Pakistani Kasab guilty of 26/11, Indians absolved
Palash Biswas
Winding up the yearlong trial into the Nov 26-28 terror siege of Mumbai that ended with 166 people being killed and 244 injured, Special Judge M.L. Tahalyani also found the involvement of 20 Pakistanis. Amongst them were Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, Hafiz Saeed and Abu Hamza.
Media has Focused on Terror, Terror Strikes, Terror Alert and specially Kasav Case Verdict deviating from Casino Economics of IPL Gate which bailed out the Government of India Incs, Proactive partner of War against Terror and indulged in unethical Alliance with US and Israel, which eventually succeeded to pass the Finance Bill and other anti People Bills Guillotined without any media report or Parliamentary Minutes made Public.Chidambaram`s Corporate War and INVASION against Aboriginal Indigenous Rural Landscape and Human Scape is not in the Frame anywhere and BITES do connect us to Rothschild`s Mind Control Game for Further Segregation, Persecution,Repression, Military Action, Extremism,Maoist Menace, Terror Strike, Calamities, famine and Pandemics, War and Civil War, all meant for Mass Displacement, EXODUS and Ethnic Cleansing as India may Boast to have Twenty Percent more MNCs, the active partners of LPG Mafia than the Sleeping Dragon China. Indo Pak Relations are all about the Defence Deals and Swiss Bank Accounts, BOFORS, Kargil and Even the Madhuri Gate have Proved it very well. Blind Nationalism as well as Ethnonationalism lead us to UNPRECEDENTED Violence in the best Interest of Brahaminical Zionist US War Economy. Kasav Case reflects the Global Phenomenon of Terror and it represents the Plight of the Innocent faces who eventually Turn Terrorists or Extremists!
Just see, the Census Unilateral goes on to Deprive the majority Untouchables of their Citizenship as I have been writing and warning in reference to UNIQUE Identity ADHAR Project under INFOSIS former BOSS, a South Indian Brahmin, Nandan Nilekani.I am amazed to see taht not only the Masses, but SABJANTA Media Persons and Intellectulas,Employees are also equally IGNORANT about Census and its Methodlogy, not to mension the Complicated Unique Identity Virtual!
Mind you, this is not just headcount for the Statistical Projects needed for Planning and Budget. It is all about the National Population Register and Biometric Identity with finger Prints which is the part of Unique Identity Project. But Media, which Campaigned Jago for Mandat manipulation to Continue the ECONOMIC Ethnic Cleansing, has posted nothing to aware the Masses and the Masses are IGNORANT.Since it relates to our Citizenship, we shopuld have the Just Opprtunity to defend our Citizenship. But the Census teams are working with Political Vengeance to Omit the Unwanted names from the Voters List as it is happening in West Bengal on Large scale which is Politically Volatile and Vertically Polarised. Since the Census teams start from the Local Bodies and knock the Landlord, the people leaving in Rental Homes have no Chance of Enrollment as fearing ASSESMENT, the landlords simply deny the Existence of rented Premises. We do tarvel. We do go to Offices or Workplaces or happen to be simply Hospitolised. But the Census team may not Help you.
I live in Sodepur. My Residential Address as follows:
Palash Biswas
C/O Mrs Arati Roy,
Gosto Kanan, Ward NUmber16,
Panihati Municpality,
North 24 PGS
Kolkata- 700110.
Phone: 033-2565-9551
The Census team visited my Landlady upstairs and Missed Me, my Wife sabita herself a Post Graduate, My Son Excalubur!I Visisted the Officer In Charge and requested him to send the team once again as there was no Provison to fill any Prescribed Form in any Format which should have been and the Censyus workers Could Have Verified. It has been Ten days past and I am staying at home as I never know when they would chose to visit us. The Areas should have been NOTIFIED earlier about the Date of Headcount, so that the Citizens could Ensure their Enrolment accordingly. It Never happened.
Mind You, I am a well known Social activist as well as Professional Jouranalist and Creative Writer based In Kolkata. I simply Addressed an Open Letter to the President of India and requested her to modify the Methodology and allow us to remain as Indian citizens as we had been. I sent the copies to PMO, CMOs, UIDAI, RGI, MICs, NGOs, Media and Posted it for the General Public. But I got NO response from anywhere!
Just tell me, if it happens wit a person like me, what would be the plight of Helpless, Ignorant individuals who may not Prove Their Citizenship and to those starnded in the Aborigianl Indigenous Rural Landscape where no HEARING is possible at all, NO Democray represented in any Sense! What about the SLUMDOGs, who have no PAN card, No Bank Account, No Job, No Residence, No Landline, No Ration Card- those who MIGRATED from their Homes seeking surviavl Kits in the URBAN World on Fire!
You have made the CENSUS so Decisive for the Existence and Citizenship and Deprive us every information!
I am just trying to illustrate the Global Phenomenon of EXCLUSION which is the MOTHER of TERROR and EXTREMISM, both! Whoever wants the Head of the Poor Kasav, has nothing to do with the very ROOTS of this UNPRECEDENTED Violence in the US Economic Periphery. On the Other Hand, the Media, Intelligentsia, Civil Society and NGOs have to say NOTHING against the Economic Reforms and Exclusion and the TERROR and INVASION launched by the Brahmin and Zionist State Power itself.
Justice SAVANT says quite rightly, MANUVAD and MONEYVAD , Both are the Enemies of the Majority Masses!
Chua shows how in non-Western countries around the globe, free markets have concentrated starkly disproportionate wealth in the hands of a resented ethnic minority. These "market-dominant minorities" – Chinese in Southeast Asia, Croatians in the former Yugoslavia, whites in Latin America and South Africa, Indians in East Africa, Lebanese in West Africa, Jews in post-communist Russia – become objects of violent hatred. At the same time, democracy empowers the impoverished majority, unleashing ethnic demagoguery, confiscation, and sometimes genocidal revenge. She also argues that the United States has become the world's most visible market-dominant minority, a fact that helps explain the rising tide of anti-Americanism around the world. Chua is a friend of globalization, but she urges us to find ways to spread its benefits and curb its most destructive aspects.
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PTI reports:
The Pakistani links to the Mumbai terror attacks, especially the role of LeT founder Hafeez Saeed and its operations chief Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, came clear in the judgement delivered by a Mumbai court which held pronounced Ajmal Kasab guilty in the 26/11 carnage.
Holding that 26/11 attack was not a simple act of murder, the judge M L Tahiliyani of the special court said "it was part of a larger conspiracy to wage war against the nation." The judge said 20 of the wanted accused were involved in hatching the conspiracy of the terror attack.
The court observed that terrorists' handlers from Pakistan were directing them, asking them to "fight until death" and not allow themselves to be caught alive. Apart from Saeed, chief of terror group Lashar-e-Taiba and Lakhvi, the 20 wanted accused who have been held responsible for their involvement in the attack include other LeT operatives like Abu Hamza, Abu Kaahfa, Zarar Shah and Abu Al Kama.
It also includes one Major General Saab, who according to the prosecution, is a retired general of the Pakistan Army and was present during the training of the 10 terrorists who had attacked Mumbai. "The 20 wanted accused were involved in hatching the conspiracy and preparations and training of the 10 terrorists," the court said.
The court had issued non-bailable warrants against 27 of them during the trial which were handed over to the interpol, but none was arrested. The Interpol had issued a Red Corner notice against the two. Kasab, a native of Faridkot in Pakistan's Punjab province, along with nine slain terrorists, was charged with killing 166 persons, including 25 foreigners and injuring 304 others at the instance of LeT.
Ten terrorists, trained and armed by the outlawed LeT in Pakistan, had descended on India''s financial capital on a ''Fidayeen'' (suicide) mission and brought it down on the knees during the 60-hour siege, killing and wounding people at will at its landmarks.
The nine slain terrorists were identified as Abu Ismael, Abu Akasha, Abu Umar, Abdul Rehman Bada, Abu Umer, Abdul Rehman Chhota, Fahad Ullah, Javed Abu Ali and Abu Shoeb. Maharashtra Government, in the meantime, will request the Centre to ask Pakistan to hand over the 20 accused in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks trial.
PTI Timeline of articlesNumber of sources covering this story
Kasab, 23, the lone Pakistani captured alive after the Mumbai carnage, was held guilty on 86 counts, including murder and waging war on the Indian state. He listened attentively with his head bowed while Tahalyani read out the 1,522-page verdict for almost three hours in a specially built courtroom in the high-security Arthur Road Jail.
His conviction was based on CCTV footage showing him striding across the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus with an AK-47 and a backpack. The prosecution had called 653 witnesses to testify against the LeT operative born to poverty in a village in Pakistan's Punjab province.
The judge ruled that Kasab was guilty of directly killing seven people and a total of 59 along with associate Abu Ismail, who was shot dead after running into a police picket at Girgaun Chowpatty early Nov 27 - shortly after the terror assault began in the heart of India's financial capital on the night of Nov 26.
Kasab, facing a possible death sentence, sat through the hearing quietly, witnesses said, but broke down after the judge explained what the verdict meant.
The process of sentencing will begin Tuesday.
Indians Ansari, 36, and Ahmed, 25, were also in court and showed no emotion as they were absolved of involvement. The duo - Ahmed from Goregaon in Mumbai and Ahmed from Madhubani in Bihar -- had been charged with conspiracy by preparing maps of the targeted locations and handing them to LeT operatives.
While Law Minister M Veerappa Moily in New Delhi extolled the trial as a 'victory for the judiciary, a victory for the country', his colleague, Home Minister P. Chidambaram said it underlined that India was a 'country governed by rule of law'.
