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Monday, June 30, 2014

हमारा पढ़ा लिखा कामयाब मलाईदार तबका उग्र हिंदुत्व ब्रिगेड है,इसलिए देशबेचो जनसंहारी एजंडा की बल्ले बल्ले!

हमारा पढ़ा लिखा कामयाब मलाईदार तबका उग्र हिंदुत्व ब्रिगेड है,इसलिए देशबेचो जनसंहारी एजंडा की बल्ले बल्ले!

पलाश विश्वास

मैं बहुत छोटा था,तभी एकबार गांव में हिमालय से आये एक साधु के दर्शन की धूम लगी थी।गांव में तब पढ़ा लिखा कोई था नहीं।बंगाल के दलित शरणार्थी विस्थापितों की पुनर्वास कालोनी की युवा पीढ़ी का बचपन भारत विभाजन की त्रासदी से खून सना था और उसमें कोई आंखर दर्ज होने का वक्त मिला ही न था।

जब उस साधू ने मुझे देखकर कहा कि यह बालक कलम घसीटता रहेगा,तो पता नहीं हमारे गांव के लोगों ने क्या सोचा होगा।

मेरे पिता कम्युनिस्ट थे और अंबेडकरवादी भी।चाचा नास्तिक।ताउ जी संगीत में रचे बसे रहते थे लोकिन धर्मांध नहीं थे।मां,चाची और ताई उस जमाने के हिसाब से दो चार दर्जे तक पढ़ी लिखी जरुर थीं और स्वभाव से किसान घरों की महिलाओं की तरह धार्मिक और कर्मकांडी थी।हमारी दादी तो तमाम पर्व और तीज मनाया करती थीं।

गांववाले साधु के वचन को सत्य मानते रहे हैं और जानते रहे हैं कि मैं जरुर पढ़ने लिखने वाला हूं।पिता को न खुशी थी और न मायुशी।

मैं बचपन में अपने चाचा का चेला था।हमारा काम था,कर्म कांड में बाधा डालना और अंध विश्वास की धज्जियां उड़ाना।मैंने तब गांव वालों को बताया था कि कलम का मतलब हल है।मुझे जिंदगी भर खेत जोतते रहना है,साधू यही कह रहे हैं।

मेरे पिता खुद पढ़ने लिखने का मौका बना नहीं सकें,फिर भी बांग्ला, हिंदी,अंग्रेजी,उड़िया और असमिया के अलावा मराठी के प्तर पत्रिकाओं में रमे रहते थे।विभाजन से पहले सीमा पार आकर कैशोर्य में सिनेमा हाल में लोगों को सीटें दिखाने में कई वर्ष बिताने की वजह से वे सिनेमा के शौकीन भी थे।उन्हें भी घर और गांव के बच्चों के पढ़ाने लिखाने का सपना तंग किया करता था।मैंने इसी मौके का फायदा उठाया।

लेकिन मेरे पिता और मेरे गांव बसंतीपुर के लोग साठ के दशक तक पढ़ने लिखने से रोजगार को जोड़ते न थे।

स्कूल में बच्चे क दाखिला के लिए शिक्षक के सामने पेश करते हुए,ठेठ पूर्वी बंगाल की देशज भाषा में उनका निवेदन यही होता था, इस बच्चे के चक्षु खोलने का इंतजाम कर दीजिये।

पिट पाटकर इसे मनुष्य बना दीजिये।जैसा वे कहते थे,उससे ज्यादा उनकी कोई आकांक्षा लेकिन होती न थी।

वे मानकर चलते थे कि इन बच्चों को आखिर खेत में ही खपना है।खेती में खपाने की प्रक्रिया में कोई छूट उस जमाने में किसान परिवारों के बच्चों को शायद ही मिलती थी।

हम बच्चे तब पालतू जानवरों के इंचार्ज हुआ करते थे और हमारी प्रिय सवारी भैंस होती थी।खेतों खलिहानों में कलेवा पहुंचाने की भी जिम्मेदारी हमारी और वहां हो रहे काम काज में सीखना,हाथ बंटाना हमारे लिए कम अनिवार्य न था।पुरस्कारों का रिवाज तो था नहीं,सजाे जरुर मिलती थीं चूक हो जाने या बहाना बनाते हुए पकड़े जाने पर।

उस जमाने में बंगाल से आये तमाम दलित शरणार्थी आरक्षण के बेहद खिलाफ थे और वे सीधे रवींद्र,नेताजी और विवेकानंद के वंशज बताते थे अपने को।

अपढ़ घरों में साहित्य का भंडार हुआ करता था।

शायद अब लोगों कोयकीन न हों,लेकिन तब भारत विभाजन की त्रासदी झेलने के बावजूद वे लोग इस उपलब्धि से खुश थे कि अब उन्हें कोई न चंडाल कहेगा और न पोद।

जिस जाति और नस्ली भेदभाव के वे सदियों से शिकार थे,उसकी जंजीरें अचानक टूट गयी थीं और पुरानी पीढियों की दर्द भरी यादों की जुगाली वे भूलकर भी नहीं करते थे और न रिजर्वेशन के जरिये जाति और नस्ली अस्मिताओं में कैद होने को तैयार थे।

हालत यह थी कि बंगाल में करीब पैंतीस साल की उम्र में पहुंचने से पहले मुझे खुद अंदाजा न था कि हमारी जाति हैसियत दरअसल क्या है।

पचास और साठ के दशकों में विभाजन त्रासदी से उबरने वालों के बच्चे सारी हीनता और कुंठाओं से मुक्त थे और बंगाल से बाहर देशभर में अन्य समुदायों के बच्चों के मुकाबले में वे किसी मामले में कम नहीं रहे।

अगर मैं यह दुस्साहस करुं और कहूं कि हमारे  वे तमाम अपढ़ अधपढ़ बुजुर्ग दरअसल अंबेडकर अनुयायी सच्चे थे और जाति उन्मूलन के एजंडे के मुताबिक ही काम कर रहे थे,तो शायद हमपर जूतों चप्पलों की वर्षा होने लगे।

हमने नैनीताल की तराई में अपने गांव और दूसरे गांवों में कम से कम दो अनुष्ठान गैर वैदिकी निरंतर होते देखे हैं,जो शायद अब नहीं होते।

हांलांकि उन दिनों भी तराई में जंगल का वजूद कायम था और मेरे गांव में सुंदरवन वाले हिस्से के खुलना के लोग ज्यादा थे,तो वनबीबी की पूजा बहुत धूमधाम से होती थी।

कर्मकांड कुछ भी नहीं,जंगल में जीवन और आजीविका की सुरक्षा के लिए सारे गांव के लोगों का सामूहिक वनभोजन।

