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Sunday, November 15, 2015

https://youtu.be/NbUVTHAib3M Study of 73 ethno-linguistic groups establishes that ancient India was one in which all people intermingled freely! India is inflicted with Mandal Kamandal Civil war just because of an artificial system Manusmriti imposed upon generations of people that encouraged inequality and supressed them for 2,000 years. In ancient India,we Indians were ONE Blood,latest genetic study proves and it says that Manusmriti launched after the demise of buddhist India killed that unity and integrity inherent,the merger of human streams and now HinduTaliban sustains the Manusmriti! We,the Indian people share the most common genetics of love,intolerance and pluralism!Despite the inherent racist apartheid of Caste! হে মোর চিত্ত, পূণ্য তীর্থেঃPrey for Humanity!Many More Mayhem to follow if we fail to activate the Love apps against this unprecedented violence! In India,the genetics of humanity calls for intolerance,pluralism,universal brotherhood, unity, integrity and Buddhist


Study of 73 ethno-linguistic groups establishes that ancient India was one in which all people intermingled freely!

India is inflicted with Mandal Kamandal Civil war just because of an artificial system Manusmriti imposed upon generations of people that encouraged inequality and supressed them for 2,000 years.

In ancient India,we Indians were ONE Blood,latest genetic study proves and it says that Manusmriti launched after the demise of buddhist India killed that unity and integrity inherent,the merger of human streams and now HinduTaliban sustains the Manusmriti!
We,the Indian people share the most common genetics of love,intolerance and pluralism!Despite the inherent racist apartheid of Caste!

হে মোর চিত্ত, পূণ্য তীর্থেঃPrey for Humanity!Many More Mayhem to follow if we fail to activate the Love apps against this unprecedented violence!

In India,the genetics of humanity calls for intolerance,pluralism,universal brotherhood, unity, integrity and Buddhist ideology of Panchsheel to resist the caste war ahead,the Mandal Kamandal War overwhelming and the intensive religious polarization resultant to sustain dynasty rule as dynasty rule is the genetics of hegemony that kills the democracy and secularism to invoke the incarnation of suicidal fascism!

Palash Biswas


bharat tirth by tagoreএর ভিডিও▶ 5:49


২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১০ - Asim Duttaroy আপলোড করেছেন

TAGORE POEMS A Video By Asim Duttaroy I am not the owner of this song. Uploaded for general entertainment.

Bharat tirtha (English recitation - YouTube

bharat tirth by tagoreএর ভিডিও▶ 4:24


১ এপ্রিল, ২০১১ - Asim Duttaroy আপলোড করেছেন

Bharat tirtha (English recitation. Asim Duttaroy ... For Tagore'sMaha Manav is not about the individual, it ...