'The judgment is itself a message to Pakistan that they should not export terror to India...,' Chidambaram told reporters and added that the acquittal showed the 'independence and integrity' of the Indian judicial process.
Special Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam said the acquittal would be challenged in the higher courts. He maintained that Ansari and Sabauddin were 'notorious terrorists' and active members of the LeT.
Maharashtra's Home Minister R.R. Patil said the duo, had got the 'benefit of doubt'. 'However, after the final judgment is received, the government will take appropriate steps in the matter.'
The judge also accepted the 42-page confession Kasab had given after his arrest.
Kasab was charged on 86 counts, under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. Besides, he faced charges under the Explosives Act, the Arms Act, the Passport Act, the Prevention of Damage to Public Properties Act, the Customs Act, the Explosive Substances Act, the Bombay Police Act, the Foreigners Act and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
The 60-hour audacious attack that began on the night of Nov 26, 2008 and went on till the afternoon of Nov 29, 2009 was carried out by 10 Pakistani terrorists, including Kasab.
They targeted sites like the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel, Hotel Oberoi-Trident, the Cama Hospital and the Chabad House, a Jewish prayer centre, and the popular hangout Leopold Cafe.
Almost 18 months later, survivors and family members of those who were killed said judgment day had left them satisfied.
Most were rooting for death sentence. Deepak, son of assistant sub-inspector Balasaheb Bhonsale who was killed, said: 'No pity should be taken on him. His death is the only way to pay tribute to those policemen who laid their lives fighting the terrorists.'
World on Fire
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World on Fire | |
paperback cover | |
Author | Amy Chua |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Subject(s) | international economic relations, globalization, ethnic conflict |
Genre(s) | current affairs |
Publisher | Doubleday (hardcover) Anchor Books (paperback) |
Publication date | 2003 (hardcover) |
Media type | hardcover, paperback |
ISBN | 978-0-385-72186-8 (paperback) |
OCLC Number | 53994907 |
Dewey Decimal | 303.6 21 |
LC Classification | HF1359 .C524 2004 |
World On Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability is a 2002 book published by Yale Law School professor Amy Chua. It is an academic study into ethnic and sociological divisions in regard to economic and governmental systems in various societies.
[edit] Summary
In the Philippines, Chua explains, the ethnic-Chinese minority has far greater wealth than the indigenous majority, with the result being envy and bitterness on the part of the majority against the Chinese minority -- in other words, an ethnic conflict. She believes that democratization can increase ethnic conflicts when an ethnic minority is disproportionately wealthy. "When free market democracy is pursued in the presence of a market-dominant minority, the almost invariable result is backlash. This backlash typically takes one of three forms. The first is a backlash against markets, targeting the market-dominant minority's wealth. The second is a backlash against democracy by forces favorable to the market-dominant minority. The third is violence, sometimes genocidal, directed against the market-dominant minority itself."[1]. Also, "overnight democracy will empower the poor, indigenous majority. What happens is that under those circumstances, democracy doesn't do what we expect it to do -- that is, reinforce markets. [Instead,] democracy leads to the emergence of manipulative politicians and demagogues who find that the best way to get votes is by scapegoating the minorities." [1]
According to Chua, other examples of ethnic market-dominant minorities include Chinese people in Southeast Asia; "whites" in Latin America; Jews in Russia; Croats in the former Yugoslavia; and Ibos, Kikuyus, Tutsis, Indians and Lebanese, among others, in Africa [2].
In her book, Chua discusses different reasons for the market dominance of different groups. Some groups achieve market dominance because of colonial oppression or apartheid. In other cases, it may be due to the culture and family networks of these groups. For many groups there is no clear single explanation. [3]
Americans can also be seen as a global market-dominant minority, which particularly when combined with using military might and flaunting political domination, cause resentment. [4]
Chua states that she is a "big fan of trying to promote markets and democracy globally," but that it should be accompanied by attempts to "redistribute the wealth, whether it's property title and giving poor people property, land reform .... Redistributive mechanisms are tough to have if you have so much corruption." [5]
[edit] Accolades
- Selected one of The Economist Best Books of the Year 2003
[edit] Criticism
Amy Chua's thesis and her conclusions have been disputed by George Leef [6] of the John Locke Foundation, who proposes that many other factors may account for ethnic violence, including the most simple motivation of pure racism [7]. Leef concludes his review:
All that World on Fire proves in the end is that governments cannot be depended upon to prevent violence against people who have been, for whatever reason, demonized by others. That's nothing new.
Andreas Wimmer and Brian Min, criticizing the book state:
By contrast, our analysis shows that what has been observed in recent decades may simply be more of the same old story. Although history never repeats itself, the same process patterns may be operating at different times and in different historical contexts (cf. Collier and Mazzuca 2006). The dismemberment of empire and the formation of the nation-state have led to wars since the time of Napoleon. The patterns of warfare in the Caucasus and the Balkans in the 1990s resemble those on the Indian sub-continent in the 1940s, those of Eastern Europe during and after the World War I, and so on. The return of the "Macedonian syndrome," as Myron Weiner (1971) has called the intermingling of ethnic conflict and irredentist wars, explains such recurrent patterns of war much better than any variant of globalization theory. To treat them as a fundamentally new phenomenon, brought about by the end of the Cold War or increased globalization, represents yet another example of the widespread tendency among social scientists to perceive their own times as unique and exceptionally dynamic (on "chrono- centrism," see Fowles 1974).
They also note that several studies support the a variant of the democratic peace theory, which argues that more democracy causes a general decrease in systematic violence, at least for the most democratic nations. However, intermediately democratic nations do have a higher tendency for conflicts such as civil war than autocracies.[2]
[edit] See also
- Dominant minority
- Yuri Slezkine's book The Jewish Century (2004)
- Ethnic elite
- Presentism
[edit] External links
- review By Michelle Goldberg
- The Guardian review By Martin Jacques
- Collected reviews
- Review by George Leef
- Booknotes interview with Chua on World on Fire, February 9, 2003.
[edit] References
- ^ Chua, Amy (2002). World on Fire. Doubleday. ISBN 0385503024.
- ^ [ From Empire to Nation-State: Explaining Wars in the Modern World, 1816–2001] Andreas Wimmer. Brian Min. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 2006, VOL. 71 (December:867–897)

Mon, May 3 02:45 PM

A court on Monday found Pakistani citizen Mohammad Ajmal Kasab guilty of involvement in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the first verdict delivered in a case that has tensed ties between New Delhi and Islamabad, the court said.
Kasab, the lone surviving gunman from the Mumbai attacks, was charged on 86 counts, including waging war on India and murder.
At least 166 people were killed by 10 Pakistani gunmen in a three-day rampage through some of Mumbai's best known landmarks including two luxury hotels and a Jewish centre.
(Editing by Alistair Scrutton)
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War on Terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1984 the Reagan Administration used the term "war against terrorism" as part of an effort to pass legislation that was designed to freeze assets of ... - Cached - Similar -
War on Terror — Global Issues
The Iraq war was one such example, where among other things, the concern of terrorism was used to justify a war against Iraq, even though the terrorism ... - Cached - Similar -
War Against Terror - meaindia
Provides background information, international conventions, incidents and official government statements. - Similar -
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CBC.ca26/11 trial verdict is a message to Pakistan: Chidambaram - 2 hours ago
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4 Apr 2003 ... After the US-led coalition started its war on terrorism in Afghanistan, hundreds of Muslims from many countries went to Pakistan and ... › News › Specials - Cached - Similar -
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There were two important landmarks in the evolution of international terrorism since the 1970s. The first was the formation by Carlos in late 1975 of a ... - Cached - Similar -
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23 Oct 2009 ... For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for man-slaughter or for mischief in the ... - Cached - Similar - | 'Karzai a Critical Partner in War Against ...
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9 Apr 2010 ... US President said, Karzai is committed in war against terrorism, ... Obama Could Visit India in August or October: PM Apr 17, 2010 ... - Cached -
Israel rushes to India's defense - Asia Times Online :: South Asia ...
2 Apr 2009 ... NEW DELHI - Israel emerged as India's number one defense partner last week when it ... In the context of India's war against terror, Israel, ... - Cached - Similar -
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15 Jan 2010 ... Yet India cannot be seen as a partner of the USA in its war against Islamic Jihad. ... self-declared partner of the USA in its war against global terrorism. ... India never supported US/UK war against Iraq, though it was ...'s.../563/ - United States - Cached - Similar -
War on Terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1984 the Reagan Administration used the term "war against terrorism" as .... by the United States and partner nations in the Sahara/Sahel region of Africa, .... unrest Pakistan has stated that India has been supporting terror groups ... - Cached - Similar -
Counterterrorism Blog
The anti India agenda of ISI-LeT has virtually received a boost when .... He is the author of The Confrontation: Winning the War against Future Jihad ... Before the incident, Libya had been Switzerland's largest African trading partner; in a year, ... Continuity and Change: Reshaping the Fight against Terrorism ... - Similar -
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Pakistan is unlikely to be able to win a conventional war against India. ... considers Pakistan one of the most important partners in the war on terrorism. ... - Cached -
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There is no end to war against terrorism because it has no boundaries in the world. ... For many years terrorism is going on in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, .... operation of the world coalition partners does not end with the Afghan war. ... - Cached - Similar -
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Widespread media reporting on Pakistan's role as super-partner of the U.S. and Britain in the war against terror needs to be taken with a grain of salt. ... - Cached - Similar -
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Signalling a rapprochement, US President Barack Obama today said his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai is a "critical partner" in the war against terrorism, ... - Cached -
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The worst thing is that our rulers are partners in this war against Pakistan. .... US war on terror, the US regards Pakistan as a tactical partner and India ... - Cached
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LeT operative planning major attacks in Hyderabad held
Hyderabad police have arrested an alleged terror operative, who has links with Pakistani terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and was planning to carry out attacks here.Police Commissioner A.K. Khan told reporters Monday evening that Zia-ul-Haq, 34, was arrested during the searches which have been going on in the city for the last few days in view of the alerts of possible terror attacks.