दूसरा अनुष्ठान था,प्रेत पूजा का।

खेतों और खलिहानों में दिवंगत आत्माओं के नाम मिष्ठान्न उत्सर्ग करने का गैरवैदिकी अनुष्ठान।इस अनुष्ठानों से  मृतात्माओं को वैमन्स्य से बाज आने का आवाहन भी किया जाता रहा है।

इस अनुष्ठान का असली मतलब मुक्तिबोध की कविता अंधेरे में मृतात्मा प्रसंग पढ़ने से समझ में आया।

उन दिनों बंगाल में महामारी से बचने के लिए प्रचलित रक्षाकाली और शीतला तो चप्पे चप्पे पर सांपों से सुरक्षा के लिए विषहरी मनसा पूजा की धूम लगी रहती थी।

बंगाल की साझा संस्कृति के धारक वाहक थे वे लोग तो ठाकुर पीर और फकीरों के नाम सिन्नी का भी खूब प्रचलन था।

मतुआ धर्म के प्रवर्तक हरिचांद ठाकुर और अस्पृश्यता मोचन के लिए बंगाल में कामयाब चंडाल आंदलन के महानायक गुरुचांद ठाकुर दोने कर्म कांड के खिलाफ थे,ब्राह्मणवाद के विरुद्ध थे और किसानों के हक हकूक की लड़ाई लड़ने वाले थे।

भूमि सुधार मतुआ आंदोलन के एजंडे पर सबसे ऊपर था स्त्री शिक्षा के साथ साथ।

मतुआ आंदोलन धार्मिक नहीं,एकमुश्त कृषक और शिक्षा आंदोलन था।जिसकी कोई सानी नहीं थी।

खुद हरिचांद ठाकुर नील विद्रोह के नेता भी थे।

हरिचांद गुरुचांद,दोनों ने हिंदू धर्म को ब्राह्मण धर्म बताया और दोनों धर्मांतरण के खिलाफ थे।

उन्होंने तो बंगाल में ईसाई मिशनरी को उन्होंने मतुआ आंदोलन का सहयोगी बना लिया था। लेकिन खासकर गुरुचांद ठाकुर को बौद्धमय भारत के अवसान का खास अफसोस था और वे चीन जापान और दक्षिण पूर्व एशियाई देसों में जाति नस्ल के खात्मे के लिए बौद्ध धर्म की भूमिका के प्रशंसक थे।

दरअसल इस पर अभी तक कोई शोध हुआ ही नहीं है कि गौतम बुद्ध के शील का भारत में सामाजिक आंदोलनों पर क्या क्या असर हुए हैं।

मतुआ आंदोलन के बारे में तो लोगों को बेहद कम मालूम है।

इधर हमारे मित्र आनंद तेलतुंबड़े का एक अंगेजी लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद नेट पर जारी करने से तीखी प्रतिक्रियाएं मिल रही हैं।बसपा के लोकसभाई प्रदर्शन के आधार पर उत्तर प्रदेश और बाकी देश में जाति अंक गणित बीज गणित का खुलासा किया है उन्होंने और जाति संघर्ष का मानचित्र भी पेश किया है।

जनसंख्या के हिसाब से उन्होंने साबित किया है कि मौजूदा राष्ट्रतंत्र में अस्मिताएं तो हैं,जनप्रतिनिधित्व सिरे से गायब हैं।

यह बेहद महत्वपूर्म मुद्दा है,फेसबुक माध्यमे हमने टुकड़ा टुकड़ा लाइन दर लाइन इस बहस को मोबाइल नेटवर्क जरिये फैलाने का प्रयास किया है।

लेकिन इस बहस को हमारे पढ़े लिखे लोग बसपा और बसपा विरोधी नजरिये से देख रहे हैं क्योंकि राष्ट्रतंत्र और राष्ट्रवाद के तिलिस्म से बाहर निकलकर अपढ़ गांववालों की तरह सहज ज्ञान और विवेक से काम लेने के वे अभ्यस्त हैं नहीं।

सविता अक्सर कड़की के वक्तघर चलाने में नाकों चने चबाती हुई शिकायत करती हैं कि तुमको सब पता है कि कैसे लिखकर लोग करोड़पति बनते हैं,तुम तो अब भी खेत जोत रहे हो।कंप्युटर पर भी खेत जोत रहे हो।

आज आनंद से भी ये बातें हो रही थी।

मीडिया में पूरी जिंदगी खपा देने के बाद हमें यह तो मालूम है कि क्या लिखने,बोलने से तत्काल धनवर्षा हो सकती है और हम जानते हैंकि हमारे तमाम आदरणीय लोग किस दक्षता से धनवर्षा के लिए रेडीमेड डिजाइन  माल मीडिया और साहित्य में खपाते रहे हैं।

दिमाग धोने के धोनी हैं वे अब जो होनी है वे उन्हीं की कारस्तानी है और अनहोनी कतई नहीं होनी है।

हम मुद्दों को ठीक ठीक जनता के बीच ले जाने की दिशा भी खो चुके हैं।

क्योंकि हमारा पढ़ा लिखा कामयाब मलाईदार तबका उग्र हिंदुत्व ब्रिगेड है,इसलिए देशबेचो जनसंहारी एजंडा की बल्ले बल्ले!

गौर फरमायेः

हस्तक्षेप पर मेरे आलेख की प्रतिक्रिया में फेसबुक पोस्ट का एक नमूनाः

Ranveer Ranveer

6:30am Jun 27

हिन्दुस्तान के हर गली, हर मुहल्ले, हर चौक, हर चौराहे, हर गाँव, हर शहर से हर कट्टर हिन्दू हमारे संगठन से जुडो साथियों हमारे इस संगठन में मैं अकेला नहीं बल्कि मेरे साथ 750 कट्टर हिन्दू युवा साथी मेरे साथ है... हम अगर चाहें तो पुरे देश में क्रान्ति ला सकते है... जरुरत है तो एक सोंच की एक उद्देश्य की हमारा उद्देश्य Facebook पर ग्रुप बना कर Like या Comment बटोरने की नहीं है ये तो एक जरिया है जिसके सहारे हम देश के हर कट्टर हिन्दू युवाओं को एक साथ जोड़कर अपने देश और अपने धर्म की रक्षा कर सके हमें अपनी मदद खुद करनी होगी हमें किसी सरकार किसी नेता पर भरोसा नही करना चाहिए की वो हमारा साथ देंगे अगर किसी की सरकार ने हम हिन्दुओं की मदद की होती तो आज हमारे देश में गो हत्या नहीं होती, सरकार का काम सिर्फ कागजो पर ही रह जाता है.. जो करना है हमें करना है.. मैं देश के हर कट्टर हिन्दू युवाओं से यही कहूँगा की हमारा साथ दे हमारा उद्देश्य क्या है आज आपलोगों से इसे Share कर रहा हूँ जिन्हें ये पसंद हो वो मेरा साथ दे..

