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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:07 AM
Subject: CC Issue 21, March - Libyan Holocaust Start On Iraq Invasion 8th Anniversary
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm. You can also follow us on twitter, http://twitter.com/countercurrents and on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/countercurrents
In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!
Libyan Holocaust Start On Iraq Invasion 8th Anniversary
By Dr Gideon Polya
The West has marked the 8th anniversary of the war criminal invasion of Iraq by commencing to bomb Libya back to the Stone Age. The examples of Iraq and Afghanistan give an indication of the horrendous avoidable mortality that may come in a FUKUS-devastated bombed Libya and the sham of Western-imposed democracy
France, Racist Butcher Of Haiti, Vietnam,
Syria, Algeria, First To Bomb Libya
By Jay Janson
French fighter bombers fire on Libya. Arabs remember French murderous aircraft bombing Algerians and Syrians, French atrocities in Vietnam, in Haiti
US, France And Britain Launch War Of
Aggression Against Libya
By Patrick Martin
The United States, France and Britain began air strikes and missile attacks on Libyan targets Saturday, initiating a war of aggression that threatens to destabilize North Africa and the entire Middle East. The first two days of bombing have already claimed many lives among the Libyan population that the imperialist powers falsely claim to be protecting
Remember The Cvilian Victims Of Past
'Allied' Bombing Campaigns
By Robert Fisk
People such as Raafat al-Ghosain are often tragically forgotten in the fog of air attacks
Imperial War On Libya
By Stephen Lendman
Targets attacked included Al-Tajura and Saladin hospitals as well as a clinic near Tripoli, unrelated to military necessity, distant from combat areas. Moreover, civilian air facilities were struck as well as "all Libyan military bases" - air, naval and ground. In addition, "a vast naval blockade around Libya has now been imposed," America the lead belligerent
The Quest To Dominate The Arab World
By Brenda Heard
'Shock and Awe'—the phrase is back in the headlines. As we have watched the bombs bursting onto Libya over the past two days, we cannot help but recall the 'Shock and Awe' bombing of Iraq eight years ago this week.
Workers Flee Japan Nuclear Plant As Smoke Rises
By The Independent
Gray smoke rose from two reactor units Monday, temporarily stalling critical work to reconnect power lines and restore cooling systems to stabilize Japan's radiation-leaking nuclear complex
Beyond Fukishima: A World In Denial
About Nuclear Risks
By Danny Schechter
What will it take for our world to recognize the dangers that nuclear scientists and even Albert Einstein were warning about at the "dawn" of the nuclear age?
Fukushima : A Protest Monologue
By David Sparenberg
Fukushima is another crossroads in human history. It is yet to be seen if Fukushima will be a turning point
The Body Baggers Of Iraq
By Chris Hedges
Jess Goodell's job, for eight months, was to collect and catalog the bodies and personal effects of dead Marines. She put the remains of young Marines in body bags and placed the bags in metal boxes. Before being shipped to Dover Air Force Base, the boxes were stored, often for days, in a refrigerated unit known as a "reefer."The work she did was called "processing."
A Look Back At 8 Years Of War In Iraq
By Medea Benjamin & Charles Davis
Eight years after the US entered Iraq to topple Saddam and liberate the people, conditions are worse than ever
One More War And Another Collective Silence
By Pablo Ouziel
So with Afghanistan flattened, with Iraq completely destroyed, with Pakistan being hit by drones, and with the people of Gaza forced to live in their open-air prison as millions of refugees from these war torn countries suffer the consequences of previous Western humanitarian missions, it would serve the western critical thinker well, to oppose any kind of military intervention, and to show serious scepticism towards the humanitarian and caring words stemming from the mouth of current Western government representatives
Women Empowerment: A Different Perspective
By Shahidur Rashid Talukdar
Here is the paradox. In one hand, we have ladies leading our countries and on the other hand, we are not even letting others see the face of the earth. Based on the declining sex ratio, a recent study has predicted that by 2020 India will experience twenty percent more males than females! This is the worst possible discrimination that we can inflict on women. We are denying them their right to be born!
Fatehpur's Balmikis Fight For Life
With Dignity And Honor
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Today nearly 6 villages voluntarily left the work of manual scavenging in Fatehpur and the campaign is growing
What Does It Mean To Be A Muslim In India Today?
By Mahtab Alam
To be a Muslim in India today is to be encounter-able, to be constantly suspected of being a terrorist, to be illegally detainable and severely tortured, to have the possibility of being killed without being questioned, no matter if one is a believer, agnostic or an atheist. Carrying a Muslim name deserves and qualifies for the above treatment!
Political Machinations Of Hindutva
By Ram Puniyani
Film Review - Saffron War by Rajiv Yadav, Shahanawaz Alam and Lakshman Prashad
Why Hindi Pulp Is Not Literature?
By Gagan Rism
When English pulp fiction, be it, Mills & Boon's Romances, Silhouettes and Temptations; Sidney Sheldon, Agatha Christie, James Headly Chase, etc. can be assimilated as 'popular fiction' genre in English literature, it is a matter of concern that Hindi pulp is left to curl behind the tag of 'cheap and trash' and thus banished out of the umbrella of mainstream literature
Press Release
Action Alert
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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:07 AM
Subject: CC Issue 21, March - Libyan Holocaust Start On Iraq Invasion 8th Anniversary
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm. You can also follow us on twitter, http://twitter.com/countercurrents and on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/countercurrents
In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!