Zia, a native of Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh and residing here for last several years, was arrested on Andhra Pradesh-Karnataka border. A Chinese-made pistol, ammunition, a Chinese-made grenade and a cell phone were seized from him.
Police claimed that Zia underwent arms training in Pakistan and was planning major strikes in the city. 'He wanted to inflict maximum damage through attacks at crowded places,' Khan said. He, however, replied in negative when a reporter asked if the accused had any specific targets.
According to the police commissioner, Zia was also involved in the grenade attack in Odeon Cinema theatre in Hyderabad in 2006. Two persons were injured in that attack.
After studying till Class 12, Zia went to Saudi Arabia for a job and there came under the influence of terrorists. In 2002, he came into contact with LeT operatives and went to Pakistan. 'He went to Karachi and from there to Muzaffarabad, where he underwent arms training, including in use of AK 47 and explosives,' the police commissioner said.
After the training, Zia crossed over into India along with six others through Poonch sector of Jammu and Kahsmir. He reached Hyderabad and since then was working as taxi driver and acting as a sleeper cell of the LeT. In December 2005, he went to Delhi where he received a pistol, ammunition and hand grenades and returned to Hyderabad.
Khan said police would interrogate him to find if there were any other terror operatives working with him in Hyderabad. He said central intelligence agencies and the police of other states could also question him about his links in other parts of the country.

A special court in Mumbai on Monday found Pakistani national and Lashkar-e-Toiba operative Ajmal Amir Kasab guilty of murder, waging war against the country and criminal conspiracy in the November 26, 2008, terrorist outrage in the financial capital in which 165 people were killed and hundreds wounded.
But in a blow to the prosecution and the Mumbai Police, Special Judge M L Tahaliyani acquitted the two Indian men - Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin - who had been co-accused in the case and alleged to be Lashkar operatives who helped stage the attack by surveying the targets and providing information about them to Lashkar handlers in Pakistan.
Of the 35 people named as fugitives in the chargesheet and who are believed to be in Pakistan, the court found only 20 guilty. The arguments over what punishment Kasab should be given will begin tomorrow and the sentencing is expected to take place on Wednesday. His crimes carry a maximum sentence of the death penalty.
The court said that the charge of waging war against Kasab had been proved by the telephonic conversations the 10 gunmen had with their handlers in Pakistan, the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology used to mask the identities of their phones and the GPS systems used to navigate their way from Karachi to Mumbai by sea.
The time take to prepare for the attack was not something ordinary offenders would do and the kind of training and preparation was only used to prepare for a war, the judge said. The attackers created a war-like situation by firing indiscriminately and the government was forced to call in the NSG and Marine Commandos to fight back, he said.
This was not a simple crime like any other murder but was a crime against the nation, the judge said.
Indian Express26/11 case: Kasab found guilty; Fahim, Sabahuddin acquitted
A special court in Mumbai on Monday found Pakistani national and Lashkar-e-Toiba operative Ajmal Amir Kasab guilty of murder, waging war against the country and criminal conspiracy in the November 26, 2008, terrorist outrage in the financial capital in which 165 people were killed and hundreds wounded.
The court also held that 20 of the wanted accused, including LeT founder Hafiz Saeed, operations chief Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Abu Hamza, were involved in 26/11 conspiracy.
But in a blow to the prosecution and the Mumbai Police, Special Judge M L Tahaliyani acquitted the two Indian men - Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin - who had been co-accused in the case and alleged to be Lashkar operatives who helped stage the attack by surveying the targets and providing information about them to Lashkar handlers in Pakistan.
Of the 35 people named as fugitives in the chargesheet and who are believed to be in Pakistan, the court found only 20 guilty. The arguments over what punishment Kasab should be given will begin tomorrow and the sentencing is expected to take place on Wednesday. His crimes carry a maximum sentence of the death penalty.
The court said that the charge of waging war against Kasab had been proved by the telephonic conversations the 10 gunmen had with their handlers in Pakistan, the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology used to mask the identities of their phones and the GPS systems used to navigate their way from Karachi to Mumbai by sea.
The time take to prepare for the attack was not something ordinary offenders would do and the kind of training and preparation was only used to prepare for a war, the judge said. The attackers created a war-like situation by firing indiscriminately and the government was forced to call in the NSG and Marine Commandos to fight back, he said.
This was not a simple crime like any other murder but was a crime against the nation, the judge said.
Tahaliyani, however, acquitted Ansari and Ahmed saying there was no evidence to prove the charges against them. The two had been charged with the same 86 counts as Kasab and had pleaded not guilty.
The court raised questions about the evidence that had been presented to prove the charges against the two men. It said the map seized by the police from Kasab's accomplice Abu Ismail and said to have been drawn by Ansari, raised a lot of doubts and these were not cleared conclusively by the prosecution.
Tahaliyani said the maps seemed to be more confusing than guiding and Wikipedia and Google had better maps. Cama Hospital and Girgaum Chowpatty, where Kasab and Ismail ended up, were not a part of the conspiracy and the two terrorists had reached there only by mistake, he said. Also, the attackers had not planned to reach Malabar Hill as mentioned in the map, the judge said, adding that the map did not fit into the scheme of the conspiracy.
Source: Indian Express
Monday, April 12, 2010
Independent tribunal wants Operation Green Hunt to stop
Aanchal Bansal Posted online: Monday , Apr 12, 2010 at 0136 hrsNew Delhi : In the backdrop of the killing of 76 security personnel by Naxals in Dantewada, a three-day public tribunal ended on Sunday with panelists recommending that Operation Green Hunt be suspended, forced acquisition of forestland be stopped and an empowered citizen commission be constituted to investigate and recommend action against people perpetrating atrocities against tribals. The tribunal also urged members of the civil society to contest elections.
The final day of the Independent People's Tribunal — meant to give an overview on the crisis in Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and West Bengal — had former justices Hosbet Suresh and P B Sawant, scientist and former member of the National Security Council P M Bhargava, former UGC chairman Professor Yashpal and former chairperson of the National Commission for Women Mohini V Giri as the panelists. The debate on "land acquisition, resource grab and Operation Green Hunt" on Sunday ended being a lesson in history and rhetorical speeches, with members of the civil society deciding to network and contest elections to end violence and suppression of tribals.
Following presentations made by activists Binayak Sen and Himanshu Kumar over the past three days, on Sunday Operation Green Hunt was compared with the witch-hunts ordered by Senator McCarthy in the US in the 50's and the Vietnam War of the 70's. Operation Green Hunt was seen akin to a war on the environment, the atrocities inflicted by the colonial powers during the freedom struggle, and the crisis inflicted by the developed world on Latin American countries in the 80's and 90's.
Author Arundhati Roy, who is also a member of the tribunal, took the discussion back to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan that she said 'opened the doors' for Hindu fundamentalism and India's economic policies after it ceased to be 'non-aligned'. Retired DGP K S Subramanium blamed the current crisis on the consumerism of the middle class. "The middle class is a grave threat to national security right now," he said and added that the crisis was getting out of the hands of the government because the Home Ministry does not have enough information.
As the discussion meandered through history, politics and economic policies, including the 'insensitivity' with which squatters and slum dwellers are dealt with by the state machinery in Delhi and Mumbai, Justice Sawant clarified that the tribunal was not sympathising with the Maoists or endorsing violence. "We are speaking for the poor, the tribals who are suffering," he said.
Referring to senior advocate Shanti Bhushan's presentation on Maoist insurgency and his reservations regarding the intentions of the tribunal, expressed earlier during the sessions, Sawant said, "We equally condone the deaths of the 76 jawans and request the government to cease violence and come to the negotiation table."
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JuD claims verdict shows India has no proof of Pak - 1 hour ago PTI, Monday May 3, 2010, Islamabad The Jamaat-ud-Dawah on Monday claimed the acquittal by an Indian court of two suspects linked to the Mumbai attacks had shown that Indian authorities had "no proof of Pakistan's involvement" in the terrorist carnage. Daily News & Analysis - Economic Times - Financial Express - Rediff ![]() Foreign varsities bill introduced in Lok Sabha, Left parties opposeTimes of India - 1 hour ago NEW DELHI: Government on Monday introduced in Lok Sabha a significant bill which seeks to allow entry of foreign universities in India and prescribes a time-bound format for granting approval to them but bars them from repatriating profit from ... 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No dilution in strategy to tackle Maoists: Chidambaram Press Trust of India Govt ready for peace talks without Paresh Barua: GogoiZee News - 4 hours ago Guwahati: Ruling out discussion on the sovereignty demand of ULFA, the Assam government today said it was ready for talks with the militant group even without its elusive 'commander-in-chief' Paresh Barua. Development must to thwart Maoists: Gogoi Press Trust of India 28 killed in hailstorm in Assam: Tarun Gogoi Daily News & Analysis JNTU Hyderabad MCA Results 2010 - 5 hours ago JNTU Hyderabad announced the results for MCA semester examination 2010. Candidates can check the results from the official website. JNTU Hyderabad Extends Last Date For Full Time / External Research Programmes ... Higher Education In India NewsBoll - MoviesKlix (blog) - Daily News (blog) - Forestlaneshul (blog) ![]() |
![]() Opinion Ending The Cycle Of Violence Instead of talking about 'sanitising' or dominating the area where the Maoists operate, the immediate need is for the government to stop forced displacements of the Tribals from their land.
