bills of Rs 1.8 lakh cr in H1
The Hindu - 2 hours ago
PTI The value of mergers and acquisitions that India Inc snapped up in the first half of the year surged over seven times to a staggering USD 38 billion or over Rs 1.8 lakh crore, led by big ticket deals in the telecom and pharma sectors.
Telecom tops the M&A chart Voice & Data Online
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Hindustan Times
Imran at FIFA final
Hindustan Times - 25 minutes ago
Imran Khan will be Coca Cola's representative from India at the FIFA World Cup final. Fiancée Avantika Malik will not be with him since she is currently in Europe, but Khan will be taking along a couple of his friends because "it's no fun watching ...
Imran Khan upset with Aamir maamu Times of India
Imran decides to tie knot with Avantika Oneindia
IndiaGlitz - Bollywood Mantra - Total Filmy -
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NDTV.comShahid is a cute girl!
Times of India - Harshada Rege - 3 hours ago
Bollywood babes better watch out... Looks like Shahid Kapoor isn't content giving the heroes a run for their money. The actor will be seen in a short skirt and pink top in Boney Kapoors Milenge Milenge that will release this Friday.
Milenge Milenge fetches 8.6 cores for satellite IndiaGlitz
Kareena and I bonded big time: Delnaz Hindustan Times
koimoi - - Web Paz News (blog) - South Asia Blog (blog)
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CBC.caLindsay Lohan silently says 'F–K U' in the court
National Post - 12 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES, CA - JULY 06: Actress Lindsay Lohan attends her probation revocation hearing at the Beverly Hills Courthouse on July 6, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
Video: The Buzz: Lohan heading to jail
Lohan's fingernail featured expletive
Globe and Mail - FOXNews - AFP - Metro Canada - Edmonton
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Health »
Maha doctors say no to Swine flu vaccine
Hindustan Times - 5 hours ago
PTI Doubting its effectiveness and possible side-effects many doctors in Maharashtra have refused to take the Swine flu vaccine, prompting the State Government to mull over the large stock of vaccines.
Maharashtra: No takers for swine flu vaccine
'Fear preventing Maha doctors from flu immunisation' Zee News
Times of India - Mid-Day - BBC News - Adelaidenow
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afaqs!TBWA India to handle creatives for Star Health & Allied Insurance
domain-B - 3 hours ago
Chennai-based Star Health & Allied Insurance has roped in TBWA India to handle its creative mandate following a multi-agency pitch.
Star Health & Allied Insurance appoints TBWA India as creative partner afaqs!
TBWA wins creative duties for Star Health Insurance Campaign India
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Woman lawyer undergoes sex change to marry girlfriend
TheMedGuru - 5 hours ago
by Silky Chandvani - July 7, 2010 In a shocking turn of events, a girl from Puri underwent a 'sex reassignment surgery', allegedly to prevent herself from a forced marriage.
Woman lawyer undergoes sex change Times of India
Woman Dodges Forced Marriage by Having a Sex Change - Press Trust of India - Forestlaneshul (blog) - (blog)
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Obama Says Direct Middle East Talks May Be Imminent
BusinessWeek - Jonathan Ferziger, Roger Runningen - 1 hour ago
(Updates with comments by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in sixth paragraph, Senator Joseph Lieberman in 15th.) By Jonathan Ferziger and Roger Runningen July 7 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama said direct Israel-Palestinian talks may ...
Video: Obama meets Netanyahu
Palestinians wary of direct peace talks with Israel Reuters Africa
Voice of America - Reuters - Ynetnews - The Jewish Week
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CBC.caSarkozy 'campaign donation' probe opened
BBC News - 5 hours ago
Prosecutors have launched an investigation into claims of illegal campaign funding for French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The move follows allegations by a former accountant for France's richest woman, Liliane Bettencourt.
Video: 'I didn't touch illegal cash': French minister
French PM Rallies Troops On Reform To Thwart Controversy Wall Street Journal - BusinessWeek - The Guardian - Reuters India
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CBC.caIsrael keeping flotilla ships until inquiry ends
The Associated Press - Ibrahim Barzak, Karin Laub - 39 minutes ago
JERUSALEM - Israel will hold on to the six ships from the international flotilla that sought to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip at least until it completes its investigation into a deadly raid on one of the vessels, the Defense Ministry said ...
Video: Inside a smuggling tunnel in Gaza
Israel allows Palestinian dailies into Gaza, Hamas bans them The Hindu
New York Times - Ynetnews - Xinhua - Asia Times Online
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Sci/Tech »
The Guardian (blog)
Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta
PC World - Marco Tabini - 2 hours ago
The Mozilla Foundation has released an early beta of the upcoming version 4 of Firefox, its flagship cross-platform browser for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
Mozilla stokes Firefox 4 with first beta build Register
We check out what Mozilla's been cooking up DailyTech
Techie Buzz - Wall Street Journal (blog) - CNET -
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Fresh News
Hack forces Flash onto iPad
Register - John Leyden - Jul 6, 2010
Software hobbyists have defied Steve Jobs by creating a hack that allows Flash to run on iPads, albeit with limitations. Comex - the hacker responsible for the iPad "Spirit" jailbreak - has circumvented ...
