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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:57 AM
Subject: CC Issue 23, March - Physicians Concerned About Radiation
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm. You can also follow us on twitter, http://twitter.com/countercurrents and on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/countercurrents
In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!
Tokyo Water Unsafe For Babies, Food Bans Imposed
By Karyn Poupee
Tokyo on Wednesday warned that radioactive iodine over twice the safe level for infants had been detected in its tap water due to the disaster at a quake-hit nuclear plant northeast of Japan's capital
Physicians For Social Responsibility Concerned
About Radioactivity in Food Supply
By Physicians for Social Responsibility
According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual's risk for the development of cancer
US Escalates Military Onslaught Against Libya
By Patrick Martin
The United States and Britain launched another two dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles against targets along the Libyan coast, including several in Tripoli, the capital city. France said its aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was joining the operation Tuesday, the first such vessel to be deployed in the war zone. Belgian and Spanish warplanes have begun air patrols over Libya, joining the US, Britain, France and the Netherlands
Western Aggression On Libya
By Stephen Lendman
Make no mistake. Another Washington-led resource war targets Libya's riches, besides wanting new US base locations for greater regional dominance
An Open Letter To War Loving
(Democratic/Republican) Frauds
By Cindy Sheehan
Being against the US and its toadies bombing Libyans DOES NOT mean I am for Qaddafi killing Libyans either (or anyone killing Libyans, or others, for that matter)
Terror Attack In Jerusalem, Counter To
Fatah-Hamas Unity
By Feroze Mithiborwala
The terror attack in Jerusalem, follows a set pattern. Israeli's attack Gaza with airstrikes & tanks, kill civilians so as to provoke & incite counter violence & then Mossad cells engineer a false-flag terror attack. This has been recorded & observed by various analysts
Mossad Snatches Gaza's Power Plant Boss
By Jonathan Cook
Israel admitted this week that it was behind the abduction of a Gazan engineer who went missing more than a month ago while travelling on a train in the Ukraine
Support The Academic Boycott Call
By Susan Koppelman & Nidal Hatim
We call on those concerned with water rights to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions call to hold Israel responsible for its violations of international law
LifeSource Backs Call On University Of Johannesburg To Terminate Cooperation With Israeli Universities
By Life Source
LifeSource wishes to express its support to the call made on the University of Johannesburg to terminate its cooperation with Ben-Gurion University by the University of Johannesburg's Student Representative Council, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and more than 300 South African academics
Security Firm That Services European Parliament
Also Provides Services To Israeli Settlements
By Leigh Philips
The security company that services the European Parliament also provides security to Israeli checkpoints and settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories
Five Lessons From A Month In Hell
By Asher Miller
On the surface, the nuclear crisis in Japan and the political crisis in Libya (along with at least five other countries in the region) might seem unrelated. There's one thing that binds them together: our unquenchable need for energy and the price we pay for that addiction
Won't Innovation, Substitution, And Efficiency
Keep Us Growing?
By Richard Heinberg
This article is the the first part of Chapter 4 from Richard Heinberg's new book 'The End of Growth'
"…That World View Is Killing Us And Needs To Be
Replaced With Another World View…"
By Rob Hopkins
An interview with Naomi Klein. Part One
Should US Law Schools Follow The Medical School
Teaching Model?
By Sherwood Ross
The outstanding record compiled by the trial advocacy teams of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover(MSLAW) in recent years is directly attributable to the school's innovative teaching methods, the team's coaches believe. Otherwise, how explain the law school's moot court victories over so many formidable law school opponents, including the best of the Ivy League?