"Our policy must rest on the twin pillars of development and security", said Chidambaram as he concluded his statement in Parliament on dealing with the Naxal 'menace', as he describes it. The pillar of 'development' was a concession to or acknowledgement of the growing voices of dissent even among the establishment, which have been saying that the Naxal problem cannot be solved by heavy handed military means alone. But then, Chidambaram says that the Naxals are preventing the government from carrying on any development in the areas that they control. Hence, he adds, unless we clear the areas of the Naxals first, we cannot take development to the tribals in these areas. Therefore, he says, we must "hold one's nerve and stay the course which has been carefully charted out to deal with them." That course is Operation Greenhunt, or the use of overwhelming military force to crush the Naxals. This formulation has two fundamental problems. Firstly, the very use of overwhelming force is causing enormous collateral damage to the tribals living in the so called 'red corridor'. In fact, the misery caused to the tribals by Operation Greenhunt is driving many more of them to pick up arms and join the Maoists. During the last almost six years when Operation Greenhunt and its precursor Operation Salwa Judum have been going on in Chhatisgarh, the number of armed Maoists has at least doubled in that area. Secondly, the kind of development that the government wants to take to the tribals is largely in the shape of Industries such as mining, steel, aluminium and sponge iron plants etc, which require the lands and forests on which the tribals are dependant for their survival. Hundreds of MOUs have been signed by the governments with private corporations for giving them lakhs of acres of tribal land and forests to these corporations. The rationale given for this is that these industries will drive up GDP growth and provide jobs to the tribals. "You can't keep the tribals in an anthropological museum eating grass" says Chidambaram, who has represented many of these corporations and was the director of Vedanta which together with its subsidiaries runs the largest mining operations in India. However, apart from the fact that the jobs in these highly polluting industries is ruinous to the health of the workers, the number of jobs provided to the tribals by these industries is far less than the numbers who are directly or indirectly displaced by these industries. Apart from the substantial land that is directly required by these industries a much larger area is laid waste by the pollution caused by them. Water bodies used by the tribals around these industries have been terribly polluted to render the water unfit for drinking, which has caused severe health problems to the tribals dependant on the land. Air pollution has also caused enormous illness and suffering to the tribals living in the vicinity of these industries. Even the productivity of the agricultural land around these polluting industries is seriously affected by them. The leaves of trees of the area around sponge iron plants are often laden with toxic soot, leaving them unable to breathe. The kind of development that the governments are talking about is exactly what has pushed the tribals to the very brink of survival. Operation Greenhunt, coming on top of this has made it difficult for them, particularly young men to venture out in areas near the camps of the security forces during the day for fear of being rounded up, beaten up and jailed on the charge of being Naxal supporters. The situation has become almost genocidal with almost half of the Adivasis having been pushed to a state of chronic malnutrition. As Binayak Sen puts it: They are suffering from malnutrition induced AIDS. The story of this destructive development that has been thrust upon them and what Operation Greenhunt was doing to them was narrated before a Jury of six eminent persons by many tribals who had come from the States of Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal recently. After hearing their heart rending testimonies from 9-11 April, the Jury comprising of Justice P.B. Sawant (former Judge, Supreme Court), Justice H. Suresh (former Judge, Mumbai High Court), Professor Yashpal (Educationist and former Chairman U.G.C), Dr. P.M. Bhargava (Founder of Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology and former Vice Chairman, Knowledge Commission), Dr. Mohini Giri (former Chairperson, National Women's Commission) and Dr. K.S. Subramanian (I.P.S. and former DGP) had this to say:
The jury went on to recommend that if this virtual genocide of the tribals is to be stopped, the government needs to immediately undertake several measures, most importantly:
It is clear therefore that instead of talking about 'sanitising' or dominating the area where the Maoists operate, the immediate need is for the government to stop forced displacements of the Tribals from their land. They do need services such as education, healthcare and electricity but certainly not this kind of industry. The argument often trotted out that the Maoists are preventing the government from delivering education and health services is belied by the fact that the situation is as bad if not worse in tribal areas outside Maoist influence. Many believe that operation Greenhunt, though styled as an operation to 'sanitise' the area of Maoists is intended to clear the area of tribals, in order to allow the mining and other corporations to take over their land. Operation Salwa Judum cleared 644 villages in Chhatisgarh whose more than three lakh tribals have been forced to flee to Andhra while 50,000 are kept in relief camps. But even trying to first 'sanitise' the area of Maoists by military methods like Operation Greenhunt, will only cause unacceptable collateral damage to the tribals and will only push more of them to join the Maoists. The resultant escalating cycle of violence may then lead to civil war like conditions in the country in the time to come. PhotosWiresBlogsLatest Recent in National : Wires
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1. Overview
Ruled by Indian National Congress and Nationalist Congress Party coalition, Maharashtra continued to reel under lawlessness and other serious human rights violations. Indiscipline of the police personnel was a major problem. In October 2005, Maharashtra Home Department reportedly prepared a list of at least 273 police personnel facing charges like coming drunk on duty, frequent absenteeism, insubordination, corruption and mis-conduct.[1] On 28 October 2005, Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister R R Patil stated that the Maharashtra government had suspended 37 police personnel and terminated the services of five others after being found under the influence of liquor on duty in the last two years.[2]
The tribal belt of Maharashtra - Thane, Nandurbar, Nashik, Amravati and Gadchiroli districts - continued to face increasing conflict with the Maoists. On 6 July 2005, the Maharashtra Government announced an amnesty scheme for Maoists, which included cash rewards, rehabilitation, free education to children and police protection, and review of the cases of the surrendered Maoists, among others.[3] But it had little effect.
The tribal dominated districts remained under-developed and the indigenous peoples continued to be denied economic, social and cultural rights. On 25 August 2005, the government of Maharashtra admitted before the Bombay High Court that a total of 2,675 children died due to malnutrition in the tribal dominated districts of Thane, Nandurbar, Nashik, Amravati and Gadchiroli between April and July 2005. These included 1,085 infants below one year and 1,590 children in the age group of 1-6 years.[4] On 26 August 2005, Bombay High Court directed the Maharashtra government to submit a time-bound plan for implementation of the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee on Child Deaths headed by leading health activist Abhay Bang to tackle malnutrition deaths.[5]
The Dalits faced atrocities from the upper castes. On 3 September 2005, 25 Dalit houses were burnt to ashes by the upper caste Marathas at Belkhed village in Akola district in protest against the Dalits' participation in the celebration of the Pola festival.[6]
Both women and children remained insecure. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) of the Government of India recorded 13,370 cases of crime against women in the state which amounted to 8.6 % of the total cases against women registered in India during 2005. These included 1,545 cases of rape, 3,228 cases of molestation, 851 cases of abduction, 341 dowry deaths, and 6,233 cases of cruelty by husbands and relatives.[7] On 21 April 2005, a 17-year-old college girl was raped by a drunken constable, Sunil Atmaram More inside a police post on Marine Drive in Mumbai.[8]
According to NHRC, there were 24,752 prisoners against the sanctioned capacity of 18,964 resulting in 30.5% overcrowding in the jails of Maharashtra as of 31 December 2004. There were 15,777 undertrial prisoners constituting of 63.7% of the total prisoners.[9]
On 11 June 2005, Special judge under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, Mr. Ashok P Bhangale acquitted all the eight accused - Dr. Mohammed Abdul Matin, Muzammil Jamil Ahmed, Imran Rehman Khan, Mohammed Altaf, Toufiq Hamid, Aarif Panwala, Rashid Ansari and Haroon Rashid Lohar - in the Ghatkopar bus blasts case of December 2002 as the prosecution failed to produce evidence against them.[10] The state government moved the Bombay High Court against the POTA court's verdict.[11]
On 14 June 2005, the Review Committee on POTA headed by Justice Usha Mehra in its recommendations to the State Secretary of Maharashtra asked to discharge two accused, Mohammed Ansari alias Urman Laduwala and Mommed Ansar Sheikh alias Hasan Batteriwala, held for conspiring the twin blasts in Mumbai in 2003 as there was no evidence against them.[12]
The government also failed to check the rising numbers of suicides by farmers.
