![revolving globe]()
168 LESSON 14 02 2011 Kula Sutta Families FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY to VOTE for BSP ELEPHANT for Social Transformation and Economic Emancipation to attain Ultimate Bliss-Kapilvattu relics to be brought to Sri Lanka-POLITICS IS SACRED With GOOD GOVERNANCE-BSP will return to power by winning still more seats in the next Vidhan Sabha elections.-BSP supremo and UP chief minister Mayawati has planned an aggressive media blitz in the run-up to next year's state Assembly elections-Bahen Mayawati Ji is focus of scholars research-VOICE OF SARVAJAN HONEYLEAKS-A veritable treat for watch connoisseurs
168 LESSON 14 02 2011 Kula Sutta Families FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY to VOTE for BSP ELEPHANT for Social Transformation and Economic Emancipation to attain Ultimate Bliss
![A little Buddha statue decorate by flower. This will only seen once a year in Vesak day ceremony.]()
![Photo d'arbre]()
![Bodhi leaf]()
![* သဗၺဒါနံ ဓမၼဒါနံ ဇိနာတိ၊ * သဗၺရသံ ဓမၼရေသာ ဇိနာတိ။]()
![What is Buddhism]()
Awakeness Practices
All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas
Traditionally the are 84,000 Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There are 3 sections: |
The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha."I received from Buddha," said Ananda, "82,000 Khandas, and from the priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me." They are divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into 361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses including both those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided into 2,547 banawaras, containing 737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.
Course Programs:
SN 42.9
PTS: S iv 322
CDB ii 1345
Kula Sutta: Families
translated from the Pali by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
© 2004–2011
On one occasion the Blessed One, while wandering on tour among the Kosalans together with a large community of monks, arrived at Nalanda. There he stayed at Nalanda in Pavarika's Mango Grove.
Now at that time Nalanda was in the midst of famine, a time of scarcity, the crops white with blight and turned to straw. And at that time Nigantha Nataputta was staying in Nalanda together with a large following of niganthas. Then Asibandhakaputta the headman, a disciple of the niganthas, went to Nigantha Nataputta and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there, Nigantha Nataputta said to him, "Come, now, headman. Refute the words of Gotama the contemplative, and this admirable report about you will spread afar: 'The words of Gotama the contemplative — so mighty, so powerful — were refuted by Asibandhakaputta the headman!'"
"But how, venerable sir, will I refute the words of Gotama the contemplative — so mighty, so powerful?"
"Come now, headman. Go to Gotama the contemplative and on arrival say this: 'Venerable sir, doesn't the Blessed One in many ways praise kindness, protection, & sympathy for families?' If Gotama the contemplative, thus asked, answers, 'Yes, headman, the Tathagata in many ways praises kindness, protection, & sympathy for families,' then you should say, 'Then why, venerable sir, is the Blessed One, together with a large community of monks, wandering on tour around Nalanda in the midst of famine, a time of scarcity, when the crops are white with blight and turned to straw? The Blessed One is practicing for the ruin of families. The Blessed One is practicing for the demise of families. The Blessed One is practicing for the downfall of families.' When Gotama the contemplative is asked this two-pronged question by you, he won't be able to swallow it down or spit it up."
Responding, "As you say, venerable sir," Asibandhakaputta the headman got up from his seat, bowed down to Nigantha Nataputta, circumambulated him, and then went to the Blessed One. On arrival, he bowed down to the Blessed One and sat to one side. As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One, "Venerable sir, doesn't the Blessed One in many ways praise kindness, protection, & sympathy for families?"
"Yes, headman, the Tathagata in many ways praises kindness, protection, & sympathy for families."
"Then why, venerable sir, is the Blessed One, together with a large community of monks, wandering on tour around Nalanda in the midst of famine, a time of scarcity, when the crops are white with blight and turned to straw? The Blessed One is practicing for the ruin of families. The Blessed One is practicing for the demise of families. The Blessed One is practicing for the downfall of families."
"Headman, recollecting back over 91 aeons, I do not know any family to have been brought to downfall through the giving of cooked alms. On the contrary: Whatever families are rich — with much wealth, many possessions, a great deal of money, a great many accoutrements of wealth, a great many commodities — all have become so from giving, from truth, from restraint.
"Headman, there are eight causes, eight reasons for the downfall of families. Families go to their downfall because of kings, or families go to their downfall because of thieves, or families go to their downfall because of fire, or families go to their downfall because of floods, or their stored-up treasure disappears, or their mismanaged undertakings go wrong, or in the family a wastrel is born who squanders, scatters, & shatters its wealth, and inconstancy itself is the eighth. These are the eight causes, the eight reasons for the downfall of families. Now, when these eight causes, these eight reasons are to be found, if anyone should say of me, 'The Blessed One is practicing for the ruin of families, the Blessed One is practicing for the demise of families, the Blessed One is practicing for the downfall of families' — without abandoning that statement, without abandoning that intent, without relinquishing that view — then as if he were to be carried off, he would thus be placed in hell."