হে মোর চিত্ত, পূণ্য তীর্থে

- রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর---গীতাঞ্জলি

হে মোর চিত্ত,পূণ্য তীর্থে

             জাগো রে ধীরে--

      এই ভারতের মহামানবের


                   হেথায় দাঁড়ায়ে দু-বাহু বাড়ায়ে

                          নমি নর-দেবতারে,

                   উদার ছন্দে পরমানন্দে

                          বন্দন করি তাঁরে।

        ধ্যান-গম্ভীর এই যে ভূধর,

        নদীজপমালাধৃত প্রান্তর,

        হেথায় নিত্য হেরো পবিত্র


        এই ভারতের মহামানবের


             কেহ নাহি জানে কার আহ্বানে

                   কত মানুষের ধারা

             দুর্বার স্রোতে এল কোথা হতে

                   সমুদ্রে হল হারা।

                          হেথায় আর্য, হেথা অনার্য

                          হেথায় দ্রাবিড়, চীন--

                          শক-হুন-দল পাঠান মোগল

                                 এক দেহে হল লীন।

                  পশ্চিম আজি খুলিয়াছে দ্বার,

                  সেথা হতে সবে আনে উপহার,

                  দিবে আর নিবে, মিলাবে মিলিবে

                          যাবে না ফিরে,

                   এই ভারতের মহামানবের


             রণধারা বাহি জয়গান গাহি

                   উন্মাদ কলরবে

             ভেদি মরুপথ গিরিপর্বত

                   যারা এসেছিল সবে,

                          তারা মোর মাঝে সবাই বিরাজে

                                 কেহ নহে নহে দূর,

                          আমার শোণিতে রয়েছে ধ্বনিতে

                                 তারি বিচিত্র সুর।

                   হে রুদ্রবীণা, বাজো, বাজো, বাজো,

                   ঘৃণা করি দূরে আছে যারা আজো,

                   বন্ধ নাশিবে, তারাও আসিবে

                          দাঁড়াবে ঘিরে

                   এই ভারতের মহামানবের


হেথা একদিন বিরামবিহীন

             মহা ওংকারধ্বনি,

      হৃদয়তন্ত্রে একের মন্ত্রে

             উঠেছিল রনরনি।

                   তপস্যাবলে একের অনলে

                          বহুরে আহুতি দিয়া

                   বিভেদ ভুলিল, জাগায়ে তুলিল

                          একটি বিরাট হিয়া।

             সেই সাধনার সে আরাধনার

             যজ্ঞশালায় খোলা আজি দ্বার,

             হেথায় সবারে হবে মিলিবারে


            এই ভারতের মহামানবের


      সেই হোমানলে হেরো আজি জ্বলে

             দুখের রক্ত শিখা,

      হবে তা সহিতে মর্মে দহিতে

             আছে সে ভাগ্যে লিখা।

                   এ দুখ বহন করো মোর মন,

                          শোনো রে একের ডাক।

                   যত লাজ ভয় করো করো জয়

                          অপমান দূরে থাক।

             দুঃসহ ব্যথা হয়ে অবসান

             জন্ম লভিবে কী বিশাল প্রাণ।

             পোহায় রজনী, জাগিছে জননী

                   বিপুল নীড়ে,

             এই ভারতের মহামানবের


      এসো হে আর্য, এসো অনার্য,

             হিন্দু মুসলমান।

      এসো এসো আজ তুমি ইংরাজ,

             এসো এসো খৃস্টান।

                  এসো ব্রাহ্মণ শুচি করি মন

                   ধরো হাত সবাকার,

                  এসো হে পতিত করো অপনীত

                   সব অপমানভার।

             মার অভিষেকে এসো এসো ত্বরা

             মঙ্গলঘট হয় নি যে ভরা,



             আজি ভারতের মহামানবের


১৮ আষাঢ়, ১৩১৭

Latest genetic studies prove that caste system kills the inherent unity of the universal brotherhood and the killings further intensified with religious polarization supported by the economics of Free market with free flow of foreign capital and foreign interests.It makes the genetics of violence and hate so dominanat that the world is set on fire.

A 2013 study has offered a definitive picture on the origins of caste in the Indian society. The findings of a team of researchers from the Harvard Medical School and the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) have significant relevance when looking for a deeper reading of the Bihar poll results.sunday Economic times reports which as follows with the end of this write up.The study which involved mapping the genomes of 571 individuals from 73 ethno-linguistic groups establishes that ancient India was one in which all people intermingled freely. The study had improved upon its 2009 findings which involved a smaller sample size of 132 individuals from 25 groups.

As the situation being alarming,we have to bear the burns of terror strike anywhere  anytimeI Paris is not the last destination of terrorism,I am afraid.Islamic State owns the responsibility of Paris Tragedy at the moment as media claims and French President virtually announced yet another global war against terror endorsed by Indian political leadership.

The most vocal scenario:ISIS has claimed responsibility for the multiple attacks in Paris on Friday that left at least 127 people dead and another 200 wounded. The coordinated shootings and bomb attacks occurred in an estimated seven locations, including outside the Stade de France stadium and the popular Bataclan Concert Hall.