2. Human rights violations by the security forces
a. Deprivation of the right to life
According to the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission, 218 cases of custodial deaths were registered during 1 April 2003-31 March 2004, and 95 custodial death cases were registered during 1 April 2004-31 August 2004 alone.[13] The National Crime Records Bureau recorded deaths of 17 persons in police custody and deaths of 19 civilians in police firing during 2005.[14] The NHRC received 23 cases of deaths in police custody and 138 cases of deaths in judicial custody in Maharashtra during 2004-2005.[15]
However, the denial on the part of the State government remained problematic. In April 2005, Deputy Chief Minister R R Patil stated in a written reply in Maharashtra Legislative Council that the state government of Maharashtra registered 47 custodial deaths in the state in 2003 and 2004. While 26 custodial deaths, including five natural deaths, one accidental and nine suicides were registered in 2003, 21 custodial deaths, including five natural deaths and two suicides were registered in 2004. Mr Patil stated that investigation was on in 11 cases and charge sheet had been filed against the accused in three cases.[16]
Some of the reported cases of custodial deaths are given below:
On 6 January 2005, T.C. Prashanth of Karnataka was beaten to death allegedly by the police in Mumbai. The deceased was working for Zuventus Health Care Ltd. in Mumbai.[17]
On 6 March 2005, Dayaneswhar Rai was found hanging in the police lock-up in Thane. He was allegedly beaten to death in the police custody, and later hanged to show it as a case of suicide. The deceased along with his brother-in-law Vinod Rai was arrested on charges of selling brown sugar and remanded to police custody. Three constables B W Bhosale, K C Chaudhary and R A Patil were suspended for dereliction of duty. State CID was asked to inquire into the incident.[18]
On 25 August 2005, Irshad Sheikh was killed by the police in an alleged encounter at Andheri (west). Irshad Sheikh was reportedly hit in the forehead and also had bullet injuries in the chest. In September 2005, the victim's brother Ashfaque Sheikh filed a complaint with the State Human Rights Commission of Maharashtra alleging extrajudicial killing.[19]
On 4 October 2005, Kiran Patkar died in the custody of railway police in Thane. The railway police claimed that Kiran Patkar had committed suicide inside the railway barracks where he was summoned for questioning for his alleged involvement in chain snatching and mobile theft cases. Police constable Shahji Madne was suspended for dereliction of duty on 6 October 2005.[20] A Criminal Investigation Department inquiry was also ordered.[21]
On 19 December 2005, Prashant Shyamraon Humne, an accused in a kidnapping case, died in Sakoli police station in Bhandara district. Following strong public protest, head constable Tejram Uikey (Buckle No. 572), constables Kundalik Kathane (Buckle No. 323) and Vishnu Khandate (Buckle No. 706) were suspended.[22]
On 24 December 2005, Aslam Shaikh died in the custody of Ootur police station in Pune. The victim was detained by the Pune Rural Police for questioning in connection with motorcycle theft. According to Police Inspector S H Kengar, Aslam Shaikh tore the blanket given to him and hanged himself in the police station.[23]
The police made all attempts to hide custodial killings. On 23 February 2005, suspended Sub-Inspector Pratap Kakade, an accusd in the infamous multi-crore fake stamp scam involving Abdul Karim Telgi, died under mysterious circumstances in the Yerawada jail. While Deputy Inspector General of Prisons Dhanaji Chaudhari claimed that Kakade had died due to a heart attack, the post mortem report found that Kakade had "multiple injuries under the neck and chest anterior".[24] A magisterial inquiry was ordered into Kakade's death.[25]
The police also extrajudicially executed by using fire-arms. On 3 May 2005, Sub Inspector Bhausuheb Magre attached to the Venkatpura sub-police station shot dead Shankar Parkiwar when the latter objected to Magre's attempt to molest his wife Nirmala at their home at Venkatpur village near Aheri in Gadchiroli district. Sub-Inspector Bhausuheb Magre had gone along with a colleague to question Shankar Parkiwar who was listed in police records as a Naxal sympathiser. Deputy Superintendent of Police (Home) Subash Gujar however claimed that Magre had killed Shankar Parkiwar in self-defence.[26] On 5 May 2005, Superintendent of Police (Gaclchiroli) Shirish Jain stated that it was constable Tekam and not Magre who had shot at Shankar Pakirwar and killed him on the spot.[27]
On 25 April 2005, Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable G S Pandey shot dead Dudhnath Yadav following an argument at Sewree railway station in Mumbai. The constable accused the deceased of stealing scrap from a godown at Sewree station.[28]
Police enjoyed virtual impunity. In a rarest case, on 17 January 2005, the Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court sentenced 12 police personnel, including retired DSP Sadashiv Bhalerao, Inspector Arun Bhadikar and Police Sub-Inspector Shankar Shende to life imprisonment for the custodial death of Dilip Bhosale in Arvi in Wardha district in November 1987.[29]
b. Arbitrary arrest, illegal detention and torture
Arbitrary arrest, illegal detention and torture were rampant. On 29 April 2005, a railway police constable Simon Koli, posted in a ladies' second-class compartment of a Virar-bound fast local train, was arrested at Borivali railway police station in Mumbai for allegedly slapping and abusing a two-month pregnant woman in the train. Koli was allegedly drunk on duty.[30]
Lawless law enforcement was widespread. In July 2005, the Maharashtra government reportedly agreed to pay Rs 1 lakh to the widow of a man who succumbed to police brutality after his arrest during raid on gambling dens in 2002.[31]
On 25 December 2005, a kerosene dealer identified as Mukesh Patel was allegedly beaten up in full public view at the local police station at Navegaonbandh in Bhandara district. The police had picked him up following complaint of black-marketing against him. Police Inspector G R Kankale who was involved in the incident was reportedly suspended.[32]
3. Violations of international humanitarian laws by the AOGs
The tribal dominated districts continued to face increasing conflict with the Maoists. On 6 July 2005, the Maharashtra Government announced an amnesty scheme for the Maoists "who are active in the State and registered in Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh". Under the scheme, the surrendered Maoists were offered cash prize at the time of surrender and additional money for their surrendered weapons. The surrendered Maoists offered land and house or Rs 50,000 in lieu of the house, free education to their children and protection. The government also offered to review the cases filed against the surrendered Maoist cadres. The scheme was applicable for six months.[33] But the surrender policy failed to curb the Maoists' menace.
The Maoists continued to target civilians as "police informers". On 19 May 2005, the Maoists killed two villagers identified as Karuram Poya and Kisan Madavi on the charges of being police informers in Gadchiroli district. While Karuram Poya was shot dead, Kisan Madavi was beheaded.[34] In another incident on the night of 24 July 2005, Naxalites shot dead a tribal identified as Bapu Roshan Kumbhri at Garkapeth village under Rompalli Police Assistance Centre in Gadchiroli on the charges of being a police infomer.[35]
Those who held public posts were also attacked. On the night of 27 September 2005, the Maoists killed Mondi alias Deepak Gawde, sarpanch of Umanur village under Jimalgatta Sub-police Station in Aheri taluka in Gadchiroli district.[36]
The Maoists were also responsible for hostage taking. On 18 January 2005, Naxalites abducted a Border Roads Organisation Supervisor Major Unnikrishnan from village Gumankonda in Gadchiroli district and demanded Rs four lakh as ransom.[37]
4. Violence against women
The National Crime Records Bureau recorded 13,370 cases against women in the state which amounted to 8.6 % of the total cases against women recorded in India during 2005. These included 1,545 cases of rape, 3,228 cases of molestation, 851 cases of abduction, 341 dowry deaths and 6,233 cases of cruelty by husbands and relatives.[38]
The law enforcement personnel were responsible for rape and sexual harassment of women. On 21 April 2005, a 17-year-old college girl was raped by a drunk constable identified Sunil Atmaram More inside a police post on Marine Drive. The constable took the girl inside the police post for "questioning" after she was found loitering with a male friend.[39] The incident triggered public anger. On 24 April 2005, Sunil More was dismissed from service.[40] On 26 September 2005, the State Government informed the Bombay High Court that it had already paid Rs 3 lakh compensation to the rape victim.[41]
On the night of 17 October 2005, a drunken head constable identified as Chandrakant Pawar attached to Sahar police station raped a 15-year-old ragpicker after taking her to an isolated place near the Mumbai airport. Medical examination at Nagpada police hospital confirmed rape. The accused was arrested and remanded to police custody till 25 October 2005.[42]
On 30 April 2005, a railway police constable Simon Koli was suspended on the charges of molesting a woman passenger in a local train in Mumbai.[43]
On 8 May 2005 at around 10.15 pm, two drunken constables identified as Sunil Dhanaji Sawant and Subhash More allegedly molested a 42-year-old married woman in front of her husband and daughter at platform no. 2 of Thane railway station. Both the police constables were arrested on charges of molestion and remanded to judicial custody.[44]
On 10 June 2005 at around 9.30 pm, a drunken SI Sudesh Shinde reportedly molested a beauty parlour owner after barging into her parlour opposite Mahim church in Mumbai. Following a complaint by the victim with the Mahim police station, the accused was arrested on 14 June 2005.[45]
On 16 November 2005, a minor girl was allegedly raped by an army jawan along with two civilians at the army's branch recruitment office compound in Nagpur. The army jawan was reportedly arrested.[46]
5. Violatioons of the rights of the Dalits
The National Crime Records Bureau recorded 865 cases of violence against the Dalits during 2005. A total of 6,626 cases of atrocities against the Dalits were pending trial in courts and another 248 cases were pending investigation by the police in the state by the end of 2005. Although the charge-sheeting rate was 97.4%, the conviction rate for the crimes against the Dalits in the state was merely 5.9% during 2005.[47]
The Dalits continued to face repression of the upper castes. On 23 September 2005, the upper caste Marathas burnt down 25 Dalit houses during an attack at Belkhed village in Akola. The Marathas had objected to participation of the Dalits in celebration of the Pola festival, an agricultural festival where cattle are worshipped. Around 70-80 Dalits reportedly fled their homes.[48]
In November 2005, a Dalit youth identified as Banesh Malayya Pulluri was beaten up in full public view and humiliated by forcing him to wear garland of chappals. He was also forced to eat human excreta at the order of the Gram Sabha (village council) for writing a love letter to an upper caste girl at Jamanpalli village under Sironcha tehsil in Gadchiroli district. On 11 December 2005, police arrested four persons in this connection.[49]
6. Violations of the rights of the child