1. कश्मीर को धारा 370 से मुक्त करना है

2. गो हत्या पर रोक लगाना है

3. बलात्कार करने वालों को सिर्फ फांसी होना चाहिए चाहे वो बालिग हो या नाबालिग

4. हिन्दुस्तान में पाकिस्तानी झंडा लहराने वाले को देशद्रोही घोषित कर फांसी दिया जाना चाहिए

5. कश्मीर को पाकिस्तान और चीन के चंगुल से मुक्त करना है

6. इन जिहादियों के खिलाफ हमारा एक ही जिहाद है जिहादी ख़त्म जिहाद ख़त्म

अब आपलोग तय कीजिये की कौन हमारा साथ देंगे जरुरत पड़ने पर हमें खून भी बहाना पड़ेगा चाहे अपना या फिर अपने मुल्क अपने धर्म के दुश्मनों का


Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Modi Effect: All Arrows Point Upward

Narendra Modi may complain that he has not been afforded the luxury of a honeymoon but the optimism generated by his victory has revived business and investor sentiment--two invaluable building blocks for the PM's promise of delivering growth. If animal spirits are rekindled, can economic recovery be far behind?

The Economic Times

12 hrs ·

Ratan Tata: Nation voted for change. Support Narendra Modi govt's steps to reboot economy http://ow.ly/ysUZ9

Ratan Tata: Nation voted for change. Support Narendra Modi govt's steps to reboot economy http://ow.ly/ysUZ9

हस्तक्षेप पर मेरे आलेख की प्रतिक्रिया में फेसबुक पोस्ट का एक नमूनाः

Ranveer Ranveer

6:30am Jun 27

हिन्दुस्तान के हर गली, हर मुहल्ले, हर चौक, हर चौराहे, हर गाँव, हर शहर से हर कट्टर हिन्दू हमारे संगठन से जुडो साथियों हमारे इस संगठन में मैं अकेला नहीं बल्कि मेरे साथ 750 कट्टर हिन्दू युवा साथी मेरे साथ है... हम अगर चाहें तो पुरे देश में क्रान्ति ला सकते है... जरुरत है तो एक सोंच की एक उद्देश्य की हमारा उद्देश्य Facebook पर ग्रुप बना कर Like या Comment बटोरने की नहीं है ये तो एक जरिया है जिसके सहारे हम देश के हर कट्टर हिन्दू युवाओं को एक साथ जोड़कर अपने देश और अपने धर्म की रक्षा कर सके हमें अपनी मदद खुद करनी होगी हमें किसी सरकार किसी नेता पर भरोसा नही करना चाहिए की वो हमारा साथ देंगे अगर किसी की सरकार ने हम हिन्दुओं की मदद की होती तो आज हमारे देश में गो हत्या नहीं होती, सरकार का काम सिर्फ कागजो पर ही रह जाता है.. जो करना है हमें करना है.. मैं देश के हर कट्टर हिन्दू युवाओं से यही कहूँगा की हमारा साथ दे हमारा उद्देश्य क्या है आज आपलोगों से इसे Share कर रहा हूँ जिन्हें ये पसंद हो वो मेरा साथ दे..

1. कश्मीर को धारा 370 से मुक्त करना है

2. गो हत्या पर रोक लगाना है

3. बलात्कार करने वालों को सिर्फ फांसी होना चाहिए चाहे वो बालिग हो या नाबालिग

4. हिन्दुस्तान में पाकिस्तानी झंडा लहराने वाले को देशद्रोही घोषित कर फांसी दिया जाना चाहिए

5. कश्मीर को पाकिस्तान और चीन के चंगुल से मुक्त करना है

6. इन जिहादियों के खिलाफ हमारा एक ही जिहाद है जिहादी ख़त्म जिहाद ख़त्म

अब आपलोग तय कीजिये की कौन हमारा साथ देंगे जरुरत पड़ने पर हमें खून भी बहाना पड़ेगा चाहे अपना या फिर अपने मुल्क अपने धर्म के दुश्मनों का


Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Eyes on Defence Deals, Western Powers Court Modi

Western governments are rushing representatives to India drawn by the prospect of multibillion-dollar deals as the Modi government prepares to open the nascent defence industry to foreign investment, Frank Jack Daniel reports

Senior politicians from France, the United States and Britain arrive in quick succession over the next 10 days as Modi prepares to accelerate the modernisation of the country's mostly Soviet-era weaponry .

Modi intends to build up India's military capabilities and gradually turn the world's largest arms importer into a heavyweight manufacturer a goal that has eluded every prime minister since independence in 1947.

On the table is a proposal circulated within the new government to raise caps on foreign investment with one option to allow complete foreign ownership of some defence projects.

"All the countries are trying to make their case, especially as there is the sense that the Indian market will undergo a shift," said Harsh Pant, professor of international relations at King's College London.

"They get a sense from their dealings that something dramatic is going to happen and they want firstmover advantage," said Pant, who specialises in Indian defence.

First to arrive in New Delhi will be French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, whose top priority is to close a stalled deal to sell India 126 Rafale fighter jets, built by Dassault Aviation, for an estimated $15 billion.

Fabius, who arrives on Monday , will meet Modi as well as his most powerful minister, Arun Jaitley , who holds the twin portfolios of defence and finance and can therefore decide both whether to sign the deal and when to release the money .

US Senator John McCain is also due in India next week. McCain, whose Arizona constituency includes weapons makers such as Boeing and Raytheon, told the Senate on Thursday that Washington should seek to bolster India's economic and military rise.

"This is an area where U.S. defence capabilities, technologies, and cooperation especially between our defence industries can benefit India enormously ," McCain said of India's drive to modernise the armed forces.

UK STILL HOPEFUL In the second week of July , Britain is likely to send in Foreign Secretary William Hague and finance minister George Osborne, a British govern ment source said on Friday .

Britain has drawn some cheer from the slow progress of the negotiations for the Rafale deal. The Eurofighter Typhoon was shortlisted along with the Dassault fighter before India announced the French jet was the winner.

Cost escalations and disagreements about building the Rafale in partnership with India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited have complicated talks with France, and London has never entirely given up hope that it will return to the race.