Just one day after a series of deadly attacks on the capital city of Paris, France, French authorities released the official death toll at a press conference. According to police, 129 were killed across multiple locations, and an additional 352 were injured. Police also stated that at least 89 of those fatalities occurred during a hostage standoff at Bataclan concert hall in central Paris. Three terrorists were also killed, two detonating suicide bombs and one having been shot down by police.

As of Saturday evening local time, 99 of those injured were still in critical condition, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters. Authorities also confirmed that 70 of the victims were Americans. As the prosecutor began detailing the timeline of events, details about the attackers began to emerge.

French President François Hollande on Saturday declared thatt he country would pursue and attack ISIS 'without mercy," declaring that the attacks were "an act of war that was prepared, organized, planned from abroad with internal help." Hollande has declared three days of mourning in France.

Understood that thousands of missiles to fly violating the limit of the sky,warships to be launched in the oceans  and the oil would be on fire yet again!

The sponsored terrorism to remap the Arab and Islamic world has the holiest places of Islamic worship a it target destination and we have to witness yet another CRUSADE!As the Islamic State,the Arabian Spring has got a Start up to destroy the Islam.Whose interest it should be.It is rather funny that the American War against terror has been Killing the Muslim worldwide and America launched the Mayhem Campaign and India is a proactive partner with United States of America and Israel and India becomes a Hindu Taliban State as consequence and we are subjected to that bloddy Arab Spring to destroy the Bharat Tirth!

It appears that the majority of those killed were in the concert hall, where approximately 100 people were taken hostage before French police stormed the building.

On Saturday, Parisians waited in long lines at blood donation centers and hospitals across the city, eager to contribute something to the stricketn city. Even as the tragic news continues to develop, people around the globe have taken to social media to express their horror and sympathies with those affected. Parisians have turned to twitter, using the #portesouvertes hashtag to offer shelter to those stranded in the city or simply looking for a safe place to spend the night.

I am amused to see the continuous photobombing killing the vocal scenario and inherent musicality,the folk rhythm and aesthetics of social realism,truth itself along with the five senses of love with which we have to be embedded,the HTML of humanity and love inflicted by hate,violence and terror which happen to be calamities imported really with all those nuclear armament to destroy ourselves.The political world wide tour to sustain the caste economics all on the name of Hindutva and the gimmicks showcased so often with solo performance reminding caricature amuses me as I have to become the Prime Minister of India if I have any aspiration to tour the world to generate selfies which would make me yet another God.Funny!

I would be reading the preface written by no less than the most intelligent personality Indian ever could produce,Rahul Sankratyan from his History of Central India in Hindi.As modern genetic studies proved his concept of Bharat Tirth.

Indian Express reports:

Paris 13/11 has Mumbai echoes

The Islamic State group on Saturday claimed responsibility for a wave of attacks in Paris that killed 129 people and said France would remain at the "top of the list" of its targets. The violence started at the Bataclan concert hall where at least 100 hostages were found dead. French President Francois Hollande has formally declared a state of emergency on all mainland territory and Corsica during a Cabinet meeting urgently summoned at the Elysee palace on Friday night.Obama to visit Paris after G20 meetHigh alert sounded in MumbaiGurdwaras in France keep doors openBelgian police arrest severalPictures from the ground in ParisHere is what happened in Paris


I would be discussing and later would explain it in Hindi,the most relevant article published in Sunday Economic Times as follows:

Nov 15 2015 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Caste Away

:: KP Narayana Kumar

Against the backdrop of a Bihar election that was heavily polarised on caste lines, a genetics study that suggests ancient India had no such social stratification assumes added significance

DNA is not the kind of word that usu ally makes its way into an Indian election. So in a country where caste identities and religion play the dominant role in the election narra tive, a reference to the jargon from genetics during the election cam paign in Bihar was intriguing.

It started with prime minister Narendra Modi's comment on Nit ish Kumar wondering about a pos sible defect in the chief minister's DNA. Kumar's supporters respond ed by sending over 1 lakh hair and nail samples to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

The political parties may not have realised it but, in recent times, genet ics has had something to say about the operating software of contemporary politics: the caste system.