The National Crime Records Bureau recorded a total of 2305 cases of crimes against children in Maharashtra which amounted to 15.4 % of all the crimes against children registered in India during 2005. Of these 2,305 cases, 189 were murder cases, 634 cases of rape and 420 cases of kidnapping.[50]
Maharashtra had high incidence of child labour. On 1 June 2005, Mumbai police during a raid in coordination with NGOs rescued over 400 child labourers from various industrial units in Madanpura, central Mumbai and arrested 42 employers.[51] Following NHRC's intervention on 9 June 2005 seeking a report from the Chief Secretary of Maharashtra on the action initiated against the erring employers of industrial units within two weeks,[52] the state government instituted a task force comprising police and the personnel from the labour department and rescued 80 underaged workers and arrested four industrial unit employers in Mumbai on 10 June 2005.[53]
On 23 July 2005, Mumbai police in cooperation with the Labour Department, the Women and Child Welfare Department and several NGOs raided 17 zari (embroidery) units in Gowandi in north-east Mumbai and rescued 72 children. At least 10 employers were taken into custody.[54]
7. Special Focus I: Starvation deaths
The deaths of tribal children in five tribal dominated districts of Maharashtra i.e. Thane, Nandurbar, Nashik, Amravati and Gadchiroli due to malnutrition proved that the fruits of development did not reach the tribals. On 25 August 2005, the government of Maharashtra admitted before the Bombay High Court that a total of 2,675 children died due to malnutrition in the tribal dominated districts of Thane, Nandurbar, Nashik, Amravati and Gadchiroli between April and July 2005. These included 1,085 infants below one year and 1,590 children in the age group of 1-6 years.[55] On 26 August 2005, Bombay High Court directed the Maharashtra government to submit a time-bound plan for implementation of the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee on Child Deaths headed by leading health activist by Abhay Bang to tackle malnutrition deaths.[56]
The apathy of the state government was clear from its policies. The state government decreased budgetary allocation for providing relief to the malnutrition victims from Rs 742 crore to Rs 227 crore in the 2004-2005 budget despite the situation being so grave.[57]
The state of denial made the things worse. On 24 December 2005, it was reported that eight children identified as Balya Balkrishna Kanekar of Gardenpur, Pratiksha Sanju Sahare of Kadoli, Baby Vijay Belsare of Kumbitola, Sumeet Rajkumar Puram of Eitkheda, Bali Deenbandhu Lade of Kadoli, Deepa Suresh Loni of Morgaon, Balu Rajesh Gote of Eitkheda and Pinku Baban Karade of Peethatola in Arjuni Morgaon tehsil of Gondia district died of malnutrition in the last two months. But the district authorities including the District Health Officer and Block Development Officer offered reasons such as pneumonia, premature birth, jaundice, 'being mentally retarded', hiccups etc for their deaths. In one case, the authorities even claimed that the baby died due to "excessive crying".[58]
Earlier, on 8 August 2005, the Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar stated in the Lok Sabha that no incidence of starvation death was reported by any state government or Union Territory during 2004.[59]
The state government also under-reported the cases of malnutrition death. A survey by NGO Punarvasan Sangharsh Samiti (PSS) released in 27 August 2005 claimed that 98 children died between April and June 2005 in Akkalkuwa block of tribal-dominated Nandurbar district alone. Of them, 71 died of malnutrition. The PSS alleged that the government of Maharashtra deliverately hid the actual number of the malnourished children. For example, the PSS recorded 188 severely malnourished children in April 2005 while the government records showed only 20 malnourished children.[60]
8. Special Focus II: Farmers' suicide
As in Andhra Pradesh, the farmers of Maharashtra faced serious distress because of crop failure, indebtedness and the government's apathy. The most affected districts are Yeotmal, Amravati, Akola, Washim and Buldana in Amravati Division, and Wardha in Nagpur Division.
In its final report submitted to the Mumbai High Court on 16 March 2005, Tata Institute of Social Sciences stated that a total of 644 farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra from 1 March 2001 to 31 December 2004, including 448 deaths in Amravati, 90 in Aurangabad, 66 in Nagpur, 38 in Nashik and 1 each in Pune and Kolhapur. Of these, 41 died in 2001, 73 in 2002, 129 in 2003 and 401 in 2004. The report concluded that "Repeated crop failures, inability to meet the rising cost of cultivation, and indebtedness seem to create a situation that forces farmers to commit suicide. However, not all farmers facing these conditions commit suicide — it is only those who seem to have felt that they have exhausted all avenues of securing support have taken their lives."[61]
The government failed to provide the accurate figures. On 13 July 2005, Agriculture Minister Balasaheb Thorat in a written reply to a question raised by BJP legislator Vinod Tawade in Maharashtra Legislative Council stated that a total of 524 farmers had committed suicide in 2004.[62] Earlier, in July 2005, the Maharashtra government reportedly told the NHRC that only 140 farmers ended their lives between 2001 and 2004 due to "crop failure because of drought and heavy indebtedness".[63] Again on 4 December 2005, Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh stated that during the last five years a total of 1041 farmers committed suicides; 92 per cent suicides were due to indebtedness. He stated that compensation was given to family members of 223 farmers who ended their lives.[64]
On 6 November 2005, Pardesh Pachkawdu Jata, a tribal farmer from Dhamditola village in Gadchiroli district, reportedly became the 100th farmer to end his life in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in 2005.[65]
About 178 commited suicide during 2005. Of them, 35 farmers ended their lives in the first 11 days of December 2005.[66] On 9 December 2005, Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh announced a comprehensive special package of Rs.1,075 Crores for the farmers in the Vidarbha region.[67]
[1]. 273 errant cops on Home Ministry hit list, The Free Press Journal, 21 October 2005
[2]. 37 cops suspended, 5 terminated in 2 yrs for getting drunk, The Sentinel, 29 October 2005
[3]. Mah announces amnesty for Naxals, The Hitavada, 7 July 2005
[4]. Maharashtra admits thousands died, The Deccan Chroncle, 26 August 2005
[5]. Implement report to arrest malnutrition deaths: High Court, The Hindu, 27 August 2005
[6]. 25 Dalit homes torched in Akola, The Central Chronicle, 5 September 2005
[7]. 2005 Annual Report of the National Crime Records Bureau
[8]. Rape on Marine Drive, The Telegraph, 22 April 2005
[9]. NHRC's prison statistics as of 31 December 2004
[10]. All acquitted in Ghatkopar bus blasts case, The Hindu, 12 June 2005
[11]. Ghatkopar blast case: Government grants sanction for appeal, The Free Press Journal, 13 July 2005
[12]. Discharge Petition of POTA accused to come up today, The Free Press Journal, 10 August 2005
[14]. 2005 Annual Report of National Crime Records Bureau
[15]. 2004-2005 Annual Report of NHRC
[16]. 47 custodial deaths in the state in last two years: Patil, The Free Press Journal, 4 April 2005
[17]. Youth 'beaten to death' in Mumbai, The Hindu, 7 January 2005
[18]. Death of undertiral rocks Thane city, The Free Press Journal, 9 March 2005
[19]. Encounter victim's brother moves SHRC, The Free Press Journal, 4 September 2005
[20]. Railway constable suspended, The Asian Age, 7 October 2005
[21]. Constable suspended in custodial death case, The Free Press Journal, 8 October 2005
[22]. Sakoli tense as youth dies in custody, The Hitavada, 20 December 2005
[23]. Detainee kills self in police station, The Free Press Journal, 25 December 2005
[24]. Cop arrested in Telgi case dies in custody, The Indian Express, 24 February 2004
[25]. Magisterial probe ordered into Kakade custody death, The Indian Express, 26 February 2005
[26]. PSI tries to molest woman, shoots hubby to death, The Hitavada, 5 May 2005
[27]. Constable shot Pakirwar, not PSI, say SP, The Hitavada, 6 May 2005
[28]. One gunned down by RPF jawan, The Free Press Journal, 27 April 2005
[29]. Custodial death: 12 cops get lifer, The Free Press Journal, 19 January 2005
[30]. Cop 'slaps' woman on train, arrested, The Indian Express, 1 May 2005
[31]. Police brutality case, The Hindustan Times, 9 July 2005
[32]. 'Beaten' by cops, Navegaon trader tries to end life, The Hitavada, 28 December 2005
[33]. Mah announces amnesty for Naxals, The Hitavada, 7 July 2005
[34]. 7 cops dead: Naxal toll ticking in Gadchiroli - Two villagers with 'informer' tag shot dead, The Indian Express, 21 May 2005
[35]. Naxals shoot tribal to death in Gadchiroli, The Hitavada, 26 July 2005
[36]. Naxals kill sarpanch near Aheri, The Hitavada, 29 September 2005
[37]. Naxals abduct BRO officer, demand Rs 4 lakh, The Central Chronicle, 21 January 2005
[38]. 2005 Annual Report of the National Crime Records Bureau
[39]. Rape on Marine Drive, The Telegraph, 22 April 2005
[40]. Mumbai constable gets boot after rape charges - Cops say More threatened girl before raping her, The Indian Express, 25 April 2005
[41]. Marine Rive rape victim gets Rs 3 lakh compensation, The Free Press Journal, 27 September 2005
[42]. Cop rapes girl near Mumbai airport, The Indian Express, 19 October 2005
[43]. Railway cop booked, suspended for molestation, The Free Press Journal, 1 May 2005
[44]. Virus spreads to west, The Telegraph, 10 May 2005
[45]. Molest slur, The Telegraph, 15 June 2005
[46]. Army jawan held on rape charge, The Telegraph, 17 November 2005
[47]. 2005 Annual Report of National Crime Records Bureau
[48]. 25 Dalit homes torched in Akola, The Central Chronicle, 5 September 2005
[49]. Sironcha Dalit youth beaten up, made to eat faeces; 4 held, The Hitavada, 12 December 2005
[50]. 2005 Annual Report of National Crime Records Bureau
[51]. Over 400 child labourers rescued, The Times of India, 2 June 2005
[52]. Maharashtra government asked about follow-up action on rescued Child Labourers, NHRC press release, 9 June 2005
[53]. NHRC takes up cudgels for child workers, The Free Press Journal, 11 June 2005
[54]. Child workers rescued, The Hindu, 24 July 2005
[55]. Maharashtra admits thousands died, The Deccan Chroncle, 26 August 2005
[56]. Implement report to arrest malnutrition deaths: High Court, The Hindu, 27 August 2005
[57]. HC pulls up State on malnutrition deaths, The Free Press Journal, 5 February 2005
[58]. Gondia kids' deaths not due to malnutrition, says admn, The Hitavada, 24 December 2005
[59]. Not starvation deaths in any State', The Hitavada, 8 August 2005
[60]. 71 children died of malnutrition in Akkalkuwa in three months, The Hindu, 28 August 2005
[61]. TISS' study report, "Causes of Farmer Suicides in Maharashtra: An Enquiry",
[62]. 524 farmers committed suicide in 2004: Minister, The Free Press Journal, 14 July 2005
[63]. Maharashtra tells NHRC: Debt drove 140 farmers to suicide, The Indian Express, 2 July 2005
[64]. 1041 farmers' suicides, help for only 223, The Hitavada, 5 December 2005
[65]. Farmer suicide toll rises to 100 in Vidharba, The Times of India, 8 November 2005
[66]. Suicides continue despite CM's relief, The Times of India, 20 December 2005
[67]. Package for Vidarbha ryots, Deccan Herald, 10 December 2005, investigating a terror attack that could have set off a deadly fireball in Times Square focused Sunday on finding a man who was videotaped shedding his shirt near the SUV where the bomb was found.