However, on Thursday , one source at the Indian defence ministry said the deal was likely to be finally closed during Fabius' visit and could be signed this year. A French foreign ministry source said talks were ongoing, but refused to provide more detail. Russia, for years India's top weapons supplier, pipped all three countries to the post, sending Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to visit the new government in Delhi two weeks ago. Washington last year replaced Moscow as India's top defence supplier, according to IHS Jane's.

The Western nations will have noted that India's foreign minister expressed displeasure with Russia's recent offer to sell Mi-35 attack helicopters to India's arch-rival Pakistan.

$6 BILLION SPREE India spent some $6 billion last year on weapons imports. It makes few of its own weapons, beyond ballistic missiles and assembly lines for foreign jets. On Thursday , the government signalled it was in the mood for liberalisation by allowing manufacturers to build more defence components without licences, making it easier for Indian firms to partner foreigners.

At present foreign companies can only invest 26 percent in Indian defence projects without committing to technology transfer, which has put off many investors.

Before the election, sources in Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party said there was a plan to increase the cap to 49 percent.

"For higher-tech intellectual property we would want to go over 50 percent to be in a position to share technology that we have significant investments in," said Phil Shaw, chief executive of Lockheed Martin India Pvt Ltd.

"An uplift from 26 to 49 percent maintains the status quo and may not be sufficient incentive to make an investment here."

Lockheed Martin already has a 26 percent investment in an Indian joint venture with Tata Advanced Systems that manufactures airframe components for the C-130J Super Hercules cargo lifter.

India's Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion has circulated a discussion document that proposes allowing up to 100 percent foreign direct investment, or FDI, in defence production, two government officials told Reuters.

The note suggested allowing 100 percent FDI in manufacturing of state-of-the art equipment, one of the officials said. It also recommends a cap of 49 percent for investments which do not involve transfer technology and a 74 percent ceiling in such cases where the foreign investor is ready to share technology knowhow, the official added.

Last week, Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said foreign investment in the sector would help increase defence preparedness of the country and reduce import dependence, saving billions of dollars in foreign exchange.

However, she said the government was yet to take a final call on increasing the FDI ceiling and the decision would be taken by Jaitley and Modi.

The proposals face pockets of resistance in Indian industry , Modi's party and the military establishment.


নমোর দ্বারে ভিড় জমাচ্ছে বিশ্ব


নয়াদিল্লি: প্রতিরক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে বিদেশি বিনিয়োগ বাড়াতে চলেছে ভারত৷ শিল্পনীতি ও উন্নয়ন দপ্তর সূত্রে শোনা যাচ্ছে এমনই খবর৷ আর তার জেরেই মোদীর সঙ্গে সখ্য বাড়াতে তত্‍পর পশ্চিমি দেশগুলি৷ 'আগে এলে-আগে পাবে' এই ধারণার বশবর্তী হয়েই ওই সমস্ত দেশের প্রশাসনিক কর্তাব্যক্তিদের ভারতে আসার ধুম পড়ে গিয়েছে৷ আর সেই তালিকার প্রথম দিকেই রয়েছে ফ্রান্স, ব্রিটেন ও মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র৷

বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহত্‍ অস্ত্র আমদানিকারী দেশকে অন্যতম অস্ত্র নির্মাণকারী হিসেবে গড়ে তুলতে স্বাধীনতার পর থেকেই চেষ্টা চালিয়েছেন একাধিক প্রধানমন্ত্রী৷ নরেন্দ্র মোদী ক্ষমতায় আসার পর এই চেষ্টাকেই ফলপ্রসূ করার কথা জানিয়েছিলেন৷ সম্প্রতি সরকারি তরফে আলোচিত বিষয় সম্পর্কে তথ্য প্রকাশ করেছে ভারতের শিল্পনীতি ও উন্নয়ন বিষয়ক দপ্তর৷ তাতেই জানা গিয়েছে, যুদ্ধাস্ত্র সংক্রান্ত যন্ত্রপাতি নির্মাণের ক্ষেত্রে ১০০% বিদেশি বিনিয়োগের পরিকল্পনা করছে ভারত৷ প্রযুক্তিগত বিনিময় হবে না, এমন ক্ষেত্রে বিদেশি বিনিয়োগের সীমা বাড়িয়ে ৪৯% করার প্রস্তাব দেওয়া হয়েছে৷ যে ক্ষেত্রে বিদেশি বিনিয়োগকারী প্রযুক্তির খুঁটিনাটি জানাতে প্রস্ত্তত, সেক্ষেত্রে বিনিয়োগের সীমা বাড়িয়ে ৭৪% করার পরিকল্পনাও রয়েছে৷

এই তথ্য প্রকাশ্যে আসার পরই বিদেশি অভ্যাগতদের ভারত সফরের হিড়িক পড়ে গিয়েছে৷ তার মধ্যে প্রথমেই রয়েছেন ফ্রান্সের বিদেশমন্ত্রী লরঁ ফ্যাবিয়াস৷ সোমবার মোদীর সঙ্গে বৈঠকের জন্য ভারতে আসছেন তিনি৷ ড্যাসল্ট অ্যাভিয়েশনের বানানো ১২৬টি রাফালে ফাইটার জেট ভারতকে বিক্রি করার কথা ছিল ফ্রান্সের৷ কিন্ত্ত ভারতের হিন্দুস্তান অ্যারোনটিক্সের সঙ্গে যৌথ ভাবে রাফালে বানাতে অস্বীকার করে তারা৷ তা ছাড়া খরচ সংক্রান্ত মতানৈক্য নিয়েও অনেক দিন ধরে চুক্তিটি আটকে রয়েছে৷ ফ্যাবিয়াসের ভারত সফরে সেই চুক্তি নিয়ে আলোচনার সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে৷ হয়ত এই সফরের পর চুক্তিটি পুরোপুরি বাতিল হয়ে যেতে পারে, আর সেই ঘোলা জলেই মাছ ধরতে চাইছে ব্রিটেন৷

ব্রিটিশ প্রশাসন সূত্রে খবর, জুলাইয়ের দ্বিতীয় সপ্তাহে ব্রিটেনের বিদেশ সচিব উইলিয়াম হগ ও অর্থমন্ত্রী জর্জ অসবোর্ন ভারতে আসতে চলেছেন৷ ফ্রান্সের রাফালে জেট কেনার চুক্তি হওয়ার আগে ইউরোফাইটার টাইফুন ও ড্যাসল্ট ফাইটার কেনার কথা ভেবেছিল ভারত৷ ফ্রান্সের সঙ্গে চুক্তি বাতিলের সম্ভাবনা দেখা দেওয়ায় নতুন আশার আলো দেখছে ব্রিটেন৷