A 2013 study has offered a definitive picture on the origins of caste in the Indian society. The findings of a team of researchers from the Harvard Medical School and the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) have significant relevance when looking for a deeper reading of the Bihar poll results.

The study which involved mapping the genomes of 571 individuals from 73 ethno-linguistic groups establishes that ancient India was one in which all people intermingled freely. The study had improved upon its 2009 findings which involved a smaller sample size of 132 individuals from 25 groups.

Given that modern-day politics are governed by caste dynamics, read together with the findings of the DNA study, the Bihar results also appear to be an expression of anger at an artificial system imposed upon generations of people that encouraged inequality and supressed them for 2,000 years.

After all, no one has ever offered a credible explanation for why some people were to perform lesser duties such as scavenging in a world that revolved around the internet.

Caste is so deeply ingrained in society that it is often taken for tradition. For years, although historians could narrate the manner in which exploitation happened through the caste narrative, they could not give a credible theory on the origins.

Sum of Caste Arithmetic

Most political observers agree that the day Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad decided to come together, the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) was in for a significant challenge, given the caste arithmetic.

And that was exactly how the election played out with the BJP managing to touch 58 seats, while the Mahagathbandhan, or the Grand Alliance comprising Janata Dal (United), Rashtriya Janata Dal and Congress marched home with 178.

According to Sanjay Kumar, director of Lokniti, a research pro gramme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), it was quite apparent that caste insecurities are still in place in Bihar and have contributed to the victory of the Grand Alliance.

"The OBCs and Dalits feared that if BJP came to power they would go back to (the upper-caste oppression of ) the '80s. They are not totally happy in terms of jobs and economic growth. But they did win their self-respect which they feared would be trampled upon if BJP were to win," he said.

The paper published by the genetic research team clearly states that this part of the world did not practise any form of segregation prior to 2,000 years. According to the study, there were absolutely no constraints on any sort of cohabitation to the extent that there was constant genetic crossing until a period when, all of a sudden, we see evidence of endogamy with no further evidence of intermingling.

Stranglehold of the System

According to the paper, there were two distinct genetic groups in India: the Ancient North Indian and the Ancient South Indian. They lived in isolation until they crossed paths about 4,000 years ago. They intermingled for 2,000 years and thereafter the societies here began to practice endogamy. Since then there has been little intermingling, suggesting the stranglehold of the caste system.

For centuries, the fact that caste had taken the venerated place of tradition meant that India did not have a construct on the origins that was egalitarian.

Scientists who worked on the project say that modern-day castes were borne of the segregation practices consciously adopted by what were tribal societies.

"Castes grew out of tribal-like organisations during the formation of Indian society," explains Kumarasamy Thangaraj, a scientist at CCMB. According to Thangaraj this was conclusive evidence that pointed towards the fact that prior to 2,000 years, India did not practice endogamy, the practice of marrying within a specific group.

In the absence of definite scientifically proven ideas about the origins, most debates on ancient history have to deal with a Manusmriti, which states that people belonging to certain castes were lesser beings as were women.

If those are the kind of ideas that laid the foundations, where could Independent India look to in the past for guidance for its egalitarian ideals? There is ample evidence that the brutal system of caste exploitation continues to find a place in Independent India with the most recent killing of a Dalit family in Haryana being the latest manifestation.

BR Ambedkar had lamented that the fight for Independence did not adequately address the inequities brought about by caste in an essay titled "Annihilation of Caste".

An Answer to the Caste Construct

That Bihar had to deal with caste violence in the '80s and that Lalu Prasad emerged as a champion of social justice was perhaps the beginning of an answer to the caste construct that has governed life in India for centuries. The 2015 assembly election in that state has possibly amplified that expression of anger.

Given that history by itself was unable to give a definitive picture of the existence of an egalitarian society in the past, it was only 60 years after Independence that genetics was to offer a clear construct. And even as genetic science was offering clues about the real ancient India, on the ground in Bihar, those who had suf fered at the hands of what has now been established to be an artificial construct appeared to have joined hands. It was almost as if Bihar had expressed its centuries old caste-angst at one go.