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- Your Money
- Court allows narco test on Ajmer blast suspect
- Kasab verdict a message to Pak: Chidambaram
- Murdered Delhi journalist's mother arrested
- Minister caught pants down, but 'rape' raises questions
- Rajya Sabha adjourned over 2G spectrum scam
- Newborn abandoned in hotel, but dad promises to return
- Rat 'breaches' security, bites Nitish
- How Pak warmed its way to 'spy' Madhuri Gupta
- CBI suspects link between Ajmer and Hyd blasts
- I-T goes all out against IPL, past record abysmal
- Everest claims first victim of 2010
- Look out, aliens are here: Canadian ex-def minister
- Australian PM 'following' porn on Twitter
- Video has possible SUV bomb suspect in Times Square alley
- Smoking car bomb sends New York into a tailspin
- MJ's lawyer shot dead at his home
- Obama does stand-up comedy for a night
- Swedish, Estonians smile more; Russians, Croatians less
- Man who cremated Hitler won't tell where ashes are
- Times Square cleared as suspected car bomb found
- I-T dept gets Rs 400 crore as tax from IPL3
- Saeed, Lakhvi involved in 26/11 conspiracy: Court
- Cipla demands apology from US university
- SBI to go for top deck rejig
- Buffett to visit India, won't rule out investment
- McDonald's may bring McCafe coffee shop to India by 2012
- Nano proving an expensive dream for Tata
- Azim Premji is India's Bill Gates: Forbes
- MindTree pips Accenture, IBM to bag first UID project
- WHO asks Shantha Biotechnics to recall Shan5 vaccine
- Get rid of loans, start investing
- Small deposit, big return, large risk
- Safe haven: Gold, silver are good investment bets
- Child care through mutual funds
- Neither equities nor debt
- A portfolio-booster, but tread with care
- Use equity to save and study more
- Go short term to mop up better returns
- It's ok if you are not teased
- Investing abroad? Weigh the pros and cons
- Defence
- Crime File
- Gadgets
- Forbes
- Kasab should be hanged: Smita Salaskar
- Ajmal Kasab: The face of modern terror
- India may find it difficult to take 26/11 war to Pak turf
- 26/11 case: Kasab found guilty; Fahim, Sabahuddin acquitted
- Kasab - how a poor Pakistani became India's terror nightmare
- Crime: Honour killing behind Delhi journalist's death?
- Crime: Mumbai priest murdered with scissors in mouth
- Crime: Radioactive material was sold by Delhi University
- Crime: Drunken man sets family, guest on fire
- Crime: Delhi man slits girlfriend's throat, commits suicide
- TJS Column
- Contribute
- Offtrack
- News@glance
- Rascal or rogue? The choice is yours
- Media is amoral, but it works
- Batman faces Svengali in money game
- Suppression won't work. Caring may
- Amitabh, a shrewd businessman: TJS George
- Need for Contribution based Democracy by Bobby
- How to surmount my ego by Naim Naqvi
- Nine Golds in TIME's 100 MIP! by T A Santhana Raman
- Khushboo~Warrior Princess or Phoenix? by T A Santhana Raman
- Offtrack: Some blunders, a solution, a passion!
- Offtrack: Of devils, ghosts and cell phones
- Offtrack: 'Dead' man wakes up, asks for water
- Offtrack: `Unfriend' named word of 2009 by tech-savvy
- Offtrack: The day Obama was unhappy being President
- News@glance - SC upholds Manu Sharma's life term and more
- News@Glance - Pentagon shootout and a lot more
- News@Glance - Navy plane crash kills 2, Maoists willing to talk and a lot more
- News@Glance - National Budget, opp walks out, Afghan blast and a lot more
- News@Glance: Indo-Pak talks, Mamata's Budget, Tendulkar's new record and more
- Most Popular Articles
- Hourly
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Karnataka minister 'rapes' friend's wife, quits
- 2611: Tahaliyani's verdict likely today, not sentence
- How Pak warmed its way to 'spy' Madhuri Gupta
- Kasab - how a poor Pakistani became India's terror nightmare
- 911 lessons that India didn't learn from 2611
- Murdered Delhi journalist's mother arrested
- Look out, aliens are here: Canadian ex-def minister
- Australian PM 'following' porn on Twitter
- Kasab verdict a message to Pak: Chidambaram
- Love on track: 'Honeymoon' bogey back on Shimla train

26/11 attack: Kasab found guilty
A court on Monday found Pakistani citizen Mohammad Ajmal Kasab guilty of involvement in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the first verdict delivered in a case that has worsened ties between New Delhi and Islamabad.
- Spotlight: 26/11 trial
Rajya Sabha adjourned for fourth time Monday
IANSThe Rajya Sabha was adjourned four times within two hours Monday after opposition members disrupted proceedings over reports of improprieties by two central ministers of the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA).
K'taka CM orders CID probe into sexual assault case
PTIKarnataka CM BS Yeddyurappa ordered a CID inquiry into the rape charges lodged by a woman against Harathalu Halappa, who quit as the Minister of Food and Civil Supplies following a media report.