পিছিয়ে নেই বারাক ওবামার দেশও৷ পরের সপ্তাহে ভারতে আসছেন মার্কিন রিপাবলিকান সেনেটর জন ম্যাকেন৷ বৃহস্পতিবারই সেনেটে তিনি দাবি তুলেছিলেন, ভারতের অর্থনৈতিক ও প্রতিরক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে উন্নতিতে আমেরিকার সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দেওয়া উচিত৷ সেই সম্ভাবনা খতিয়ে দেখতেই ম্যাকেনের এই ভারত সফর বলে মত বিশেষজ্ঞদের৷

তবে, এ ব্যাপারে সবচেয়ে এগিয়ে ছিল রাশিয়া৷ দু'সপ্তাহ আগেই রাশিয়ার উপ-প্রধানমন্ত্রী দিমিত্রি রোগোজিন ভারত সফরে এসেছিলেন৷ তাঁর সঙ্গে মোদীর আলোচনাও হয়েছে৷ কিন্ত্ত পাকিস্তানকে উন্নত প্রযুক্তির 'এমআই-৩৫' হেলিকপ্টার সরবরাহ করেছে রাশিয়া, আর সেই কারণেই ভারতের বিরাগভাজন হয়েছে তারা৷ সেক্ষেত্রে বিনিয়োগে আশার আলো দেখছে পশ্চিমি দেশগুলো৷

গত বছরই অস্ত্র আমদানির ক্ষেত্রে ৬০০ কোটি ডলার খরচ করেছে ভারত৷ বৃহস্পতিবারই সরকারের তরফে ইঙ্গিত মেলে, প্রতিরক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে উদারীকরণে হাঁটার কথা ভাবছে মোদী সরকার৷ বর্তমানে ভারতের প্রতিরক্ষা সংক্রান্ত প্রজেক্টে বিদেশি সংস্থাগুলি মাত্র ২৬% বিনিয়োগ করতে পারে, তাও প্রযুক্তিগত বিনিময়ের প্রতিশ্রুতি ছাড়া৷ সেক্ষেত্রে বিদেশিরা প্রতিরক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে বিনিয়োগে খুব একটা আগ্রহ দেখান না৷

আমেরিকার মিসাইল প্রস্ত্ততকারক সংস্থা লক্হিড মার্টিন-এর ভারতীয় শাখার প্রধান উপদেষ্টা ফিল শ-র অবশ্য বক্তব্য, 'উন্নত প্রযুক্তির ইন্টেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টির ক্ষেত্রে আমরা ৫০% পর্যন্ত বিনিয়োগে রাজি৷ কিন্ত্ত বিদেশি বিনিয়োগের সীমা ২৬ থেকে বাড়িয়ে ৪৯% করেও তেমন উন্নতির সম্ভাবনা নেই৷' সুপার হারকিউলিস কার্গো লিফটারের যন্ত্রাংশ বানানোর ক্ষেত্রে টাটার সঙ্গে যৌথভাবে কাজ করে এই সংস্থা৷ ২৬% বিনিয়োগ আছে তাদের৷

কেন্দ্রীয় বাণিজ্য ও শিল্পমন্ত্রী নির্মলা সীতারামন জানিয়েছিলেন, বিদেশি বিনিয়োগ বাড়লে প্রতিরক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে দেশের অবস্থান মজবুত হবে এবং আমদানিও কমবে৷ এ ব্যাপারে চূড়ান্ত সিদ্ধান্ত অবশ্য নেবেন মোদী এবং প্রতিরক্ষামন্ত্রী অরুণ জেটলি৷ কংগ্রেস নেতা এ কে অ্যান্টনির অবশ্য দাবি, এই সিদ্ধান্ত আত্মঘাতী ছাড়া আর কিছুই নয়৷ - রয়টার্স

Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Rao Returns to Limelight Under NDA Regime



Modi-led govt will have a more realistic assessment of Cong PM's legacy: Naqvi

PV Narasimha Rao, Prime Minister of India during 19911996, is seeing a revival of sorts in India's public discourse, after hardly finding any mention during 10 years of UPA rule.

On the 93rd birth anniversary of the late Narasimha Rao on Saturday, Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR) called for a Bharat Ratna to be awarded to the former prime minister and said the new state will carve out a district to be named after him.

Andhra Pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu too talked of a fitting memorial for the only Telugu to have become the prime minister. If that wasn't enough, former President A P J Abdul Kalam tweeted, "It is Shri PV Narasimha Rao Ji's birth anniversary today...one of the best PMs India ever had... My respect to the leader."

Sanjaya Baru, ex-media advisor to former prime minister Manmohan Singh, said this surfeit of acclaim for Narasimha Rao is not just an attempt to cock a snook at the Congress, which had consciously kept his tenure as a blind spot in its history, but it is also an imperative for regional forces in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Baru's book -The Accidental Prime Minister -had revealed the animosity between Rao and the Congress high command even at the time of his death and was quoted extensively in election meetings in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh by not just KCR and Naidu, but also Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a sign of Congress high handedness.

"Given that the issue was raised during the campaign, there has to be a follow up," said Baru.

"Rao was the first PM from that region and though he opposed the separate state of Telangana, his humiliation at the hands of Congress was considered a cause to be redressed by these parties," he added. Baru revealed that he had suggested to Manmohan Singh that both Rao and former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee be accorded the Bharat Ratna. "Both Rao and Vajpayee are the two PMs who have defined the new India, Rao by his backing of economic reforms and Vajpayee for the nuclear tests. The PM heard me out but remained silent," he said. While streets in Delhi bear the names o f t h o s e w h o had been ministers in Rao's government, like Rajesh Pilot and Madhav Rao was no memorial Scindhia, there was no memorial to Rao, Baru said.

BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said that Rao's sudden emergence as a cause celebre in the NDA regime despite being a prime minister from the Congress ranks was due to his humiliation by Congress.

"It is well known that his body was not allowed within the AICC when he passed on, despite the fact that he was a Congressman and a former prime minister," he said. "While not going overboard, the NDA government will probably have a more realistic assessment of his legacy," Naqvi added.

Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

ET Q&A - Tough Decisions Needed to Get Economy Back on Track


Commenting on Modi's views about `bitter pill' to revive the country's economy, Raje says it's needed, but should be done only in consultation with the people

Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, who won a historic electoral mandate in both the recent Assembly and the Lok Sabha polls, had been often criticized by her political opponents for being "aloof and unaccesible". This time around, may be to pre-empt any such charges, one of the first major initiatives that the Raje-II administration has launched is a `Government at your doorstep' programme which seeks to make the administrative machinery more responsive to people. Speaking to ET's Akshay Deshmane on her hectic tour, Raje discusses her agenda for improving governance, responds to controversies surrounding Union minister and MP from Rajasthan Nihalchand Meghwal, and expresses optimism about the desert state getting what it wants from the Modi administration's forthcoming maiden budget.