"Instead of religious polarisation, this election showed the sharpest polarisation in terms of caste. Normally caste polarisation is associated with Dalits and OBCs. This time there was also a huge consolidation of the upper-caste vote with BJP," observed Sanjay Kumar. He added that RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's statement on reservations would also have played a factor in sharpening the divide.

The emergence of the cow campaign in the last leg of the BJP campaign also turned the election into a test-case for whether all castes agreed with the idea of cow protection being the core issue around which Bihar would vote.

Sanjay Kumar says the defeat of the BJP does not essentially mean that cow was not an issue for the Bihar voter. But there are other issues which are more important, of which caste insecurities figure on top. In short, even if the cow campaign could have some resonance in the state, it could not figure over the anxiety among the lower castes of the probability of a return to a society that would dominated by the upper castes.

Historian DN Jha who authored the controversial book The Myth of the Holy Cow however, says the election has proved that the cows simply cannot serve as the motif for all Hindus.

"Historically cow veneration is a part of upper-caste ideology. The question the BJP needs to answer is whether they consider Dalits to be Hindus. Dalits eat beef and so do tribals in many parts of India. (A research project titled) `People of India Project' has conclusively shown that 72 communities in Kerala eat beef and many of them are Hindu. BJP has a Brahminical notion of culture which is not in sync with ground realities of Indian culture," he says.

Jha says that his research also supports the theory of an ancient culture that allowed free intermingling. "You do not need genetics to prove there was intermingling in India. The Rig Veda alone has 300 non-Sanskritic words. How did they creep in? Because there was intermingling of people." According to Jha, although genetic science could make definitive contributions to history, it needs to improve upon the sample sizes in order to be regarded as credible sources.

The question of identity in India, adds Jha, was answered through a perverted prism. "The politics has always mislead people on the `who are we' question. They made caste the reference point to get votes although it is not very relevant (to the essence of the question)."

ET magazine VIEW


Caste is an idea that branded humans untouchables and built walls. Independent India inherited this system that perpetuates inequality. For centuries, caste has been blindly referred to in terms of tradition.India does not have a credible theory on its origins that lays down the foundation of the society on egalitarian lines, which its Constitution certainly promises to every citizen. That genetics has found evidence of an ancient free society needs to be taken seriously and studied further. India cannot afford to say that the operating software of electoral politics always will remain caste -because we have no other narrative. India needs to explore this new perspective on the origins of society better, which could also help create new narratives in the political discourse because, for sure -as the Bihar polls proved -it will be difficult to find the kind of patience that the previous generations displayed in accepting the tag of a "lower caste".


5 Hours of Terror

source media News


9:15 PM Hollande is at the Stade de France, watching a match between France and Germany when an explosion is heard; minutes later another explosion is heard; Hollande goes into the stadium's security room for a crisis meeting with police

9:20 PM Shots are fired at people sitting at outdoor tables of two restaurants on rue Alibert in the 10th arrondissement

9:32 PM Shots are fired at Casa Nostra, a pizza place on rue de la Fontaine au Roi in the 11th arrondissement

9:36 PM Shootings are heard at La Belle Equipe bar on rue de Charonne

9:43 PM A suicide bombing at a cafe called Comptoir Voltaire on Boulevard Voltaire leaves one person dead

9:45 PM Attackers fire the first shots at Bataclan, packed with people attending a concert by the California band Eagles of Death Metal; the theatre is a seven-minute walk from the offices of Charlie Hebdo

9:50 PM Suicide bomber blows up outside a McDonald's restaurant near the Stade de France. No one is hurt

10:25 -11:30 PM Hollande holds a crisis meeting at the interior ministry

11:30 PM Most Paris metro stations near the shootings are closed

11:58 PM Hollande addresses the nation and declares emergency for the first time since 2005; announces a closure of borders

MIDNIGHT A Cabinet meeting is held


00:15 AM Five Paris metro lines closed

00:45 AM Cabinet meeting ends.Security heightened in the Paris region

00:45 AM French police launch an assault at Bataclan; hostage situation ends

1:10 AM Hollande, PM Manuel Valls, interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve and justice minister Christiane Taubira visit the Bataclan area

1:00-2:00 AM The street outside the theatre is the image of a war zone as people trickle out, the injured carried out on stretchers, and bodies covered in white shrouds are lined up; police say eight militants died, seven of them in suicide bombings

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मैं नास्तिक क्यों हूं# Necessity of Atheism#!Genetics Bharat Teertha

হে মোর চিত্ত, Prey for Humanity!