Libyan Holocaust Start On Iraq Invasion 8th Anniversary
By Dr Gideon Polya
The West has marked the 8th anniversary of the war criminal invasion of Iraq by commencing to bomb Libya back to the Stone Age. The examples of Iraq and Afghanistan give an indication of the horrendous avoidable mortality that may come in a FUKUS-devastated bombed Libya and the sham of Western-imposed democracy
France, Racist Butcher Of Haiti, Vietnam,
Syria, Algeria, First To Bomb Libya
By Jay Janson
French fighter bombers fire on Libya. Arabs remember French murderous aircraft bombing Algerians and Syrians, French atrocities in Vietnam, in Haiti
US, France And Britain Launch War Of
Aggression Against Libya
By Patrick Martin
The United States, France and Britain began air strikes and missile attacks on Libyan targets Saturday, initiating a war of aggression that threatens to destabilize North Africa and the entire Middle East. The first two days of bombing have already claimed many lives among the Libyan population that the imperialist powers falsely claim to be protecting
Remember The Cvilian Victims Of Past
'Allied' Bombing Campaigns
By Robert Fisk
People such as Raafat al-Ghosain are often tragically forgotten in the fog of air attacks
Imperial War On Libya
By Stephen Lendman
Targets attacked included Al-Tajura and Saladin hospitals as well as a clinic near Tripoli, unrelated to military necessity, distant from combat areas. Moreover, civilian air facilities were struck as well as "all Libyan military bases" - air, naval and ground. In addition, "a vast naval blockade around Libya has now been imposed," America the lead belligerent
The Quest To Dominate The Arab World
By Brenda Heard
'Shock and Awe'—the phrase is back in the headlines. As we have watched the bombs bursting onto Libya over the past two days, we cannot help but recall the 'Shock and Awe' bombing of Iraq eight years ago this week.
Workers Flee Japan Nuclear Plant As Smoke Rises
By The Independent
Gray smoke rose from two reactor units Monday, temporarily stalling critical work to reconnect power lines and restore cooling systems to stabilize Japan's radiation-leaking nuclear complex
Beyond Fukishima: A World In Denial
About Nuclear Risks
By Danny Schechter
What will it take for our world to recognize the dangers that nuclear scientists and even Albert Einstein were warning about at the "dawn" of the nuclear age?
Fukushima : A Protest Monologue
By David Sparenberg
Fukushima is another crossroads in human history. It is yet to be seen if Fukushima will be a turning point
The Body Baggers Of Iraq
By Chris Hedges
Jess Goodell's job, for eight months, was to collect and catalog the bodies and personal effects of dead Marines. She put the remains of young Marines in body bags and placed the bags in metal boxes. Before being shipped to Dover Air Force Base, the boxes were stored, often for days, in a refrigerated unit known as a "reefer."The work she did was called "processing."
A Look Back At 8 Years Of War In Iraq
By Medea Benjamin & Charles Davis
Eight years after the US entered Iraq to topple Saddam and liberate the people, conditions are worse than ever
One More War And Another Collective Silence
By Pablo Ouziel
So with Afghanistan flattened, with Iraq completely destroyed, with Pakistan being hit by drones, and with the people of Gaza forced to live in their open-air prison as millions of refugees from these war torn countries suffer the consequences of previous Western humanitarian missions, it would serve the western critical thinker well, to oppose any kind of military intervention, and to show serious scepticism towards the humanitarian and caring words stemming from the mouth of current Western government representatives
Women Empowerment: A Different Perspective
By Shahidur Rashid Talukdar
Here is the paradox. In one hand, we have ladies leading our countries and on the other hand, we are not even letting others see the face of the earth. Based on the declining sex ratio, a recent study has predicted that by 2020 India will experience twenty percent more males than females! This is the worst possible discrimination that we can inflict on women. We are denying them their right to be born!
Fatehpur's Balmikis Fight For Life
With Dignity And Honor
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Today nearly 6 villages voluntarily left the work of manual scavenging in Fatehpur and the campaign is growing
What Does It Mean To Be A Muslim In India Today?
By Mahtab Alam
To be a Muslim in India today is to be encounter-able, to be constantly suspected of being a terrorist, to be illegally detainable and severely tortured, to have the possibility of being killed without being questioned, no matter if one is a believer, agnostic or an atheist. Carrying a Muslim name deserves and qualifies for the above treatment!
Political Machinations Of Hindutva
By Ram Puniyani
Film Review - Saffron War by Rajiv Yadav, Shahanawaz Alam and Lakshman Prashad
Why Hindi Pulp Is Not Literature?
By Gagan Rism
When English pulp fiction, be it, Mills & Boon's Romances, Silhouettes and Temptations; Sidney Sheldon, Agatha Christie, James Headly Chase, etc. can be assimilated as 'popular fiction' genre in English literature, it is a matter of concern that Hindi pulp is left to curl behind the tag of 'cheap and trash' and thus banished out of the umbrella of mainstream literature
Press Release
Action Alert
Countercurrents And You !
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how you can support CC
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Palash Biswas
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