National News
- Apple iPad reaches 1 mln sales faster than iPhoneMon 03 May
- BP says tackling oil spill, to pay legitimateMon 03 May
- Apple says it has sold 1 million iPadsMon 03 May
- Court convicts Mumbai attack gunman KasabMon 03 May
- Congress to boycott Madhya Pradesh assemblyMon 03 May
- Chavan, Maharashtra leaders welcome Kasab verdictMon 03 May
- Left, BSP welcome move to suspend work onMon 03 May
- How Ansari, Ahmed were acquitted in terror trialMon 03 May
- Mumbai's local trains badly hit by motormenMon 03 May
- Chhattisgarh police arrest 13 suspected MaoistsMon 03 May
- Police arrest zonal commander of Maoists inMon 03 May
- M Karunanidhi meets Sonia Gandhi in New DelhiMon 03 May
- Ajaml Kasab found guilty; Fahim, SabahuddinMon 03 May
- The roller-coaster trialMon 03 May
- Kasab's fate to be decided shortlyMon 03 May
- Kapadia new CJIMon 03 May
- CPM trying to lower our image: TC on arms dealerMon 03 May
- Stephen Court caretaker's bail rejectedMon 03 May
- Nikam happy about Kasab conviction, regretMon 03 May
- 26/11 verdict will put pressure on Pak: ExpertsMon 03 May
- India to rule on Kasab's fate todayMon 03 May
- SpreadsheetMon 03 May
- We plan to open 35 to 40 small format stores thisMon 03 May
- PE players bunk Indian classroomsMon 03 May
- Six-laned highways in Punjab soonMon 03 May
- BJP yet to take any decision on alliance with JMMMon 03 May
- Youth gunned down in broad daylightMon 03 May
- 6 students, 1 instructor held with cocaineMon 03 May
World News
- Thailand PM announces election dateMon 03 May
- UN asks Iran to erase doubts over its nuclearMon 03 May
- Times Square attempt was aimed to cause massMon 03 May
- Indian who burnt car for insurance claim jailedMon 03 May
- Thai PM proposes Nov poll inMon 03 May
- Turkey reform article rejected in blow to govtMon 03 May
- UK Conservatives could secure tiny majority - pollMon 03 May
- Thai PM's reconciliation plan aims for Nov.Mon 03 May
- Queens Islamic group denies involvement in TimesMon 03 May
- Hillary says she plans to serve as Secretary ofMon 03 May
- Times Square bomber was equipped with wrongMon 03 May
- New Zealand Hindu Council faces flak for unitingMon 03 May
- Tamil journalist pardoned in Sri LankaMon 03 May
- Maoist strike cripples NepalMon 03 May
- In Nepal Maoists' dictionary extortion meansMon 03 May
- Shanghai Expo: China reveals concepts for futureMon 03 May
- 'UK to get 1 mn more migrants'Mon 03 May
- Britain 'to get one million more migrants byMon 03 May
- Tony Blair offered £250k to appear onMon 03 May
- Aus PM following porn via Twitter: ReportMon 03 May
- Chinese citizens cannot buy more than one home inSat 01 May
- Knowledge library wards off European patentsSat 01 May
- Archer's latest: A Delhi love taleFri 30 Apr
- Maid abuse is institutionalized in GulfFri 30 Apr
- US says no to civil nuclear deal with PakistanThu 08 Apr
- Fresh attack on Indian, Sri Lankan in OzTue 02 Mar
- NASA radar on Chandrayaan-I detects ice depositsTue 02 Mar
- Pakistan offers to step up intelligence co-opTue 16 Feb
Business News
- U.S. stocks rise on data, global shrs, euro fallMon 03 May
- Greek moves reinforce life support role for ECBMon 03 May
- CORRECTED - ANALYSIS - Facebook efforts hint atMon 03 May
- Ford April U.S. sales rise 25 pctMon 03 May
- Apple sells million iPads in first four weeksMon 03 May
- Average private equity deal size to increase inMon 03 May
- Hyundai Motor talks to sacked employeesMon 03 May
- IndiGo, Paramount get nod for more planesMon 03 May
- Indian banks, financial service firms using DubaiMon 03 May
- Savings account in child's name can provideSun 02 May
- RBI cautions NBFCs on transaction in Iran,Sat 01 May
- Beijing's deal with West African countriesSat 01 May
- More for youMon 03 May
- Small caps shine in Q4 scorecardMon 03 May
- Adobe reaches out with CS5 packageMon 03 May
- Rural sector to drive growthMon 03 May
- M&M automotive sales up 13 pct in AprilMon 03 May
- India, China to wage global M&A war?Mon 03 May
- Indian students' Oz refund struggleMon 03 May
- Gold holds near 2010 highsMon 03 May
- Oil hovers at USD 86 per barrelMon 03 May
- Global Mkts: Euro sinks, stocks fallMon 03 May
- Essar lowers IPO sightsMon 03 May
- Sensex down 0.6 pct; autos buck trendMon 03 May
Sports News
- Pellizotti set to miss Giro with doping issueMon 03 May
- Italian Pellizotti set to miss Giro over dopingMon 03 May
- Defender "Piquenbauer" hasMon 03 May
- U.S. court rejects Delaware sports betting appealMon 03 May
- Ministry neither giving funds nor equipment, sayMon 03 May
- Insulted Houghton resigns, Patel asks him to stayMon 03 May
- Nicol too good for Dipika in Asian squashMon 03 May
- New Zealand cautious ahead of their clash againstMon 03 May
- Kiwis seeking more convincing win over unfanciedMon 03 May
- Cricket Wellington chief reassures that underMon 03 May
- Kiwi pacer Bond says Twenty20 title withinMon 03 May
- Ferguson still hopeful of retaining PremierMon 03 May
- Zimbabwe face Sri LankaMon 03 May
- Loss should shake SL out of slumberMon 03 May
- No selector in West IndiesMon 03 May
- IPL casts shadow on BCCI meetMon 03 May
- Murali ruled out of Twenty20 WCMon 03 May
- FIFA match related stress could cause heart attackMon 03 May
- Nadal rediscovers his clay court formMon 03 May
- We've improved in past 12 months: ClarkeMon 03 May
- Less space for power play: Centre limits tenureMon 03 May
- NZ pull off nail-bitting two wicket win T20 WCSat 01 May
- Now, IPL-I bidding process under scannerFri 30 Apr
- Windies offer Caribbean feel for T20Thu 29 Apr
- Advani, Shahbaz enter last fourMon 03 May
- Rain stops Sri Lanka-Zimbabwe matchMon 03 May
- Dipika, Ghosal crash out of Asian championshipMon 03 May
- Sri Lanka make 173/7 against ZimbabweMon 03 May
Technology News
- 'Use solar energy for telecom towers'Sat 01 May
- Apple attacks Adobe over iPhoneFri 30 Apr
- This video game actually kills!Thu 29 Apr
- HCL CEO to co-chair World Economic ForumWed 28 Apr
- Apple launches 3G iPad, looks to maintain momentumSat 01 May
- Nokia India plant handset production crosses 350Fri 30 Apr
- Microsoft shelves Courier, but may re-emergeFri 30 Apr
- HP-Palm deal fresh blow to Asian smartphoneThu 29 Apr
- Assaulted teens may get involved in violence laterMon 03 May
- 2G spectrum, foreign university bill stall LokMon 03 May
- Why do obese kids attract bullies?Mon 03 May
- Australian PM 'following' porn on TwitterMon 03 May
- Info that kids share on Facebook a matter ofMon 03 May
- Facebook 'fuelling divorce'Mon 03 May
- Smartphones may soon have battery life extendedSun 02 May
- Cyberbullying: Even moms get vicious onlineThu 29 Apr
- Fishing for genetic answersSun 02 May
- Apple attacks Adobe over iPhoneFri 30 Apr
- This video game actually kills!Thu 29 Apr
- AT&T exits stake in Tech Mahindra: SourcesWed 28 Apr
Science News
- Treatment plan for autistics kids often includesMon 03 May
- Waist circumference predicts rectal cancerMon 03 May
- Cholesterol testing can be performed withoutMon 03 May
- New free hand ultrasound system cuts scan time,Mon 03 May
- Former Princeton head to review U.N. climate panelMon 03 May
- ANALYSIS - Is the oil spill Obama's Katrina?Sat 01 May
- NASA may stretch out Mars missions to save moneyThu 29 Apr
- Global floating ice in "constantWed 28 Apr
- India, France collaborate on satelliteMon 03 May
- Dubai to host seventh Investing in TechnologyMon 03 May
- For Google doodle creator Valentine Day doodlesMon 03 May
- Russian space freighter docks with ISSSun 02 May
Entertainment News
- Actress Lynn Redgrave diesMon 03 May
- Lohan faces jail after violating her probationMon 03 May
- Now buy Khali action hero miniatureMon 03 May
- Hrithik to play Roman emperor in TV commercialMon 03 May
- "Iron Man 2" opens big at internationalMon 03 May
- UK grime group Roll Deep scores first number oneMon 03 May
- "Thriller" voted most influential popMon 03 May
- Polanski says extradition case based on a lieMon 03 May
- Parents can help prevent child bullying: StudyMon 03 May
- Asin dating Mahendra Singh DhoniMon 03 May
- Johnny Depp saves Babybird frontman from beingMon 03 May
- Michael Douglas says he has 'taken blamesMon 03 May
- Men urged to stand up for womenMon 03 May
- Tintin now in HindiMon 03 May
- One sperm is enough for a babyMon 03 May
- Sex with virgin and HIVMon 03 May
- Bullock told Elin Nordegren: I would have keptMon 03 May
- Shah Rukh's 'My Name Is Khan' a hitMon 03 May
- 'Rajneeti' aims to change the perceptionMon 03 May
- Lindsay Lohan hit with fashion line lawsuitMon 03 May
- At Cannes, filming destination to tag along withSat 01 May
- A fresh summer for BollywoodWed 28 Apr
- Haryana to cut entertainment duty to 10%Wed 28 Apr
- It is very painful to point out flaws: SunidhiSat 24 Apr
Odd News
- Man and machineFri 16 Apr
- Preity's a sport!Fri 16 Apr
- Kochi-cooThu 15 Apr
- Luv Sinha, Adhyayan exchange insultsSat 03 Apr
- Pork test to bust cheats in Muslim KazakhstanMon 03 May
- Book Talk: Sex, drugs and classic record coversMon 03 May
- Korean defends climbing claim after doubts raisedMon 03 May
- People with dwarfism find TV exposure aidsMon 03 May
- Britain's oldest father thanks bananas forTue 30 Mar
- Mercury soars, another hot week for DelhiMon 29 Mar
- Is Dubai's retail glory fading?Sun 28 Feb
- Lilly the lonely meerkat finds love on internet!Wed 28 Apr
- Oz woman puts struggling poet husband up for saleSat 24 Apr
- Auckland man claims lottery prize 24 hours beforeTue 20 Apr
- Cat that went from New Mexico to Chicago reunitedMon 19 Apr
Opinions and Editorials
- The radioactive risk societyMon 03 May
- The truest voteMon 03 May
- The great UP hopeMon 03 May
- Soon, there will be oneMon 03 May
- What about the Asian euroMon 03 May
- An unscarred sanctuaryMon 03 May
- Attack of the bugbearsMon 03 May
- Column : Cutting costs and audit strategyMon 03 May
- Poor man's Gatorade saves Bangladeshi kids,Sun 02 May
- Tajikistan to start polio vaccination campaign, ASFri 30 Apr
- Shanghai Expo designer denies mascot copy ofTue 27 Apr
- Shanghai World Expo showcases China's softSun 25 Apr
- Herbal remedy for swine fluMon 03 May
- Ayurveda hope for blocked heartsThu 29 Apr
- Turmeric can keep you healthySun 25 Apr
- Informed decisionThu 22 Apr

Police arrest zonal commander of Maoists in ...
- M Karunanidhi meets Sonia Gandhi in New Delhi
- Golf picks up in smaller Indian cities
- Time has come to resume peace talks: Abdul Basit
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