When this was said, Asibandhakaputta the headman said to the Blessed One: "Magnificent, lord! Magnificent! Just as if he were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has the Blessed One — through many lines of reasoning — made the Dhamma clear. I go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, & to the community of monks. May the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge from this day forward, for life."
AN 3.33
AN 3.65
AN 3.99
AN 10.208
Awakened One Shows the Path to Attain Eternal Bliss
Using such an instrument
The Free ONLINE e-Nālandā Research and Practice University has been re-organized to function through the following Schools of Learning :
Buddha's Sangha Practiced His Dhamma Free of cost, hence the Free- e-Nālandā Research and Practice University follows suit
As the Original Nālandā University did not offer any Degree, so also the Free e-Nālandā Research and Practice University.
The teachings of Buddha are eternal, but even then Buddha did not proclaim them to be infallible. The religion of Buddha has the capacity to change according to times, a quality which no other religion can claim to have…Now what is the basis of Buddhism? If you study carefully, you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of flexibility inherent in it, which is not found in any other religion.
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar , Indian scholar, philosopher and architect of Constitution of India, in his writing and speeches
Level I: Introduction to Buddhism,Level II: Buddhist Studies,
Level III: Stream-Enterer,Level IV: Once – Returner,Level V: Non-Returner,Level VI: Arhat
Jambudvipa, i.e, PraBuddha Bharath scientific thought in
Philosophy and Comparative Religions;Historical Studies;International Relations and Peace Studies;Business Management in relation to Public Policy and Development Studies;Languages and Literature;and Ecology and Environmental Studies
Jambudvipa, i.e, PraBuddha Bharath scientific thought in
And Andanatomy
Please watch:
GEOGRAPHY holy cities Buddhism Buddha kapilavastu ht07 ims james kenneth powell youtube 512
The erstwhile capital of the Sakya clan, Kapilvastu was the place where Siddharta Gautam spent early part of his life.
Kapilvattu relics to be brought to Sri Lanka![Kapilvastu]()
![[Remains of the Western Gate of Kapilavastu,Nepal.]]()
Remains of the Western Gate of Kapilavatu
Remains of some residences (the palace?) at Kapilavatu
The sacred Kapilvastu relics will be sent to Sri Lanka as part of the plans to observe the 2600th anniversary of the Awakenment of Lord Buddha (Sambuddhatva Jayanti). This follows a request that had been made personally to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by the President of Sri Lanka.
Among other activities, India is also organizing an international conference on Buddhism in Kandy in March 2011 and commissioning an Indian gallery, including a 16-feet high statue of Lord Buddha, for the International Buddhist Museum in Kandy.
The Kapilvastu relics had last travelled out of India in the late seventies.
These were among the topics of discussion between Ms.Meira Kumar and President Rajapaksa, when she met him at his Temple Trees residence on Saturday.
It is a good news that sacred Kapilvattu relics to be sent to Sri Lanka as part of the plans to observe the 2600th anniversary of the Awakenment of Lord Buddha (SammaSambuddhatva Jayanti),as requested that had been made personally to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh by the President of Sri Lanka.
And Jambudvipa, i.e., the Great PraBuddha Bharath is also organizing an international conference on Buddhism in Kandy in March 2011 and commissioning an Indian gallery, including a 16-feet high statue of Lord Buddha, for the International Buddhist Museum in Kandy.
Here the SammaSambuddhatva Jayanti should be celebrated in a grand manner by declaring holiday every year for peace, welfare and happiness of the Entire people.
Vote BSP Elephant for Change offering the MASTER KEY for the peace, happiness and Welfare of Entire People
BSP will return to power by winning still more seats in the next Vidhan Sabha elections.
This will only enthuse BSP workers.
According to the union home ministry Uttar Pradesh ranks very low in the matter of crime against women and the people of SC/ST.
The present government has reduced poverty and unemployment and given impetus to industrialisation.
It is popular for its Development works and enforcement of law and order.
Situation all over the country remained calm because of things under control in the State following the Ayodhya Verdict.
Central government requested to take the strictest measures to root out terrorism.
The Rule of Law
Law and order situation state, frightened by the jungle-raj of the previous S.P. government, people elected the absolute-majority govt. of BSPby placing total faith in its policies and programmes. It was then and there it was chosen to have a govt. Of the rule of law for every situation because of the belief that there was no alternative to it to ensure the progress of the state. Therefore, the moment after getting into power the first task was to improve the law and order situation at every level; and it could be said with confidence that there has been a very notable improvement in the law and order situation, with efforts in comparison to those of all previous governments. The living proof of it is the continuous of peace and order in the state in the wake of 'Ayodhya/Babri Masjid Judgement'. Its positive corollary was peace and order throughout the country and no violence occurred anywhere in this regard.