You are meeting PM Narendra Modi soon. What are the major issues that you plan to take up with him?

I am meeting him to create a seamless link for co-ordination between the state and the Central governments. In this meeting before the Union budget, we also want to put across Rajasthan's concerns so that they can be taken up in the budget. I am sure the centre will respond positively to our concerns.

You have not spoken regarding the charges against Nihalchand Meghwal--the sole minister from Rajasthan in Centre--ever since his appointment became controversial.

What do you have to say about it?

The law is very clear. If anyone is going to malign his name, he (Meghwal) will take you (the media) to court. It (maligning him) is not justified. You people have a habit of trial by media.

Women's safety and welfare were among the key issues both you and Modi raised during the election campaign... Everything we are talking about here (as part of the governance agenda) begins and ends with women. When we talk about addressing basic issues such as electricity, health, education, employment...they begin and end with women because they (the women) are homemakers and these issues are directly linked with improving the conditions of households.

Do you agree with Modi's view that a "bitter pill" is needed to revive the economy?

Tough decisions need to be taken to get the economy back on track, but only in consultation with the people.

We will do it (implement tough decisions) by taking along the people of Rajasthan.

Rajasthan is being seen as having set an example in economic reforms by taking the first step among all Indian states to amend labour laws. While there has been much praise from policy circles, trade unions have criticised it....

These measures are a way of creating job opportunities. We need to get on to the world stage and make necessary changes to legislation for creating jobs and attracting investment.

Your administration is planning big about renewable energy with new policies being currently drafted for the wind and solar power sectors.

What will be the government's emphasis in drafting the policies?

Non-renewables are going to be the lifeline in the future. The emphasis will be on increasing the MWs made available by amount of electricity production being undertaken currently.

So, there will be improvements in the manner of regulation as well as important policy changes to attract investors (to the sector).

Suddenly, the BJP has stopped talking about Robert Vadra's land deals. Will there be any investigation into his allegedly illegal land deals in Rajasthan?

Everything will happen at the right time.

Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Much Unrealised Potential in Indo-US Commercial Ties


At the recent Industry and government interface organised by The Economic Times in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce it was clear that both, domestic and foreign industry looks up to the government with expectations and hope

The animated, articulate minister for law, communications and information technology, Ravishankar Prasad, and the stolid, and no less sincere minister for civil aviation, Ashok Gajapati Raju (who read out his speech so as not to suffer any `loss in transmission'), both communicated a picture of an active government eager to give fresh momentum to the economy and willing to listen to industry's concerns while shaping policy.

This is most welcome.

Ravishankar Prasad articulated the government's determination to raise the share of manufacturing in India's overall economic activity.

And he announced that the government had approved the setting up of eight electronic manufacturing clusters. This thrust on manufacturing was reiterated by the national convenor of the BJP's energy cell, Narendra Taneja, in relation to solar panels, and by the national co-convenor of the BJP's information technology cell, Vinit Goenka, in relation to telecom gear.

While India does need to manufacture more, particularly in the technologically advanced sectors, the new government's zeal on this front, reflected by one speaker's assertion that "we will manufacture everything", gives rise to fears of ambition vaulting overboard. And it would have left several representatives of the American companies present in the audience and on the dais bemused, not only because of the implied threat to that age-old institution called international trade that India has practised since the time of the Indus valley civilisation but also because many of them have been breaking their heads trying to obtain policy clarity that would let them carry out manufacturing in this country without hindrance. In addition, American company officials failed to get clarity on whether the new government's definition of indigenous manufacture meant production within India or production by Indian companies.

Ravishankar Prasad declared two strategic goals: build information highways, with broadband reaching every village within three years; and deliver power to every home by 2019, the end of the present government's tenure.

Neither goal is overambitious-in fact, both are within sight. The UPA government had set in motion the work of connecting 250,000 panchayats with fibre optic cable. After having announced the scheme and set up an agency -the Bharat Broadband Corporation -and earmarking the treasure accumulating in the Universal Service Obligation Fund to finance the scheme, the UPA went to sleep, with characteristic disdain for execution. And broadband choked on the inert gases that seem to fill sarkari corporations when no one keeps a watchful eye. Things can change dramatically fast.

In the case of power, 5.9 lakh villages out of India's nearly 6.5 lakh villages had been connected to the grid by the time UPA2 demitted office. This did not fetch them any brownie points because little power flowed through the lines added under the rural electrification programme. Power lines sans power offended the good, practical people of Bihar so much that many of them removed these useless eyesores strung across the landscape and sold the metal for scrap.

Power did not flow through these lines not because there was a paucity of generation capacity. In fact, generation capacity more than doubled from 114,000 MW in 2004 to 230,000 MW when the UPA bowed out. However, anything between 40,000 and 50,000 MW of installed generation capacity lay idle for want of fuel.

Coal shortage saw India import coal to run plants situated at the pithead. Coal imports worth upward of $10 billion widened the current account deficit. India, of course, has the world's fifth largest reserve of coal but mining that is entrusted to an inefficient state monopoly called Coal India Ltd.

The Greek called such combination of the tragic and the comic bathetic. This bit of Greek is one of its many achievements that the UPA failed to take credit for, while it did get the blame for the mess in allocation of captive coal mines. The biggest scam in coal, however, remains the fact that coal still remains underground for the most part even as the country is starved for the fuel and, therefore, of power. Scrapping the Coal Mines Nationalisation Act would be a major challenge for the new government, to remove the coal constraint on the economy.

The discussion on the energy sector mostly skipped coal and focused on solar energy. Kalapana Jain of Deloitte made a brave attempt to focus attention on the need to tap coal, India's most significant fuel, in more imaginative ways, such as coal gasification. The Americans, in fact, lead the world in developing and running integrated combined cycle plants using gas made from coal as the fuel. These achieve thermal efficiencies upwards of 60%, nearly double the level at old plants run by state electricity boards. Technology up gradation can help India generate double the power it generates today with the same amount of coal.

The American companies present also offer smart grids. The trouble with Indian grids is not so much technical losses, which smart technology can contain, as insufficient capacity and patronage of widespread theft. Of course, technology can help detect where all the power is being stolen, but here, the principal challenge is to muster the political will to stop theft. If that is summoned, deploying technology would not be a problem.

Fortunately, Gujarat has shown to other states that it is possible to stop theft of power and rather than lose political support by ending this source of patronage, actually gain support for providing power round the clock to households, while a separate feeder line supplies power to rural pump sets for a limited period and at a subsidised rate.