Portland Rising! Rally And March To Demand Jobs,
Not Cuts On April 16th
By Mark Vorpahl
The outpouring of people in Madison Wisconsin in opposition to Governor Walker's anti-union legislation has had a powerful impact on public opinion. On April 16th Portland Rising will build on these inspiring developments and set an example of the resolve that is needed nationally
Attention Mumbaikars: Your City May Be Sitting
On A Volcano
By VT Padmanabhan
The oldest commercial reactors in India are located at Tarapur, about 80 km north of Mumbai. These boiling water reactors designed and built by the General Electrics (Now Hitatchi-GE) were commissioned in 1969 and 1971. The chief of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India has recently reassured that these reactors are safer than the crippled reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. Like the officials of the Japanese TEPCO, NPCIL leaders are also honourable men, who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the welfare of the people. If you believe this, you will not lose your sleep
Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Plant
A Threat To Life
By Various Organizations
The locals living in villages next to Koodamkulam Nuclear Plant have been asked to vacate their homes and stay away for at least 15 days, by the end of March 2011 to conduct its first trial test. What will these tests yield for Trivandrum and other southern districts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu is yet to be revealed by authorities and nor has our Government taken any responsibility to enquire
An Open Letter To Mr. Jairam Ramesh
By Shankar Sharma
I sincerely hope that MoEF will urgently stop its practice of anti–people and anti-environment policies, and take its constitutional obligations objectively and seriously
Rain Water Harvesting
By Marianne de Nazareth
On World Water Day 2011, the undersigned organizations wish to strongly advocate for the use of rainwater: it must be considered as an important tool in efforts to minimize the water related problems that already exist
Bhagat Singh And The Hindu Rashtra
By Mahtab Alam
Communal forces are not letting go of any chance to misuse these heros for furthering their communal agendas
Review of Siddhartha Gigoo's Book,
Garden Of Solitude
By Amit Kumar
It's a narrative of a Kashmiri Pandit longing for his homeland. If you are not aware of what happened in Kashmir in late 1980's and early 1990's, then this book with its emotional appeal and a balanced analysis is definitely going to make you cry
Press Release
Action Alert
Countercurrents And You !
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how you can support CC
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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:57 AM
Subject: CC Issue 23, March - Physicians Concerned About Radiation
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm. You can also follow us on twitter, http://twitter.com/countercurrents and on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/countercurrents
In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!
Tokyo Water Unsafe For Babies, Food Bans Imposed
By Karyn Poupee
Tokyo on Wednesday warned that radioactive iodine over twice the safe level for infants had been detected in its tap water due to the disaster at a quake-hit nuclear plant northeast of Japan's capital
Physicians For Social Responsibility Concerned
About Radioactivity in Food Supply
By Physicians for Social Responsibility
According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual's risk for the development of cancer
US Escalates Military Onslaught Against Libya
By Patrick Martin
The United States and Britain launched another two dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles against targets along the Libyan coast, including several in Tripoli, the capital city. France said its aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was joining the operation Tuesday, the first such vessel to be deployed in the war zone. Belgian and Spanish warplanes have begun air patrols over Libya, joining the US, Britain, France and the Netherlands
Western Aggression On Libya
By Stephen Lendman
Make no mistake. Another Washington-led resource war targets Libya's riches, besides wanting new US base locations for greater regional dominance
An Open Letter To War Loving
(Democratic/Republican) Frauds
By Cindy Sheehan
Being against the US and its toadies bombing Libyans DOES NOT mean I am for Qaddafi killing Libyans either (or anyone killing Libyans, or others, for that matter)
Terror Attack In Jerusalem, Counter To
Fatah-Hamas Unity
By Feroze Mithiborwala
The terror attack in Jerusalem, follows a set pattern. Israeli's attack Gaza with airstrikes & tanks, kill civilians so as to provoke & incite counter violence & then Mossad cells engineer a false-flag terror attack. This has been recorded & observed by various analysts
Mossad Snatches Gaza's Power Plant Boss
By Jonathan Cook
Israel admitted this week that it was behind the abduction of a Gazan engineer who went missing more than a month ago while travelling on a train in the Ukraine
Support The Academic Boycott Call
By Susan Koppelman & Nidal Hatim
We call on those concerned with water rights to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions call to hold Israel responsible for its violations of international law
LifeSource Backs Call On University Of Johannesburg To Terminate Cooperation With Israeli Universities
By Life Source
LifeSource wishes to express its support to the call made on the University of Johannesburg to terminate its cooperation with Ben-Gurion University by the University of Johannesburg's Student Representative Council, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and more than 300 South African academics
Security Firm That Services European Parliament
Also Provides Services To Israeli Settlements
By Leigh Philips
The security company that services the European Parliament also provides security to Israeli checkpoints and settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories
Five Lessons From A Month In Hell
By Asher Miller
On the surface, the nuclear crisis in Japan and the political crisis in Libya (along with at least five other countries in the region) might seem unrelated. There's one thing that binds them together: our unquenchable need for energy and the price we pay for that addiction
Won't Innovation, Substitution, And Efficiency
Keep Us Growing?