Further, while a major part of the country is grappling with the problem of 'Naxalism' just the reverse of it, peace prevails in Uttar Pradesh on this score. The reason of it is; the govt. of BSP has not looked at this problem only as a law and order problem but given complete attention to its social and economic aspects i.e, it was responded to militancy with development. With several solid measures taken by the govt., the foreast corporation has been instructed to give back 50% of the net revenue obtained from Tendu leaves to their pickers in order to bring about improvement in their economic atatus. Besides instructions have been issued to give the utmost priority to improving facilities of health, education, electricity, drinking water, lease allotment, ration distribution etc in the naxal-affected areas.
BSP government has decided to declare the remaining villages in naxal-affected areas as Dr.Ambedkar village in order to link them with all development activities. The BSP state govt. Is fully sensitive to the SC/ST and the 'vanvasis' and benefited about 10,000 eligible persons by allotting leases under the Forest Rights Act.
In addition, another serious problem viz. Namely is 'terrorism. Terrorism is nation-wide problem, for the extermination of which the central govt. Have to adopt the strictest of measures. It is believed that it will not be possible to put a check on acts of terriorism unless; the borders of our country are secured. BSP govt. Is fully aware of its responsibility to tackle the problem but the central govt. Ought to furnish correct and uncontested intelligence on nterror and offer full support to states instead of being just content with giving some general type of information or advice. It is further believed that all state govt. Will not be able to check terrorist activities, until and unless the central govt.lifts itself up the party politics and equips every state with the most modern arms and implements to match the weapons held by the terrorists.
Not this alone, in view of the sensitivity of a huge state like Uttar Pradesh the centre should earmark sufficient companies of central security forces to protect important places of religious and tourist interests. BSP govt. Has written several times to the centre about it. Further the UP state has not been provided with the means like cventral security forces and other facilities etc. As has been done by the central govt. In respect to Maharashtra following that Mumbai terror incident, which has not happened till date despite repeated request.
Hon'ble members of opposition parties, who have been raising questions regarding law and order under BSP govt., especially certain criminal incidents of the last few days, must peep inside their fearts before interrogating the govt. On its methods of administration.
BSP govt. Has established the rule of law in every sphere.It is sincerely expected to know from the hon'ble member of the opposition whether they can cite the instance of any govt. Present or earlier in power which has thrown its own ministers, MPs or ligislators behind the bars, without delay found violating the law. They wont say anything about it because if they do they will have to point to the BSP govt. Of Uttar Pradesh only which has taken strict legal actions against its own party members in defence to the law without fear or favour.
(To be Contd.)
My ministers are innocent: Mayawati
Chief Minister Mayawati on Wednesday came out in the open to defend her government.
"My ministers are innocent. They are being targeted politically by the opposition," she said. The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister was addressing at the closing of the budget session of state assembly.
In a sharp attack on media, the UP Chief Minister said, "Media is blaming my ministers with their figment of imagination."
"My mass-base in the state is and will remain intact," she added.
Mayawati plans `40cr ad blitz
February 14th, 2011
MANISH ANAND , Age Correspondent
BSP supremo and UP chief minister Mayawati has planned an aggressive
media blitz in the run-up to next year's state Assembly elections,
with a budget of `40 crores having been earmarked this year for ad
films to propagate achievements of her government.
Amidst a flurry of negative news hitting the UP government in recent
time, Ms Mayawati is going to leave no stone unturned to reach out to
as many voters as possible for the next year's state elections.
"A report was submitted to the chief minister to go aggressive in
selling achievements of the Mayawati-led government through ad films.
The report called for making a large number of ad films to capture
achievements of the Mayawati-led administration to counter negative
propaganda of the Opposition parties. The report has been approved by
the chief minister," sources revealed.
Sources said that the total budget approved for broadcasting ad films
is `40 crores, which is much higher then a similar move in the run up
to the 2008 Lok Sabha elections.
A number of agencies which earlier worked for the incumbent
governments of Narendra Modi-led Gujarat, Sheila Dikshit-led Delhi and
Bhupinder Singh Hooda-led Haryana have been asked to submit their
concepts and proposals to the office of the UP chief minister soon.
The brief that the ad filmmakers have been given is that they can show
the visual of Ms Mayawati in the background, while showcasing success
stories of the individual government programmes as the theme, sources
The ad films will especially take on the attack of the Opposition
parties on the law and order front, with comparative statistics on
crime during the earlier reign of Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh
Yadav as chief minister featuring in the campaign.