Demand side management is another area where US firms have crucial technology. Ingersoll Rand, which left its road-roller days behind to focus on things like energy management and security, offers smart technology to conserve power within buildings by turning off lights and air conditioning in those parts where sensors detect no human presence.

But, of course, the biggest saving in energy would come from smart urban planning. If new cities were to allow mixed land use and residential areas come up next to commercial areas, people could walk to work, instead of spending long hours in polluting, life-withering traffic jams while commuting to work and back.

Planning cities well, with public transport and mobility of the citizen being paramount, would lead to huge savings in energy.

The new government's plan to set up new cities from scratch offers scope to deploy smart design, planning and technology across the board.

Inter-city connectivity is another challenge that was discussed at the conference. Civil aviation assumes huge importance in this regard. The civil aviation secretary Ashok Lavasa displayed cogent awareness of the challenges facing the sector. Resolving them, however, depends on the political skills of his minister. For a majority of the sector's challenges stem from other ministries and the states.

India has a growing fleet of passenger and cargo aircraft. All of them require regular maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO). This is a huge business opportunity that India has handed over to Singapore and Dubai, thanks to a set of policies -tax and customs, chiefly -that make it impossible to do this in India.

The ministry of finance has to take these problems on board and solve them, to create thousands of high-value jobs in the country.

Treating an MRO facility as being outside the domestic tariff area for the purposes of customs duties would appear to be one solution which would take care of temporary import of high-value equipment that would later be reexported after use.

India needs new low-cost airports and regional airlines.

Variable state level taxes and policies hinder aviation. These have to be sorted out at the state level. We wish the earnest Mr Raju all success in this delicate mission of getting chief ministers to see sense.

Another task in civil aviation is to make better use of helicopters.

The Americans would love to see India use far greater use of this mode of civil and combat aviation, because of firms like Sikorsky, which offer a full range of these whirlybirds.

For a whole range of American companies in the technology sector, the main challenge is growth of telecom and broadband, aside from the quixotic tax policy that had troubled them for some time but now seems to be a thing of the past. But then, many Indians do believe in ghosts and ghouls wafting in from the past to haunt the present as well. We hope the tax department is beyond such silly superstition.

Availability of spectrum at a reasonable price and at predictable intervals is the single most significant challenge before the telecom industry. The government appears to be serious about releasing spectrum currently hoarded by Doordarshan and defence, to make continuous bands available for industry. And, increasingly, the government is prepared to allow spectrum sharing and trading with minimal restrictions.

A company like IBM, which makes high-end computers with artificial intelligence that can beat world chess champions, also plays a big role in managing the telecom industry's infrastructure.

This is why their country CEO Vanitha Narayan was present, to convey their keenness to see the telecom sector grow in India.

In defence, American companies have many concerns.

The main one is the seeming reluctance of Indian industry to envisage majority foreign ownership in joint ventures. This newspaper's editorial stance has been that FDI up to 100% in defence related production is welcome, as domestic manufacture is far superior to constant import, fetching India the dubious distinction of being the world's largest arms importer.

Only in areas of critical proprietary technology -where sharing information or external dependence might be a source of extreme vulnerability -should there be any restriction on external investment.

The experience with limiting foreign ownership in a sector like telecom has been that it only serves to help some Indians gain while acting as holders of economic interest of foreign capital suppliers who keep their investment below the stipulated limit but have effective strategic and economic control in the operation. This hardly makes sense.

Another area of concern is offsets. India has an offsets policy that requires 30% of the value of defence imports to be spent in India as investment, procurement, research and development, etc.

The last three letters spell trouble.

The rules for offsets are so vague that American and other foreign suppliers of defence equipment find it impossible to meet their offset obligations. These need to be streamlined, and services made eligible for offsets.

Overall, the same set of issues that trouble Indian industry -ease of doing business, slow, opaque functioning of the government machinery, difficulties in releasing land for industry, unstable tax policies -confront American industry as well.

American companies have a constraint that Indian companies are cheerfully free from: they cannot stray from the path of rectitude while negotiating India's regulatory and administrative landscape.

Domestic and foreign industries look up to the government with huge expectations. It is up to the government to deliver.

--Editor-Opinion, The Economic Times

Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

No Honeymoon for Modi But Hedge Funds, FIIs Woo India through QIPs



Four cos raise .

`11,142 crore in the past 30 days, more than the total amount raised in FY13 or FY14

Prime Minister Narendra Modi may have complained last week about his government not having the privilege of a honeymoon period in the first 30 days. But that hasn't stopped overseas hedge funds and longer-term capital investors such as Capital International, Schroders Capital and Wellington Capital from romancing India through qualified institutional placements or QIPs, especially in the month since Modi has taken over.

Two financial service providers and two mobile telephony companies raised roughly .

`11,142 crore in the past 30 days through this avenue, more than what was raised in either of the past two fiscal years. Investors are looking upon India with increased favour, thanks to a stable government at the Centre, the expectation of a reform programme aimed at reviving growth, belief that the Indian markets have bottomed out and a revival in global markets.

Investment bankers expect another $5 billion to be raised through QIPs. Along with public offers and sales of stakes in public sector companies, total funds raised could be anywhere between $10 billion and $12 billion this fiscal, according to half a dozen investment bankers.

"Companies are raising equity money either to de-leverage or expand businesses, create a corpus for acquisitions or for shoring up cash for overseas purchases,'' said S Ramesh, executive director, Kotak Mahindra Investment Banking. "A buoyant capital market enables them to time their fund raising to almost perfection.'' QIPs help companies raise money faster than through other avenues. Also, investors can buy large chunks of shares at a fair value through this avenue. A direct

share purchase of heavy volumes from the stock market will lead to a jump in stock prices.

"The QIP programme has risen in the past few months as markets open up with a stable government, betterment of fiscal numbers and hope of reforms pushing the companies to accelerate on growth rather than consolidate,'' said Sanjeev Jha, head of capital markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, one of the largest arrangers for the Idea QIP. A top banker at a foreign investment bank told ET: "In India, promoters are always reluctant to sell assets even to meet lenders' demands. With the rejuvenated interest of overseas long funds for Indian stock, cash-hungry Indian promoters are rushing to raise funds through the QIP route." India's largest airport developer GMR Group and power to road developer Jaypee

Group will soon launch placements to raise roughly .

`4,500 crore. Both groups have been raising money by selling core and non-core assets as part of efforts to pare debt.

Local and overseas investors have been rushing to get a piece of the action. Demand for India's third largest mobile telephony Idea Cellular was .

`9,000 crore against a target of .