Flash 10.1 is Android's new best friend forever Inquirer
Dev aims to get Flash running on iPad CNET
CIOL - PC World - - Product Reviews (blog)
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The Motor Report
Mercedes-Benz brand enjoys record June sales
Economic Times - Jul 5, 2010
FRANKFURT: Daimler's luxury car brand Mercedes-Benz enjoyed a record June sales month thanks to rising demand for its most expensive models, and expects the marque to post a considerable rise in the current quarter.
Mercedes Expects Rising Demand to Continue New York Times
Mercedes-Benz launches pre-owned car business in India Hindustan Times - Oneindia - -
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The Hindu
Only Harbhajan can match my Test record: Murali - 5 hours ago
PTI Retiring Sri Lankan spin wizard Muttiah Muralitharan on Wednesday said among the current crop of slow bowlers, only Harbhajan Singh can match his record of scalping nearly 800 Test wickets.
'Only Harbhajan can emulate me'
Muralitharan runs out of targets The Press Association
Cricbuzz - Herald Sun - - SkySports
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ReutersGermany coach Low puts pressure on European champions Spain
CNN International - 2 hours ago
(CNN) -- Germany coach Joachim Low has tried to lift the burden of expectation off his young team by claiming that Wednesday's semifinal opponents Spain are favorites to win the World Cup.
Video: Raw Video:WCup Attendance to Reach 3 Million UK Poll Results: Large majority of readers back Germany to win World ...
Sify - - - Times of India
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Globe and Mail
Will van Persie find scoring touch in WC final?
The Hindu - 2 hours ago
AP Netherlands' Robin van Persie has acted more like the main decoy of his team's offence as it progressed to the World Cup final.
Video: Netherlands Advances to World Cup Final
Dutch World Cup party gets bigger Sify - The Associated Press - USA Today - Sydney Morning Herald
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Media curbs in Kashmir condemned
Hindustan Times - 4 hours ago
Journalists in the Kashmir Valley on Wednesday condemned the media curbs imposed by the government following widespread violence during which some journalists were allegedly beaten by the security forces.
Astra test-fired for second consecutive day
Hindustan Times - 5 hours ago
PTI India on Wednesday test-fired 'Astra', the indigenously developed beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missile at Chandipur near Balasore, hours after carrying out the first night trial of the weapon.
Astra missile test-fired The Hindu
Air-to-air missile Astra successfully test-fired
Deccan Herald - Wikipedia: Astra missile
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Coastal zone management project initiated
Sify - 1 hour ago
, July 7 (IANS) A Rs.1200-crore project for integrated coastal zone management has been initiated for the first time in the country, with Gujarat, West Bengal and Orissa getting the lion's share of the resource allocation in the first phase, ...
Gujarat's Dandi to be declared as eco-sensitive zone DeshGujarat
Green Dandi project to be launched today Times of India
Indian Express
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Personalized India Edition | Standard India EditionFree market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Free-market economics is closely associated with laissez-faire economic philosophy, which advocates approximating this condition in the real world by mostly ...
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Economy of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 3 visits - 17 Jun
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search ..... India's economy is mostly dependent on its large internal market with external ...
History - Sectors - External trade and investment - Currency
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Free Market Economy
Free Market Economy is now an accepted form of Market Economy and can be found in USA, UK, Canada and Germany as also in developing nations like India and ...
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Free Market Economy - Dictionary Definition of Free Market Economy
Free Market Economy Defined - A Dictionary Definition of Free Market Economy.
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Free Market
A market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control. A completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where ...
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WikiAnswers - What is the advantage of free market economy
Economics question: What is the advantage of free market economy? Wikimedia Free Encyclopedia explains: A market economy (also called a free market economy ...
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market economy Definition
A system of allocating resources based only on the interaction of market forces, such as supply and demand. A true market economy is free of governmental ...
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Democracy and Market Economy in India : An Interrelational Study
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The initiation of free market economy in India raised a few eyebrows. The essence of market economy, opined critics, lies in the exclusion of marginal ...
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free market economy definition
free market economy - definition of free market economy from Alternative term for market economy.
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India Stumbles in Rush to a Free Market Economy -
15 Aug 1992 ... India's struggle to restructure its economy is faltering, threatening to drag South Asia's largest country deeper into poverty and ...
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News for Free Market economy
Free market economy has given India real hope: Guy Sorman - 5 hours ago
In India recently to release his new book Economics Does Not Lie, published by Full Circle, Sorman said for a free market economy to succeed, ...
Hindustan Times - 2 related articles »
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9 min - 10 Jan 2009
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* Liberty and the Free Market
8 min - 27 Jan 2008
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Books for Free Market economy
Democracy and the Market: Political and ... - Adam Przeworski - 1991 - 230 pages
The Planned Economies and International ... - Jozef M van Brabant - 1991 - 342 pages
Dynamics of the Mixed Economy: Toward a Theory ... - Sanford Ikeda - 1997 - 622 pages
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