The ad filmmakers have reportedly been given full liberty to use their
creativity skills while making their ultra-short documentaries, which
would be broadcast on electronic news channels.
[The Buddhist Circle] Bahen Mayawati Ji is focus of scholars research
Deoria (Uttar Pradesh), Feb 14 (IANS) Apart from being an icon for millions of India's Dalits, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati has now also become a topic of research for doctorate in philosophy (Ph.D.).
Nagendra Kumar, 31, a teacher at a college here, has completed his Ph.D. that was centred on Mayawati.
'It took me over three years to complete my research work,' Nagendra Kumar, who has been awarded the Ph.D. for his research on 'Role of Mayawati in Uttar Pradesh politics', told reporters Monday in Deoria, some 350 km from Lucknow.
The teacher, who prefers not to share information about his research work, said: 'I can only tell you that my research work that runs into 881 pages covers most of the aspects of Mayawati's life…'
'A major part of my work concentrates on the meteoric rise of Mayawati due to her much-talked about social engineering that helped her regain power in 2007, and that too with an absolute majority,' he said.
'In the research I have tried to focus on Mayawati's strategy for not limiting herself as a leader of the Dalits… By her social remix that involved Brahmins and others from upper castes, she managed to project herself as a leader of the masses,' said the teacher.
Nagendra Kumar, who teaches civics in Deoria's Krishi Inter College, has completed his Ph.D. from Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University in Gorakhpur. He was awarded the Ph.D. in the first week of this month.
For his research work, the teacher, who himself is a Dalit, tried his best to meet Mayawati but could not.
'I came to Lucknow three times with the desire of meeting the chief minister… I even had a questionnaire ready every time. But, citing her (Mayawati's) hectic schedule, the officials did not allow me to meet the chief minister."
Several leaders and ministers of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) government led by Mayawati helped Nagendra Kumar by providing him information that he required.
'I will not name the ministers, but it's true that they helped me a lot in my research work… Through them I came to know many interesting facts about Mayawati,' he said.
A veritable treat for watch connoisseurs
They are symbols of elegance and prestige and embedded in them is a lasting sense of luxury and a timeless legacy. Exceptional timepieces studded with diamonds, many of them hand engraved and crafted to perfection, from some of the best watch houses across the globe kept watch enthusiasts busy at the 'Watches & Luxuriance,' presented by The Hindu at Hotel Taj Coromandel here on Sunday.
Amid discussions on the secret signature of watch brands visible only in oblique light, numerals, crisp engine-turning of dials and their discreet decorative details, visitors and watch connoisseurs walked along the exhibition, exchanging views on times and fashions. If it was indulging in exploring the world of luxury, it had to be with leisure and that is what the enthusiasts did.
"A watch is an accessory that reflects your mood perfectly," said Sonika Jain, a business woman. Many visitors, watch collectors themselves, discussed how the tradition might purely depend on the whims of the owner. Reminiscing his days of collecting watches, S. Madhu, an artist, talked about Favre Leuba watches that held much resemblance to alarm clocks.
And while the watches that blended sensuality and vigour in contemporary style were widely praised, the display of rare watches by Pradipta K. Mahapatra attracted a lot of attention.
Indian themed timepieces, funky and youthful in look, with one of them sporting images of M.G. Ramachandran with different-coloured hair also evoked curiosity. The dashboard clock for Rolls Royce, HMT military watches, watches with stingray leather straps and Reverso watch launched for polo players were part of the display too. "The tradition gives a unique sense of spanning places, eras and generations. Besides every watch collected has a story to tell," said Anshuman Azra, a 72-year-old watch collector from New Delhi.
"These are things you don't buy only for yourself but to hand it down to generations," Sushanth D' Cruz, a businessman and watch enthusiast from Chennai and a proud owner of a 110-year-old Lemania Omega collection.
If Breguet could boast of having an impressive clientele including Queen Mary Antoinette, Winston Churchill and Napoleon Bonaparte, Cartier watches resembling sophisticated jewellery pieces were an attraction too.
The Rolex watches that many would identify with easily with their consistent display of designs and signature crowns drew attention. Apart from Jaeger-LeCoultre, and Omega, the other brands present at the event were Rado, Longines and Raymond Weil.
The price of the watches ranged between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 75 lakh. Mureliraman, technical director, Jain groups, would not mind spending a fortune on watches. "Exclusivity is what we all seek, not many would have this," he says, flaunting his Raymond Weil Mozart series watch.
Appropriating the mood of the event was the wine from the vineyards of Maipo valley in Chile presented by Brindco, next to an eclectic mix of nuts, fruit and cheese cake. Adding to the opulence of the event were the luxury sedan Audi A8 and sports car Audi R8 that were displayed under the luxuriance section of the event. The Taj Coromandel was the hospitality partner for this event.
284 × 338 - most expensive watch in the world
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