By Richard Heinberg
This article is the the first part of Chapter 4 from Richard Heinberg's new book 'The End of Growth'
"…That World View Is Killing Us And Needs To Be
Replaced With Another World View…"
By Rob Hopkins
An interview with Naomi Klein. Part One
Should US Law Schools Follow The Medical School
Teaching Model?
By Sherwood Ross
The outstanding record compiled by the trial advocacy teams of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover(MSLAW) in recent years is directly attributable to the school's innovative teaching methods, the team's coaches believe. Otherwise, how explain the law school's moot court victories over so many formidable law school opponents, including the best of the Ivy League?
Portland Rising! Rally And March To Demand Jobs,
Not Cuts On April 16th
By Mark Vorpahl
The outpouring of people in Madison Wisconsin in opposition to Governor Walker's anti-union legislation has had a powerful impact on public opinion. On April 16th Portland Rising will build on these inspiring developments and set an example of the resolve that is needed nationally
Attention Mumbaikars: Your City May Be Sitting
On A Volcano
By VT Padmanabhan
The oldest commercial reactors in India are located at Tarapur, about 80 km north of Mumbai. These boiling water reactors designed and built by the General Electrics (Now Hitatchi-GE) were commissioned in 1969 and 1971. The chief of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India has recently reassured that these reactors are safer than the crippled reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. Like the officials of the Japanese TEPCO, NPCIL leaders are also honourable men, who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the welfare of the people. If you believe this, you will not lose your sleep
Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Plant
A Threat To Life
By Various Organizations
The locals living in villages next to Koodamkulam Nuclear Plant have been asked to vacate their homes and stay away for at least 15 days, by the end of March 2011 to conduct its first trial test. What will these tests yield for Trivandrum and other southern districts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu is yet to be revealed by authorities and nor has our Government taken any responsibility to enquire
An Open Letter To Mr. Jairam Ramesh
By Shankar Sharma
I sincerely hope that MoEF will urgently stop its practice of anti–people and anti-environment policies, and take its constitutional obligations objectively and seriously
Rain Water Harvesting
By Marianne de Nazareth
On World Water Day 2011, the undersigned organizations wish to strongly advocate for the use of rainwater: it must be considered as an important tool in efforts to minimize the water related problems that already exist
Bhagat Singh And The Hindu Rashtra
By Mahtab Alam
Communal forces are not letting go of any chance to misuse these heros for furthering their communal agendas
Review of Siddhartha Gigoo's Book,
Garden Of Solitude
By Amit Kumar
It's a narrative of a Kashmiri Pandit longing for his homeland. If you are not aware of what happened in Kashmir in late 1980's and early 1990's, then this book with its emotional appeal and a balanced analysis is definitely going to make you cry
Press Release
Action Alert
Countercurrents And You !
Click here to find out
how you can support CC
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To unsubscribe, return to the web form where you first subscribed and click the "unsubscribe" button, or contact the owner of the website.
Palash Biswas
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