From: noor-e-islaam <>
Date: 2011/3/24
Subject: [bangla-vision] Discovering Islaam Lecture 048 : Our Priorities
AsSalaam O Alaikum (Peace be always with you. AMEEN.)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Our Priorities
Allah – OR – Shaitaan
Islaamic Activities – OR – Non-Islaamic Activities
by Irshad Mahmood - Global Auliyaa (PRESIDENT), Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Dawah Centre
Allah is One <---> Quraan is One <---> Siraat_ul_Mustaqeem is One
One Ummah <---> One Islaam <---> One Voice <---> One Worshipping Method
On Allah wish OR on our own wish:
Have you seen him who chooses for his god his own lust (wish)? Would you then be guardian over him? Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like a cattle, no, but are more worse! [Al_Quraan_025.043-044]
(Don't go according to your own wish, it is a very dangerous shirk, Enter into Islaam Completely by going on Allah's wish)
Friday Speech (Khutba):
Friday Speech (Khutba) is also Fard while 2 rakaat Sunnah Salaat is Sunnah. Many people, when they go for Friday Prayer, the Friday Speech (Khutba) has already started, even then they offer 2 Rakaat Sunnah Salaat and neglecting the Friday Speech which is FARD. Can 2 Rakaat Sunnah be offered later after FARD, in this situation? Always try to be in the Masjid well before the start of Friday Speech (Khutba). The Language of Friday Speech (Khutba) should be in the language in which the majority of people can understand, otherwise it will be like giving lectures to trees and stones, which don't understand our language. In every Masjid there should be a regular session to teach Arabic for FREE to those who don't understand Arabic.
During Ramadan, increase more Sunnah Prayer OR increase FARD as well as Sunnah Prayer in a balance:
The reason for us to be the Best Ummah is because of Dawah. Lets do more Dawah in Ramadan. Do more charity work. Help your relatives, friends, neighbors and other needy people more and more during Ramadan.
United Muslim Ummah OR Divided Muslim Ummah:
In Indian sub-continent, generally we say, two Mullah (religious expert) Chicken will become Haraam. What it means that if you ask a Fatwa (Ruling) regarding a critical matter with two Ulemaas, there is a very high possibility that it will be controversial and you will be hanging in between. Now we have several sects, which is the main case of Divided Muslim Ummah. Please read my article on "Perfect Unity" for the Unity of Muslim Ummah. If you are not coming towards perfect unity then, may be you are the problem with the Unity of Muslim Ummah.
United Worshipping Method OR Divided Worshipping Method:
Allah is one, Muhammad (Peace-Be-Upon-Him) is one, and Quraan is one, how come our worshipping method is divided. Maybe this is the main reason, why present Muslim Ummah is so divided. Lets come to United Worshipping Method, please read my article on Worshipping Method.
Global Islaamic Calendar OR Divided Islaamic Calendar:
Years, Months and Days are GLOBAL while Salaat Time is Local. The day JUMA is GLOABL while its prayers time is Local. Let us unite on Globalization and celebrate our Eid and Ramadan Globally. Please read my article on Global Islaamic Calendar and Global Lailat ul Qadr.
Remember, The very First Lailat ul Qadr was according to Makkah al-Mukarramah ( مكة المكرمة) Calendar and it was Globally for the whole Muslim Ummah.
Islaamic Activities OR Non-Islaamic Activities:
Lets get involved in more and more Islaamic Activities and gradually stop all Non-Islaamic Activities, Uplift the Education among Muslims and Enter into Islaam Completely.
Additional things to do:
Sponsor an orphan.
Subscribe to at least one Muslim Magazine.
Subscribe to at least one Islamic Group on the Internet.
Go to Masjid at least once a week for Salaah.
Give your children an Islaamic Education.
Buy books, cassettes and videos on Islaam.
Adopt a convert to your family and always keep in touch with them.
Give the gift of the Quraan to Non-Muslims, who are interested to read it.
Go to one Islaamic Convention a year with your family.
Eat only Halaal Food from Halaal Income.
Create an Islaamic Environment in your home.
May Allah help us to CORRECT all our PRIORITIES. AMEEN.
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Always Remember:
Allah is One <---> Quraan is One <---> Siraat_al_Mustaqeem is One
One Ummah <---> One Islaam <---> One Voice <---> One Worshipping Method
Quraan is full of Wisdom (Al_Quraan_036.002)
Quraan is a Light and to see a light, you don't need any other light.
Quraan is Free from any Error or Contradictions.
when the Quraan is recited, then listen to it and remain silent, that mercy may be shown to you. (Al_Quraan_007.204)
Repeating and Reminding is a Key to the success of Effective Communication.
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And withhold yourself with those who call on their Lord morning and evening desiring His goodwill, and let not your eyes pass from them (always yes sir, till they follow the Quraan and Really Authentic Sunnah), desiring the beauties of this world's life; and do not follow him whose heart We have made unmindful to Our remembrance, and he follows his low desires and his case is one in which due bounds are exceeded. (Al_Quraan_018.028)
Irshad Mahmood - Global Auliyaa (PRESIDENT), Siraat - al - Mustaqeem Dawah Centre
Author/Compiler of following major books & booklets
Author of Global Islaamic Inheritance Law
Author of Introduction to Global Economic Solution
Author of Marriage Counseling
Author of Organizing Skills
Author of Siraat-al-Mustaqeem
Compiler of Islaamic Sharia Law
Future books & booklets Inshaa Allah
Muslim Ummah Reformer
Quraan on Globalization
Students should skip for now and can catch up during holiday time from the website.
Download all for FREE including Islaamic_Sharia_Law.pdf, Burn DVD/CD and forward it to all including INSTITUTIONS.
Download Siraat-al-Mustaqeem.pdf Revised on 10-OCT-2010, which includes "Introduction to Global Economic Solution" on page 762, and forward to all including INSTITUTIONS.
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Courtesy & mutual respect is a prerequisite.
Remember: Visible and Invisible Auliyaas are Protectors and Helpers of DEEN (Abstract Ref: Al_Quraan_003.104, 006:159, 009.071). Global Auliyaa Thinks Globally.
Spiritual Doctors are Treating Spiritual Patients, so Please be Patience.
Quraan is a Spiritual Light (NOOR) and to see (understand) a Spiritual Light (NOOR), you don't need any other Spiritual Light (NOOR).
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, the Best of Best among you are those, who Learns and Teaches the Quraan. (Really Authentic Hadeeth, Sahee Bukhari_Vol_6_Book_61_Hadith_545)
Change yourself according to the Quraan, NOT reverse.
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Palash Biswas
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