मनुस्मृति नस्ली राजकाज राजनीति में OBC Trump Card और जयभीम कामरेड

Gorkhaland again?আত্মঘাতী বাঙালি আবার বিভাজন বিপর্যয়ের মুখোমুখি!

हिंदुत्व की राजनीति का मुकाबला हिंदुत्व की राजनीति से नहीं किया जा सकता।

In conversation with Palash Biswas

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Save the Universities!

RSS might replace Gandhi with Ambedkar on currency notes!

जैसे जर्मनी में सिर्फ हिटलर को बोलने की आजादी थी,आज सिर्फ मंकी बातों की आजादी है।

#BEEFGATEঅন্ধকার বৃত্তান্তঃ হত্যার রাজনীতি

अलविदा पत्रकारिता,अब कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं! पलाश विश्वास

ভালোবাসার মুখ,প্রতিবাদের মুখ মন্দাক্রান্তার পাশে আছি,যে মেয়েটি আজও লিখতে পারছেঃ আমাক ধর্ষণ করবে?


THE HIMALAYAN TALK: PALASH BISWAS ON NEPALI SENTIMENT, GORKHALAND, KUMAON AND GARHWAL ETC.and BAMCEF UNIFICATION! Published on Mar 19, 2013 The Himalayan Voice Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America



Imminent Massive earthquake in the Himalayas

Palash Biswas on Citizenship Amendment Act


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http://youtu.be/NrcmNEjaN8c The government of India has announced food security program ahead of elections in 2014. We discussed the issue with Palash Biswas in Kolkata today. http://youtu.be/NrcmNEjaN8c Ahead of Elections, India's Cabinet Approves Food Security Program ______________________________________________________ By JIM YARDLEY http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/04/indias-cabinet-passes-food-security-law/



Published on 10 Apr 2013 Palash Biswas spoke to us from Kolkota and shared his views on Visho Hindu Parashid's programme from tomorrow ( April 11, 2013) to build Ram Mandir in disputed Ayodhya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77cZuBunAGk


अहिले भर्खर कोलकता भारतमा हामीले पलाश विश्वाससंग काठमाडौँमा आज भै रहेको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मूलवासी सम्मेलनको बारेमा कुराकानी गर्यौ । उहाले भन्नु भयो सो सम्मेलन 'नेपालको आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको आन्दोलनलाई कम्जोर बनाउने षडयन्त्र हो।' http://youtu.be/j8GXlmSBbbk


We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas. http://youtu.be/7IzWUpRECJM


[Palash Biswas, one of the BAMCEF leaders and editors for Indian Express spoke to us from Kolkata today and criticized BAMCEF leadership in New Delhi, which according to him, is messing up with Nepalese indigenous peoples also. He also flayed MP Jay Narayan Prasad Nishad, who recently offered a Puja in his New Delhi home for Narendra Modi's victory in 2014.]




Palash Biswas, lashed out those 1% people in the government in New Delhi for failure of delivery and creating hosts of problems everywhere in South Asia. http://youtu.be/lD2_V7CB2Is


अहिले भर्खर कोलकता भारतमा हामीले पलाश विश्वाससंग काठमाडौँमा आज भै रहेको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मूलवासी सम्मेलनको बारेमा कुराकानी गर्यौ । उहाले भन्नु भयो सो सम्मेलन 'नेपालको आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको आन्दोलनलाई कम्जोर बनाउने षडयन्त्र हो।' http://youtu.be/j8GXlmSBbbk