`3,000 crore, while rival Reliance Communications received interest for .

`4,800 crore against a target of .

`3,000 crore. Idea raised money to buy spectrum, while RCom did so to trim debt.

The profile of investors purchasing these shares has also switched from just hedge funds who take a short-term call to longterm investors such as Capital International Group, Wellington Capital and Schroders Capital. The latter take a view of five to 10 years, similar to pension and sovereign funds.

" We think a lot more opportunities would be flowing into India from an investing point of view," Mark Mobius of Franklin Templeton told ET in May. "One is going to see big growth in stock market investing and foreign direct investments into India." Kotak's Ramesh, whose firm raised money for both microfinance lender SKS Finance and gold mortgager Muthoot Finance, said, "Most of the recent QIP offerings in this fiscal have seen investment by long-only institutional funds of high quality. This reinforces the long-term India story and also their conviction of making returns over a long term.'' He expects Indian companies and the government to raise roughly .

`60,000 crore this fiscal year ending March.

Bankers say power, airport and road developers are set to raise money through QIPs followed by metal and mining companies, apart from the government as part of its asset-sale programme.

"First to kick off the fund raising will be companies which build power plants, airports, roads and ports, followed by public sector banks, and later metal and mining companies,'' said Jha of BAML.

"Disinvestment of government stakes in public sector units could also make up the pipeline.''

Jun 30 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

GOVERNANCE - Minimum Government = Maximum Governance?

Samuel Paul

It is necessary to examine whether PM Modi's slogan "minimum government, maximum governance" is a serious goal. It is reasonable to assume minimum government refers to the need to limit the size of government.

Maximum governance, while more difficult to fathom, could signal a focus on governance and accountability .

If, on the other hand, it implies that shrinking the size of government itself will automatically lead to better governance, there is a problem.

Is the size of India's government so big that it needs to be shrunk? A widely-accepted measure of government size is the ratio of public expenditure to GDP . By this measure, the developed countries of Europe and North America lead in terms of government size, with several exceeding 50% public expenditure as a proportion of GDP . In fact, Scandinavian countries, which are welfare states, often seen as models of good governance, have expenditure-GDP ratios close to 60%.

Asian countries, including Japan, have much smaller governments. Japan (42%), China (24%), India (27%), Brazil (39%) and South Korea (30%) illustrate this. Judged by this ratio, India's government size has hardly doubled over the last 50 years while its GDP at constant prices has grown 15-fold.

One factor that explains the gap between Europe and Asia or Latin America is the sizeable welfare payments that increase public expenditure in the former. Social safety nets are far more limited in Asian countries. Data shows that countries vary wide ly in terms of government size, and developing countries tend to have much smaller governments than ad vanced countries. Several studies of government size have shown an in verse relationship between size and economic growth in the developed countries. While there is no consen sus this reflects a causal link, there are exceptions to this finding. Scandi navian governments have continued to expand their size in the last decade, while achieving GDP growth that ex ceeds the growth rates of other coun tries with smaller governments.

The US government has grown in size throughout the 20th century and . yet its professionalism and growth re cord are not in dispute. But when co untries expand the scope of their gov ernments over a long period and res pond to pressures from special intere st groups to expand even further with out contributing much to public well being, waste and inefficiency occur.

But there are doubts on the extent to which the inverse relationship betwe en government size and economic gro wth applies to developing countries.

These countries have a shorter histo ry, invariably starting with limited government functions and budgets. India's state governments too have grown in size. Over time, more public services will be planned for, and investment in infrastructure will be made, enabling higher growth rates and public welfare. The slow progress of publicprivate partnerships in India shows it will not be easy to attract the private sector to invest in very-long-term and high-risk sectors and areas. Governments will have to be the prime investor here. So, we find government size growing in developing countries.

Under these conditions, across-theboard shrinking of government may be counterproductive. Instead, modernising administrative systems and practices will certainly make government functioning more efficient and responsive. Size can be reduced also by getting other agents to provide public services. Banks and mobile companies can perform cash transfers or other financial services. Citizen centres run by private entrepreneurs can provide e-governance services and reduce the burden on governments.

But for these initiatives to work, governments need to be smart, design efficient systems and monitor agents' performance. The focus should be on improving the functioning of government, not on its size.

Smart governments and careful monitoring and assessment of important categories of public expenditure should be the strategy to make government efficient and effective. Government size may grow for other reasons such as expanding the reach of essential services or infrastructure.

With a tweeting Prime Minister at the helm, smart, not minimum, government should signal the way forward.

Co-authored with Kala S Sridhar . The writers are with the Public Affairs Centre.

Views are personal

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http://youtu.be/NrcmNEjaN8c The government of India has announced food security program ahead of elections in 2014. We discussed the issue with Palash Biswas in Kolkata today. http://youtu.be/NrcmNEjaN8c Ahead of Elections, India's Cabinet Approves Food Security Program ______________________________________________________ By JIM YARDLEY http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/04/indias-cabinet-passes-food-security-law/



Published on 10 Apr 2013 Palash Biswas spoke to us from Kolkota and shared his views on Visho Hindu Parashid's programme from tomorrow ( April 11, 2013) to build Ram Mandir in disputed Ayodhya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77cZuBunAGk


अहिले भर्खर कोलकता भारतमा हामीले पलाश विश्वाससंग काठमाडौँमा आज भै रहेको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मूलवासी सम्मेलनको बारेमा कुराकानी गर्यौ । उहाले भन्नु भयो सो सम्मेलन 'नेपालको आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको आन्दोलनलाई कम्जोर बनाउने षडयन्त्र हो।' http://youtu.be/j8GXlmSBbbk


We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas. http://youtu.be/7IzWUpRECJM


[Palash Biswas, one of the BAMCEF leaders and editors for Indian Express spoke to us from Kolkata today and criticized BAMCEF leadership in New Delhi, which according to him, is messing up with Nepalese indigenous peoples also. He also flayed MP Jay Narayan Prasad Nishad, who recently offered a Puja in his New Delhi home for Narendra Modi's victory in 2014.]




Palash Biswas, lashed out those 1% people in the government in New Delhi for failure of delivery and creating hosts of problems everywhere in South Asia. http://youtu.be/lD2_V7CB2Is


अहिले भर्खर कोलकता भारतमा हामीले पलाश विश्वाससंग काठमाडौँमा आज भै रहेको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मूलवासी सम्मेलनको बारेमा कुराकानी गर्यौ । उहाले भन्नु भयो सो सम्मेलन 'नेपालको आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको आन्दोलनलाई कम्जोर बनाउने षडयन्त्र हो।' http://youtu.be/j8GXlmSBbbk